City Council Packet - 04/22/1963 _zG .7k 'crT (7 PTCI
NINTU_ES (Ir rF-mzNC,' APT-ITT, 2 11;c3
Present: a?` n, ^7o�?ar:': Cotmc^lmn 7,na,
P. J. Cooper 11. -??. 1 .`rr.ann .'.n:` jT..."3. �irr.son�
City Superin' _ •;anon. AttO
_n•.ent C.
1 ,'e,-,.c,:. A. An erson n.n.sen,.,. -)a\'nc n`J� in
t f; '_inr c a 11 e l to 7:30 r
•a,•n,' r.a ,arC'a],1C fo rea(l inr ni. .1._ .I'vitc, O L.?e T??:-\..011e
meei-i-nr, Arai 1 8th, 1rF The 7'i_niit_e.� v .rr t.:.en ,naO an,-1 , on
call by Ya,*or ?•.onc'aT;? for corzec . .ore rs- of octi.on-:, h^arjnc
none, lie d.er_lated the "'inates ,a ,_rnve ..^_a:',
I'ayo=.- Y7oodarri: We have a lease :o;-r- hare, )._ wenz. .ho - -car,,
Develo}meet Cc ora t;.on uic ti.c G.i.t r o f Tiar> n t';e .-ental.
of the 01c1 LT. ,. ISatiora. k 1 ranBuil(finc,. l..entato ;,e at t'Ie
-rte o _ 0 reg- r-ont o: 17`, - .lune, 1.c: , . z:`#e,
that 5150.00 p)r'month for th ..i_c
e - r.^ ,i._1.:,- lst, 1.9G2
th,our:hytlle Continuation of this lease. T?.re is`a sLJ,rulatJon
i. it, if we :i-nten�l to bu, the buil,inc the p- ro will 7ve
^,16,000.00, less t;^e a^o4 cf nonce: pa - rentals, rlu, tr:,
_.,penses the T.gain, Develop.aent.Corporation has inc.urrec; on
the bui ?i
l nn. Wo are to exec, t-.e the lease .rovi(Iino the
Council approves it. I would 1..?..e to heai_ a notion on this.
Councilman Hanneman: I make a r.:n_ .on we acce,.t + _.s lease an-
execute it Votion seconcled :b,•'.an Cooper and uxrn
call .for vote, the -motion was 't.n_n.snot sl --approve n« Co.tnc„i]
Mayor Woo lard: I have let-L-er. a0c?ress ,c o , 1)y hoe
Nori:?west Operators abrcut trio :tee"_ nc• at the plant
with the enc z noers ani qr ra L-o--s. I think s lot wa- cai no
from. this >ncetinc, in t-he et-cha:ncc of ideas - n' in: r..ration.
I:av_or Tloodard: We have been aroun , o,- furniture
to -
ec;ua.r, t:..�e office when we move inti1-Le )ian�; bui1:�>_nc, on 1-h.^..
Monday prior to the lst;of Fay% We lave c. 7.\e ; Various
prices and; 'find for the ecru�pme.t o i:ereci r_'s,e 'ti_'llsborq
Office Sunply Co,,ipany have given us thc best: prices for ?::t
material. ?+7e are, there-'-ore,' reaues ci nr, '{Como i l ,>r approval
to purchase. This equipment 'includes 30 steel., pt c eer.'seat,
folding chairs, one di.awer cabinet, 2 - 2 r.rawer cabinets
with lock, one office :lcsk ty ,ewriter atang'. toOoLner with one
desk chair.' The total price would oeabout. 8753.00 whicx
includes the discount. S would like to get approval fn--- 6114.s
Councilman Bergmann stated he could, probabl, secure surplus
items in Portland but that it would all ho use,,! ecruipi ent and
Favor Woodard said he would,not lae in :Favor of use' esu;.pment
but woulc7 be willing to see what ecruipn>ent'was available.
Mayor. Woodard: If the used material is not available, or nol-
of the quali t we would want, 1 woul? li7ce :to 'race approval to
-22-62 - Pane 1.
amu•,= the items rientioned n, hllshoi:o �f;F:ic_ >ur_rlr
re !r,aF> have ,:he -U r 1-1 3n`c
our neva oz ices.
Councilman -ohnson. I will sc, •Lovu .:.n case
nt worth hay ,nc ',,vat we c, ahe ping 3 i'.e taz al Tn,
13.sbaro. _,econ e> -Dy C uncilr,an Frrnn a.nn in< upon
Cr11 foz: vote was unani.r.;ous1,,> ar .ac:> Council.
Councilman Con7,.cr— 1 WOU30 Ii7a1 ;.o say, ;,n fin.:, C.-
will st:ar.t: on :'a,> 1 th an I =>ro,al, su c _^s_: ze T2�2c,r 'e.r
a release La the paper ':o t.-i:_s e _ec'.. s v e;: an _.:e
of-ore -t,e Census 3.rlaco.
Councilmen I3.nn^man: A'r. 'o Ioll ta%e a, ;i.' on '_hat
cabinet wor'� clown there':"
Yr. Klock: No I _on't, 1: wool,� raL-':zci io .it on a ny C,:,st
iasis rl:us material" as a non-profit F act,. ,o. enr'c; I-
have c'•onate(' a cay of wor'r c'own t'1erc, , ,: vroul.'. nn: '-)e r : 1-.
to make a Profit.
Councilman I3annen+ah: I voult:' ce, _ai.nlv 1-i_?.c io (--:,I ress o11r
appreciation for that tyre of work, I •.voulc li, e '_c.• have ti7e
perris,sion tc aut?1o?-i .e '-ilat rabi..m _ r.•nn, vi,,r, ;_inn
at cost," I wou1:.' a,_ .ktat as a mo.`_ion.
Councilman_ Ceo} e.r: 3. sec.-,' Y r,ni:i.on.
councilman_ Tanneman. That ;s n „i;_7 s +xait. nc Je
upon call for i--:1c i°.c::i.on ivas unsn t,::ousl ax;;rov._.' '
I.a;nor WooOar' I want to ani I ac',, r. i'co1 i.
Chan ?Akins an,.. ?:r:: 't;il.l0:,, .'pr ��L.7.L'.1 xCi oounYC'r •',awn
='1cre -FOr V.71-1? .1 �_i.e" r'on,t their •_3-" .,,?C a "vle ih C
eb and a vo'to o t E?an',:s -is due.'.
Cit;- also Lo t Vane r7o + ori:, -,n Ale
raor, - _victisl, used as the sale_
Discussion Collowe6 on the monies allo aLe-�i to Councilman
Johnson and Councilman I-Iannerrari-and the result was tl!,�t when
he sums author'�-:c6 have'been sy ent apr l.ical '.nn sizonl- e
r._ce for any 1, clitional sirs,, i_e _.-yo bora, te,
ere should revise CcunLi:lr,an l hnson's total, coy _ x a_c-I.,nc
only in emercrency cases. '
IKayor „ooc'arc': It is cic,?t o'clock, we will calx_ the --:ev_inc
to orcxcr for a review o= n Eu: i.ness _Licenses. iTe li'Kc
the P-ecorcior to read Ll-,e Ordinance slowly. (C,-?mance -was then;
read in ,it's ea_.z.,ety.) We will now turn the meetinc oder i.o
Counci:l.rzan Fercnann who Rias ch-1.z_cte of tlae T:i-conse :' rartment.
If there are-an- razes Cions frozr, an-,- one '.n `.he auc i encs, ,re
would, 7 ._e 'to have e,. proceed an
(Here followed, numerous questions froz r _ ens of the,
reward 9 ncr the charges and`the arnl i.cation.1
Page .2..
Layor Wonda_ t c
to, a, t11i:s tir.c, *an _n
a.,:ol. .A? ,;z.r y luno:" nc t o 1:i.n_. .n n r i, n ren! .1.
e,T,an fur. ,. _ties. plan"
t.:?e two t"'.Tj"cS Of y l.Cnt ':c _a;:.n af --
we noC] .iavf.
3._;,000.0 . f';I o;.r_rt_<.l r ro. '' n_: til,^_ C?_ _ -.o
our -i.'ea to run e7 30" o_. ;6" l .ne ae :l.ant t, .1_
1 tile City Iir--its. Lecause our =ranp ,,n i-,
st.�_trcn., n rut on_ of t,r.. 1,3;,nt, t I?. ^ans,nn ,_._,elf :-1
be about_ c1201,000.00, _t -o. 1'_n^, Jlt^,
"ci r_ li_. -'station an. _i?� t atrt'a.l t runn;nc
riat:i.ons to 30i r o, nt.. ..1 t 1_�,o00.nn c a:r'n^'-
>155,000.00, for a.lic 1_:= c:i e 's 03 Grant an .. ,i ec .
t:o have son eiihere near. '>70,Q00.00- et cr, .,a,- ?, c, nr
to have .:o ,ell a one: ..,s
<n 1.50,000.00, d av n ri"t
it out i.n_as con' ._act- 1rc c7o _n<). .cno,. c.-cat 1<, _ et i;'._n'I-
w?.1-1 l;e a little lesi?an tlhat. .7a want i-o ut otic
for clection this Sprint and, sell c v,,ral O..l._gat_n_. revenue
Bonc?s. Ie intend to t--ay triose sit.'1 ' cnue der c e . f- ,i. r'1e
connection fees ane- service fees, ie 'lav-. 1-�con _i_nn .nc ;erre-
where around. $30,000.00 .income on connec?-.ion %ees. S just
wanted to tell you people so -On can til-ai�ovt it-so when
we put out on `lie bond issue, if wre can't-c et it over =:ia will
haus to "stop cutting in prope)_ ies_
Cie have an anne.-at ion cor, fror across .:ne creek_,
13 acres, blr.'1,lillock'is c_oirn to put this in; t.r. I=_loci; is
getting a'contract for `36 Fot;nle ani 4A triple, a total of
80 units; 1•ir.` Keeslincr has ^:0 units; Yr. 7ohnson 39 units;
these are just apartments, not countlnc; homes, sc, t'.?e revenue
bonds should carr-,-. we would :-)e l,:in up our reserve for
e,cpansion in the future.
Also, on this ban" 'bui l-linc, we are t'iinl-ing Ver'.,7
strongly of trying to buy it, :we have set`asi.d.e O_ tale
building, fund :ah,000.00, so that waould leave us a balance of
$10;000.00 that we would have to raise, or about' ?.j-, r<ills
and that would be pais, for in one year. S4e will rut an
article in the parer, we want to run these two elections
at'one time so we would. save the e:7rene•c or havi:nc, two<
elections. g, paying: rent for Years we would be brcwinc'
just about that much moncy.away and still 'lave no bui l�ing, i',--
r,would be a rietinite savincj to tho tarpat-crs. e proba)l•r
will receive extra liquor revenue and our 'census, shoulCA result
in figures in population increase whish will hr'-nq 3oid.e:,
If we see we are going to ret it we will ra'ce
another budget to see if we Carl cTet anoi-hci r:oli.Cereatl for
day work.
If we can get b„ with that this .gear, we will not
have so mucin trouble next year.
Councilman:Cooper: I think the Tigard .�)etelorn,•_nt Corporation
should have a "Pat on the back" fer ',zolc,inc that building so
that the City would get it.
:?ayor Woodard: I have contacted. the 'dater Department, written
4-22-G3 - rage 3
a letter to tn.._..: C.r,,. an an-' cont-.,ctec
i7coli., irr. ane. ';r. :1. _.5 in ,-.n 1.0
coire alone us in '.;Ie . znl: " u:.l,-tint . tiace o ' .care
,>-,ace at, ;50.00 peran,.". Call save nne cror:,:_nr
along with us
Counc it an Ilanncman, i .ra til ` ' cn ':;c. ann<7t ..r__;.' a_ .;✓e ':cape a
tone c1,lnc.P '1,_a1..,:: SOY" i_l� .l_�.�•l of C'a? _.7^ n,:r 1 'i? - i.;'R�':'.•
This ;one c'i.<nc,- will ">e. e binc": 1-elli-IVI
,ilcrt, cenerala,% zna _ , ._ _..._
ailer Tzr:: iioc inr t; w z? ci z<, 17. l :.Icc of 1 n3
hat S now C-1., eche 'e c. nc 1 rl t7 nrs
;:Z:,_s tinarinc will Ibe '1n1.f-, r a"' 1.3'ii, ;.. ,Zer;. . c':til.-r :e c
Mavor woo'-arc,: I tainlc Yr. An crson will have, tliosr
o;. the prorert.% s., we can ftave ';hat at
sarse tine.
Councit:.,an Ilanncman: I have con':acte Cie- ]nc .nocr olden
Carter., t-1ie farm L, -.t: <3nec nur ' ,moo_ ,00'..i, and ' r,.ch,-[nc_
tall,-ed to Lr...Barrocvs alon,,,wi:t._ I r. 1n_c'erson d T-:a':e a
memoran(aam :'rrm i'.r. An;vrson <+e<- ie we shall.:
follow on tho nub-ciivi.sion plats an,.' ? . )"arrows has al:i: ae�r
agreed to sic,n on bchal` o; t'sre Cit,, ?aciier trra n
would now as,c the ,^.ecor er to re cost our A:_torne%
a Resolution for tire Ca: C ,Ina:il'- aP.1-roval, cu`_l gine
Barrows ::o function in tine ca.pacit, t,-1 FE,t 0 las 7e0c.._; ed
in this memorandu (Ad'_aressin; Larry Dissect) Cn,l-: •ou
cnecic v_tn 1,-mr. Barrows' oehaps ante
.. 7
every 3 months with reference to what his'of ice ,,as in the
fray of chances? Was the fee .10 4,aici" °r. Bissett:
Yes, ,she Recorder''paid me.
Payor Woodard: Councilman Joinson, have c'ou anythinc; iox-
Councilman Johnson: iso, I have not'had a chance to tet in
contact withthe Countl% Roadraster to 7get an estlr atv on how
much these roads would cast: us', so we could get t:I,,e worst_
ones first, as far as our money goes. Sonic he,. are
to ha ve to tale preference, not becau o '_11e% :rrn xrn. • ;�;po,=ant
but because they are more important because,of the 3iaount: of
traffic. Fain Street is startinct to cYet'c"ntc7c Totes;
Greenhurg Road is 'a sin 'and discr_ace, ol_._ers don't carr-,' the
traffic, my feeli_nc is perhaps they should await t,I air turn.
(The Recorder was 'recruested. to'rra'ce tine necessary contact
with the Roadmaster and: arrange a r,!eetinc, for 1,a-or Woo5arcj.
a . p
Councilman 07o2nson.); (This was,
Mayor Woodard: I have lc'..te, ,'row, the County health
Department which I will read. we will wort. toward a,inary hcarincr for possibly may 13th.
Mayor Woodard: on the so-called Poulin property, we have two
bids for the sewer_ line; Bum a .'. and'Pettit for 81213.00 and
System construction Company for ;12>5".00. *?e Drool.: li'se
Council to ;let us ';know which Iii d i he want us to accel.t.
4-22-53 - Page 4.
Oc, nc lr: n hn r,r,�
,. n C
_sesc-ionC... 1 .. r'7 _
T�-avnr "too,
- :. �.� -:L , •:.^C it
want n.,,r or,anl''1n5" r.
T v11
,>JL.1 1
iliis will 1 7 7 nil n
-Jan 1, dil .. t1,.., ,..1'. t ipon C ll 7 t .
loo i
�.J.1 have aTI 7zc n a',J r-
1'111��If3 on
Orainance 63 on s,na sLicenn. s.` -an faunc-. 'r. 2:c. . n
aea.l t,,o Orcinanc:e t:i'-J_r_.
a or. o °arc : `, i. -,ava aezr r� r o-'
C3 n C' eI .iae Ii circa n^;is .I. r,;f,n,Y_ R,I lsn
_-Ie ,
ti+ 1. -12 n'
, a?r of cal'. -n-.
vo_e ;:a
T-a,>or_ c,0 a ': I, ro-. +:o as, ',.. ,i.,,I s, .i, I nz ?.L' rt:
in L,.o , .:n.. J.; 1 .} a r .-
a 4f vot.. .:co _.
C. f 11.,r,,. a.1 c•,r
Cnunh�.l.i:an`• T .re
o. reor lc. at. !lace+ ,_i:rnea o .
"L fir,."Ou 07c-'.i
I11G?'_l i= l. aS,L �._ ci Ll�.,_. '.:�R� ;eE?1. ,^, 12a;1t _ ._"; ! ...
TiaP_u, `.•]C-'1 e ros-.onses 210P i"i1n att C' .nc-^.. ';J_.i,7 2esi
that tour as is pu,. t,':ier. . _ :i.s �. - _ 1n!o;;.er,
°S thin) °,you will ,inr' tzo business r'on .er')_. ?.n' `ou 1.00;'.'`
James `inn: Are or, coino t. rt.-,. in an- li.c'.t..-'
lia-vor 9ooOarfl: Yes, we ia, r.lannecl to 4,'1,' o,.._ ,:.,,:n
Connci..1 pan Johnson: 7. rovc t.e z!bourn; r.ot._on seconlc-,�! ',-
Counci loran Tianner an an. unanir cusl�! approver' C-ainc:-1-
..diournirenc was`ta',en at 9:40 P.
4esr�r•,t�lll s,bn-a !.� r;
a-22-E3 - Page 6.