City Council Packet - 03/11/1963 1 T Y C 0� Tr ,1 T r
Present: D.ayor"E. n `Woodarc); CouncilmenB. Ianneman;
F. J. Cooper; F. ,-I. Bercmann; N. \i;. Johnson;
Attorney F. A. Anderson and C. S. Janoe, City
Meeting called to order by Mayor Woodard at 7:30 P. 1.1.
Mayor Woodard, rec uested r eaclinq of the Minutes of the Meeting
of February 25, ;1963. The iiinutes were then read and upon
call for corrections or objections, the followirq corrections
were requested:
Mayor Woodard: Page 6, fourth paragraph from the bottom of the
page, second line should read; "what we stunt to do aboutthe
rental of the buildino and"
Attorney Anderson: PIy statement on page 4last paragraph,
line 4, should read: "It is still not a County or City street".
On page 6, 'second line, word ;'merits should be "access'.
*Mayor Woodare: if there are no further corrections the M4nutes
stand approved as corrected.
Mayor Woodard then recognized the visitors and ashcd, if anv one
had anything to present to the Council.
Cit_v Superintendent Janoe introduced Mr. Byrl Tupper and stated
he wanted to present a request for a zone-change,of property in
the area of the CascademotorVilla.''
Mr. Tupper statedhe wanted to expand the present property of the
Cascade Motor Villa, to develop more trailer spaces there.
Hi'-(proposal was reviewed with Mayor -Woodard and Councilman
Hanneman. mr. Tupper was advi;seci the ratter would be discussed
later in the Council's business session.
City Superintendent Janoe introduced:Bill Thatcher and stated he
had requested him to cone to the meeting with the objective of;
seeking the position as Building Inspector." It was indicated
this would be taken up during the business session of the meetinc.
Mr. J. A. Paterson addressed Council stating, he hacc learned about
the septic tank deal being turned down on Knoll :acres. He had asked
for an estmgte, if possible, on what the se4-zer would cost running r
from that property to the connection on ;,217, inasmuch as tile line
is not on private property, if she was willing to go for' that'cost
would- sheVbe reimbursed 'for that anc .how much.
Mtss ds/„/fi3rars
-f Mayor Woodard: I contar_ted our engineer to come down ani? put`a
survey on that line and tell us what it would cost. That will
take care of all those people on Knoll Drive,
Mr. Paterson spoke about-;the possible length of the line an' file
number of properties thaty could be reached for sewer connections.
"ay'-- .on a. ie onc. _ v. i11
he z1;1 e to z so e h Cr-c,
C.unc,.ht:an ann�ipan: i s'
reser'.l, C-2. T. - zin '
L_BJc'_e n .Id,'o2 -< -ir' Rt,
na n r-'L n t7.c?n ent.
Counca7.rnan annc can: E,i i-ei- ,or, 7 ,'. t i11-1( o
i 'i7
non'h. Vni- ,rou:lt , zz "acic
nr - Er'i
-ere, ,i.n lan:'.
,_� ,.2.3, .oG, ..7 nn-. li, c ,O Z :�� -.;ie
present trailier cr,urt an t .�s w?i1:='
I''woulr' succ os"-. !.Iic Citi- e.-,aj-n ;:e n ;ias o t:eojrt
to ;,e norricc or i..., `n Z. i-nC , �d?,a nt: ':.n t.,e I >oi•e;.-C an_ I
Imagine that our Attos:ne; c', li;:c _0 ;,ai:_ ..- , a : ..ial _•,`
( o`, .c aato j
t.orrne the area. 'Lr.rn?.nc ..,. :ice
z,ayor Woodard: Iz 1 cro c' is no rine else r:a '.nc- az 1 n_ncto hrin_
before "tno Council, ., will prorecf1i w .i ,,_ rc.-_tinc- anc.. hoar sar.
Councilman Berrrmann,
Councilman Be_,r.:ai:n On the business license., -;he -City, r.=corcor
and I will have a typed list that all of us car_ have _e:.:t i-onlay.
I thing: we oucht to have a little.infoi-,nal c t`tei-inr* ne:,a- :;onlay
night, at twat time we will have the list. T,,Ie 'iC c:et'a-letter
front-the Oregon Insurance natinc. r;ureav; :t will be a considerable
length of time before cY:ev a_et around to a. re-survcv, about two
years. About the debris, -I sro;ce to the people anif they are
going,to obtain means of burning" the z acYl and things; the kids
co back there ane "throw 'ahem into the c•rec!Z, '.: ivy:...are Cto7nc_ to:
fi.r that up very shortly.
Councilman Johnson: Ti burned it all f1a, Suneay.
Councilman Bergmann: on the p r7,inc ui.chots, I started to eget
a few estimates and then had a'sliohc mis-understanding, and I
will give it to the i'.ecorldcr to finish, if he correct'
procedure, the bids are to be requested by the City Recox er
and I': sent them bacz; to the individuals.
Mayor,Woodarct: ;aid you talk to Attorney Anderson about this,
Councilman Bergmann: Yes
Mayor=Woodard: i=lay I up; attorney Anderson was
talking to me about adopting the Motor Vehicle Code and as I
un-lerstand it, it tcoulc be possible to have _he tickets so they
all would be in one.
Attorney Anderson: There is a standard traffic citation that
is used throughoutthe State of Oregon; that covers everything;
but parking.` The reason'is, any offense other than parking
requires certain information;to make a complaint out of i t
it has to be signed by the officer. The parking tickets can
be very informal. The thought of the Motor Vehicle Code was,
3-11-63 7 Rage 2.
Yic wool,', then prerc. J,]-:,-- i sc.he�lule, Tana•e ,f fine s .1.,.-ul's
that ircilld enable theT^'urtci.nal Court to snt on })ail;
speaki.nn', the Council ,':nes not"set. the, }-act :E.ine or. lzi%l., Jt
is to be Oone by The Court, ` oai l ._ c u- i ,u :cia]..` r`: w^
had this cot.,e it would .e,'i ne , ens 2.t _.s `c, tar .n h-�rc_
this thoucht, the Loc, slaatur„ nialres a h )r_ i c-ianc,ea in h_h^ ;',tor
VehicleCo,3e; the uastl.on is wb(1q-:_er rlol_l(7h.,t now as
a Citv Orrinance or crhet:her we shoul .
, ai_t un..i_l ne Jl,ec la`uro
„n+ we st11 know what Cele nccr law a.s
Layor Woo<.arO: We wothlO hace two,se_s, •-m_ for 1 is,.inc and one
for traffic.
;ittorn eti Ane'erson: yes, but ere ,,oulo. alsoha-,rrt;nr
andsetpenalties for pal' inc..
ayor Wood..ard: Can h.qe use chat?
At Anc',erson: yos, in rarlting ,,ou cceneral'l, set the bail
equal, for the first offense, equal to the penalty ani :vboc'
forfeits the bail. We should set the r.enalt.ies and'. a c 'From
them a bail schedule.
Councilman Bergmann: We can set up an Ordinance for; .and
wait for the Len3slature a6jou'rnment ; set up the parking now
and the Other'later.
Mayor Woodard: I think aou could a_o ahear and mal o a separate
Ordinance for the parking and then .nno e the one up for tra.-_i.c
when we get the new schedule tae Lec_islaturc r ig"It mace. I
would ask the other Councilmen what tiiev wnulc' sav about. it.
Councilman Cooper: It might be two or t1 rce ;,onths before
Legislature mic_ht adjourn.
Councilman Bergmann: Iave the Att.orne 6raw ;gyp -1_'he parlcinc
Ordinance- with the fine schedule on it.
Councilman Cooper: At the last meeting I reported: that we
were going;' to proceed immediately .With t7ie census but the
Director of Census is still a little bit under the weather Clue
to illness and I('understand a' meetinc, is set for n .....>Friday
and after, that we should be able to proceed.
Mayor Woodard and Council., en Cooper discussed who would ni.
the census, people and it was 'decided Mayor 1•,00dard should
attend and the Recorder woulO notify him when they arrived at
the office'.
Councilman IIanneman: Of first importance I believe is she
Building Cade ordinance'. ($ecorder read. the Building Code
Ordinance for the first time.) Af=ter the reading of the
Ordinance,;Mayor Woodard read tIhe Ordinance by title.
Mayor Woodard: You have heard the reading of the complete
Ordinance and the reading by 'title, I would like to (hear a
motion for::acceptance.
3-11-63 - Page 3'.
Counci.lii,an Cooper: Irave we arcopt this Ordinance a? re,16,,.
notion secondee'. by Coonci nan Hanncaran.
A. torney Pncerson: A ro..n of c;uest-ion, I .. : want ..o .. _rti;vY
what :je 1-es<alties are In this 0„_:in+nce, sc s_11 _ . hear.
('.:oadino from the buil ii-n<, Code.) I tloucs'izt that wast Inc '-,
to your atLention'.
Upon call for vo`:e on the .aoc..ion, the vote resulrefl i_a one• vote being,that of Counci.lran Johnson. At this
point Attorncv nnw rson re-,LlesteO, a rcil of Council's •o'ce.
Councilman Jo,znron stated his reason for ,,oi_nc "n_ was ho :zac'
no opportunity to read the cocle boot s.
c^.ayoi: ;9oodard: Your point -i57 all ric*jt but is rt%s al, os ::ossible
foreachand ever' one of us to know each .n_ ever,- one' 1 usi.noss
thoroughly cnouc;h to ':now all } zases of .;.t to Inca arra nst i.t.
Attorney Anderson: Vie Charter Noes l%,- a recorfl o.`
nays must 1-,a kept that is why I recjucsre_: a poll_ of 'clze
vote, otl,enoise it has to be rear; twice. Tae ea='inc tonight
co,ilci be the First .reac'.ing and the nc.ct nc eting you can .rea.? _
,again andpasse it on a unanimous Vote.
Councilman Cooper: Could we call a , e_:.ina and, ta'c.e
care of this ratter?
Attorney Anderson; Yes, there is nothing in,tbe Charter that
ays this has to be a recularrectincr.
;,savor Woodard: Could ;oe do it at ou.. executive .._e_irie7
Attorney Anderson: As 'a matter of. policy, -ou should not pass
any'Orainance at meetings. I would suq§est also,
unless there is great nee6 or'..immediate urcency 'chat you do not
pass any Ordinances at a special r.•
Councilman Hanneman: de recorc e. the receipt o'. .i ive copies o
this Code, they have been 'n this office available to "Ou "or
Councilman Joslnson. This is something that 'zas to do <r.i_th the
development of the City`,' I still woul l i.1110 i., ' :-eau
Councilman Hanneman, ',,,,Te have bids from three a,; on our
building permit application, our perrit a.n<' notice of
vielation; I think: we -micvht as well pro,ec,3 to con. hese
bio?s tonicht. shall rea;t them -in the order o;- their nz, cess
Tri.-City News,- V_care Times an' Finley- F�__nt_incr;
Builr' permits 14.3s 21.55 c,; 36.25
permit 3C 3.35 21.•^
violation 12.75 15.00
I iroul£1 like to *sake a motion we accept Ene b : of the
Tri-City, News for;pris�ting 1Q0 of each. otion'_.ec7n a7
h r Councilman Cooper ane> upon call for .-ot.e on t:ne notion, Ihe
,i.otion was :carries, with Councilman 1!ohnson keine the oniv one
abstaining iron votinc,.
3-11-63 - Page
�n it@
i suc,c:est eh,-,c
city Sup .]_nten ont 1> ( a'•S c
a taor._c_,
C _unei].i:,an C:,,, �: 1 r,=•. �_...!._ +_ .�ni'.i.7. ,.. ...__. I'. _
Leis po,-it-ion nf. on C.C.,n o,rciL a
on-call .'n v o.:::� rnoi:_
C.)unc.ilman „ohnson �"1 tla Lnc.
Council an jo in n:
rt r,-ons-i'lil i_1.
rel:eves me; I`cx_Lilr li,-o to y oint out tz,_ '; nuts r?
11 h., face 12, eyoa Ioo< L i-,ve SOPO i:-:1ata. lr t 1
like +0 have Covunc,1'- norMtssTnn to co, ansa, ani o all
jobs"; unfer these are ;; lT e, o .our, r,'Lill' 1, an iat
_all under my cctec Or ( follow-_ >e :isc_.. n b._
Mavor '.7ooCarc. a nF, Councilman Johnson, :'.je result being, the -lobs
eferrec. to were tied in with the sawor system✓
Councilman Hanneman: There aze '.-ro otter ,y-,csiticn_, "=U i.te necessary.
to the function of the Building Je;-artment, that of _ sistant Plan
Checker cf tho City. The Council intervier,ec i•;r. Conroe in an
executive session a week ago, discassec his foes and s^ .orth'anc.
pe,form as clan Check r :or c!_e Caw.'
considered his application o -
I have his letter to the Tic-ard. City Council, (reading h'.r. i_'onroe's
letter) . I would like to ma'.ce a motion that the City accept
Mr. ,%ronroe as Plan Checker' =or. the City- -Otion seconded 7.xv
Councilman Cooper and upon call for vote was unanimously OpProved
by Council:
Councilman Hanneman: Building Inspector, the gentleman we
interviewed last mlond y nicrnt, 'Mr. David :Tolson, ,canceller his
application,several days later and I;believe we :nave a very good
prospect. In c77nsideration now is b:r. Thatcher, here this
evening. Just a brief 7isciission, we would lake to have you
come to an 'executive session of the Council:within a week's
tide,'next Monday night at 7:30 P. M., can 1vou crake that:
Mr. Thatcher: Yes sir.
I understand ,you are willing to perform for the City?
As far as I understand it.
I understand you are aware of some of the conditions and
we will discuss those later. It will be about six weeks before
this;ordinance becomes law.
Councilman Hanneman: Is Mr. Evans here this evening? (1,70
answer From the audience.) We have a permit here I that was issued
August 20th, 1962 to move a house, a house that was withithe'
]_and purchases: for the P.aldock Extension and was moved on o
Lot 34 of the .Ioffarber Tract. To my knowledge; to this date
this house 'sets on Lot 34 without either access by street, or>
for sewer or anything else. It is also my understanding that
3-11-63 - Page 5.
t to owner now nee, s saver e?-tension.. 011 the face of '_hese
facts i cannot justt ' t.iie Cit,'s a rnval C-'.- c',_
7 ^t enc u Se,,02:
or even the e.-istence of the house finerth* _r ri_et..... anew.
Apparently at the tinlo consi.c.eration *;gas not �i.t�on to tiie .Fact
that this was assurme 1. to be lane,-lociler' Pt thattire; tQie .lot
or property on S.�7. Lacey avenue. I enders an7 t fat J xti>et
,will be completelyaC.. anc' the man is usi'I State 1an�s to
cot on his lan 1, t1i4 t fairly well null-f.j.cs an`= access lie .:gay
have in tile future.
CitY .Iuperintenc'.ent Janoe: "i.a, Lot 3=1; Lo.'. 3 is at rile nn�!
o+ Warner Stx et:, a joac' nr street, runs into Lot 37, rot 3;
is the outer line of ,Iarn._r St;eo`, it corner,_, on the nc Lh zife.
The water is in this street and thosewer is in this street to
the -gent of ti_e c'ead one. street; no .vay can we l.ossill ,cet
this in Lot 34 as Lot 33 belongs to another. party. The only
way would bea roa,' easement up on the lot on. which sciujltz is
building his apartments. I
asked r.i-. ;vans how he cot Lo at and
he saidhe is traveling on the State iiigliviay but they won'-t
grant him an easement. I 'explained where c.he sewer :Was out on
217 e.nd Warner, Street and, e�cplainec3 where he 1:ras blocked in for
his right-of-way and for ius utilities an= then I in turn_ ;gut
Councilman Hai neman and. Councilman Johnson in touch with hilt.
Councilman Hanneman: Mister Mayor, I woul..'•. sucgest that the
City not;have anything to do'with a piece of -,roperty that has
no far as authorizinc sevier or construction unless
access can be provided..
Attorney Anderson: This man sole iris birt:rrite
for a mess
of pottage. !Is sold off land to the State Highway; that lan,-t
had contact with a public way emd, so he cyot "m.etallic -croclit"
and now he has lane, loft that is lectall�, inaccessible. The
Highway Department coulc: not have done that unless he vient
along with it. I would agree that it vvoulu he poor police= to
do anything,' you may not want to C.o anything, he has no `chance
of getting the Sevier in there.
Councilman Hanneman: I-have an Excavation Ordinance for app-
lication for public streets. 'Phis is patter4ned'after Imltnomah
County's permit, the form is quite lengthy; in general provisions
it loo?cs like an "iron-clad" agreement. �I wqulf-1-suggest those
forms be included in an ordinance and tha --Uiaaiiiee' iteelf merely
carry the physical data.' Since work in a State right-of-way
is confined :to State authority, to grant suchlan application
will be made directly,to':the State. I think that more or less
does away with any:work on the City's part of recording any such
excavation. However, I,will ask the�ity Superintendent-to
brief 'me onthisregardinc the County right-of-way; do tae have
blanket permits to work on the County; right-of-way?
City Superintendent Jane: We have blanket permission to cross
cut or lateral, but to extend our lines down the road, that
4' requires a separate permit, the same as the County. we have a
blanket bond both for the State and County.; The'County we do
not have to 'send doom forms but with:the State we have to send-
a, copies of the exact location, highway pole number ane the
house the work is being clone at; they send us one copy. wits-I
3-11-63 - Page 6.
the County, we only have Lo call the County dnci_neer an.' vet;
their-ukay, unless they are wino; to e.-can: ant' then that
requires a separate bone.
Councilman T. r1er,el_ proroscc bion that ..Y au..:.o__:e
our Attorney to _i'.r iw .h a x'otrg.r ft o_ an (n.(7inan e'zinc sen:
that to the County Court alonc; w_-_t)i the pro,.o,(c' application Sor
their approval. if sae call have t�ci x a}'J:peva]. to'. in
pa ticul.n;:'scanner I taould suc,gest ac'optiincthe ar nance anc
going aheac' ;•pith the ar)rlic ation. I v:ould u,rc;'est thi.s ari)-
lica'tion i.ncli_cc all ol the pin, ical c'ata o.- t':ie .ro-k and that
a ano
t con f o t l cuplacatinn e; to tiie County at the t_'.e t.
mace ani'. rel 'i c - co
application is a ter the wo2:lc
con,plotau anc.. inspecLc2, an ap} ,."•cc
Cc:nnit_f we ;race cone the anr1. i'= .x11 .;e in w; to t:hero..
I`have madeeine. s_atomont on t,us f.orri with recgarc. to ai:p oval
;aoulc9 'lance 'visa f the
or the application, S th_n:,. re rant 'cc,
Count, r_'ic'"a).:r-rove of t-h-47, trot. n«. w :,ou.1C. i r. . t riusr
ai7at the Council ,Hilt'. L.rin'- o_ =int uh rouc .r ',aj:r o" t.rc
z:rcavation orcinancc ani'. ..rnc` it to L;ic Co,,4nt-r fo heir
e;ayor hloo arc:. I see not.._..zc; vron,; ..__. that
Counci l;can Cooper: it is soli_ hl` We 110,2C e r:oonre-j: ae can
cot our worh col-,YleLec. the :tetter. I am in lull acc:or 6 with 1L_inneman that ,re should. '.rave it c •:aV,n up.
Councilman Jornson: I hin]c rt _-s-a goon idea; I woul- like
to have it squared a-ound anct hate a .,la.ns 03:a
Councilman iccnneman: 1 ,aa`s:e a sio.> .on :--lie _i'corn c lip a
rot:c;h :�raft o tilis U:clr'rancc. !o'� o-r
sacon,'c :_ bj.
Coorer and upon call for vote wa.: ur}ana.,ousl r-;rovec, Council.
Counciliran Hanneman: one ot:ex iter., on t?._ ..u;:lc pu_t,nent:
I souls lz;_e to be able to } oeeecl to tiro ..cent . e .rlo ging thL
Plan Checher anti the D it :ine inspector, wilen t:iat _ con_i .c ',
prior to the Lime the Buil ng Co.'e i �Inallr en c e: 7:",ze
Prince ane prom t:nc thins is, we have a 1a c e set Z r l .ns .n fire
office for` tine ei tension of Charles r. Tic-aY,x School, it Is,
to ''take considerable time cc Gheci£ t.I'sem Crawinrs out; I am
to turn that over to 'she Plan Checs:or dust as scion as I can get
a;roldt of him, provide_ I have' the Council's hay to a'o so.
Councilrsan Hanneman: I Brill make ,.-hat as a ,lotion. 1.otion
seconded ht, Councilman Cooper, to Sure the Plan Chec' er to co
ahead and check Mans. anon call for vote the i'Dtion was
unanimously approved by Council.
Councilrrazbr nneman: I woula like to describe t re stork r o rc
at this 1 a t3pA'the Pari property: S Heti]r lr: e to t':an Ed
Erickson, who duct the d-itch for us,Mk hauled in 4,000 to-15
I authori2ed him'to do this work, I have no receiveo' his statement
as yet. We planted, 4,000 tress. I would also line to titans
Councilman Bergmann anO several other Jaycee mer-La ens; Pars
Committee Ery Schacht and his sons; C. E. Janoe and the Tigard
Lions. �evworked from 9 l,.Pi. to 3 P. P. Sunday. Yesterday they had
3-11-G3 - Page 7.
1" r,en an" 6 bovs out; hrouc nt their lurlch( s 111 WO
had three chain says rc inc. I'trculc 1 L . ro ask: the ^ecorc�er Le
write a letter of than),s on behalf cif tno City, to I;r. alarlan '
Hanson, Secretary of t.lie Ti:r_,ai:l*i^,
t°ayor Loo _.d as;:ed C,)uncilman Johnson i ho z an bine c . 'resort
to Ci uncilma?i "ohnsoi, xec'l 11 i'u ba('az. to si�y.
1`ayor Wooc'aYJ _eac' a leiter r rn tile. ::aunty nc!inaor 1 i-ect
to the-streets and sucrestec! we onlw acuc;�J „�, Dries the County
wor'.eci. on.
r unc.i.iman Sohnson: iJe cool have the rtta ne ;akc up the
necessary Resolution for acceptance of those .greet., that
have,workeci on, I'thin,, there were. :five alto: bier.
f•_aycr l'7ooGard: The Charles s 1'. Tigard School rs,T-`L-t..-nc`
on an
a6dition and they have asked us Or the. sew(r. c(,)nnection cii ,rtes.
I imagine we will use the same iormula we use on the Church.
The amount charmed will be the;,500.00 and then, ::orcin: to the
Church, we had charge' an er;tra on the nurturer of people that
attended; we could co the same thin; here, charge for the number
of pupils; our program. will be -in agreement %.�__iI the way we i.reate.
the Church. I want the Council to agree on the charge.
Councilman Cooper: We should
what eve agreed upon and. I think
we should go ahead on that formula.
Attorney Anderson: It should be resolved again.
Mayor Woodard: Knoll Drive; I would like to have the Attorney
write up an ordinance in regard to putting the sewer in on I:noll
Drive, then we can assess the property owners to ~look up to it.
Do we nave to call for a''Iearing so those people can object if
they have any objections''
Attorney Anderson: 171-lat you would be doing here is ordering,
this improvement to be done and then we would have to get the
estimates and. have the Hearing. 3t this point the City;Council
would declare intention only to do that and that can be 'c=one by
Resolution rather than by ordinance. `
Dlayor Woodard: would we have to have a Resolution prior to
Calling a Hearinnl
Attorney Anderson: The Izesolution would declare an intention
and call for a hearing at the 'same time. The P,esolution would
call for the whole thing ii you are ,going to assess the property.
Do you wish me to;draw the Resolution?
mayor Woodard: Yes
Attorney Anderson: The l:esolution would designate the,im-
provement, describe the boundaries and permit 10 ,r",ays notice
to the property owners and by posting and aeclarj:nG it's
intentions and a place and time where the city iwi.'ll hear
remonstrances or'acceptance, as the case may be. °
3-11-63 - Page 8:.
t=-ayor Woo 'ar•3: 1'cr the Council'4 infort:ilation, the [lest Coast
Telep-gone coll:pan. hav inc =arlec' raerL 'onr L ep'Ione in: orriati-J❑
in the Director,,, have acrree�", to c_tr_ ,j; , c. `,,. ,_` _31, e tc
L'i1 i:S arror.. - -
Ir proper, S wool ,I0ve Iat e ace e, L tic .•iizla. r
r '
. 'r.niincr
f • E,_00 for rin'Li Ic `;hc _ or Ecrvic oL ion
GOiliraC't ii r:lCe _ y7
b ao,zs. =.OL]_ori ecOriCef I/ `OVUIC_.lvran I:annc an anc,. ui).•n call
tor voi:e,..was un n !'_lou l- �
arrcox- -i J•..• Col:nc-il.
T_ woul�' l:i.'.e to Iave- a _,-:�solu..ion l.n .C�c._ to ;,.i_L...'lr l:
Ci nn;is to !-It(_ press, s,:, t:he a:cll ;a no con.l c._, _ orr L._.s
times on, all<.. Counc.,il`o nxoc eo:'; I c- ,•till .av
c:ilat_ ,t_. a t_xr-C or
ac jouxnmentas 10.30 i'. - if r. a._e oil zn .I,,,rtant s,,,') •ect
tae adjourn follow-inc, tine completion of that ir?,ortant Inatter.
Ve have a letter' zero from, the Tirani ,)evolo men' Corro_Dtion
with respect to cne Olc' U. S National Ban', inc r_r.xosziatel^
750 square ._ee't _.ental c nar:c;e will :`,-5.00 o.% :iontn,
appro._mately 1200 squarc, feeL
rewire a. 5 Year lease to just r_.; t zc '_:'pen.c of
Ceunc>.11aan Bcrareann: .1t tnx t,i-r..c .i a`a , ,�� n02- ;in
favor; T thin:: a. lease arrancoment to ;au,, ii ;,>e are
in it at all, or ::e c'ct sone c -
�cat :o:: rF-rtal- pa;'r.�ent.
Councilman Johnson: '7e are <'_oine all rhilt where axe.
Councilman Cooper As soon as the City Court is set in, v:e ax'e
c;oinc to have to nay>e soncethinc better th,7n we have :Icr ; t',,i s
place is not- suitable sac arc wince to have Co riovc to ot.ler
:quarters. (There- followed `:..;cu..sxon a cue the L'an;c P•u>_li+'1nc,
parking facilities anci'so forth.)
Counci lrlan Cooper: 1 *dove we table :iii-s Latter until our ne::t
meeting aiz9 have i,r. Paterson look into sol,.e otizer spaces anr'• then
we can compared notion seconced fay Councilman'Jehnson and upon
call for vote was unanimously= approved. by Council.
At -this time mayor CToc dare Z,iscusseC the expansion of the sewer
Plant, which was gone into at some length LN, the Mayor, City
Superintendent Janoe, Councilmen Johnson an- Cooper. ;The principle
points beings the population expansion, the anticipate.i length of
time of service of `he, proposed erplansion, the lcost 'of the 'plans
and engineering -fe._s. Upon conclusion of the discusFion, Council-
man Hanneman
ouncil-maniHanneman moved that Mayor r?oodard, be authori^ed to proceed
with the expansion of ;the sewer project. 'oti:on seconded by
Councilman Johnson and the notion carried z with one dissenting
vote, that of Councilman Cooper.
City Superintendent Janos discussed the West Coast Telephone`
Company's -survey and stated they are anticipating running a
conduit from S. W. Commercial to Highway 9997 ane', also 'cutting
Main Street at Greenburg Road and that the fill dirt should be
c laimed by the :City and Mayor -.1oodard macre the suggestion that
Councilman Johnson contact them and see if we can get that Girt
free, that we have a wide open space in which to dump it.
3-11=63.- Page 9'.
Councilman 'Johrson brought up the question of what provision
could be macle for pedestrian traffic while this wor i:as',oiug
City Superintendent Janoe advise-., the County Ilave a c;onelicion
that we should keep those roads open if at all possible.
Mayor Woodard: T,e will proceec. with payinc the bills.
After Treasurer- Cooper read the bills, Councillisan Hanyloman Moved
for payment of the bills. The motion was seconcled by Councilman
Johnson< Call for vote resulted in inani ,ous approval by Council
Councilman Cooper moved for adjournment, seconded by Councilman
Hanneman and unanimously approved by Council.
Council adjourned at 10:20 P. M.
Respect" ully submit ed:
CTTI rscormr
' � 3-11-63 Page 10.