City Council Packet - 05/21/1962 TIGARD CITY CO U N C I L
Those present: Mayor Phillips, Councilmen Aitken, iianneman, Verharen
and Woodard, and Attorney Anderson.
Minutes of Meeting May 7, 1962, read.
Mr Francis J Cooper, 12875 S v7 Watkins, requested the floor and refer-
ring to the meeting of April 18, 1962, which in error had not been
adjourned, stated he had been abused, insulted and interrupted, that
if the attorney had known all the facts he would have been allowed to
continue, He stated Attorney P.nderson's duty was to give advice when
called upon by the Mayor, and it should not be biased or slanted one
way or the other. Mayor Phillips accepted all responsibility for the
meeting of April 18, 1962, stating he made an error and it would not
happen again. Mayor Phillips stated that in his opinion, the Council
and the attorney are doing a fine job for,the City of Tigard.
The Minutes of May 7, 1962, stand approved as read.,
Mayor Phillips requested the clerk to proceed with the reading of
the Minutes of May 11, 1962.
Mayor Phillips clarified that Paragraph 3 on Page 1, regarding the
proposed retirement home discussion, should clearly state "the Council
would want to know what the Steering Committee had to contribute.
Also that the clerk's salary of $4200.00 should appear as such, the
$475.00 to be used for additional clerical help.
The Minutes of May ll, 1962, approved as corrected.'
Magor Phillips asked for considerationof the Sanitary Service Franchise.
Attorney Anderson pointed out changes as authorized, and accepted by
Mr Frank. Councilman Woodard MOVED that the Ordinance be enacted
granting an exclusive franchise for the collection and disposal of
garbage and refuse in the City of Tigard, to Frank's Sanitary Service.
SECOND by Councilman Verharen and approved; it thus becoming City-o£
Tigard Ordinance No. 62-11.
Councilman Woodard reported that Nalley's have requested that the
sewer plant superintendent report"to them each time grease and
potato refuse comes through at the plant so that if there is a
charge;against them they will be informed.
Regarding the proposed lease-option on' the ,vacant bank building,
councilman Woodard thinks it would be a good idea to go ahead and
get an impartial appraisal of the building so the people will see
it is a good purchase.
Councilman Woodard.MOVED 'for authority to obtain an impartial ap-
ipr o
-f the bank building, SECOND by Councilman Hanneman, and
5-21-62 Page 1.
Councilman Woodard stated he would make written reply to a telephone
complaint from Mrs R A Bissett, 12085 S W Highway 217, regardigg
the condition of the property back of the Beroud Building.
Regarding the results of the investigation of the sewerlineunder
the railroad tracks, Councilman Woodardrequested Superintendent
Janoe to report: They had found a crooked line toward the railroad
tracks causing a reverse flow. The blockage disclosed by the TV
Scanner was a turn in the line caused by the corrugated pipe where
the camera could'nt'get through. The pipes were replaced in the
same position, and Engineer Carter is preparing a report as to how
it can be corrected. " It is apparent that 12 inch corrugated pipe was
enclosed around the 10 inch cast iron pipe, causing a stoppage which
- was repaired. Superintendent Janoe stated a specimen of the contents
had been taken from the pipe to be analvzed at Charlton Laboratories.
It is going to be necessary to keep the pipes clean to avoid stoppage.
Councilman Woodard asked for clarification regarding Councilman Ve.r
haren's Motion at the May 7, 1962 meeting, on collection of sewer
connection charges from Mr Voget. Attorney Anderson stated he had
understood he was to follow through and was preparing to do so.
Mr Stan Adkins, builder, asked what is the policy of the City re-
garding sewer hook-ups, who can make the hook-ups? and it was explain-
ed that any bonded plumber can make the hook-ups.` The list of bonded
plumbers can be obtained at the Ci":.y office.
Councilman Verharen reported the request for change in freight rates
had been reopened by the Pierce Freight Lines, requesting Tigard
rates and Hunziker Park Industrial area to be on the same basis.
This will also request that Greenburg Road near the;National Appli-
ance be included, and if granted this will accomplish what was tried
for earlier. Councilman Verharen felt that if we keep trying we
will finally get it.
Regarding the coupon billing, Cdruncilman Verharen reports his study
shows the ,present cost of P"thl- sewer service billing„is $343.20
covering material and postage. The maximum cost of 600 coupon books
is $130.00 - :this would mean a saving of $213:20, and this does not
take into consideration the clerk's time in getting,out monthly
billings. The coupon books would go to the property owners, and
would be his responsibility. Sample of the suggested coupon book
was shown, and Councilman Woodard suggested printed instructions
be placed on the cover.
Councilman Woodard MOVED that we go ahead with the coupon booirs -for
sewer service.charges. SECOND by Councilman Hanneman, and approved.
Mayor Phillips called on Councilman Hanneman who reported the County
Park Commission will side-step the City of Tigard as far as submit-
ting directions for the use of :the Eastham property;for a,'park. `; It
will merely present recommendations as to how the land will be de-
veloped', and he doubts there will be any recommendations that will
hurt the City of Tigard.
5-21-1962- Page 2.`
Regarding Mr Xyle's request, letter had been sent with copy to each
of the signers (copy filed herewith) .. Regarding Mr Schulte's com-
plaint about the condition of Johnson Street, it had been explained
that Johnson Street was no worse than lots of the other dedicated
" streets in Tigard, and it wasfeltthe complaint was not valid in
view of the fact the residents had insisted ontheone lift being
put on the road while the road bed was too soft, as verified by r
Councilman Woodard and road contractor Owen Snyder. Therefore, if
the road had not stood up, theAQ* s was,not responsible.
Regarding street signs, and procedure, Councilman Hanneman had called
the County Engineer, who had referred him to the State Bulletin
covering uniform traffic control devices. Purchasing could be done
by the County but the fancy signs cost at least twice the price of
the signs used by the County.
Councilman Hanneman reported a letter had been received from the
Tigard Development Corporation regarding their request to the State ~
Highway Department for removal of a portion of the traffic island
at the south end of Main Street on Highway 99W. ,From the correspondence
(filed herewith) it,appeared that the Highway Engineer had construed
the request to mean removal of the entire traffic island. Councilman
Hanneman's reply of May 18, 1962, to State Highwav Division Fn.+ „
� .-, - - --=--•ear:.
clar_ ied that what had:been requested was removal of the tip of the
enlarged end of the island, and requesting the Department's decision.
Councilman Hanneman stated that the 'success of the road issue on the
ballot would bring the City of Tigard some $3000.00.
Councilman Hanneman had one further question "Why had the Minutes
of the May 11, 1962 meeting not been-ready until tonight?"
Attorney Anderson: "I must confess that the Minutes had not reached
the clerk until noon this day."'`
Councilman Hanneman statdd that approximately $6500.00 of road funds
received from the State for July 1, 1961 through December 31, 1961,
'was not considered in our 1962-63 Budget. He stated he,did not
believe it would require a budget change at this time but that.a
supplemental budget could be prepared at a later date, or the funds
held over for anotheryear.
There'was discussion regarding the signs pointing to Tigard apparent-
ly having been removed from the new Freeway, .it being the opinion of
several that the sign had been removed, and only Newberg appeared.
Mr Owen Snyder, from the floor, stated there is a Tigard sign. The
matter was turned over to Councilman Hanneman for checking.
councilman Woodard requested to know why a zone permit would be re-
quired for Mr;otis Cagel to change the ,location of his building at
11540 S Highway 217, and why Mr C H Embree could not erect a sign
at 9020`S W Burnham. Attorney Anderson stated that both cases pre-
existed zoning and so would need no zone change. Attorney_Anderson
expressed that zoning needs to be practical, liberality is in favor
of the citizen. Attorney Anderson to provide'a letter giving legal
aspects of his position so the Council will have the
for'future reference`. �•-+formation
5-21-62 Page; 3.
Attorney Anderson had talked with the County Assessor regarding de-
linquent sewer service charges and learned that if tyle list were
provided the assessor by July 15, 1962, the delinquent accounts
could be turned over to the Sheriff for collection. It:was'agreed
there were several controversial delinauent accounts where there
is actually no sewer connection that should have some study prior
to this.
Councilman Woodard suggested the Council have a pamphlet printed up
covering City ordinances 62-1 and 62-2, regulations and costs of
sewer charges, Councilman Woodard would check into cost and report
at next regular meeting.
There was discussion of the Budget, first publication of which had
been made May 17, 1962, the second would appear May 24, 1962, the
public hearing to be held June 7, 1962.
On MOTION BY Councilman Woodard, SECONDED by Councilman Verharen,
and unanimously passed, the following Resolution was adopted:
That a special election be held in the City of Tigard between
the hours of 8:00 a.m, and 8:00 p.m. on the 15th day of June, 1962,
to submit to the legal voters of theCityof Tigard, Oregon, the
following propositions
For the reason that the City of Tigard has no tax base within
the limitation of Section ll,Article X1 of the Constitution of the
State of Oregon, and insufficient funds are available to cover the
necessary personal services, maintenance and operation costs, a
special levy to raise $12,600.50 is hereby referred to the voters:
Shall the City of Tigard, Oregon, be authorized to
levy for personal services, operation and maintenance
of the City for the year beginning July 1, 1962, and
ending June 30,;1963, the sum of 512,600:60.
For the reason that it is necessary to obtain suitable quarters
for use as city hall to conduct the municinat affair_a of the City of
Tigard, Oregon, it is proposed to purchase the site and improvements
constituting the former, Tigard Branch, :United States`National Bank
at 12420 S W Main Street in the City of Tigard, Oregon, for the
cash purchase price of $16,000.00, and to provide an additional `sum
wherewith to improve said premises for city hall purposes, a special
levy to raise ,$18,700.00 is hereby referred to the voters: `
Shall the City of Tigard, Oregon, be authorized to
levy for the year beginning July 1, `3962, and
ending June 30, '1963, for the,,`purebase of real
property and improvements and'necessary renovations
for;city hall purposes the sum of,$18,700.00.
1 '- Resolution
5-21-62 Page 4.
That notice of said election be given by posting in four public
and conspicuous places within the City of Tigard, Oregon, for not
less than twenty days prior to date of said election, and by publish-
ing notice thereof in the Tigard Times on Play 24 and 31, 1962, and
June-'7 and 14, 19G2.
That the City Clerk and City ]attorney be authorized and
directed to"cause to have the said notices given, election materials'
prepared, and to take any and all other steps required incident to
the 'holding'and conducting of said election. {'
That Mrs James Aitken, Mrs Tom Fisher, Mrs Francis Cooper, and
Mrs Roscoe Winters, electors of the City of Tigard, be, ,and they are
hereby, designated to act as a board of election, and the City Clerk
be, and she is hereby, directed to give notice totherespective
embe s of cne election board of each of their appointments.
Attest, Mayor City of Tigard
Clerk - City of Tigard
Mayor Phillipsoae&d aaletter from the Charles F Tigard Grade School
Board regarding the Johnson Area Sewer, Assessment, requesting a_reply ;
to their letters of May and December 1961, regarding the;manner of
paying the assessment on that property'. This letter was turned over 4
to Councilman Woodard for follow-up.
Councilman Hanneman;,MOVED for an executive meeting Thursday, May 24, 1952,
at 7:30 P. M.' SECOND by Councilman Verharen, and approved.
Councilman Hanneman also MOVED that a meeting be held May 31, 1962,
at 8:00 P. M. to carry out the decisions arrived at in the May 24, 1962
meeting. SECOND by Councilman Verharen, and approved.
Councilman Woodard MOVED to adjourn, SECOND by Councilman Hanneman,
and approved.'
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. M.
Re e tfu X ' ?mitted,
'5-21-62 Page;5/