City Council Packet - 06/14/1962 T-I G A R ll CITY COUNCIL
Those present: Mayor Phillips, Councilmen Aitken, Verharen and
Woodard, and Attorney Anderson.
MayorPhillips called the meeting to order at 9:30 P. M., for the
` specific purpose of considering Engineer Carter's' report regarding
application for Federal Grant for 'expansion of the sewer plant.
Engineer Carter explained that the deadline for application for
Federal Grant is 5:00 P. M., June 15, 1962, and it is necessary
for the Council to decide to what extent they plan to"expand.
Engineer Carter's report was based on recommendations of
Mr Victor Bringle who specializes in sewer plant design, works
with consulting engineers, and is recommended by the State Sanitary
Authorities. His analysis of the plant shows that the 'filter is
the bottle neck and to do anything, the first need is a new filter
tank. Engineer Carter also pointed out that the State Sanitary
Authorities still take into consideration the possibility that;the
whole area might eventually be served downstream.
Staae I - to serve 3400 population, cost breaks down as follows:
Plant, etc. $56,175
Engineering & Legal fees 8,426
Less `30% Federal Grant _19,380
Total - $45,221
This would cover 1'large trickling filter, contingent chlorinating ,
tank to replace the lagoon, new flow chart and new automatic sludge
pump, also re-converting underground piping.
Stage II - to serve 6800 population, cost breaks down as `follows:
Plant, etc. $106,295
Engineering & Legal fees 15`.944
Less 30% Federal Grant 3611672
Total - - -$ 85,567
This would cover 2`more primary pumps, clarifier, second digester,
the necessary underground piping, and take care of the surfacing of
the road into the plant.
Based on present population trends this should take care of needs
for the next 5 to 7 years. Engineer Carter pointed out the need is 3
great, and if. the City can show financial planning ready to go,there
is more likelihood the request for federal grant would be approved.
It was pointed out that in 1957 the plant served a' total'of 345 ;.
connections, and the same equipment is now serving approximately 700 i
plus the added burden of the Nalley Plant.
6-14-62 " Page 1.
There was discussion, Councilman Woodard pointing out that there
will be an anticipated $50,000 in the fund to apply toward the
plant expansions h J.•t. J !•Z-_ .
on MOTION by councilman Verharen, SECOND by counciirua,l Woodard
and approved, the following Resolution was adopted;
RESOLVED: That the City of Tigard, Oregon shall file proper
application for a Federal grant for sewage treatment works
pursuant to 33 USC''466 et seq for a construction grant for
enlargement of sewage treatment facilities within said City,
involving a total estimated expenditure in the sum of
$122,239.25, and providing for a,Federal grant o£ _30 per
cent thereof;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Mayor of said City shall
" cause to have the city Engineer and City Attorney prepare an
application for said grant in the sum of $36,671.78, same to
be signed by the Mayor of said city and filed with the Oregon
state Sanitary Authority not later than the close of business
June 15, 1962; and 'further that the Mayor of said city be,
and he is hereby', authorized to act in all respects in behalf
of said city in entering said application for said grant.
On ;OTION by Councilman Woodard, SECOND by Councilman Aitken,
me?ting adjourned at 10:30 P. M.
Respectfully itted,
'6-14-62 Page 2.