City Council Packet - 02/19/1962 TIGARDsigma
Those present: Mayor Phillips, Councilmen Hanneman, Verharen and
Woodard, and Attorney Anderson.
Minutes of Meeting February 12, 1962, read and approved as corrected.
Minutes of Meeting February 14, 1962, approved as read.
Councilman Woodardreported he had not yet checked the Coin-operated'
Dry Cleaning establishment at Oswego. In regard totheplugged storm-
sewer at the United States National Bank,;examination disclosed that
the curb had apparently been put in over the drain since it appeared
to be breaking in. Check at Fowler Junior High School above the
Bank revealed that drain full of dirt and sand avid should be cleaned
out. Since the County is responsible for road drainage, it was sug-
gested Councilman Woodard check with the County Road Department about
the condition of the drain at the High School. Attorney Anderson
expressed that if the contractor was responsible for putting in the
curb over the storm drain at the Bank, they should be held responsi-
ble for any damage, "
The,TV Scanning at the Tigard Sh6pping Plaza in the Safeway Store
area had reported all joints good, pipes clear and good laterals.
Councilman'Woodard was to write the Nalley`Company, sending copy of
Engineer Carter's letter regarding the sewage tests to be made, point-
ing out that such cost, in accordance with their contract, were to be
borne by them.
A letter from Engineer Carter regarding the industrial sewer extension on
Hunziker Road was discussed. Attorney;Anderson pointing out that there
was a budget item of. $5000-available for this purpose. Councilman
Woodard and Superintendent Janoe to check with Mr Hunziker and Mr Fields,
since the profile did not show the line extending across the road. Re-
port will then be made to Engineer Carter.
In accordance with earlier Council approval, check for $70`.00, expense
for Superintendent Janoe attendance at the Sanitary Short School at
Corvallis, February-26. 27 and 28 1962 lapprove-,
Councilman Verharen had met with Mr Edward F Brady, Freight Rates Con-
sultant, and at his puggestion had written the Pacific Inland Tariff
Bureau certifying to the incorporation-of'the -City and asking for re-
cognition of this in;freight rate tariff's. He also had an appoint-
to see Mr Henry;of the Rating Bureau from whom he had Yearned
that request for change ge in freight, rates should come from the Common
Carriers and/or the industries wanting the change. Potential area to
be covered would be up to 3 miles from City center and including the
area now listed es Hunziker Park in Tigard,
C&uncilman Hanneman reported a preliminary meeting with the Citizens
'Committee on Parks and Recreation', and discussion of ways and means
Ito raise additional funds to add to that part of Roads money that' migjit
be available for this project.
Mayor Phillips had completed a map of th a City showing streets, smaller:
copies of which will 'shortly be available at a cost of Fifty Cents each.
NFREePhillips reported discussion with Mr Edwards who is in 'charge
J S National Bank Building now vacant on lower Main Street.
He had not been tew_enthusiastic about the tentative offer of ;'100
a month on a one-year lease-option. It was learned taxes are some
$330 per year, and the entire history of the building is available
if the CoTjncil is interested. Mayor Phillips,can pick up,the key
and arrange a time when the Council can look the building over.
Attorney Anderson expressed that while the lease-option could be
exercised any time within the year, that if the City is interested
in,purchase, it should be done before July 1, 1962 in order to get
the property ,off the tax rolls this year. It was suggested this
could be;presented to the p1bple at the time of budget presentation.
There was discussion of the Tigard Plaza opening on March 15, 1962,
`and-it was;planned Mayor Phillips would talk with Mr Otto about
some participation in the event.`
Attorney Anderson reported West Coast Telephone Company Franchise
was in their hands and whenever we get the word it can be enacted.
Differences have been resolved wi th-Northwest Natural Gas Company
regarding their Franchise, qnd this should be ready for enactment
An Ordinance covering Assessment Procedure was presented by Attorney
Anderson and afterconsideration Councilman Woodard MOVED said
Ordinance be adopted,,SECOND by Councilman Hanneman and unanimously
approved, thus becomd,ng`City of Tigard Ordinance No. 62-6.
The Faithful Performance Bond applied for earlier had been checked
by Attorney Anderson and issued as applied for, and giventoclerk
for filing.
There was preliminary discussion of the: Budget, Mayor Phillips pre-
senting;tentative figures to each councilman for study and suggestions`.
Councilman Woodard'pointed out there was some money in the Sanitary
District general fund which might be available for some of the nec-
cssary :office'equipment." Mr Art Mason, from the floor, suggested a
small tax levy rather than cut the budget too; thin, pointing out
that there would be 'emergencies to be aonsid erad. Councilman Verharen
felt that a tax levy might be ,a good way to learn "the temperature"
of the citizens. Citzens Art Mason and Owen Snyder;indicated their
willingness to.serve on a Citizens Budget Committee.
There was discussion of the recent traffic casualty,on Pacific
Highway';at Johnson Street. Mr'Mason, ;from the floor, and Councilman
Woodard;being;of the opinion the State Highway Department rshould:be
requested to reduce the speed limit over the viaduct. Councilman
Hanneman to give the matter consideration.
Mayor Phillips called attention to meetings February 22, 1962 faith
the Planning & Zoning Commission, February 26 1962, Councilman
Woodard and Engineer Carter on Sanitary matters,February 27, 1962
at 7:30 P. M.'a meeting with Beaverton 'Rural -Fire Department.
Councilman Woodard MOVED to adjourn, SECOND by Councilman Verharen.
Mee ting+ adjourned at 10:30- P. M.