City Council Packet - 01/02/1962 i T ? u A A C C I T u C OF MIN , OF jAN 61 Those present iayor Phillips, Councilmen Aitken, 11anneman, Aeid and L tajLG� �:f►me,nan, and Attorney :rad Anderson. Meeting called to,order at 7:30 r. >. t-=mutes of meeting December loth read. 'Councilman Woodard corrected the amount of the peat due statement from Herold 4urrows to read k75.00, end®ttorney Anderson requested deletion of the le,et sentence in paragraph 20 page 2. Mayor "hillips called on Auditor Savage who reported he had finished the Audit of Lighting; District No. 1, except for the ,9inutes whicrl had Just been received this afternoon. -Regarding the Audit of Tigard Sginitary, Zia- trict, Mr Savage reported letter from the State Department of Audits stated ,the audit should be Bads from Wuly 1, 1961 to date of dissolution and could be done July 1, 1062. lie suggested simultaneous audits could be made at a saving of approximately k-100.00. Councilman Raid 'OVL D for an audit of Tigard ;unitary District from July 1, 1961 through December 31, 1561 to be made now. Thers was no second. Major- A, ajor•a •p•o••od tabli;; the Wn4twr until further could ba .taade Mayor Phillips called on 1,1r Curt Tigard, who presented Resolution to be completed by 14ayor Phillipa and Counailman Woodard in connection with the Time Certificates of Deposit for the two 00,000.00 funds to be so invested In the Tigard Branch of United States National Bunte. Mayor Phillips turned the meeting over to 'Councilman Ranneman who called on Commissioner NybsrZ for 'report on the Fanno Creek Bridge. Commissioner Nyberg stated that Federal Aid was not available for secondary roads, that the County will build a new bridge over Tanno Creek on 14ain Street. The Bridge to be minimum 28-foot width, of creosoted wood construction. Hopefully construction to start within two months, cost to be approximately $6600.00. He stated the County Engineer estimated a 36-foot ;bridge would cost In the neighborhood of OOVOOO.00. Also that the load limit of 10 tone had been posted this day. Commissioner' Nyberg mentioned 'there ;had been a metropolitan transportation study,, preliml.nary report of which would be ready this year and.thio should come up with a master plan which should be of interest to the Council and would be available from the :Metropolitan Planning Commission withmaps and other ,specific information. Attorney Andersson presented each councilman with copy of an interim ordinance covering Tigard Sanitary District's Ordinances 23 and 24, which he suggested w might be adopted until changer could be made at a later elate. _:eyor Phillips; stated that a oomplett.coet'etudy was necessary in ardor to come up with changes in'thr tiro controversial ordinances and in his 'opinion this could not be accom- plished before April 1, :1962. ` Councilman Reid dissented, stating that it i-. still his opinion that the charges � in the two prdinancea ars exorbitant, again suggesting a Citizens'Committes be' appointed to:make a -study. MAyor ,fhillipo expressed that first the cost study be made and pointed out the need for the Interim Ordinance until. this could be } completed. Discussion followed, kr Otto of Tigard Plaza, Contractor Clock, Citisrn earge Legis, Aathdr Amea, Arthur V*rharen and Counoilmen Aitken, Hanne- man and Reid-,taking part. Al� - "d !ir2Aswds ui�dd V��*-"! f''6S ' tiSYxS ;A" EVEN _ 2 Mthey avor Phillivs expressed that the situation called for either approving the Ordinances as stand or approving ins"Tnterium Ordinance prepared by Attorney Anderson until completion of the needed cost study. = Sanitary District's Councilman Woodard l Ordinances 23 and 24 as they stand, SEGQND by Councilman 'danneman and major- ity approved. Councilman :laid dissenting. Councilman Aitken requested to go on record that he was heartily in favor of the cost;study, taking, into consideration the need for enlarging the plant and this might conceivably allow for some changes, but that in his opinion"..aoeptance of the Interim Ordinance would have the effect of delay- ing any prospective industry., Councilman Woodard presented bills to be paid - NOTION for approval of payment by Councilman Hanneman, SECOND by Councilman Aitken and approved. Anderson Attornc„/read letter from Dan &ertuleit regarding Fidelity Bond and the various forms available, he to get were specific information to present at dater 'meeting. Attorney Anderann pxnreesed that he saes nothing wrong in,the basic pro- visions in the Malley contract, however* it should now-be brouent into tnz City of Tigard. The matter of reduction, of rate wouldhave to be considered after a test by the State Sanitary Department to determine the nature of the load, and then set 'a date for a mesting with the Nalley representative. Regarding Memorandum of Agreement with Washington County Planning Commis- `sion, Attorney Anderson>anticipateewthis will be ready by next meeting date. Attorney Anderson read Resolution aoveri.ng transfer of the Plant Improvement Fund now in oustody of the County Traasurer, to the Tigard Branoh of united States National Bank time deposit. ;Councilman Woodard YOVEID'for adoption of-the Resolution, SECOND by Councilmen Aitken end approved. Copy adienda"hereto. Councilman Woodard read Superintendent Janoa's report. Mayor Phillips read Engineor Carter's letter of acceptance and it reoeivod majority,, approval. Attorney Anderson" called attention to the Hearing to be held at January 8, 1952 meeting with respect to r�ithdrswal of the territory from Metzger Sanitary Die- triat that.11*a within Tigard City limits, and the enacting of the Ordinance. Ho,,,;'71..have tentative ordinance available. Meeting adjourned at 1o:4o P. M. Respoatfully sub, itted, 4eareta:Y Prey-tem 2 r3 Y z AGREEMENT FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS -TIME DEPOSITS TIGARD BRANCH January 2 19 62 THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK DF PDRILAND,-DREGDN Gentlemen: The following is a true copy of a resolution duly adopted by the COUN(NAME OF CIL of the CITY OF T_IGARD,^OReEGON GOVERNING BOU V� 7yAME OF POLITICAL SUBDIVISION at a meeting thereof, January —2_, 19`62' "Be it resolved that The United States National Bank of Portland be and it hereby is designated as a barking depository of this political subdivision for the purpose of placing funds in time certificates of deposit,_thrift certificates or on-time deposit, open account, subject' to federal regulations that funds placed on time deposit, open account may not be withdrawn, ' in whole or in part, prior to expiration of a_written notice of intent to withdraw, to be given not less than ELTON C. PHILLIPS, Mayor, 30 days inadvance of withdrawal; and that ..and E. A. WOODARD.,.. Councilman,.. TITLE OF CUSTODIAN OF FUNDS be and herebyfl:-r,author ized to determine from time to time what funds shall be placed in time certificates of deposit, thrift certificates and on timedepa•:'.t, open account, and to take such actions and execute such agreements on behalf of this political subdivision as shall be necessary or expedient relative thereto, including, without limitation, with resaect to certificates of deposit and thrift certificates,the endorsing thereof for payment;and with respect to time deposits, open account, the execution of agreements with said bank establishing the interest rate or rates and other terms required by federal regulations; and with respect to thrift certificates and time deposits, open account, the execution of advance written notice to said bank of intent to withdraw. "In accordance with ORS 295.500, be it further resolved that interest on all time deposits of this political subdivision shall be paid by said bank at such rates and on such terms as are now duly adopted, or at such different rates and terms as shall :from time to time hereafter be duly adopted .for all new certificates of deposit, for all new thrift certificates'and for all time deposits, ;open account by said bank." To complete the agreement as required by Qi-egon law, kindly date, sign and return one copy of this letter, COUNCIL of the CITY OF TIGARD (NAME OF GOVERNING-BODY) , .. c . If certifying official for the political ByL --�Ti51GNA'iURF AND TITLC"'DF PROPER I 1� subdivision is also custodian of the GERTtFY1NG OFFICIAL) ( R funds, a member of the governing .Hage 11 body will also sign below. (SIGNATURE AND TITLE) Accepted (!�Jj�a�nua ry 1 19 62 TIGARD - BRANCH - THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL' BANK (SIGNATURE:AND TITLE) OF PORTLAND, DkEGDN s By (S IGNAT11e" - i• 11-1046 1/59