City Council Packet - 05/31/1962 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING MAY 31 1962 Those present; Mayor Phillips, Councilmen Aitken, Hanneman, Verharen, and Woodard. Mayor Phillips called on Councilman Woodard, who reported the ap- praisal of the bank building would be ready for the June 4, 1962 meeting. Councilman Woodard MOVEDthatAttorney Anderson be requested to write Mr Catanese of the Wild Rhino Restaurant advising there would be a connection charge of $100.00 and a monthly sewer service charge of $8.00 to commence May 1, 1962, for the garbage disposal, and that no heavy vegetable trimmings or produce would be accepted. SECOND by Councilman Hanneman, and approved. Regarding the printing up of the pamphlet covering Ordinances 62-1 and 62-2, Tigard Times price of $66.00 for 500, or 1000 copies for $80.00 -_e ted very reasonable'. After discussion it was agreed - to hold offon this project until some decision had been reached regarding the purchase of a mimeograph. Councilman Verharen to get prices and information on the mimeograph. Councilman Woodard had talked with Mri' Laura Johnson regarding the condition of the Scheckla property on Main Street, and she has been awaiting letter from Mr Phillip Miller of Qualzer Lumber Company. This brought up the matter of Mr Miller's permit for the remodeling of his building on Main and Commercial. It was agreed Mayor Phillipsr would'call Mr Miller again. Councilman Aitken had checked with Attorney Anderson and learned it would take 3 weeks to withdraw from theTualatin Rural Fire District, and that it is possible for cities to withdraw and go under contract. The Beaverton Rural Fire District has not provided;the letter giving specifics of their'proposition for Tigard. Councilman Aitken to try to get Beaverton's letter, also an appraisal of the equipment from Tualatin District and what they can offer, and endeavor to'learn the status of the contract under which;that district leases the space in the:Community Hall; if possible for report at June 4, 1962 meeting.^ Councilman Verharen requested the clerk to read the balances inthe various funds as of April 30, 1962, and these will appear on the listing of May 1962 bills to be paid at meeting of June 4 1962. Councilman Woodard MOVED that Councilman Verharen be appointed as Mayor Pro-tem; SECOND by Councilman Aitken and majority approved. F ` Councilman Hanneman presented coPv of letter (herewith) to State` Highway Department regarding the absence of Tigard direction signs on the 'Baldock Freeway, also letter to be written 'Mr Joe[Schulte regarding the re-surfacing of Johnson Street (copy herewith) 5-31-62' Pagel Mayor Phillips stated that Attorney Anderson is to draw up proce- dures to be followed in Council meetings, copies to be provided guests, which should make it easier for both Council and guests to conduct business. Councilman Woodard MOVED that Mr Janos be designated City Superin- tendent, his duties to include.sewer plant management and assisting - council members in other necessary activities. SECOND by Council- man Hanneman, and approved. Councilman Woodard MOVED to adjourn, SECOUD by Councilman Hanneman, and approved. Meeting adjourned,at 9:30 P. M. Respectfully submitted Clerk 6-31-62 Page 2.