City Council Packet - 03/05/1962 TIGARD CITY C O U Tl c' r C, MTDJU n!_; OP MEETTN7 _y_M,��7f 5 1962 Those present: Mayor. Phillips, Councilmen Hanneman, verb-'rena n 'r.00dard, T:ttornev Z,nde.rson and ;u;erinte_nc:enc Janne. Minutes of the Neetinn .February 26, 1;62, re .cj Enol .{.;roe ar cnr- rested. 'Minutes of 'fleeting February 7, 1 52 .i;e2c1 nd .r_aved corrected. Mayor Phillins called on contractor Flock tho stated ho had talked with sir. Pete Perrine, Portland ,.eneral 731ec4ric Corm-,ny, to be cer- tain there were no costs other than as stated in `heir letter of February 13, 1962, and was assured there were none. T4; recuested that the Council approve his recuest for 4 lights on Lomita *,vanue in the Lomita -Terrace 'cub-division. It wrs Fo.nted out the l:i ,nts would belong, to the city and the cost of the ,Doter would be to the City light bill. Councilman H<nneman voiced the opinion that placement of any lights should come under the jur4_sdiction of the Council and not necessarily t the recnze,t of indivicival.s. r. ,7 noe stated that Portland (3eneral Electric has copy of � Petition cir- culated by himself and Mr Curt Tigard, .and si.nned by arrrroximatel.v 92 per cent of the people on-Commercial Street, requesting l.ic;nts on that street and over the railroad crossing on aighway 21.7 -._..or Phillips expressed thtt if other citi^ens are interested tncv xljnulr appear before the Council and m ke aFrl_ication. Councilman Woodard MOVFD that the Council zzrq=ove the 4 1ichts on Lomita P.venue, SECOND by Councilman Verharen and approved. The clerk was instructed to so notifv Portland Ceneral fl.ectric- by letter. Mr Edward Bolin, representing Northwest 'natural Gas Company, was n--e_ sent and he went briefly over that Franchise. He stated the 2 per cent of total revenwe collectedwould be paid as of 7anuary';1, 1.957, and: is the same as paid all cities with the except ion 3, which are raid less but this the company, plans to correct. The Franchise is for 20 , years ;which'would seem equitable, he felt, since their rates risa and fall with the economy and should cause no future difficulty. Attorney Anderson had given ground concerning ;the right to'cancel in event the City Charter when adopted should counter-act the ordinance, since should this occur the City Charter would prevail. unanimously an Ordinance granting The Council VOTED/to enact/the Northwest Natural Gas Company Fran- chise as presented, it thus becoming City of Tigard Ordinance No. 62-7. Attorney Anderson expressed that there are still some differences to be resolved with west (Coast Telephone Company regarding their Franchise, but since the tariff starts as of.: January 1, '1962, the delay is not',too important. Nothing further has been heard from the Frank Sanitary Service regarding that Franchise. Attorney Anderson has the mar of the Lomita Terrace Sub-division and after study this will be made available for the City records. Councilman Woodard reported the Tv Scanning of the 'sewer line the tracks had disclosed it heavy with grease and sludge. Lincoln under Street(lisne is also in need of Preventative maintenance. ; The water had been too ligh to get a check on Lewis Lane, but it is apparent there is difficulty; there also. Superintendent Janoe had checked th E.,;i;ieer' Carter and learned the Roto-rooter could be heed for $25 for the first 2 hours and $12.50 per hour thereafter, the min- imum charge would ;be $25.00, It is possible the line on Lincoln Street could be flushed out and this would be tried. ; Councilman Woodard MOVED that the. Roto-rooter be tried on the sewer line under the railroad tracks, SECOND by Councilman Hanneman and approved. Superintendent Janoe was instructed to make arranr,e- ments for this with Engineer Carter. Superintendent Janoe stated that in his opinion the condition of the storm sewer from Fowler Junior High School, past U S National Bank and Mote'sPharmacy is an emergency,, that the drain is stop- -ped up. Councilman Woodard to contact the" 3 interested property owners, present the problem to them stating the City wtjile not responsible would certainly cooperate in any way possible. There was discussion of the past due sewer service accounts where there actually is no sewer connection. Attorney Anderson-recom- mended that the Ordinance be re-enacted to require all properties, - adjacent to sewer lines to connect --impose the service and the charges then take care of themselves. Councilman Verharen MOVED that the Council take the necessary steps to make sewer service mandatory, SECOND by Councilman Hanneman and approved. Superintendent Janoe was instructed to get a list of-all properties within the City adjacent to sewer and not connected and present to the council. Regarding past due sewer service accounts, Attorney Anderson expressed that the small claims court would get -faster action than adding to the tax rolls. Councilman Woodard brought up discussion of Ordinance 62-1, and the situation at the_Tigard Plaza, specifically as to the bonding of plumbers as provided in the Ordinance. One of the plumbing,firms employgd at the Tigard Plaza is now in bankruptcy. Attorney Anderson was given the Bond for study since it ;appeared that to realize any- thing under such a bond would require a law suit, always an expen- sive procedure. There was discussion regarding some remuneration for the Council a members since ,,here is considerable mileage incurred in their various duties. It was agreed Attorney Anderson would prepare proper ordin- ance for consideration. Councilman Hanneman reported a request from a 'resident on Walnut Street at Grant for a sign "Dead End" or "Children at Play" and it was expressed the residents and/or the City could erect such signs. Regarding the Fanno creek Bridge,, Councilman Hanneman expressed that this apparently has become a political football. The Council had been led to believe the bridge would be started as soon as the County '. Road Crew had completed the' North`Dakota Street Bridge and this has been completed some 2 weeks. It now appears the County-Court has stepped in and made application for State funds, under which the Fanno Creek Bridge could not qualify, to the best of Councilman HannP_ man's "info.,;,-t � -on. Th difficulties presented by the situatiwe discussed and Attorney Anderson expressed that it would be bon re est we write the State Department and get in writing a definite answer as to whether or not the bridge qualified for State Funds, and proceed from there. Councilman Hanneman to write the State Highway;Depart- ment in this regard. 2 - C4' �ry �M Mayor- Phillips read a letter from Governor Hatfield regrettinc his inability to be present for the Tigard"ShCpning Plzaz opening. He also presented a request From the Junior Chamber of Commerce to present President Kennedy's Youth Fitness Program for the Council's endorsementatthe me@ting March 12,'1962, Councilman Woodard MOVED to adjourn, SECOND by Councilman Hanneman. Meetinc adjourned at 11:30 P. M. � Respep'tfully submitted, Clue kkLk ,fit 3