City Council Packet - 03/25/1963 r T il r.G L :,T rt L
ai. r t 1.�n lanp-"1
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'C JLt!V;`il.,l.rt .7V?.1..},`:Jn _. ?....c, i-,'� r .tal on '..23c
ion i! -3; 1:+.c -, a.
7 'i+ac:l:a n e..;. .<:ncje" p ':Win- ±Zc - ..n t
Cot nc; `a.i ;Hann.::nan ?._ ;i;e_ the i t
pa rac rap"I I.I ul(' ,:)c mance i.ncl_..'o 11^
so ii: wouL'.rcal ;vvulc-She, i is..
Fare 6 se(ono' I aeeapi ,.:'o . ,.0 _ last wor
in Fifth th l__ne shoul. ,-ea .-. application _ns r_ , o£ Oz, in-,ice
Pace 7, l tst?-ara raS 1, on a_,n,: _na; ! ._nis
point on the Park. P o:e:r+ t': .,._ 1 no, _cz oc; a icy" "',_x anc.
ne::- e:o_., should be :r<. ✓
La �1ne _ns;_-e- -).- ,. :o. �c'
shoul cad. The Lions wo ? e,_!" ct.c.
:ayor vIooc1arc,: If tuea:e are no fur"Life= c-�rrectlons the P-._nutes
stanc approver: as
T-iayor C?oocarT recocn>..e6 _he visitors-.:n the _u,._ence <n''
anyone hats anyhinc L,,-: _.c ire ere ' he Cetuic:1.
h,r. Fennell,` SuperJ.n,_en.tcnt of Schcols, staceF, he, iter._ _a; c
up the question of the se,,icr connection _fec fo-_ tlae .'i_ivlon to
the Elementary School and %:ayor T-,000ar.c ,; , this matter •=ill
be taken uxi later by -the Council, at w.zic_t time he could sp_ax on
that subject.
There besnc no other quos tions to be brouc ht up by anyone in the
audience, the .ayor procec ec: with the meeting an� call ez! upon
Councilman ,3ercmann for his report.
Councilman Bergmann: We <have the Ordinance coverine the parking.
It this time the Recorder readin :Lull "An Orc�_J ance prescx ibinc
the node of charci:ng par! inc ordinance violations; prescribing
requirementsfor complaint for,rarking violation; and }-rescri nc
penalties for parking violations" which was then reaw by title
bsl I✓ayor :400dar6 and assignee as'Orcinancc No. 63-3.
Mayor t•?oac'arc: You have tlearc', the rea�'inc of the Orcainanee in
Lull and by title, I am ready to hear'a motion for acceptance.
Councilman Bergmann: I Trove we adopt Ordinance 63-1. Motion
secon0ed by Councilman :ohnson and upon beim called for vote,
was unanimously approved by Council.
3-25-63 - Page 1.
Councilman Bergmann: S,e also have c'ne biCs for the nr._ntinc
of: the parking tic'.cets f rorr, Finley Erin°zinc ansa TigardTires
(,7,Tuc;tat_Jon ) many cb we Grant printer?
14ayor aoodar:11: I would'. say_ one liYousand.
Counc iln:an-Hanneman: one thousaxv.
Councilman Do gi,iann: ti move we acre t the bie'1 of Cdae iCLar,'
'limes for the print-inc; of one'thousanc he`s of ya-Y.--inc, tickets.
Motion secondee by Councili,:an Cooper ani upon call for vote was
unanir!ously approve6 by Council.
Councilman Bergmann: on tiie business t,` 1 tiiini; we cc^u1r'
-authorize Attorney Anderson to ;prepare a r.oucht .:.raft of the
Mayor i^;e will now ta;;e up the cnnnc:t_cn i:ec of t lc
Tigarcl Grace 'School; 1 will read the we ha for the
church , on .
and I figure <<re can wo,,. - .,oraewhat slr.;ilar
(Reading the formula) The connection fee weulc': be :x500.00 ane.
with 200 pupils at $1.00 per pupil the fee would be '700.00.
I would recommend that we place the charge for connection fee
at $700.00. 1 would like to hear comments from the members of
Council; it would work out about the same -,,,ay as the church.
At this point there was discussion with reference to this charge f
between Mr. Pennell, t?r. Annanc', the architect for the .school,
Attorney Anderson_Mayor Woodard; the discussion centerinc; around
the area embraced by attending school pupils; tha fact that the
School District should be charged a £ai.r fee the same as any other
user; the necessity for a fee to compensate for the service to be
rendered in ratio to the plant erpar sion_:program:.
Councilman Cooper: It costs :,oney to run the plant; N-y. Wocdarc,
has gone into it quite thoroughly, think :"700.00 s the Lee'
that should: be paid,; I `believe that this is a -Fair fee and I will
make a motion that the Tigard School. District 4123 be charged the
sums of $700.00 for this connections-Lee. motion seconded by
Councilman Hanneman and upon call for vote was carried with one
dissenting;vote,' that o£ Councilman Bergmann who voted nayr.
coupcilman' Cooper advised Council with respect to the Census '
mee ing
and that ar8angements have corrpletec', to rrocee:,
with taking the census'beginning about May 15th, 1963 z-nd to
be completed within three to four weeks Deter startinc';of c%e
One other thing; I have here 696 individual petitions,
I might just read what it says Xreading one of the petitions) ,
these petitions, Mister Nayor, were gathered by the Parent-
Teacher Group of St. Anthony's School; I was one of the committee
of three to work on them. (The petitions advocate the placement
of -"a permanently operating stop licht at the intersection or
4ti S. w. Pacific Ilighv,ay and S. w. Johnson Street at the south
entrance to the':Tigard business district and within the city
limits of the City of Tigard." and are addressed to "t-lie Tigard?
City Council and/or the Oregon State Highway Commission") _
councilman Cooper thoroughly ?discussed the necessity for his
reasons for presenting these petitions and advised Councilman
3-25-63 —Page 2.
Jo,Znscn, i 11 m.nci
e tn.,- ,u, zts i ,.iric c., c c
Road _0pari1tiont, unci rci,.t_o!._,, 11 i n .v4,11ail.-, s i,-n .._-
at .r,:l been 1*ia0,� to ct the S.._ta:aat
c corne_ :n. counr-ilr.:an - an.:._,-,,an to . . t:,tn'
ensu_. c o:m,t niuv e_?:art _t.
layor. Counc..'-11'an 'ohn_un !.,L 1i '
--. 0', Con, _rce ant. (',_.,�.r.i?rc n:_'c1tions to vc,47.l.i_ion 't-ho
',;elionve it 4,,111 i�lr, l r1i,.
Count l,.an Cooper: I c i_i n. s.-,_,.!in I i'._ u ,Till s z.
tate e.ner'e <r_c at. l 2.. S, :o;:l> .n_,_. e as rl. 7,0
I believe that :i.c r ic�ht 1,e at'c ;ac'JT o diol ,_.= nnt:il -1,-,cu can
met letters frc.,m t.,v i; c_onr. i c :a .r tionv,
Councilman Johnson: 'That hale cnE� J v c 'Ir un
with letter. .cainst :it',,
Councilvan crorer.. They covIC have no sou;? sea> n caro !-
C_our.40ilman ,aohnson. T llll 'a I1S':: a,-,1nc <:'}: wOni..
=ou ;want a stop lit t.t L,ut in that �-n-11 ranLrol _h _rn. .ti , c nn'son
Street ant. thc- Foot of lain Street. Hon., pro ,ou rropose o ;._
turns off the ,ic rwav into the 'foot. of ,,.zain Str;oei '
Councilman Cooper: It wou,10 he useless tri c ';.e 1-ime _O ro
into t-hat, the ;,icnc a: will an; outen-=neer
-i,_tcr,,Ana how it can be :one.
Councilician •.,cvhnson: In other
on -the 'Iicrhway, cit 1mm, throuc n the cit", limits,, , 2 5 mile's e's ar
Councilman 'Cooper, I t -i nk it, wool l,e in _e,,i i-nu with Otzin-
towns o: this si-:e. c_ct l.. >c ma]-.e a ii,oticn, til that c'e as
any aoo67
;SttQl nE' 11n.,4,son: 1,fcit can ce_Lain]. T-,assrc.,,,.lotion,
them to sl.ce. 1_.tit t,-,at you
Counciliiian Cooper. - wc_,trl- move .int _.n .twCc:-1 ate
to t';akc the ree`, liMit- 1,.l an h( i-._ ':.i7.T___Ic,.1 1:.7e' l.i:G, Ur
Ti : on ccvn:'e`," .�y Ct�unc`a,a ',titin_.. an.
Lion call ^;ar void, :e ion i-t.n ,,_ ':i= n:_+nc= Vote,
that .:7. �o�nczln;as :;-.,Iin,on „•h:x v itccl i , -
counc_'i_'McIn uanneman: _ .s:to:,i.- y,y c(,Onr.
r_ 1.` nt or orr inancc nuiiker u'-•2. tT ..1rti ,,in,_ theectrl"e.'
react 61%,inance 63-2 in its entirety 2nf council Hanneman then
read the Orcli-nance c,°, title.
xJuyor .,00dar._ . O^_ _nanc<, 63 t .9.n i` keen zUa,; co 11c':c' am." D1
tle the are 3::'a'-;/;, o,. a
ouncilman Iaanneran: T „a.,e ; c)t on wo, ac -cl.i, t?
3-25-63,—Pace. 3
n:o i.on ^c r c
t Co n.
Vii.. k i OOI c:P11 -1 � 1:7
moxr Ga s,C r' L =,n 1J^.<`1 c :.)li� 17,,.
(„ Uh C.i.1 en :1 ..zIl,In
<t unc r 5-�n i u-n an s
Crtixnc_..l .i n_erv. _]�1 I c
c e �s
Plica tion l _�.e,��t .,ctr_n 1r.•' i n l a ,
L1tic es..he i-�11 t 3? �. io
c3al e 1_ . T77 c tc in C i .�:nCn �, _
o: �.
' I•Ia rCh .?Ci fa :]_. l latclic-j:
veYO c cc°i> 1 i; c lc ]- a .on
install 1,r n c z0,
F tn c r a a n (',,unc, lilan ,,
c 11 _Or .oce was unanr;:iousl} a-A>rat .- Ccunc;1
Courc;limn Hanneman: ztile fir.}os.- o- Ft L1 ' ;nx,aIt-
ment and til use o1= the Plan Ch c';a eL zt„ out
i ccc t i caJ
backs I aie._c . I aavc t1..ea ,, c;iven ,-he'_oc�r _ f
o_ those
}xo}s gnu T couii a is iaiiC( _-s.-.ry to eF til ,;tic ne_e;
LL ,
they are rather e-pens;rve, he Ji: boOlrs aoulc. i .n (.o less thou
$100.00 I should say: I .;lzoulc 1? ce l.o have Council IT-prove
the c.:r en(-Uture of this moncLL on the ] as _ the te:•rs anc,
l riee.
l:ayor T,,00darr: What ar-e,thev for^
Councilman Hanneman: For engineering, use in plan checl:inc. I
!aould like to inal_e a motion that Council aut'norize filen--pendiiure
for these books. ;otzon secon eci b};, Councilman Cooper amd ur.on
call for vote tilt motion was unanimously approved uy Council.
Councilman Hanneman: We have an Ordinance prepare: >
,^re, ':eincr
"an Ordinance ac:op.tincr the 'NatI-onal Electrical Code, as the
electrical code of the City of Ticar', Orccon, and adoptinc,,
the 1'State of Orec,on 3iectrica1. Safety Law' as the electrical
safety cone of the City Of Ticaru, Oregon, and nrovidinc �ienalties
for the violation Of the provisions of this Ordinance This
code is used by the Stgte of Oregon ana is the code in effect
here in this area. The adoption of' "this coCc by the City of
Tigard would not change any of the physical operation here in
the 'City, we would continue to use State Electrical inspectors;
we would continue to use the state 'electrical form permits an%
the 'fees and as I understand it the City toes not collect those
fees. There is very little for us to do�in this respect since
we continue as the operation ;goes ,now.
ordinance 63 was read comr.lete by the Recorder and by title by
Councilman'Hanneman after which Councilman Hanneman moved for the
acceptance of ordinance: 6a-4;'motion seconded by;Councilman
Cooper, and upon being put to vote was unanimously approved by
Epik Councilman Hanneman spoke aboutthe work beine lone on the
park property and the occasional need for equipment to be brought
( in to do the work. Not having authority to spend the money it
would be necessary to wait two weeks until the Council meets to
get authority. He explained the need for the equipment and after
some discussion, Councilman Johnson stated "I move that we give
Councilman Hanneman the privilege in emergencies to spend up,to
3-25-63 - Page fir.
a1t0.00 for use of ecuipwent without prior Council FFplroval.
i oi.7:an recon 'r_C',ii Councilman c'oorer nct upon call oJ: vote
the potion was uiiani;iouslx anprovec: ) Cdrtnc.i.1.
councilman Ha nersan: one r,o?e t:x .nc: in that re nect; wo have
r,uite a mud-:,ole in the par]', it is cuite a trick to Cat t ro:_u h,
T �roula like to c,--t a couple of loa'C.s of travel hauled into that
one spot. I .iavc no ic'ea: w iat that .oulr' cost ' ut aavc as!:(
one contractor, Owen:lnycer to _ve me a -ride on w1haL i:e can
fill that uI for antl neer less -o say I r;oul__ 11-he to .,ave !.hat
done ,_rior to one week. from now. r wi71 _ s .cli
of Council when T . that przce, foryouur aprroval.
counc.jl.,,un Johnson t-i.scusso: h,. y l,oi;x,men ;ith ce ria � coast
'.lephoneCompany, set fo): torr.or.s:ow, Iarch 26tl -.n' Ootail1
i.teltis to w1lich he wanL-oc: soa:ao an. ,!ers .rom gest Coast, ; eine the
cuestion of Lh, ir-t
u � fill .ie traulc'. tz-. to c c,. f_o�.� the: them;
problem, of,heeping e_{its an�5 ont:ranc'�s Oren while _ie ^.acre c'.o_n7
their work anC, what disrosi,cion, ..f: zn',' t'`.'.y roul( r.,ab_e of: the
There ,!as some c'.i.scussion between Mayor Woodar:l, ,)ttornov Anderson
and Councilman Johnson with resr-et to the plant oz:pansion plans
possibly eliminatinc the necessity of placinc the fill clirt on the
property in question Attorney ,An derson e;plainer' he has a
letter which constitutes the agreer:enL in the event we co to
trial we cret'creeit for the dirt there, so if it is dum. e3 in
there we `
:vtll gel: the c,:�,dit, p'.a,,•o, 1doo^ate , Telt ithe ,vest
Coast Telephone wantec' to the dirt out of there then micht
as well haul it to the property in question.
The following ilesolution was rear! by tine ?er before the
Council, after which councilman Johnson r,ovec =or the acoption
of the Resolution and the acceptance Of the streets. 2-_oti.on"
seconded by Councilman I;ercmann after which it was or eded by
Council in unanimous action to accept the resolution.
"Proposed Resolution for the transfer of certain county roads
and streets frorw the juris iction of Washincton County ,to the
jurisdiction of the City of Tigard:
WHEREAS, the following -herein described public ways within the
corporate limits of the City of Tigan were prior to the incor-
poration of said City and now are apart of the county ,road system
of Washington County, Oreton and are under tho jurisciction, for
maintenance and repair, of Washington County] orecon;
1,7HEREAS, pursuant to mutual agreement between Washington Cpunty
and the City of ':Tigard;; certain repair and maintenance war]-
was required to be performed by Was3i.ngton'County as a'condition
precedent to the acceptance by the City of Tigard of jurisdiction
and responsibility for repair and maintenance of said streets',
and said required work has now been -performed by Washington
County, Oregon;
NCT.T, 'THEREFORE, BE IT RE SOLVE) by the City Council of the City
t; of Tigard, Oregon, as follows:
(1) That application is`hereby made to the Board. of. Commissioners
of Washington County, Oregon for such action by sai.3 Board as:
may nece-ssary to effect the transfer of jurisdiction of the
3-25'-63 - Page 5.',
following streets anc roa,s or r=ortions tiler.o1 asay x e
herein +_:e_incc!, fro,. as ins ton <.U,=.n},f to IL:xe Citof 'i'trar.
5. lJcti,:ins, within tae City lic.its
S. W. Commercial Street, ire.s ,;i ,, n S ro,at
d. SC o.._irs Street '
S. W. Du rnham',treiot
LowiS Lane
c,2 !, r
S. �r. ._.nom,, north of, Lvni:eS .i t.�e•^_�.
(2)-That open the ansfer asr <_c !tanc'o o_ caca of the L'o_.c-
goin; .,escirirec'
streets or icor l ons o_'_ere_: he Ci L;> o`-
'ic;ar� , same 11 a_ X1.1 heal a.n encs anO P'. :poses,
city treets of' the Cite T tic aY •, t Cron, n the Cit i all
have', r__o,c ion .._t,_ re j_cl: to al' n1al:.te_ tech r .nc : a_n
tenance and z yai.a thcreo`: as
It eras suggos'lec` by Z.torne_v iri eaaon tilat Ccuncil..zn Onnnson
should send a copy o` the solo=_ion the Count\ 'ncineer.
C:ounciln,an JoLinso:n; I :✓e nC_C j.n possession a Titic Cpl" '.nv
mar, ol, this area. of 1Sr. Neeslirc s 'ant-.from 'Chis P,iar Sgoul C. you..have t^ro Jc.f: 11 J.i-.!aticn lin.n r `uC „_;
eascr,ients to take tc hese r ooF le to n, _ .anal,: jou .ray:e
to contact- ii1 .
attoa:ler 11n orson: 7,10 Ia c -Wo moi l.e ixcre cv_ or C csc__irtion
and one of legal o,r*.t, �.s,iix ; who '-_:o we zish t sign e,=;, S =e o1
as a ratter or pol_i c_. h City s1loulc 1 oj,_ a c i;t rorsc in the
raouth" We have no ...raj o knowing, fro.: :IixOID the casementcan
be obtaineG, we could r,:a}Ce it one easo,,ent )- )t 1'ou recall we
:;o not know Soho rovns what, so- tiie onl`,, Pray• zfou can be as..oro;'
is to have a, title report a:n 'i iol ;22.5') Pitt. Company aaill
tall t,cu w io are tle rroper parties 4-0 a�e C-)antoi n
easement; the-,,, w-11 ell us The sponsor lloiil } a> 'o.l .s ..Nine',,.
i_avor llooc;ar ?7 _ioulc.� rct ilr. ICe -lin:_ to cc�t a t`tle vi
put u} a _'esLos±t o_. .;,100.00 an:_' tee' ..ttaine_r coil,, Bret it I l;csx
:=lttorne;x, alhcerson: Ii";ou are not a .sua..". o., of _a mine, the
easement from the o.,_ors Mus cc ttinc� a role—ase or civ ::or.raccs
i_hct...I.tiShL he involveC,, tixe olll . proper .apr.roach' to as], _ne
Title Conq;any to'search these 1_9 tles and se,� who 'should ae
grantor oa these<easerncnts enL that;.Ll ey av'i11 cixarge us a Zee
of $22.50 for each lot. Hav nc that in Band. we can prcpare
the easements with some ,cclrce of assurance are c;oinc to ;~C
dealing with the rinixt people,; otherwise we m_J ,ht be burin, the
"Brooklyn Bridge".
or F7ocrlarc'< stater' he would 'tal-e the Jeer_`s ?acic anti tale to
lir. KecslinS about the entire s tuation.
mayor woo&ard: Is there anybo%r :were f_ror,. I:noll Drivo (There
was la response, from two persons in the au.flionce.)- The `engineer
[ will be down here tomorrow and I will have this survey and the
cost of teat ancJ'1et these people know what the cosi. will be.
I want to make a sur_Restion to Councilman Hergnann
that he write a letter to the people who are throwing debris
in the creek so we will have a record that'. 7e have Caller= this
to their attention.
We are going to be forced to have ::lore room for ti
office; after the first"of July -.,e -rill have to figure on
3-25-63 - Pacre 6.
} Jt.cine 'ane The at: r.lic. -ill cJua
L -1
we are f<a c c1_ t,o .,a[e l.:nre z _)os.. iic ».:
en t:re ve
Set U1' plans here- in ho O:.` �cC.. .—ort-
. [.0
C ollars and tile" al:o n i
highway systemsunder jurisdiction'of Washington County or the
State of Ore(Don; and
IMER.F,AS, such streets and roads are now anct have been for -rang
years in use by the public, and by reason thereof have become
public easements on private property through user or dedication
by deed or plat; and
WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that certain of said streets
and roads be further e'eveloped, in;rove:' or extendei9 to serve
the Public needs of the City;
NO1,7,-TI-1ER;FOP.E, BE IT RS'SOLW3D: That the Council of the Citi
of Ti,ar:' does hereby express an intention to accept fzon trne
totimethe jurisdiction of anO responsibility for certain o_"
said streets and roads as and when funds slay be available for tiie
improvement thereof.'
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a listing and description of all
such streets and roads within the Cit;: should be compiled by the
Street Department, and recommendations riade to the City Council
for acceptance of such of said streets and roads as nia_v from time
to -time be deemed eligible and in the public interest for improve-
ment and/or'maintenance.
BE IT FURTHEP, RESOLVED: That the City of Tigard shall not
be responsible` or the development,maintenance or condition of
any of said streets or roads until`a further resolution is passed
by the City Council e:=essedly accepting on behalf of the Cite
jurisdiction of each of such streets or roads."
Councilman Uohnson"moved for adjournment, 'seconded by Councilman
Cooper and unanimously approved by Council.
Adjournment taken at 10:45 P. M.
Respectfully submitted:
3-25-63 -'Page 8:.