City Council Packet - 11/19/1962 ep Mir may,. "_trU "... = F The meerin;t of the Tigard,rire Council,' havina been called by the Chairman, Charles E. Janoe, met November 19th, 1962, in the Community center !fall ,in Tigard, Oregon. The meeting was called to order at 7234 P. v. by Chairman Janoe. a Chairman 7anoe. An invitation to this-meeting we,s sent to .the City Council of the City of Tigard, the Tualatin "Xar�tl..Fire.Prgtection District ward, as well as to the Tigard Fire"Cooncil Momber3hip `and the Tigard Water District Board. This meeting was called for the purpose of reviewing the b'aeiccround wi,.. .near, to the cOnstructiOn of this buildinc, haw the far,.ls „=eta i ^cr la_t._:. the cer.trot -f the baildinc, it's present sta*.': and how it. is 2ei1: us'rt•1 to serve tl,e citizens of Tigar� and th-e i,-neral piblic,_ This meetin,h is for a review on1l, and in that respect would go back to 1951 when planning was started. The Board of Directors operates the building. There are several persons whom we are looking forward to having with' us} Ivan Jack will be'here at,atsproximately eight o'clock; Mrs. Swope and Mrs. §tehop are not here as yet. In order to ret this on an ir.for:ral footing; it hould be,appreciated if you would each Announce your name so everyone can become acquainted. (At: thip time the following persons announced their presence and stated their representation) George Lewis, a.n original founder; James J. Hahn, an ^rici^ 1 launder; Mayor B. A, Woodard, City of Tigardt Karl P. Hanneman, Councilman, City,,of Tigard; Francis J. Cooper, , ; N Councilman;:' C?t7= of ^i.'ar't Lee Miller, Fire Hoard; Hans E, Gaarde, Tualatin n:jral Fire protection District- Hoard; Fire € Chief William Bar grover, Tualatin Pwral Tire Protection kDistrict Chief; Arthur Ames, Tu;ard Water District Board; Hugh Brown, Tic?ar_'. .Dater District Board; Elton C. .Phill,ips, formerly Tigard Water Distract Board' ; J. p. Lohrenz, representing Charity Lodge IOoF; Freenrick A. Anderson, City Attorney for' the City of Tigard: J.-A. Barcheck, Armin Bimeler.and Walter Cates, representing Washington County Sh,erift's Reserves; Art Mason, Tigard Chamber of Commerce; F Lorene A. Waldele, Tigard Grange; Ivan 'Jack, Tigard Fire Council; Joe-C'Hallorar American Lec;ion; A. Mel Schlaefli, Tigard Community Center. �- Chairman Janoe: I would likes to review ome of the events leading- up to the present situation with respect to this buolding; doing back to 1553, the Tigard-Ruttiness Men met ,., with the"Tualatin }'lural Fire Protection District, in what was known as thg Tour .call and orioinsted the Volunteer Fire .rw Deofirttttent'from the Tigard area, hopim, to build a home for the Chief to g t :n a Ffece of equip..ent for better fire protection, far *iaard. ; 'dei recruiter, 16 volunteer firemen that night. . About a year later, the Tioard Business Men.purchased i 1-1-14-62 Page I. SEEs;� Lot 29 and part of Lot 30, this property here, for $2,250.00 and paid•on account, of the purchase rricw t A slim -f-teel and we ware soliciting all the organizations for funds so was could erect the building for the Fire Departr;ent. I happened t_o be Chairman of the Tigard Mater Hoard in 1954. We had a rood attorney and he said maybe we could figure out something. Wetalked to the Tigard Business Pian;z Club in 1955, I think Cei Lewis was Presidentr We sent cards to 17 organizations ( to }sols') a meeting. At this:meeting these organizations wer» all represented; 5t. Anthony's; Methodist Church; Tigard Carden Club; Charity Lodge ioOTr *24asd Crange; Tigardville mecca I,ad e#220;, Wesleyan Service Guilds Tigard Business Man;:(Chavez of COMMerce)i Tigard Water Districts Sylvania Teastmi.stresaeet Tigard Post 4#156 American Legions P 6 or Tigard Lions Clubs Washington'Countey Shoriffa; Catholic Daaughtereai St. Anthony's Altar Society; Tigard Lodge #207; irises S. Hahn. We had a lot that came in later; these are the original and still active today. Mr. Levin set up the meeting and the people decided that they wanted a fire house and the TAgard Water District wanted 225 square feet of floor spaces 'agreement was made by the:p&rties`concerned- It was pointed out the District needed an office building and this property would prov_i le a suitak#le, locat4ons that the Tigard Business Men'in`Club e�ssad if the'District would pay the purchase price for thee`:property that it wouldflassigri it's interefL In the cu itract of purchase to this District and use the $450:00. on accousit of construction costs for the prcpoeed building end join withFyothor individuals, groom and organics: ations in drives neclool to raise funds:to erect the fits station building, such;building to contain ad equat® epees therein for offices for this District, not leas than 225 egt;are. fest. I was sele4itmA as the Chairman of the Fire coup it. Committees Were set up for the,planning,and con stiruction,;they•consisted of the Chairman, Charlie Premo, Art 'Plason,'Art Vincent„ Lyle Walker, Harold Johnson, Leonard Vol Jake Lohrenz, deorge Youri and Walley Larson. .,They drams up a set of plans and got the approval of the Tualatin Rurual Fire District. Before ers got our plena finished and started construction of the Nuildirg we enlarged the building', to 721 x'66' and instead of the,225 square feet of water space, are 'gave them 15" x 25' for. a water office. Zrlthe agreement the Water office was tri be finished by the Water District and was 'strictly their o-#i the Community hall was for the Com=unity and the Fire Hall for the Fire Department. In February 7.555 roe organized and-hed a'parade, I thinklial of i the biggest;turnouts Tigard has ear had' 'Chief, D&Mztmoi jput ths,first.$25.00 in "its Art,,C'itc at' s,, Uri 'kftl4ina Elliott +sea"ths aera3 ry: ! + .About this time the Methodist Church c , out,.with•a' I drAve for $114,x)00.00 and in that same period the St. Anthony School came with a drive for $40,000.00. That left "us a little stranded with thefts projects mince the people couian`t:pus thair NonAl isa.this as against the other good•projecis. ,.., Thea Vraatser Coilmissionaert int along as well as the JIJ Tualitia r4ral. Fire ?"tection,District ire extending .the tima }i 11-14-62 Page 2 t of completion to wali into 1x56. Wahad to raise funds asnd'contract for the rest of the building to b.&•`fin ishad. We elot'the Chamber.of Commerce to underwrite $700.00 for the roof i wthe Water'Board went .ahead and prepared to finish that room. we warn short-in the n0gha borbood of _$2000'.00. .Pix. Mason &Ad.mr,R#,ewia called on the Week star Voard for as loan _but the Attorn ^', '9-WheolOCk expressed `. th�:lJiatriet co31d t a . for that te e. -r, to give hits tib bsr`i e ig a '`thy aaBtter and after a couple of Voehs he Cam up with the r to the problem so instead of $2084.00 -the Water District contributed $2$00.00 toward the building, tho c6MIGtod cast of which was $30.000.00. About that time we were working on the leasoa between the water District and the Fire District. We got & lease agree)nant but the Hater Board, nor the Tualatin Rural Fire nistric a neither --anted to handle the management of the building. The.Tigard Fire Council',was supposed to disband since we hAd never undertaken anything but to buil("the buil4ing.. We got the-contrrict signed between the WAt®r Distxict and the Fires District; than Chief Barngraver put the equipment in the Fire Department. The Water District tried to get the Tigard• rirea actotszacil to h&ve'the Chamber of ccq=*. rce or the Lions Club to warAge the building but neither being aan,6ncorporaated r. body„j*hta34 to handle it. Than Lions club being a service club jUdnit sent to hav-u snytU a .with it. j' At't .i 'of ,€i1. :.1r158, thetaPr' x coed ams � ' T ,Ti ,C AMOW , �" g}a7Ca�►;as e€aaCa o! aa�`aoaaid io i siatra� andY r t # Tigard" itdCoster.and reading.'from tho uinutea•of the s tL691: (. t)f Jsnuarr 4,- 19571 "J4otion =a made by Art Mazon; as naiad ; s r bq?;J�1r."�iaallo and carried, 'to.kabat�atlae fixe Council intact. ares testier► was madeby Jaho LaoahrOnas, seconw,by:coorgas z :• and ca=ied "To elect as as$teof 3 .frail eve Cos3i to act as `>anxti C :steag With etari E ;act far the,Picas,C6uncil and to be � aeras Th®'Comunity, E. segue raaard." At this meeting Yvan Jack was nominated an Committee chairman, C. Z. (ansa was appointed'on the committeia and kdarjorie chandler was also elected to the committoo. This *w'bow the'• 'Board of tile .community Center arae sot up. It has C1y set'owe since, that was on July 22nd, 1960. Y arse no i Maar on tho Water Boardso X thought there Should,be a sf Staffer, sd.on t2ia Merin $tee.- � 1 4Y atiez ' whish; ® held'sena 3 y 2nd, IM. •'f Pt i!a ng.r+�resaax►taatia�ea were prodants 31ton C.' Ph lliptV rd WaaaLer`YiiaotgictJ I,mxrans, lcle7ei 4lgaard GX&"u 148 a`- 4'R, Yoffie loop and aJ A. A. h$3sodo, ltlC ftawrat,6 C6=ty g+e sat"Plia TA vwiii ?I,Aid t 2sic ry ao s�' orr �a .. je CSciJLd o `�*� �'.� � � r °f��rCd"'lieJ"� • r � sity r $� a� At this meeting, Rltssss d; P lip# trate"eAfdctaad 9 Ir in"addition Laura and "1 Simi ire. a 1 -62 Page 3. E R. elected members oftheFire Council Board. The Official Board to operate the' Con,munity Centex then consisted of the follcmting; Ivan Jack; r_ E? Janna: E. C. P-sillips;':Laura Swope; Calley Bishop and H. M. Propet, Custodian. E That brings uo pretty much'up-ta�­date as to.how the situation was set up and how it stands ,today; the, Water District in handling the building as Trustee for the Tigard riga Council, At this time I wruld.like to call on Ivan Jack and ask, if ha has anything to report for his 5,years as Chairman. Ivan Jacks x.11 I have to report would be more or less rh,. e` mmunity Board. The council has otsartited as a 5 man board for the past i or's years and we are very, much of a policy that we.rrill operate the hall as cheaply as poe�.nible to the residents; it was never intended to be a money =k _...,_. ,.tom. - - back ,into pry,...®iti:,`j, vj.axai tila�l S iiLLlO gain LO put DaCK into the building for equipmant. ,in Sact" the last few months we'' j axiaopervAting ori $22.00 in the TrOasuxy. In the Winter tl's4+, . in,`thelatsitnyear, we b>iIt i%'e'sae.t tI ;axsd'bAc1partitions `iiw, stalled in the lavatories.' I would like to make rotas of the different organizations that;bave helpad to maintain and contribute various items. The' Chamber of Commerce; Tigard Lions Club and the American Legion have gone ahasad each year and put something into the Community Center. The Chamber apd thw Lions Club each paid half of the cost of the chairs and the Lions Club paid for the clock and the American`Legion has [ made-various iinprrvements. At this time, r. •Jack went into detail with respect to the organizations using-'the Community Center-and the charges-,which have been established foA the variousi meetings k and functions. 1 _ ! At this. tirie Chairman Jance stated="I have here a Ila letter of resignation again, I will read it.mnd will turn it k over to Ivan and let him proceed with it." Mr. Jan's 'then read his letter of resignation &Ad turned it over to 'Ivan Jack • and"ftfter an.,explanation was requested of Mr. Janoe and his I answer given, Mr; Jack requested a motion From the floor and upon motron,madc and'aeconded the resignation was accepted as IxuiTag tl"nixi us, a,th a count,of h*i%A Ivan Jacks B w it will. be necessary to add a now ismber'to'tba Tigard Community Center Board. At this time - there,were several nominations,.110"Ver-the n Mlftaes. declined E becaiA se"of pr®ssure of other business. it xs-,tb4m,properly sae ea9 € ' nnimouy:approve+i by a6that as &d and; ' Asmire xsr.lia eleeW ChalraM of tba,rise Council._ Ivan Jacky Our Asxt action would be to' elect frame thss:Tigard,Fire Council to sepreeert us on the communiw C tag So$rd. We are no opens for ngaainatiorss; .ser, mer rs �e #, tbe; Ti rd ^a:=,unit", ce er,Board fro- aha rune .l."' You have totelect ffiomebody representing the Tigard pire'Council to ssrVe,,on -thea'Comunity Center Board; mr, Valdele pates . nominated butdaaliasaxd b9cPsuse of pressures of bu in+ase St . w®S.pza»pesly movaad and seconded that,Art manna be elected to 1241-62 - Page 4. .. =r Y r the Board or Bisectors and nominations were order ed'clag04 { GM it was propaarly'moved:and seconded for.the umnisous oltjon of Mr. Mason. Ivatt Jsck t . I think the Ni6sting should be,open.for . � �iuseiott.. if , f Kr. C. B. Janet I WOU14 like to take this opportunity, ` to•than% all the"pi®oplo for itho conAldoration and help they gav a noan Ch*Lrmn of the ?it*.Ccu it is the crasating and xag4ttg of thus building. Way have ixAod.tcr oo it•at the l"st possible '"t; {!.9`.e 'iW'i1-.ate.. ��,x�ateiAss ,�;mt�.4 4"" 'ir, the'. (' p4area we had pilann _co gaagI are talker of it At the last Cresting and ahe4'i r . Pr6pat served and said" in his fare"It dingier_ he nut it 'w®ry s�asl1 i that the C.- =;unity should 86a -fit to enlarge it,An are are going to need more-space far the CommmRunity grown. It 4iil hav46 to be worked out with, the Board of the Cocrinunity Center and the dire Hall. a asgain.I asxtend, r iatioa to one for mix si condaratton and*hiii'9ivan,so L*�perforaing sy tasks Ivan Jack t I will--ask for a•"tion to ed jrsu=4' t` ibotion made and properly seconded to adjourn. Adjournment taken at SsdS P. K., > vesrbar-19, 1952. ReaspectfUlly submmsittaidt l - i 1 r t E sa t,.,., iv,✓ t Arc .nz fw, 4ykV. 7 44 s.� ' i : y�,^ at` a P rMk" �."`r Yrrrtf s s r - 3r