City Council Packet - 02/25/1963 T I C :" P - C, S 11 , C 0 U ra C r r
] i,-crani: T ay or 2. A. ,Jou�',li ? Councilmen ) ):'. 11-1 n,
,'i'. Conf^1 `C. I`nrc_-ri•:.ann;.
N. llsQn
\t;torn.^V I'. A. Am..__-son _.n•3 C 17n,�e, Ci.t,-
uT'nrint_n c.a
hetinc ca7.1e•. i:o o,ec;rave 0of,9._rt at 7:30 P.
'Mayor Ton :ai n i nP. ,n� 1 nc h f
Of rC}brl n* , i 1"il, 1963. Vie 'i nu __, ,7lc Mien re: n Bron
all tm cnr,�rt.ions or oM c .ions, +n_ _ell x? c.r?. .ec' ons
were ;e-;uestec':
Councilman Hanneman: Pace 11, 6 .-i paaagrap_h, inso ,ox:d "zoning"
before _
�Gc'c•1i so ,._
at r
einnincoP sent-enc ,ea is In tii: c
rcu 'i
;raft of this zoninc cOC7e' etc. Pace 3, 1 '-1 ?,araC,rap 1
bottom, riddle of tac -araoran l "lies b_i.,eon r'r. Ienrv_ '_ i.nst a or
P.r. Paae 21 raraeY.aft, ?, rxovision s7eL' be aro`
for 0 feet insteaO o "has been r.a. e Paoco I., raracral 'i 5,
second line, :.0 mi.cnt ask if rr. tionr-v ,doll:^ be c*ilt ail..
if _'r. Hamilton"
I"ayor 'rT•ood.ard: If there are no Fu,th_? ipns, ;he ziznutes
stand. at-prove. as Corroct-ed.
We will now have the rea .in-j; . the tiinu of 1 + e,
February 19, 1963. Tl,-,o I inuted were _-hen ea,. anu>:on call for
corrections'or-objections, There being none _i7f r.e ..;ie .. inu!"es
were ordered to stern, approved. as r.eac'
I.`ayor`'Woodard: We i,ave sone visitors, are there an,., vino wisli to
address the Council"-,
I.r. John Ryan with Tarbell Corniunica'c?_on Sales o;'Portland rrse
an acr.ressino council stated,, n.., .;;i.., is a Lanu-actur^iy s
Representative an.l a it sales outlet fo; :,an: _orms of
'.: con,municati.on! an outlet for two-way'ra,7io comviuni.catlon,
representinc Airtron an3. en izr an : sippl"I nc- ec uir sent to ,Jms
in Washinc,ton an.,Orecozn. 1: state;?: n was .lore to o' an-,
assistance an was free to attend an, of the Council me�I:inrs
to present an,,r information of interest. He thanrie�' Council fo=:
an opportunitST to a tc.,'r.ass tiler.
I:ayor 'svoodarc (adOressinv Counc'i l.r,,ar rcr:.ainn) aslreo, ",D-i-61you -+o
anyLiling on `t.le traffic tac;.e,s? cc_ncilman ? Drcmann i z l..
S d•;_c'n't ase_ 7 L. cTone."
At this point Counc.lran-rerc:rann ',,visec , c,r,_ water Doa wrct-e
a letter to 't:'le Oreton Ins,?rancc rat.inr *aurcau, whic2 will rea':
(rea� latter) Tn� are also ooi:rr to .re ,1._ , _ a rc-^u
of our area'ani' n'r. I.`i ller t-ho tcrn . teat4 a ,._ •?o oiile also
reaves t tic same 're uj:v-1 in this Ci-y; that if we nut t-
request :in now it rlir,.ht be reacv ;:o a bettcr ratinc 1,-7
r_i^.ey ^et out .sere.
2-25-63 - Pace 1.
,aunt =�ooc'ar ': _.a,•c 1 a.e�',u ,-- to ',,, n �arzinc e r t
o - a
C23anc rh as t .a rr.`alri: a! nratin, two C,
roque in- a 1"e-s .
Y o _ a
., c n n c
i ._an GI .lnnr �n�: ;z,,o.x call D.r rC,'__
Cr t^.0 lr?1 .,:1x1.1 r.�l,
nu..r 1,)-el._ce, T . .u�! it c
p ,lY
t. -
...1 i71K ee Ou 1 in t dl.:
Layor 1,!ooc+arc7:
7ir.+ all L`."CCU{.l�.C- bte< ince
CCuncl7ean r3ero-Tann: T 6a .e. n -hinc 7...-(,-y1 :i.n . " arca I til
time but S ,'n havf n.: y" .i nc i:n l a i.lic' u7: later.
^ L n.-; ll:ian Coc`I i.2-a j Y 1 a t :iaz7 no-il'nc °e t,na-
n a a1 � to
census is yet and the r ec n>.J.r is trvlinr to c '
et '
.n con`.ac t .with
the lit'nr n r .. .-.
... laS, neon i.n t":he 7.p i:--::al an-'.
as soo11 as be is al1;able, we will
At this point Councilman Cn,Dpo): Guest-, nn .c uow 'le icar Tires
got their;o plat,pn �Fp.Frint.i n the payer an,�.. a on �e;-inc
'.ni:orl*lCd it:was not= recelvc6 t.'_7 of i� tete Cia O=fi N�?S, -there was
discussion bel Gwen Coopa_r -,Councilman ;.;ohnson, Council-
man Hanneman ante -
or Wao .arG-.. =l0 aeti.on was tae.en.
Councilman Hanneman: In reoard to ply request for an 2.,ecutive
meeting; it is for the rUrPOse of into 1v_.e%vi no., a procpoct1Ve
building. inspector for the City and a Part tie clan checker.
andas far as mv, r7 u-ose' concerned, I weiticl Prefer to conriucL
these interviews in other than public form an% since :ae ' .
are go 11g
to be discussinc fees an alar,, at least that porceshouldbe , e=,ecutive session., 1 have made some rough 'draftsof
building Form applications, permit forms and notices of N,ielation.
This is something else I would like to discuss next i•'onclay night
and I Would like to have each of you look at those things, Th_s
is my proposed arplication for the Ca_Ly, I will request the actual
sizes of these forms since they are used quite often in bui lc:i:llg.
The building'moving permits, applications to move;a building,
since that occurs 'quite seldom„we will type that 'ugon a'mimcovraph
form. I have used the same heading forms that have already been
Printed on the plumbing permit, tilose'of course we did have, The
electrical permits, we will undoubtedly use the State system that
is in operation. I think we oxight to -review that aspect next
Monday night and the applictition for street excavation.
you might be interested to know I have asked the Recorder
for the list calendar years, permits in order to know how this
department would run in the future. We had construction values
of $540,000.00 from'January to December 1962 an-7a permit fee
income of $537.00. There were five ?one chances,
$125.00, We had actually 51 building pernits issued last year.
2-25-63 - page 2,
city Superintenc'ent aanoc : In r ,car:.' to --_is, .T_ - a-n.: i.t � as
n _ paper
i=l;rvart, 1-'tn, car..c oiit anO sc. our
permit values wcro two '--n re,7 an_ r e n n.,an oo1 L rS a n:' a
_e., t'iat i r. Klec?c I"ad- i3ince i,iese uz^.s ,.here inc_:.ieci- it
might be well to rt, a�.nten I.ilat rut rapes a %e tl,.at to
t:em 1r, oir>_c., ' _ +,_ney can :: .',e n coizcct.: ->
ion :.o ':he t ,c
.ater nt t
.fnc: so
mad.<a two weeks asci.
Counc i.l.:a.n HanneTuan: _: think .Gln ;.r , c;i,,^ ea. S all
rut that in wr a t,nc to Ii
here fro , IntorylinI17,1, 1 r,
Conference; we z acei eur_ c ,.'n„ t;-v n coie•,, t.. n 1} ,r
I wrot-o to U!1e. ar('. `1 cS t 7C`,` I enn ahint O
fcr ,a'-ar;al_ for a ,.L pre on i -ic Par`_ 11 be
interestinc to. see .io., , aj:"pears r_n t�ze.l- >;.e
_ r. Co-. d. ,
letter no wrote r to tn_ Pic a r3 '.tea r,:es.}
At this time `_acre was d .�
zci-Ission ne wnen Coi)nri-]--•en 'rann_.;,ar,,
.Johnson and I Eiyor ?�T_o'ar:ci. on Ci.t:,' sf.r. c ; i t was
Johnson's understanc'inc ti-lat Attn rear An.?erson was r.oinc to C,
a colic=,r for t-.,-Ie 'c, an,::. the Councilman was 3 that it cvas
_ - 'co �.r_te z some ':1r_nc, n a
r�iaoi:nec .Anderson's intention nnl'� -
motion Torn; for the Council to c_scuss and a,;eac, LC necessary.
The subject of a portion ai, _iie cost of the -;-.gems
to be borne by the rrorez owners, was again rcvicw ec zn
Councilman Iiannj man aciv;_senat suca a proposal previously ha
net with insuffici.ent response to warrant an,,, action.
Mayor Nood.arc,: on the Caulfiec Pe;uort t1i, f car. DeveloT ent
Corporation have asl._c me to asl, .he Read Department, Councilman
Johnson, if you would write the State of Oregon Engineer, Or
whoever you sen.: the letter to, followinc; u-, wit' a letter
recuesting a reply inasmuch h as,the Tic az:. Developpent Corporation
has had no`response.
Another thing; have vou written to .he County that we
have accepted these streets that ,✓ere mentionci?
Attorney Anderson: It is vy, :i cell nc that ',rou would pass a
resolution to accept their ane; then a slk _:e Count',' to transfer
(=ne sa rc r.s mention were; 111 of S. W.
Watkins; part of Commercial Sheet; Scoffins ane Burnham, `_,nose
portions within the Cit4, limits; Lewis Lane; Southwest 92nd nortz
of crecnburc.; Itrooksi.cle Avenueane P.rooksidc Place.)
tlayor ;400c1ard: Tile received from the State of Oregon State Ta?'
Fund ;87002.18; we also received iron•: tne County,, for District
Road--ti60, $585.7.1; Vortnwest Natural Gas franchise 8.15 and
sewer service charges collected 'through ',:arses YM
r*ayor ,,00dard requested the Recorder' to read a letter rec.e_veJ
from Nalley's and also one received `rom the State Sanitar->
Councilman Hanneman: I would lilee to sucgest the first letter
2-25-63 - Page 3.4
be turnef over to the Tioard, Times; for pr. .n':-_i_ncr, in it's
Councilman Cr,oper: May Iado' `:;at It should be inta,+ in i'-'J
entirety or not at all.
Attorney :lnnerson: It woulr',_ .,eel that the letter *,doial - not be
news as such and the paper r^a not qet t'ne proper :ear,inc:; mica rt I
suggest that the Mayor or soreone else ;r„ to a. letter to the parer
for the "Zea'.er's Oapartvent anO quo e t1le tetter in . ..'s entir.=_ty.
With only paragraphs or comments, <-_hey will ?o an thing then want to.
Mayor Woodard- I ;cant to rn.ake a s_._cestion to Councilman Bergmann,
I wrote a letter a']Out debris in the cree?'; I notice either the
furniture store or the shop right: there at the creek is throwing
in :
- r.t_ .ape;-' cartons I think we should ..r .ce there a letccr
andthisshould be stopper
Councilman Johnson: ;9oulj this come unCer our Nuisance Ordinance"°
Attorney Anderson: it is a violation of t:rc State Law- it is a
nuisance under the State Law any^.ray.
Mayor Woodard: Also, I would _o ask you who throws tae
garbar_.e,out on the sough sidc'of ',our building.
Attorney Anderson: I don't '.snow, I could. tell ,ov but t1rien
think a letter oucht to be written to the lan,',lor-'.
I•'_ayor Woodard: We have a copy of a resolution settinc 'ortii
the policy of the City Council (reading the resoluc.Lon) . A'-ter
the readinfl of the r-solution there was cons derable farther
discussion between Councilmen' ,ohnson, Hannoman aric, Nayor. TFeodard
as to the nossibility of further succresciong to -he- people a
percentage of the cost to be borne b,; then in orc'.or to reduce-the
expense to the City in scc..l;s- no tliess streets, ince t.ier-e are
appr_o:,imatel-, two miles'of tr _vate row actually in.'._r scussiorl.
There was also tic possibilil-, of tie nece:s for the �e_a...en .s
or owners t0 e(3 sor.^r_ o,.. t ,-;-s. _properly tc, the Cit 'ic _.z3cussi on
centering around P..cKcn ie Street.
Attoriie?. Anderson': We -re losing sicht of one '-_act; th_.a street
is a;puHlic way because of the tact the pu� I c has traversed it
all these smears; you would no;- be perr_,tte0. to bloc the street.
It is still not a'Count=` or C. i��la� street. Stcoul_ :>e a bridlo
path aria the z uiol'ic does :.h o igiz your finlcl _or t:en Years, 4t is
public Way, it :doesn't an` tanca..,l __Zor acceptance.
I gree wi i the, rsra.leso:h , i,f .>ou are to rataloc: r11. tbese
wa-7s then here shoulu s, ne pol.ic-,,r _..p-rosser. You arc moire;
..o find in future veirsf people are c;oinc- to as]-, for Y,te ir=prove-
ment of these streets. You fi.' them and assess the I.-.o.opla and
the proper*,1- owners pay sucln rortion as the City Council ,mule;
determine is thea:-r portion. There could, e other cases where
it might be quite beneficial to the ru)l;c x t the streetae
opened without any contribution from _tie prcp_rt. ; 711OU [Dant to
estaJlish a road and connect tCvo streets, then you would have "a
2-25-63 - Pace 7.'
_ lit r.ont s t 'At.;-on. li.ave an e. n:
.,i bl.ic,, Ileot 1=_ can coi, _ an:_ un t> ,' _. - 7 __ �n�%.
of c eneral 1.ul-di c: b(,ne::':. ., ?;, 1a%
i.t,,, connec 1 ._'z t7- oiu:;.i t_>> l: .c z o r.•'.:_r, ' .0 __nc
prone -'! own-ors .:_oni,' is i.,; tc
conta i.i"u e _nw".:: G;: I �.•:,?' _ an ,_:i_s Fl:;"a? bve4.-Q11
.:..lisis 1,1ha t`1. Ung., ut0"r you co• h lvo in iln r7c "' _,
Mlaybe it s3loulc,",, be on r_i, case s:?, n.i rave
es a:blirli a'a.0 .;,.,_ . 7R., t- .r, an-'I i. .is s ,:,n. _,;
or -ou =nein hate " :cllr_<;i ,^.ore
hoirevcr, l;ie Cit,, i c:it n"; e than '_he`•)h,?le_ `:l.ii in .,ore.
Counc_.l.:zin',;c'_:nson: .7e_ aro "„ir,€ c.:.=n ... Street a_.our.:5::
in ether tvords this has Ibeen ;i,orc or lass, a r•u'>lic porn pare
but pri.vatel>- for a nti,«I)er c ,,ears t? n.-inc .:as
that the ;:act that in our nes., cvelarm'ont or c:::le areas c, _ti?in
the City of Tigarc at ti?e nresent fi _ that ? ,=ee1 -7at t:nose
shoal: be vYlolly T- €oma "'by :i.e people aro 'evelol. nr Haat
propert-,,•. When rou;have someL.hincr-l_l-e bcF. nae T
to have to i?ake certain concessions to '=he pro ert- owners. I
want tr find out wincre we are rcinc,
Councilman Hanneman: If b e public oo plc'. no': cie:?_._.a _ their_,
land tree to the Cit"', or the ri_aht-of-•ray, I' still bolievn
that land is wort'a money and we would have to 'huy it. No,,j I
?relieve that twenI: c'i.,e'nercent of our is=ile .cxe in -he CR tv is
the private road; it may be dedicated. and it inay not 'bo ce"-.ica.tec.
I would l:ilce toseetwcn percent of the Ci.tY's annual canes
spent on these private roads, and with the stipulation only that
the roars that are not; be heli' co within standard of bui.ldinc
or improving the street, if all vre can do is run a grader over
it every two weeks if..we have .irone'+ to i neprove it. tIo*irE:Ver, I
let that apply to any new :3evelopirent or sub ?ivider.
Plc have one-quarter of our m:i eage in the private streets, if we
limit one-quarter of our e.ip•enditures eac:?-`year on th•v basic of
top priority riving first priorit-y to those people who cooperate
with;the City first.
Mayor Woodard: I would make a suggestion ro Councilman Johnson
to Contact :these sig', property.'owners.:on YcKen,ic'Street, before
we ::alk about it any more and<see whether'the'r would turn that
prpperty over to the City and 'then probably we can "battle” it out.
Attorney Anderson: A roadway may be established 2D•j filing a
plat and showing it as a public way; you can male a para, cul-de-sac,
you matte boat launching facilities; you can ma?-,c'anythinc public
if you draN•r up a plat and have that plat approved brr the County
Court and get it filed and show these words "this` is a public
park" and so forth, that rakes it public.
Attorney Anderson went on to explain:..the manner in which streets
are public ways and already dedicated but not so stated'`<and how
the City could adopt such streets_
I.ayor Woodard: one member of the Budget Cor.mittee cxaes off tiffs
year, as his term has expired. ' There'are -fout and: we should elect
2-25-63' - Page 5.
another one. We ha6 three names here that were will-inc, to
serve, Owen Snyder, A. Biederman and Ar.t Mason. However, I
understand Owen Snvder ;»`_bCrPw.
Councilman Cooper: I would startest that Art Mason be selected
as the fifth Pan on the Budget Board.
Councilman.Bergmann suggestoiJ. the namce _I A. Bierlerr,an.
Ballots were cast bI> Council resulting in the selection of N,,%
Biedert:tan who received, three votes and . r. i'_ason two votes.
Mr. Biederman was therefore selected for a th1 eC -ear terP tc
serve on the Budc,,et Board.
Attorney .Anderson: At the last meeting you mentioned you desired
to adopt the State Electrical Code' and actually it is a so-called
ElectricalSafety Law of Oregon. Karl sent me a,copy of the
National Electrical Code which we should adopt if you wish. You
might take e,ccerrts of t'ne'State-Safety Code. We could co over
that tomorrow afternoon. The matter of the Parking Ordinance
and penalties, I checked throuch some other Cities and I find. they
leave that rather open. You might set tail o; the ticket and if
anyone is to be actually -tried for the offense the Judge would
set the penalty within`certain limits. I was wondering if-you
want to consider the matter'of- 'adopting the State Motor Vehicle
Code. Actually three is a concept that the City,or County can
only legislate consistant with 'existing laws of general application
already in effect. I don't know'whather you want to adopt the
whole Motor Vehicle Code or rather first prescribe an area of
penalties for parking. The Court will fix as a policy what it
will cost for Overtime parking, parking at:a fire: plug:: and so
forth. You prescribe an area'for-overtime parking $5.00 to
$100.00, the Court would have a policy to apply.
Councilman Hanneman: Can we get copies of the Oregon Code; it
would be nice to see them first.
Mayor Woodard: The Tigard Development Corporation would like to
meet with us and find out- exactly what we want to do�and. then '
write:us a ,letter.' I suggest we meet at the Bank Building on
' Saturday mornping.
Councilman Hanneman: The establishment of our building permit
fees, ;the overhead cost .of the area the department uses 'should:be
considered in the fee itself and that portion that the department
uses should be paid for by the fees. That should be of some
assistance. ' Thiss is also something should like to know.
Amyor'Woodard: Let's make a definite date and they in 'urn have
to give us a letter stating what they; think we should pay and if
vie don't accept it, that's that.
A'definite date was established for Tuesday nicht,
February 26th, at 7:00 P. M. to meet at the Bank Building.
-2t 63 -, Page 6.
At this point Attor-ne_v AnrHersen discussed with Cotincii
the merits of the Park property and several .let:ails,necdee, to be
"ironed" ,out in conlaetan -the facilities ori the prorerty.
Councilman Cooper moved for adjourmtent, `seconded >>,r Councilman
ITannenan and the motion was unanimously aecepte<7 nv Council.
nc3ournment ta1_en at 10:n5 r.
respectfully su'hmitted:
`�a � i-t-ei t —
2-25-63 - Page 6.