City Council Packet - 03/12/1962 T I G s: R D C I T 's C b U N C I ]' MINUTES OF MEETING ',;ARH 12 1962 C , Those present; Mayor Phillips, Councilmen Aitken, Verharen, Hanneman and Woodard, Attorney Anderson and Superintendent Janoe. Minutes of meeting March 5, 1952, read and approved. Mayor Phillips reported that the Junior Chamber of Commerce had requested to attend the meeting on !,,larch 19, 1962, instead of this date as planned. Councilman Woodard reported the letter hadbeenwritten to V'ermilye A Ball,regarding the storm sewer problem with copies to each of the 3 interested property owners - Powler Junior High School, United States National Bank and Mote's Pharmacy. He had talked with Mr Perrine of Portland General Electric and learned the 10 per cent would allow 4 free lights per year, more than this in any one year would cost $175 apiece. Each year cost and depreciation is figured and it is possible there may be a refund to the "City on street lights. Counciliaan Woodard and Superintendent Janne had learned that Cascade Paving Company were to start grading Center Street to ureenburg Road in readiness for paving, and the City had not been notified nor given.time_to raise the manholes to grade level.. Should this work be started:tomorrow as planned, it would mean they would cover over the two manholes on that street. The City,should have been notified- in time to raise the manholes to grade level. ?attorney Anderson expressed that since the law allows manholes in public ways, this indicates poor cooperation at the County level, that it:would be best to ask that operations be delayed until the City had opportunity to raise the manholes. Superintendent Janoe to contact Engineer McKinstry and;if difficulty is encountered call Councilman Hanneman to take the matter to Commissioner Nyberg. Councilman Woodard haid heard from Mrs G Q Blevins, wanting to know if the sewer could be connected,at her;property adjacent to Contractor Klock's Lomita Terrace Sub-division. Mr Klock had indicated his willingness to give'Mrs Blevins an easement if the trees on his ;pro- perty were in no way molested. It was agreedthis was possible as far as the City is concerned if Mrs Blevins agrees to pay all costs, Engineer Carter to shoot the grades, and the.City to be notified. Councilman Aitken MOVED, 'SECOND by Councilman Woodard that R?rs B1ev4_ns' be allowed to hook-up to the sewer under the arrangements that all. costs for easement, engineer and State Sanitary be,borne by 'her.= Councilman Woodard had checked with .1,1,r B J Edwards, Superintendent Janoe s,'assistant, and learned he had received $2000 in wages for the years 1960 and 1961 .for two full days work per week. Now that there are 3 lift stations and Superintendent Janoe is required to -would away from the Plant inspecting, It ould see, best to arrange for Mr from to work 4 hours 5 days a`week for a'monthly,wage of $200, which should not increase the'cost to the'City and wov'.cl give better coverage at the Plant and allow the Superintendent _0 plan his time to better advantage. Councilman Aitken MOVED that Mr B J Edwards be employed 4 hours 5days a week at a monthly salary of $200, SECOND by Councilman Hanneman, and unanimousiv approved. Councilman Woodard AiOVED that 55000.00 f.'ro;,; the connection fee .3> account be placed on 6-month Time Deposit in Unit-,ed ;:tater National Bank, SECOND by Courcilman Verharen, and unanimously' approved. There was discussion about past due sewer service accounts and the letter sent noti yin« of Yater turn off unless and until account is paid. The question of who should sign such a letter now that the City has succeded to all assets and liabilities of the Sanitary District, the superintendent of that 0&uartment or the clerk. Thus far the letters have been signed by-the super- intendent ythe'super- intendent as provided in the original agreement. Mv.yor Phillips had checked the Water Board Minutes and was or". the opinion such notification should be sent by the superintendent of the `at?r District.. Tl.is.to be clarified by Mayor Phillins at the Water. Board meetinc March 1 , 1962,' Bilis totalling $1,874.98 were presented by Councilman)^'oodard for consideration. Payment unanimously approved (list attached) . - Regarding the Roto-rooter work on the sewer line under the rail- road tracks, Councilman Woodard reported the pipe had been cleared of accumulated sludge and it was.disclosed a section of pipe fallen some 4 inches. How the pipe had been placed under the tuacks was to be checked with Engineer Carter, since it apparently had been driven in from each end and the sunken place would seem to have resulted. Councilman Verharen reported ;wdi.tor Savage should have the books ready by next week. He had written the Pacific Inland.Tariff Bureau defining the City limits and indicating the City's in- terest in having their limits of pick-up and delivery service so defined. Councilman Aitken has arrangedra meeting with Tualatin Rural Fire District for Wednesday, March 14, 1962, at 7-30 ^. M., when the Council plans to present their proposal and learn what that Di's- trict'has to offer. Councilman Hanneman .+OVED' that $3000.00 of the Road Tax Fund he placed on 6-month Time Deposit in United estates FTa,tional"Bank, : SECOND by Councilman Aitken, and unanimously approved. Councilman Hannemia.n reported hearing from aret:resentative of the State Traffic Department. They had checked the seed limit on U S Highway 99 by 'radar,disclosing the average speed over the ' Viaduct to be 41.5 MPH. :From this it would.:appear. the 4'0 MPT;speed-limit would not be changed. The Traffic representative had pointed out that too slow speed limits also create traffic hazards, '? letter to Mr Forrest Cooper, State Hi_chway En?ineer, was ready to be mailed regarding the Fanno Creek Bridge situation. ' ylso 'r, letter" to Commissioner hTybcrg renuesting Street siy_ns such as "Dead End", etc., as recuested by property owners, and Ticrard city Limits signs, also recuesting the County's specifications For road and street construction. Mayor Phillips and Councilman rlanneman had each checked the con- dition of the vacant low property back of the Beroud Building on Pacific Highway, about which several residents have registered complaints. The fill bei:n7 dumped is'clean, no garbr.ae, and does not appear to constitute :a health hazard. It was suggested the _ 2 _ til t 1.1 th ,'nome rF ,1 17 ?r? j. t tltYoz'*h1. i 71 in �,n�. anr_1 e n.c anti unr er. nrt *1 i ct, c- i n o ):zt e-;ecu r pn 11 ?.ro nc Mayor Ph,i1.7i eno ted . �'ommzsIion cudv ,c r. nc .n- ]nec�'- c ter in .gin >rl �i rit-y F7,�.nni.n- an,u ends 1n ornPi ce n t alT r, , rzv n al _ T1Ys.icz7 dant Ir tin?ld osen r' 1 ,i :1r tT.n 5out1 est of .ear t-1,e+y o-th trend 1 est P ci:"zc s "h4 a�. rc nd s'on has been most coon ` er oo''l.e r n z'l annl nc, ,den, n ro in ,_ fr,-t t, n an n ole ._utv Plan trrn _ One mor" meetin i ,la , nzn Cont n1,s1.on `before nnec tvi t}' the pronosa.l for .ite of u}, ; rh si.c 1 ,n. Tnee- ter resen G s �' ,lane, t },i. Plans for i 12 unit delu}e Hunziker F ad by builder I' r}meat on TII;;hH, - Jt7 this ode o The sanitar ? ni Je. sole pilus+0. w' rerorted by F±avo; Pl 1 -� } Y `-er, bar._reZ1.- not been avail ble it would have `he Trono_al, sznce had t sc ==re feet of .land ecuirrd tlie . builder this to the Count nd he is just tiho_t of this arnountO }1, ve 16.000 netting Y Duild�n.:^cde this fee would he le' ccording g the City-$40.So in permit `7er -ivar-e foot, The estimated sewer connection rh:r�eJ for tile 4050 Squares Phi lips je would bn foot unit; ps Gvill clarify with i�ir Pit $3000, which ?avor Mayor Phillips announced the openinz, of the. Tigard :.hoi-F'im} Flat= scheduled for Thur.sdav March l4, 1.962, each council ran will:be invited to attend with his wife, Councilman i:'oodard reported having been called to the sewer n ��11en uperi.ntendent Janoe'had discovered a slug of .;arhage on march 5, 1962, lent restaurant had i_nstalledeafi checking age at the Tigard plaza they found t}ie 'lr Otto's statement that thiarwoulddnot bel- this lledn in Councilman j7oodard' end v i Johansen plumoiny n s letter dated January and verified Company, co - '26, 1;67_, sent to Ordinance No, 62-1 reaui copy bf which has been sent "•ir`Otto. must first be approved res that installation of such ecuipment e Ci_tyci by the City Ca;ncil. Attorney Anderson ex- pressed that the City must operate under the law, we Ordinance No. 62-1. Councilman"AztKon r.1OVF have, compose letter to be D that ? e' this to his signed by the clerk and sent„tottorney .Anderson attention, M Qtto callin Bids £or the fZunzikez e,rea sewer 'extension received from F Carter were presented by Mayor nhilli�s consideration.' He was ngineer c for Attorney Anderson's Construct that the contract. beeawardemeDt dth me*ineer Carte 's ,recom Construction Com an': to ti' low :bidder, mitted by Company_ Councilman Aitken MOVED that thP.bidyue}m I System Construction Company in the total sum of 'G for work required in connect- the Sanitary 41774- formerly the South Sanit Sewer Extension, executed in Accor Ary District, be accepted and the contract signed b dance with specifications of Engineer Carter Woodard', Mayor Phillips and the City clerk, SECOND }a and and unanimously approvedY,CoUncilman Superintendent Janoe reported Contractor:K?.ock had agreed to his plumber provide Bond as 'requiCed under Ordinance,No, have 62-1 3 - :{ Attorney Anderson preserited Ordinance grent.inc; zone chance withrespect to certain portions of tax lots in the Lomita Terrace Sub-division, Councilman Verharen MOVED that the Council enact the Ordinance grantin,j said zone change, :;LyOND by Woodard and unanimously so VOTED, thus becomiri; Councilman Ordinance No. 62-8, tr-y of Ticzrd Attorney Anderson reported the title search on the second Bancroi"t Bond Issue has been completed and is ready for the clerk to brine. the assessment rolls up to date. An ordinance to pay the mayor and the councilmen ;.•,pn per meetinc is being prepared by Attorney Anderson and should he ready to enact at next Council meeting. The a:;reement with ;>,ote's collection sta tion should also be ready at that time. Regarain<j 'the Frank San- itary Service, a meetin- is planned March 15, 1962, with gr Frank regarding that Franchise. Nothing "further has been heard from West Coast Telephone Company recardincj their Franchise. A letter received from,r,'r Del Hall of the TigardDevelopment Corpor- ation ;was turned over to,Councilman FIanneman for clarification as to their suggested use of Center street as an under the Viaduct entrance to Tigard Main Street. Mayor Phillips requested that Councilman Woodard study the sewer i p rae fees to be collected for 1962 and 1963 for budget information. The standard'budget forms provided by the State have not been re- ceived and Attorney Anderson is to write avain, since Mayor Phillips is awaiting these forms before drafting the budget Fic,ures. At the Council Meeting on March 26, 1962 Engineer Carter will pre- sent his study on the Sanitary physical plant; Councilman Aitken MOVED to adjourn, SECOND by Councilman Woodard, x Meeting adjourned at 11x00 p. M. Res pectfull"I submitted, C1 ric vA &,t,4 1Y',., �k iY Spit. eY S n 4 di BILLS PAYABLE- MARCH 12, 1`?62 West Coast Telephone Co. (office Phone) 12.62 /c 1 West Coast 'ielexnhone Co. (Plant Phone) 24.53 le-2 February office Rent '30.00 -Tigard dater Dist (Turn off & on -Oester Charge) 2.00 Tigard Plater District 28,00 Northwest Natural Gas Co. 123.38 - Portland Ceneral Plectric Co. 137.52 - Motel s February Collection Fee 9 90 -Mark Larwood _Company; (O,.anership maps-Tigard) 10.88 /��-ti•7ashington County Surveyow (Tigard Maps) 10.80 1/6- Business Equ*]mment Bureau (Thermo-fax paper) 27.50 U- Jack Wright & Associates (Faithful PerformanceBond) 305.60 //12Tigard Times (Feby.5ewerrP_illing cards) 11.22 Scientific Supplies Co (Sewer Plant Operation) 2.53 -video Scan (Tigard Shopping Plaza) 75.00 video Scan (Sewer Maintenance) 175.00 Stevens Machine Shop (Sewer Maintenance)' 95.00 !/r7 Atty Fred A Anderson "(FebySeraice & Supplies) 257.00 Portland General Electric Co 241.74 i- Pacific Stationery (Bookkeeping & Office supplies) 36.89 Mason's (Sewer Maintenance) 17,95 Elden w Carter (Checking at Tigard Plaza) 120.00 Elden if Carter (Sewer Plant Maintenance)' 120.00 1,874.98