City Council Packet - 01/21/1963 TIGARD CITY`-COUN C I L
rizrmT; S OF t.1.c.TINC. JPPX11 4, 21, 1963
Present: Mayor Woodard; Councilman Karl P. .Ianneman,
Francis J. Conner, F[ Berr;mann, 'Norman
E.Johnson, City Attorney F. A. Anc'.erson and
City Superintendent C. E.<'Janoe.
Meeting called to order by Mtayor V9oodard at 7:30 P. F,
Mayor Woodard called for readinc, of the !�dnutes of the veetiinc
of January 14th;, 1963. Minutes were then read and. D'ayor
Woodard called for corrections or objections.
Mayor Woodard: There should be'a correction. In regard to
Mr.= Janoe being appointed Chief of Police. --de just made a
mistakein the title for hint, we did not mean to state he
was to police every ease, it was just merely to police the
Ordinances; I would like,to have that change; from Chief of
Police to City Marshall
Councilman Johnson,- I so move; motion seconded by Councilman
Iianneman and,upon being put to vote was unanimously approved
by Council.
There was a 'typographical error in the 'date heading of the
Minutes,' it should read 1963 instead of 1962
Mayor Woodard: If there are no further corrections the
Minutes stand approved as corrected..
From the audience; Mr. Lynch,, Editor of the Tigard Times
extended an invitation .to the:Council to come to the Tigard
Times Birthday party to be held Thursday evening January
24th at 7:30 P. M. in the Fowler Junior .'.nigh School.
Councilman Johnson: I would appreciate knowing the outcome
of the storm sewer cc.mpla= ;t at the Tigard Plaza.
Mayor Woodard: We left that up to the property owner, he
can go after the County.
Mayor Woodard: We should also appoint, according to our
Charter, a City Engineer.. I would like to have 'a motion
offered that Elden W. Carter be appointed City Engineer.
Councilman Bergmann moved; seconded by Councilman Johnson
tI Elden W. Carter be appointed City Engineer. ; Upon call
for vote, the only dissenting'vote was cast by Councilman
Mayor Woodard: What about water permits on State Highways?
,. Attorney Anderson: The City has maintenance and roadway
responsibilities for a street within the City; we would say,
it would be silly, for a. City maybe to issue a permit where
the City does not have maintenance,and roadway responsibility[
for a street and the County does. Then there should be a
1-21-63 Page 1:
permit issued by the County wlere-the County woul(' ('.esignate
the City as the i:ssui.ncr authority. Tne State would have to
issue the permit whether it is within the Cit,,, or without
=gut frons the standpoint of folic• 1•rnrer ane? }:eepinc
documentary record of. _what clone, t:ho City should probably
issue a permit too.
i,?ayor .:oodar, : You mean we could not (?o it?
Attorney Anderson: Ycu could require a permit but wizen it
comesdown to tvhe shall do kf and where, the State owns it's
Mayor Woodard: With the County it would be t-he same unless
they give us authority to-do that?
Attorney Anderson: Yes and no; the County in general does
not own the County roads in fee sir:.ple, they do not have a
deed to it but tile State ilighway does have a deerl for the
way they build' the State _Highway. I would make this
proposition', that you should issue any permit within the
state ways subject to complying with the State requirements
and then you would know what work was going on and in the
County,, the same thing.
City Superintendent Janoe: I issued a permit today on
Highcray 217 to know what was being served to the City for
our records and I would go alone with the Attorney; we are
bonded under the State and thev;have it for a matter of
record. I promised to ask the Council if there would be a
fee or if it was just a-matter of the formality of getting
a permit to know c:here the wor;c was being done.'
Councilman Johnson: I have been assigned`re6eral, State,
County and City ;roads and storm sewers; I;was wondering, since
I have the responsibilities for.these streets and highways,
would it not be in keeping with this to let me know about
these permits?
Mayi;r Woodard: I think Mr. Janoe should get in touch with you.
Councilman Johnson: I would like to know about them so if I:
go out riding around and I see someone digging up a street,
instead of saying "where's your permit", if I know about it
I do not have to worry about it.
Mayor Woodard: Mr. Janoe could notify you when a permit is
Mayor Woodard: Building: Planning and 21onina and Puildinc
Codes: I am going; to have Councilman Hanneman tell us'whzt
he would like to have done with that project.
Councilman Hanneman: it will include all of the City Zoninc,
Codes and'a great deal more. You will notice you have some
blue printed sheets and those sheets will be substituted for
the like sheet in the County Code. The table of contents,-
ontents;title and purpose; definitions; definitions have two sheets
of .the title section, all definitions. We are,going to have
quite a bit to do to cut and add to the Cdashinaton County Code
1-21--63 -'Page 2.
i_n or cr I in _ li
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until it i s accol t.l: iie�' (i inessitn, ALtorno. .nOorsnn)
�Illa �_p you th7 n7 of c._tu �u.ncion
ao �2: ;'c have ,
t.oc;c' .!ler :c0.1 lett nl:_n to nnY
4J: -,cx �:i.te it-, t..e c C'c -c...5:! "vn `.IIi
was _
no a Cj- " i1 ._.i!'.
n0.9 all w2 nO3,. O is a mac...,: c c."::.<.t
;ottroan r..;vs an C n=nc a'< , na n ^.a >:e n
akc rv.ca_.n cnanr. -1 5.1.1 3: a a 1. .t,l,r_
.Ge coolr r or. ::? h as t un. .1 c
Council tan '_Tann^Ian: _ s. ' lc .+s' an-
9b110*a as u ta.:le of contents.
,,.torney nn Terson. -t :roal.r ._e 1-.,, t .-..r_c _nc> :e nava
tle base ';:aterial, s Zo l:' iol.1 tit t lug .;':?e law
conteP.plate5..un.). t len.Pl-oc,.e-2 as X'of-U_.5_o"', _o 2:'.!�r "in. cnJ,nr
pattern, ' �ui1c'_ng co.e,-bu lr'. nc reit-' n one
-nroc_an, if you a,9o7-.,t i. *si .ii>ut i, ;_ >t_,_.n __ ,sans, i_a" you a of t - t.,-s an
::ne n4�_crn _nc± L le _err..._
S.,etemn t gen you nave"the c orrra_te coceraoc. ,.sig lx.:7 conte'.:-
Mates the Council act as a Planninc, C r,iiission n_c, oxen sten
over to the ot-hor sine of ,the table and act as Cit- Council.f
The first thing woulc' be to ma;:e u tentative repoKt :.o :ous-
selves as if you were a Planninu Commissimn and then nol'.
public hearings to , ah-ze the final report. We
whatever notice :wc reel is necessa.ry that we are cojno to
holdhearim; on the zoning code j'�attern an_ s.F„_G. -
and at. that point they can be discussed, and after t-oc
would rccommenz7 to itself the adoption of these ane then you
can:have another :tearing for the purpose that you would, col-urly
with the status of the;Council hearing ane the Co.+...fss i on and
after that heari'ne you publish that_ notice in the newspaper:
then only;can you actually a'ol.t. t' rattern.
Tho nc.,�t tz:ing i.s f,-1- the Cit?: (Counc`l, in 'it's
capacity as Planning Com--n__ssi:on to ,hol,' a hearing enc then
the Planning Conmissi.on as City Co,:ncil hole: a }Tearing.,
The Planning bo-_y exposes it's plans to t'ne public, having.;
heard what the public tlhinks --bout `tile planning.- the, Cain ,mission
recommends it to the Legislative bo?y so they hold anoti-ier
hearing and that has to be given certain formal notice, then`
they proceed.
Councilman Hanneman: S malce 'a notion that we advertise for
the zoning hearing, this week and hold that t,eeti_ng at -the
time of our next regular :eating, next 1'onday, with the
second publication next Thursday anel, the t? the follow-
ing Friday night. Motion seconded by Councilman Yohnson.
tilayor Woodard: You have heard the motion;that the Council sit
as the Planning .Commission at. our 'reCular:meeting nextm'.onday
night January 28th and as Council at 7:30 P. M. 'Friday night,
February 1st, in the Community Ball.
A call for vote on the motion resulted in unanimous ap roval
7 v,Cotanr_;.1. 21.-F3 Pas" 7
Councilman Fianneman: I-woulc 1i7l�e to o_:i_er for cons i_deiation
the adoption of the Biiild.ino Code ai- the saire time; they co
together very well; I elieve they shoul.c" be adorted taxa same
time or very nearly the sai,ie, what the Uniform nuilCtincr
Code, 1961 Edition.
Vayor Woodard reRuestec! Ccuncilnan D ergr:,ann '_;i cet additional
information to report on business licenses.
Mayor :17ood.ard: With raq_ard to the census, I titin?c we should
get the necessary forms and arrange to have it done b,, the lst
of June. 1 have rece4ved a lietter from ciall.ey's
the letter); I will send a copy of the letter to our Cit,r
Attorney Anderson: You can as]- them to coliform to the contract,-
ontract;you have a contract, you either must enforce that or make a
new contract and a new plan to cover what cher., are dunrinq.
There followed considerable discussion about ?,?allcti,'s, enterer'
into by Mayor'Wooeard, Councilmen Johnson anc3 Cooper, Ci tv
Superintendent Janoc-and Attorney Anderson.
Mayor Woodard: I will read the letter to Carter and-fin,:7 out
what Carter dial, if nothing then we will have a rer,ly given L
Nalley's immediately.
Mayor Woodard: Now that we have a City iTarshall, we neer
some traffic tickets printed. Is there a-sCandarcl traffic
Attorney Anderson: There is a uniform traffic citation
throughout Oregon, I will try to arrange for a-supply,
Mayor Woodard: With respect to traffic fines, I irnao'
ine we
should have a fixed rate of what we are going to charee
-these people.
Attorney Anderson: We should pass an Ordinance descri3binc
the;penalties and arrange the Eines and the place of paying
There followed some discussion with respect to the Elevins
easement and City Superintendent Janoe and Attorney Anderson :
were requested to check on this easement. There was also
some discussion on storm sewers at the Piluso and Schultz
Mayor Woodard brought up the question of the ,Johnson Avenue
fire hydrant, which was discussed with City Superintendent
Janoe and Piayor Woodard said he wanted to co into the'matter
Councilman Hanneman: on the subject of Parks; several weeks
rf ago I ordered 4,000 trees from the State Forestry Department.`
�. The trees are free and will be shipped tows sometime in the `
Spring and'I am noping 'to get,some assistance in planting,
them. They are two year olds and it will amount to some work.
This is out of my Jurisdiction now, but the roadway
1-21-63 -"Page 4.
signs propose1 for pile City hay=e been lova _>? .insofar as
those that I ha.-' planned; tliat project is now Complete.
City Superintendent anoc: We havr� 7 or n ]cit over for which
there are no plans.`
Councilman Hanneman:`_, we bought some of these i.n
zYuantity, ,ti'lere is jus:] tle one at. BUrnharl and. I-lain to c:`O
in when the weatnar permits.
City Superintendent Janoe: One n;etal sicn cioes there. St
needs to be pain .ed and C+ue to pile ;weather we haven't been
able to do that.
Councilman `rianneman: T would like to have the Countv Code
books back and t_ic sheet and I will see what I can 6o to
have them fi;ted by t 3nc?ay nicht.
Mayor Woodard; Councilman Johnson, do you have anything to
Councilman Johnson:r No.
Mayor Woodard also akked Councilman Cooper ::.i ;ic had an,,t Linc,
to report and he replied "No°.
Councilman Bergmann gave a short report on business licenses
-andthere wawa short discussion on license fees but no action
Upon motion by Councilman'Cooperlor adjournment, seconds... _,,
Councilman Hanneman and unanimously approved by Council, the
meeting adjourned at 9:55 P. M.
ResFe full, suumi ted
� 1
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