City Council Packet - 01/14/1963 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL
Those present: 'Mayor E. A. Woodard- Councilmen Yarl P.
Hanneman: Francis J. Cooper and, newly
elected Councilmen Floyd. 1d. Bergmann enc..
Forman.E. Johnson.
y Meeting called to order by Mayor Woodard at 7:30 P. M., who
then turned the meeding over to Attorney Anlerson to ad-
minister-the oath of office to newly elected Councilmen
Edward A. Woodard; Floyd. H. Bergmann and 'Norman L Johnson.
Attornev'Anderson requested the three new Councilmen to rise
and then administerezi to them their Oatn of Office.
The meeting was then turned back to m A. Dloo:ari. aho states
the next order of business will be the election of a Aayor.
We will now accept nominations.
Councilman Hanneman: I will nominate 6.ward A. 'Woodard.;
nomination second?:' by Councilman Johnson. Councilman
Bergmann moved the nominations be closed an,� that ECwa-r&
EVA A. Woodard be elected Mayor. 2'_*Dtion seconce . oy Counr.i lmar.
Coo}��er./ Upon being .put to vote, the motion -for the
election of Edward A. Woodard. as Mayor was unanimously:
Flavor Woodard: Next in order will be nominations for
President of the Council. Tre are readyr to receive nominations
Councilman Cooper: I move the nomination of Earl: P. Hanneman
for President of the Council 'D:oti on'. seconr e h_y Councilnan
Bergmann. :Councilman Johnson move) the nominations be close;+
and :that Karl P. Ianneman be electec': President of the Council`.
A_otion seconded by Councilman Bergmann an upon being put to
vote,' the election of Karl P. Hanneman as 'President of the
Council was unaimously approved.
Mavor Woodard: I' would.}like 'to have Ex resolution to change
the title of the "City Cleric to City :Recorder, to iconform to
the Charter.
Councilman Hanneman: I,offer'the resolution and move it be
accepted to change the title of the City- Clerk to City
Recorder. 'Motion seconded by ,Councilman Cooper.
Mayor. Woodard: It has been moved and seconded that Ralph V.
Symons be appointed. City Recorder ata clary of . 350.00 per
month. ,Upon being put to vote the to'-'on was unanimously
approved by Council.
Mayor Woodard: We must now establish, by resolution, a`
Judge of the Municipal Court of Tigard. I would like to r'
hear a resolution on this-that we appoint the City Recorder
to act as Municipal Judge.
1-14-63 - Page
Councilman Johnson: 7 7,0 ,.!ove. r.otio._ secor..e council-
man Hanneman.
Mayor :eodaa._ ae gave a ._ sol..,._.o_.,
uecon:ec{, i:hat wo al.%poi.n_ al l V. SYLIonS 112 D!,_Li ci,,al •Sl. C
an,l that iia ap oin:.i;,ont tit o3.._:,C Cr as City ie, Zn.-
Munic*i— Ji.qc c;i co:i en sati.on for _`Ie l.a ' ;le
rate o_ 510.00 per ;nontli, ')cnin ._.n, P.,)_u_,-y ist, 1963.- Upon
being put to vote, motion was unan_.:iolls IM r X,
Iiayor ;7ooCard. ;�Te_rt wo shoulc' c_sta:..l,. h the position of
Chief OJ rolice of 1PC7
Charles B. Janoe as Acting Cxz_e f- Poi c r.taout`com-
perisation. 1 would 1_.'z0 to "icar a resolution.
Councilman liannesl,an: I I:love we acccr_ a esolution t lat
Charles E. Janoe be appointec7 Actincr G:, ef of-
Motion seconded. by Councilman Cooper.
Councilman Johnson: _I move this be tableC. Councilman
Bergmann seconded''ie motion to table the motion "or Acti_rg_
Chief of Police until the next-_ne_tina.
Mayor Woodard: All those in favor of tabling the motion for
`appointment of Acting Chi-of of Police, give their consent b`;
saying Aye. There were two ares; Councilman Bcr: .,riann anct
Councilman Johnson. Those opposed to taOlinc were three navy;
Councilmen Hanneman anis Cooper and Mayor T,loodard..
P•iayor Woodard: The motion to table is lost and i,ie now must
reconsider the original motion.
There was an explanation of the duties that tiould be assic•ned.
this position, being that of enforcing the ordinances.
Attorney Anderson suggested, if you are going to have a
Municipal Court you must,have someone to do- this wori•:. You
have :to nave someone with the authority, which will be defined
to hila; this is true when there is a violation, the complaint
will be filed andrif necessary, a warrant issued and the arrest
made;;that would be the job of the officer.>' `r1e do not have
any strictly criminal Ordinances
Councilman Cooper: I call for"a vote on the motion on the
floor-callinc; for Charles r. Janos as:Acting Chief of Police.
Motion seconded by; Councilman aanneman.
Mayor Woodard: There has been a call for a'vote from the
floor to appoint Charles,E. Janoe as Acting Chief of Police,
without compensation. The aye and nay vote called for
"resulted in three'a_ves, 'being Councilmen Cooper anf. Hanneman
and tlayer Woodard;';two nays being Councilmen Johnson and
Mayor 'Woodard: We are now ready to appoint a City Superin-
tendent. I-will entertain a motion for the appointment of
Charles E. Janoe as CitvrSuperintendent, at a salary of
$500.00 per month; this will. confirm his position 'under the
1-14-63 - Page 2.
Councilman Bergmann: I so move; motion seconded by Council-
man Cooper. A call for vote resultef in un n.,,ous aj.,proval
b_y the Council for the arpointment of Ciailes 7anoe as
Cit.. Superintencent•
i�^a:yor Woodard:. !*,Io. now s"noulc, ave a rosoluti,on c,:t.abl w shi nc;
the Assistant Plant Onerator; I acnesi: t':iat de appoint T3.
J. T'c war :s at a salar of -,?00.00 p>r
Counc7aman Cooper: i so Il?ove, ) Otion '
• seconcle^. �r• Councilman
Hanneman anu upon Doinc I:ut to vote resul in the unanimo,.zs
approval of Council, for t L Zgpoini-ment of D. i. EOIiar's as
Assistant Plant Operator.
Mayor 1'700clar ,a siloulc'! have a resolution��: � ut_.on e s+�abli:.ring .the
office of Treasurer.. I would surges ,.he appointment o
Counci lrnan Cooper, to servewithout pay, as,wel.las to serve
as Councilman..
Councilman Bergmann moved; seconced :o,. Councllican Hanneman,
for tha appointmtont of Councilman Cooper as City Treasurer
and to serve as Councilman. The call for vote resulted. in
the unanimous approval by Council of the apl ointi:ient o{'
Councilman Cooper as C. 1, Treasurer.
Mayor Woodard: ]?e now muse: select a City Attorney. I would
designate Prederic'7 A. Anderson, aas City Attorney, on a Fee
Councilman Hanneman moved the appointment of Frederick A.
Anderson as City Attorney on a Fee Basis; r•.otion seconded by
Councilman Cooper.
The; call for vote resulted in the unanimous approval by Council
of the appointment of Frederic;: A. Anderson as City Attorney
on `a Fee Basis.
Attorney Anderson: Each of the officers that have been
designated, I would ask each of the peo]lle so appointed to
stand. At this;point the following, appointees rose anc. were
administered the Oath of their respective Offices by Attorney
Anderson: Mavor Edward A. Woodard; President of Council Karl
P. Hanneman; Treasurer Francis J. Cooper;Ci'ty Superintendent
and Acting Chief of Police Charles E. Janoe; Municipal Judge'
and,City Recorder Ralph V. Symons. 1 Assistant Plant Operator
B. J. Edwards was not present, however, the Oath was
administered to him later by Attorney Andierson. '
The Oath of Office o= City Attorney was administered to Ir.
Anderson by Mayor Woodard.
Mayor Woodard: We will now have the reading of the ili`nutes
of the December 17th, 1962 meeting.)
The Minutes were then read and Mayor Woodard called for
objections or corrections.
1-14-63 —Page 3.
Attornev Anderson: 'I?z the pillutes, ,TrIere Certs.ficatlon o
"BTomination" i.s indicated, is s'holL110 reari Certif._o
"Election", ate of
May oy G,00clarcie If there ar^ no f-ttrther corrections
objections, I c]eclare rile i,ii.nucas approved as ,
Mayor *Woodard: At th;'s �im.e ,,,,could be 1-ropper to :lave
a review and discL s i.on of t 1e Cit., Charter.
I woulc request
httorncy Anderson co review t; ur,hli.criIts of the Cizarter.
(nuttng tile review of he C niter, 1 tc? �1n person i?gc es cer'
she td}iy 1s't til c:,nL J1 'mcet4mg nights ;)e ma .e a ,(art o�`". � _e
Councilwan rianneman: l- Move we continue ,rith tine same
arrangements lae have iz-,?, being the secon and r'n?i z T,onc?a
nights of the month as rer alar neeti nc nic nt-s an" t,,e
Coi:munity =Iall as the r_eqular.; lace. _ioti
p on seconced
by. Councilman Jo znson and. upon call for vote t<1e motion was
unanimously approved by Councril.
Mayor Woodard At this time i woul ].i]ce to rec,uest
meetinc• of file en i?e a
Council for '�ond a<l ni gPit, ,?nuar-r 21,
Council:ran Cooper mover., seconded 'by Counc.i lean Hannern:an, er
a Council meetinn, to be izeld'?, night, januar,.7is
1963,at 7:30 P. 11. A call for vote resutl-
i.n t,ze unanin�i:o
approval of '-he ?ao'�i.on r�> the Council,.
Attornev x, arson c;.zen con':inued wi h the i evieta o'- t`.e
Charter, a� hr_ conclus_on o`f 7hicii �*.or Wooc ar
there were any J, c . ion or- ,i,estion„ ai1:., where beinc; none
i ndicateC, inquirer! if any of tine vis tors Jn tie audience
w4-shed to 'present anything to Council. There bein_r no
response. 2_ayor P'oo"arcT continued,; I would like to pros ose
a resolution to invest ,75,000_00 of tine Johnson Area Bancroft
Funs! in a ;Time ''Deposit, i:: month ma l la it, at 3-1/2f; a n eres'c,
for tI,ze reason we do not have' any bond .o pa until Novcr,J.?er
and we still have is non, to nut in on ?.in>e Deposits.
Councilman,Hanneman: I move we accept t"lac resolution to
invest $5,000.00 in a Time Deposit, sli,, months maturity at
the rate of 3-1/2i. interest to be purchased i.n the First
National Bank; notion seconded Councilman Cooper and upon
being put to votewas unani?nously approved bt- Council.
Tlayor 700dard: Tile next orcier of business will ?De t+ze
Ordinance for anne.cation of the Balogh property.
Attorney Anderson c,:-s Lri-utec copies of t;ze Ordinance to
Council members, a -vi.sing Council that "ynn ation being a
fundamental change, it can only he accorip li hed b-,- an
Ordinance; I have prepares. this
. ordnance, a cobKo r
will to co 11
County as the ta,. _ouncaries
will,have to be changed.
1-14-63 - Page 4.
Tha Or i.nancc_ was t. en r^aO in. i s 's en_i, ; ,
- tiayo_ ,e1� . n ,
Oicinance ti le an,.-' ., aLec n _
::e t c,ttl l ,.e - 'lr,r a on
in. connecti_or. .,.jl:,-, t-':1e ac(cpi:anc-`. -?. . U-.F_inc`nce.
CounciltIan Co 3,a_ I r ov._ t7wtL or"i-?anc a C'-I,
U ca.ance annc:-,_,_nr to ;1'ie e -i'!- o `ga :e eon, }>o. tion
of Lots '�l amainrl
vi.11e'a .cl- ,.ion' - ac >p F anc'_ ri-s r :nt.ort ann_. . to
1ao City of Ticar". i.on sec .nc e'an __c,,,ann
and upon beinc- put to vote, `•nci.on s� :,£'
'Oro.inance-63-1. was onanir,,oua-I - ar,1 rove ;- Cn,,Inrlil.
a�ror "ooria?r r': I woulJ .L ..__ aiith.r ..,_._ ;n tl,e Council
to perm-'Lt us to have 200 rri-nt cl ccn.i n , in r rn, --:1e i
of the Charter of the Cit", o': -pica rd, .�,ueii tvr.11 cost-
appr_ov:imatelc 5-'.3.00, ?i._ :'nr various .>ason_., -t N•roulc
look r.:uc11 9:)e'_ter to liavc i_n _-amt nlc_: o, ?andinsica
of ;the typewritten col'ies.
Attornev nderson: We =.-.rill ':,e : urn_sing L.-,Q County, .,cher.
Cities and various Urcanisation. +_ohes of the CZarter and
it <.vi l be be_ter to have it in I;ri.nte ' pamp lct form.
Councilman Coo,erc I .novo we have 200 copies of the Charter
printed in pamphlet form. Motion seconc.ed. b,. Councilman
Hanneman. Upon bcina put to 've and nay vote, the only
dissent inc;'vote was cast ;:v Councilman Johnson.
Councilman Hanneman: In connection with the Scjiult:
building permit for 10 apartment units; the points in
violation of the :mooning Code have been largely corrected
an! as a result I have two sets of plans ar_proveJ as far as
Zoning d and Building nerartrents are concerned, one ..e+: _u
to be 'returned to Schult^, ,one reta .nes b•r the City. I
woulf. like to pointoutthat t'ie set retained h.,17 the City
should' be kept in the City Office at all times and only
signed out -to the person using it on the job. I would 1'il,e
to offer this set of plans and application also to- t;te City
Superintendent for the utilities information and airoval.
Be sure, however, that these set bacl-.s are lefi_nitel,> rade
at the site; one mint for instance is that parhinc iS
shown right out to the property line, that parRinc,- area
must be held back 20 feel: from, the front property line.
I would lice)to malre a motion that the project be'approved,
the plans be accepted as aplrover and "that buildinc, permit
be issued for construction. Voti.on Seconder by Councilman
Cooper<to furnish permit to construct apartments on Highway
217. Upon being put to vote the notion was unanimously
approved by Council.
Mayor Woodard: In regard to the rental of t;li s hall for
Council meetings for last near;'`we talked about pa_,_inc, 575.00
for last year we have to get that drown to about $50.00; "I
would suggest that we go ahead and pa-; the Tigard Community
Center $50.00 as rental for use of the hall for last year.
I would like to hear a notion to -chat effect.
1-14-63 - page 5.
Councilman Cooper: I n:ovQ� We PI-17 the Ti.cra . Cn;.rmtn c1' C'__tte2:
,50.00 to taho care of t'.to 1.962 rental, ion seronc e,' Hann i-.,an. Uj on call .nr .o`e L_i_ motion was
unani tousl,, approve Council.
Councilman anneman: S „la;Znc O 'or .:,r _sect nr. of t%,o
c:ead enr" s:icns, one on „nn on
S. W. 91st of,- Gro-:!nbur, niz L :^hor!: ;-1_a e,_s :n..' sertc
a ver- small district. ;n `lave 4 __sc cic,,ns ._n ..'_n_ it
is a matter of but i_._ncr t tei:, up.
C.iLy Superintendent Janoe: T!icy areeaC,, Lo Le install=?
as soon as the weatn_i _cri,iias.
r ayor P7oodarc.: I v,ant to hri_nc ur a r uc-tion; the cas c e.ipan=,:
telopiione'company and 19_cht an:1 rower.~cog,pan,•; :•✓neneve.r t:iev
co anything on the streets and rlic into tie streets, we c Y..rcle
o ;;2.50. with the ?9ator D(p
them a permit charc�:of ax:tr.e,tt iin
far as permits, we have not aad anv pert:,.i s, nor 'lave we
charge&:them. I believe that we shoula have them, tate oi�lt
permits and ray for them the sane as any other utility
company. I taould. line to hear what the members of Council
hink about this; the streets belto us an. :re are su) n e.'
to take care of thee;.'
Cuunc l.aan un... . I in}: i r i nece'ssar, to rnl_ n
there is a certain amount of e,.pense invoivcC and ¢2.50 is
not too miich to ask.'
Attorney Anderson: I agree with tae basic ):_tilosoi t_+ that
you need a'method of: control.
Councilman Cooper- I r=iove tiiial. tete S..,ter Ocrartr:.ents of
Tigard and,Metzger be re,ui.rcr', to tz out pc.=its for their
operations:on tyre City Streets of Tic arc an t:1at we charge
them the same price fur 1 err.,its, 8?2.50, as we charoe the
other utilities. Yotion secondePt by Councilman Hanneman.
upon call for vote, the notion was unanimously approved by
D_ayor woodard instructed the Recorder to write both Water
Districts, inf_ormin, them of the action of Council. This
has been done, copies of 'the letters are on file and one
copy of each letter has been given to ..he City Superinten-
dent for his information.
i•_ayor S400dard askew City Superintedent Janoe if the stozr
sewer at the Safeway has been taken care of and City
Superintendent ,7anoe answered "Not to my i;nowledae". After
some discussion with the City>Superintenr,ent, Mayor Woodard
was-advi.secl, " o
I think the attorney stcested that the
property owner should. take the necessary steps". The City
Superintendent was aske& to contact 2•.r. Pierson; he a Wised
he would look into it.
City Superintendent Canoe reported that Columbia .iar-'mood
Company said all -they had done was to re-establish what the
storm had done to them.
1-14-63 -Pace 6.
Mayor Woodard: I have had reports, the Fire Departrent
in the City of Tic_art: was no good. True, we had two bad:
fires. I want to say this, however, we have a very coot
Fire.Department but we haven't anythin_ -for the Fire
Denartment to •,aorh -jiLn—, we should have more fire hydrants.
Every thousand foot rariifus shoulr 'lave a fire h7l e-rant. The
people ::?than this ra(5aus pay for this invclrant, tiie cost- ,f
which is one hundred ant
some dollars .nit for which instalia
tion they would receive a refunCt on their fire insurance
premium. b'_ayor woo4ar,_1 cuCggcste<' Councils+an Borcnrann at:enc'
the Water Doarc? rr.eetincs and try to r<ct the inforration and
seere scents Oct
up v
^:hat -,ie can Co to cell ..]ner, at e ae
mayor woodarcl: At t_1nis tine I want to react t'�a Cicy Super-
intendent's report as well as his reroa-t on bu._lu.i.nn permits
and Zone changes, ror tie month of, Dccenv_)er.
Iiayor.Woodard: in accordance ... ._n L;n< tt SL:perinLenc:ent'�
"report, i would like to hear'a no::ion ;�e can allow CUr
Superintendent S-':osc =or Operators'
to c o to tin._ ;>c Wool
becausehegets a to C of •nforr ut i on , hell s hirr, in t.t^_
workatour plant.
Councilman i, I r•.:ove we authori...e c)i-,r S aper:4nter-
dent to attend this 31ort sc;iool for Operators. -Notion
seconded l:.V Councilman Cooperand uponi_'ei_nc put. to Vote
was unanimously approved by Council.
.fayor Woodard: I received. -
. a letter ron: Malley's wit;1
respect to changinc the contract. I I_atie tal_e.l this up with
the City engineer and he notified us today that ine would nee-_
with f,_r. 3e.noe ani, rtysel.f ton-orrow. of course, we caill take
it up`with our looks like thav to c ivo a
hi -ger loa,2 than we agreed to. S
payor Woodard: Ne;..t in order of business is to pay t'.e bills.
j At: this point Council::+an`Cooper read the list cJ" r;ills after
which Iiayor Woodard. a.ocuested a ..o�.;_u i -a:,:- pz>•..ent.
Council::+an Hannaman: I make a niotion we pay tine 'Mille as
read. Eotion secondee; by Councilman<coe-,er'?nc? a on hei_nr
put to vot:.we was unanimouslyapt;roved -h, Council.
Councilman Cooper roved for adjournment, seconded bT.y Council-
man Johnson and unani:iously approved icy Cou_nciI
Adjournment taken at 9:5, P. A
Respectfully s bmi`.ted-
r,FL /jp
7 e U
1-14-63 - Page 7.
s .