City Council Packet - 12/17/1962 z T I G A ? D CITY COUNCIL T"Z11I7T ,� ,,I` r �'II:ICt :r':C 1✓, 2. P lose 1.: sent- 'ayor 7. t'7c n_arc; Councilmen L. I'. .nno -'n, Cooper, F. C. ,, Sitton Attorney P. A. heetinn calle.3_-.o n,,er a,or Woo ail at 7:30 F. F. and, recpnc.,i- mace for rca(?m(j 7,? ':2L iAlnute+ o: November 26th, 1962. ^;inures of tnc m.e _.n-s of clover aer l6;tn, 1962 wc_.0 :-`aen I+iayo.r. wooda)-6 ral len for'corrections or ol,j -- tiors :to maid minutes' Councilman �Ianneman: Pare ', irsL 1_aracraph, last sone,nce should read 117 suggest ,c' contact our A'._trnne,r Ne�_t paragraph, fifth line-7hould rea^ "u e:! b tho 'Cit,"', J.n.r.ea, of "used by the rroperLv". 27,est para�r.-aph f,_'th l;:ne, ,t_c.,r. _n -.� of "we can only gc l:ov,10, reacl ''ifwe' nniv c;- t- 20'" Councilran Cooper: On page'3, =lie secone harac,raph, .i.nscrt "Main" before "street eliminate ,:he' Mayor Woodard: if thcrcarc no _ .Mier comet-ions, the r e t'inutes stai' approvascorrecteO. T.a%or`WoodarO: The tine now bei.nc 3:00 P. Pi., we will proceed to the matter of the anne.;ati.on... Are t.eln..an-v comments from any one in recarr_ to this property? (lit this time there was a requestfror� the floor for u clarification as to the locati.orl of the property% an, after explanation it was found the: prope`tr involve-' iaas remote to that in question ant t.iere were no object_ cans ) I^ayor ;9oocar(1- There beim no objec"-ions I would now call for a motion for the annex-ation. Councilman Cooper: I ,move sre anne,, to the City, t'ais'F.0 acres, known as 'Lots '21 ane 22 of the Joseph ani I?rtha Balogh property. Motion secondee by Councilman leinte an- unanimously approved j,)y Council. Attornev Anderson: That shoule.. be-cone by Ordinance; if vou' will direct me to ulo so f wonlO arrange to prepare th, necessary Ordinance. Viayor iloodard: 1 will,instruct the Attorney to prepare tIne necessary Ordinance for presentation at the next veeting. Mayor Woodard: I will now call for the reac':inc:;of t{ro' rt .. Minutes of. the December 3rd meeting. I41nutes of the meeti.nc of December. '3rr, were rear?. r 12-17762,- Paoe 1. - t 8 1 !`I IA,'or l`;OOrrvard: You late 'aear th-- r '7.nr: l; t'li(? ,ni1�i_?"; are there an" C?T_'> v ,_ron Or.'ol-,eClions. •?ar i.nc; T r_,cciaro ane :'inu,{es aprr,c'ec as r;>,_c'. ',7e_�.a_t_1 nc.J rr_a.'.,nc o ' ._i.c a:i.nutes of tiic , e,-j.nc.7, n-, ,-r.,_..er DecerLer l3t--i. Minutesof the mectinr,s of 3Dec'e,.:er;l0i:h ano 12;, ore i'ea,;. iiayor Woodar.r,: You 'shire heart t'ie rca,'iinr, of ,._ic lin_i.>s; are 'there any corrections or. oL,,ctions'.' -Icar.ing n� ne, L_ leclare the h:innteaZ_prove' as rear'.. At tI _L time r,ayor rec,cnizec . r. „ . 1. .rator7on ac,dr--s: '.hc Council. Mr. Paterson u�ciresse. - lc Council at cons_ era: le respect: to tlo,o pro .ose;l T,eron Te.jc'hi ti 1:r o .:ic a"s ane' ]cleans of servinc'. this area W>,t.l a .S(-'WC_ _C,. :l CnrP. t iorouehl•r c?i scussec'. All Council ii,embers, as cell. . <,ttorne ,n.:erson ::ne' Ci L", SuperlintoiOent Janoe enterod into chol varix•^ ^ pilaw s '-.hat were presenter?. There were three main issues., .con"racti.nq ti-., the City to furnish sew-.r-services, forminc a sucrate :ier boarct ane: lry annn cation of the entire prohcr to !:he City. Attorney Anderson =gas cues`lone i-_r. p,,tars on as to which method would be the most ._,creditiou.s arnc. .Thorne.- Anc;crson suggested that annexation woulc. be the rest rapid methoe' of clearing the matter. The most feasible and satisfactory method seemed to be annexation and after further discussion Attorney Anoer.son suggested; "Could I make a suggestion that;perhaps he '(referring to Mr. Paterson) and you, (referring,` to _+'a<)or ?Ioocarc-) or whoever is the Server Commissioner and myselr, should c,j into than`thine; a little further-. I sense this, it would be probably a:lot better if this area ;were annexed to the City:and then furnish sewer service at their own expense, than if they formed a sewer r,,.str_ct and you contract to furnish your neicjhbors sewer treatment service. I think it: could be worker? out; I do'not suppose ;'ou have any crystalized ideas; I think we should approach it that way. My thinking`would 'be, once your area was served there would be other areas adjacent -to this corridor, they would come 'alonc.;; It would be a bit,' perhaps disconcertine, if you were serving an outside area; no one `should complain about enlarging the boundary but could complain about enlarging the spending for outside areas. I think that is the most logical- Why don't we explore it more? I think that we can work out a_plan that ;would be entirely legal and enable you to do' this better 12-17-62 - Page 2:,' i ii NO for everybo:ly if this was annerecl rather than woul,l be unr}er a new sewer Ali strj_ct. I thi.nk we can find. t:ie answer; just ghat shoul,,, be tl,e initial stensI ani not agile to sa_vricht now, it would'. he well *o r;UL- an� indi;.cation frog.; these peorle. You have-i ,_w^ t,-On , You have not only the easement :For the pi.-,;e line, which is a local ricrht to lav it, but the consent o.: these p-aOrl.e t_a i:avc part of. their Land; become part of t; e'Ci.tt i.or to c purposes an,.., any other purposes. We have to have consent to annex. It rcqu.ires that tnere ;De notice given in the paper and by postinc and wo have. a hearing and any resident of Ticrar,:1 ray be heard to of pose t, 'rau would expose it to public knowledge. You ma';e a'cont-ract, there' is no way you can publish that, there is no way to c:et the public pulse." Councilman Hannemanr I have-"An Ordinance regulating vehicular use and`par;.ing of vehicles on Highways 217 and Pacific kIiglaway-West (99W) in the proximity,of the intersection thereof" (reading Ordinance) . Mayor Woodard: you have heardl the readino of Ordinance, which will be assigned number 62-25; all those in favor of accepting this Ordinance sive their consent by saying "aye" contrary "No", tiie "ayes" have it and the acceptance of this Ordinance.is,unanimous. Councilman Hanneman: On Lincoln Avenue; the County sent me the records of County roads as far as they exist with the County Court, which is proof by ommission the roadway was never accepted by the County. These records are on file with the City and I advised the property owners accord:i.nglt.- that there is, no record of, this being a County roadway. On the street conditions matter; I believe we should patch Commercial between Highway 217 and Main Street, there are some pretty bad holes in there and c:reenburg is starting to break up now; it will be a lot worse by Spring if some Of the holes are not filled. I would suggest that we have Owen Snyder do some patch work on the streets. Councilman Cooper: Owen Snyder is involved with the Corps of Engineers. City;Superintendent Janoe: He will be available'Saturday. I.have ,arranged with him for some work at piluso's property We do need something else with it to cut down the cost. Councilman Heintz.: How much is Commercial Street really used? city; Superintendent Janoe: Quite a bit. > Councilman Iianneman: If we can get some of it done it will not:be a complete loss in the Spring. 12-17-62 - Page 3. i Councilman Heintz- '.there micht be some other streets that needi.t-more. Councilman.Hanneman: We should beep:at it as far as we can co financially and it is an rather small item to ratca these holes, I suggest we keep at it on whatever streets noes il . Councilman Heintz: McKenzie Street, why,' couldn't we cet- McCready Lumber to spend sorr•e money there, they use it qui_te a bit. yayor Woodard: We tried to get some of the people on Giant Street, they absolutely, refused to let us put oil on ii-hat street. Councilman Hanneman: I would as': for a motion to have Owen Snyder patch these `wo streets. ; Councilman Cooper: I move that Owen Snyder be c!iven tsie job of patching as needed on Commercial and C.reenbur.c. BSotion seconded by Councilman Sitton and unanimously approved by Council. Councilman Hanneman; We:have an applicationfor build-inc, apartments from mr. Piluso, to double his facilities frorr 12 to 24 apartments. I asked him for a drawinc inasmuch as a Taumber of things-happened to be wrong. I J.o not mean to refer"to the fact that Mr. Piluso was wrong, a number of people appear to be wrong. The end result is he has not the legal' clearance, I don't believe he will be able to aet "off street" parking andseveralminor things. I think we will"agree with Mr. Piluso that we will work together with him and plan the best use of the property he has and try'to help aim work out his problem, *aA none in the future things are planned better and zoned by ;the City a little better. Such things as the property being 198' when it is 168'; for .some season or other the zoning has not been adhered to. : Inasmuch as the first half of this property;has been built it would be pretty rough of us to deny the completion of the project, so 'I have approved his .ppl cgtion for building and I will turn it over to the Superintendent to issue a permit. In regards to Zoning and Planning, I finally got a few maps completed; four copies of zone maps 24" x 36";-; one will be in the'City Office; (one at the attorney's; one with myself and one with the City Superintendent. It is possible I will not be able to ]keep all four':maps goine with revisions but we will have, as far as ;my work is concerned., on display here at the City Office, zone map as far as the Building Code is concerned; also an aerial photograph of the Park. On the Zoning, I might mention that the $10,00 I requested for Zoning expense amounted -to $7.50. City Park: I overlooked the tact stating the $25.00 donation from the PSO was applied to the City funds, it should not be applied to the City Funds, ;it should be deposited to the account of the ,Tigard Park and Recreation 12-17-62 - Page 4. Fund t,.iir:-'_d c,n �e r;�;i (,> �+ , a.�; i,� t•�, q,, 1 0. National T?an' Cori thn :11 ,,,hi.nc'ton Cnun_, .!eni. I h 1,>> 'r- � ..t.e1 �_h�>-i3 .,n=. I c 1f.•1r.?i, :: ., . n6•?"',-�7�Y7 � - -„t:[: I 1'3r7.0i,s w 0-.,C, a4;.0. .n=,c ni:`F.car.?. t_o .,ie ,:,oncer of he __. 'lh- pine ,7c aa ,,,n _ , :,1 �_ n ns :or sellinc, ane', t-1,101,P. no i re,i, i`: 11 03 :)nii n o�,. r.o'dT rOY? L•, `f-1 _ Ie c-oiit '<< ..c ..c:; ..:.tio ..,.:C` n }.in - 1ii.l 1.. _ nc, n,A,;jv,n ant on'a a lc� cF,n. ince. , c z l<n' L >> ... coZ,.', r, coup' .y ant nr! ',xr to be withovtt -. to Ln,^ C, :-, o all ..?.t _ s at, le'; s cur own C-ime an lal-o , i?e can b, Sprinctime an,.' rul '.herr :in there an' we certain!,7 certain!, ca.ri eventuall_> rc fnst the ?P'ilol.e 1.-,tea :-) ''len_,. :> o 17'e I rec<_jvr,, c ae.i.alrhoso< r..'_P;1 , f c., rk. Tii� purcaace or(o.- :?t waS or c'ie y oiwer saw vis vo'_ e'l, _.1c cnmc' Uo e a T i un�c+'- standincr on my part or the seller, 'I~un r.-`_o._ t it was -I 2,1” blacze but it was only a 20' v n,3. I -eeic'_c -- t',at the 20" blade was i.nadec,•uate. The 2,-" costs - 10.00 n-�ore so I a.m reGUe'i-ing le re teni.G�nt, �L-'�,:`i55 ion Ito ]?Ur�"'7l ase t 1e ar:-:c saw, from 14ason Supp1-! =.n ?,t ,la,?8i.n the ar,ount of 317x' F0 instead of ,164.50. I would also li:?c- to ac. tc _ .at ;,2.,5 for ,a gas can ane, ;1.5Q `or a carton of of-1, notal amount to be 5178.45. I would.. request permission to ma i;e -hi-s e%penQiture our of the rark run,is. I w,ulJ? li.hc to have a motion to mane t-ais Purchase. Motion by Councilman acintz, seconded: L-, Conned ,en Cooper and unanimously approved by council to ma1;e the pu,:chare of the chain saw with 2-=-' blare inst:.� of 20" an- ,.toms, as enumerated by Councilman _Ianneman. Councilman i'Iannei:ian: 1 -would liRe to aCJ one thing more; I have a letter from a former, policeman nppl1 nc- =or police work in the"City of Ti,crarr' and askinc that his previously SLADmitted application and records be accornpani.edl wit<l the letter I have here. It is from:. Carl Solberg. Councilman Cooper: Theonlythine I .have to report is that the office is running smoothly. Attorney Anderson: I have one Ordinance here; according to law there'should be a sewer plant Jimprovement sing inc, fund; this should be established by Ordinance and I understand we do have such a fund. This Ordinance would `establish it and also allow additional monies to be added to it. ;I suggest it would be well to pass this Ordinance or an Ordinance like it. 12-17-62 - Page 5'. OEM Councilman Cooper: I move that Ordinance 62-26 being "An ordinance ratifying, confirming, and estahlishinu a Sewer Plant Expansion Sinking Fund and providing for the deposit: therein of funds heretofore reserved, and author izinn. ( ' increments -thereto,, be accepter?. Itotion seronde�f by Ccunc i 1 man Iieintz and unanimously approved by; Council. Attornev Anderson: 1 gave the City Clerlt a viand-wri t.ten certificate of nomination. All or the newly elected Council- men should be a�avised , (The City Clerr has sent to each newly elected Councilman a "Certificate of Nomination" un•1er date of December`19,, 1962.) Mayor Woodard; I have received audit of Lighting District "- Number 1 and order it to be +filed. The ne::t weetinu of Council will be Tanuary 14th, 1963. - At this time Mayor Woodard read the report of the City Superintendent. City Superintendent Janoe: The Plumbing Permits should be x. printed, skull I go ahead with them:- Mayor Woodard: Yes, we can go ahead with the Plumbing Permits. Adjournment was taken at 10:25 P. M. on motion by Councilman Cooper, seconded by Councilman Sitton. Respectfully submitted CITY-C �' IC. ATTFS X MAYOR. n 12-17-62 - Page 6