Resolution No. 09-47 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 09-q] A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AMENDING THE BYLAWS OF THE TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TAC) WHEREAS,the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) was formed by Council Resolution No. 09-14 to act as an advisory body to the City Council and staff and to provide a venue for citizen input and awareness of transportation issues;and WHEREAS, existing committees and task forces are currently addressing transportation-related activities and issues that more appropriately should be considered under the TAC;and WHEREAS, for a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to transportation-related matters, these committees and task forces will be reformed as subcommittees reporting to the TAC;and WHEREAS, certain revisions to the bylaws approved under the resolution are necessary for the TAC to better function as an umbrella committee encompassing these existing committees and task forces. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that! SECTION 1: Certain sections in Exhibit A of Resolution No. 09-14 are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1 —Charges and Duties (c) The Committee is charged with advising the City Council and staff regarding planning and development of a comprehensive transportation network for the City of Tigard. This involves tasks such as preparation of multi-modal transportation system plans and corresponding transportation financing/capital investment programs; development of fundinR mechanisms and sources to im lement transportation pro.jects and ensure adequate maintenance of the existinp,trans ortation infrastructure public involvement and education in transportation matters and ways to improve traffic safety and accessibility in all transportation modes. Section 2—Composition (a) The Committee shall consist of e eleven 11 members appointed by the City Council who are residents of Tigard or own businesses or property within the City as follows (1) There shall be two P three M representatives who own or have primary management responsibility for businesses with the City of Tigard; (2) Five+5}Ei ht S persons who are residents of Tigard and who represent a crass-section of interests in the community at large. RESOLUTION NO. 09- Page 1 Effort shall be made to recruit a youth member and a person with an interest in alternative transportation modes. SECTION 2: This resolution is effective immediately upon passage. PASSED:Thisr —day of - -'"' ,2009. Mayor- City of Tigard ATT L� City Recorder- City of Tigard i:lenglguslresotutions1200916-23-09 resolution amending the bylaws of the transportation advisory committee res.doc RESOLUTION NO. 09-"– Page 2 EXI-TIBIT A BY LAWS OF THE CITY OF TIGARD TRANSPORTAnON ADVISOR COMMITTEE SECTION I. CHARGE AND DUTIES (a) The TiM,rd:Transportation Advisory Committee..1TAC)�(tlse" cpm nittee")has the,powers conferred by'the resolution creating the C.oImi itobe and;approving these byla',vs and such other powers as granted by the Tigard City Council,but shall have no other powers. Thesebylaws are adopted by resolution of the Tigard City Council,are binding on the Committee,and may be amended only by the.City Council. (ti) It.shAll be:a.fimction of the Committee to act as an advisory body to the Tigard City:Council and City staff Pursuant to these bylaws. (c) The Coixitriittee is charged xvith advising the City Council and staff regarding planning and development of a comprehensive transportation network for the City of Tigard. This involves tasks such:as preparation of multi-modal transportation system plans and corresponding. transportation:financing/capital invearneut.programs;pubhc'involvement and cdtxcation in transportation matters and-,ways to improve trafficsafety and'tccesiibility' n all transportation modes. The Carncriittee shall`assist and advise City Council and staff:regarding.deyelopment of traffic safety programs and public education about traffic safety. The Committee shall also provide a venue for citizen involvement opportunities.in tr; nsportation iii Iters. Furthermore, it shall Aso work to inenease community awareness of transportation issues that Affect the City of Tigard: The Committee shall coordinate its tasks;actions,and:xecpmmenda:tions'witl. other.City advisory commiss ons and committees. This includes;but is not'limited to;the Planning Commission regarding.the relationship between land use and transportation;the Parks Commission concerning trails and pathways,and the:Budget:Coraviiittee concetning.matters of tra asportation.related funding. (d) The,Cottee sball perform other duties as assigned by the City Council. {e) The Committee may form subcommittees to investigate areas relevant to its charge or duties pursuantto this section. SEC .'ION 2. COMPOSITION (a) The Committee,shall consist of(7)members appointed by:the City Council who are residents of Tigard or otivn businesses or property within the City as follows (1) There-shall be two (2)representatives who own or have primary management responsibility fox businesses with the City of Tigard; IACI1i DM\RON\City Cowdl hiataisil\3.24-09 rl ITACH?`FAC by]mvs.duc .4 (2)' Five (5)persons who are residents of Tigard and who represent a cross-section of interests in the community at large. Effort shall be-made to.recruit a youth member and a person with an interest in alternative transportation modes: SECrI N 3. APPOTNTI ENTS (a) Cotmcil shall appoint individuals to meet the compositional requirements of above. (b) Council shall determine a means of staggering appointuxnts of mein bem appointed initially to ensure membership continuity. (c) Appointments shall be made according to established Council procedukes. SECII NA TEIZNI OF OFFICE (a) After the initialstaggering of terms, the term of office of;all,fuire;appointed members sball be three (3)yearn or uat il.thein-successors are guahfted and appointed:. (b) Anyvacancy on theCommittee shall be filled by appoiritrh0ht by the Council upon, recommendAort by the Mayor for the unexpired portion.of the term. The unexpired portion, of.a term does not count towards the two consecutive terms.limit mi Section 4(d). (e) Membersnu be reappointed for one additional tluce'�year term.: An:initial one or two year term under Sections 3'(a) and (b)does not count towards the two consecutive terms limit, (d) Members of the Caiaarz�ittee shall receive no compensation'for,their services. SECT.ION`5. ORGANIZATION OF THE CC)NMTTEE (a) At its first meeting of the year,and thereafterannu ally,the Committee shall electa Chair and Vice Chair from its members who shall hold office at the:pleasure.of the C:omnussion. (b) If.the Chair.or Vice Chair should resign,the Committee shall,at it next meetibg,conduct an election:and provide a replacement. (e) The Committee shall meet at.least quarterly during a calendar year at a time and place that is specified at least 5 days in advance. (d) All meetings shall be conducted in conformance with Public MeetingLas. (e) A record.of the C'ommittee's proceedings shall be filed with the city.recorder: .SECnON 6. VOTING (a) General procedures of the Committee,including voting;shall follow,Robert's Rules of Order. G\Doetttnentsand:Sett'tags\cathy\LoaISenisegs\TemporuyIntcrnelFias\Content.O-datik\34.JRMPLNI\3"2-09ATTACH2 TAC bylaws.doc 2 .y a � (l) Azz�ajority of votes shall determine the official position of the Committee on a given issUO- (c) Chair and Vice Chair shall vote on all matters before the Commission. SECTION 7. CO.MMITTEE MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES (a) Members.of the Committee shall: (1) Regulady'attend.Committee meetings.and contribute constructively to discussions; (2) Consider and discuss issues from.a Citywide perspective,as well as that ofparticular stakeholders or-interests; < (3) Understand and'be able to articulate the`Cor ai iittee's charge,responsibilities,and. adapted annual work program, (4) Strive to teach consensus on matters under consideration; (5). ,Act with respect and consideration for the vieivpoint'of others; (6) Review and provide-comihaent on reports;presentations,and recommended,policies or strategies related to transportation issues that may'come before it;-and. (7) Vote on.motioos in front of the Committee,except"where seasonable abstention.is necessary. (b) Cornmittee.mernbers shall discharge their duties as specified and or dit-ectea by Cmunc.U. However,the Committee shall not discuss specific land.developnent':applications that are likely to be heard.and/or decided.upon by the Planning Commission,City. Hearings.Oftc9r,or City staff:However,the Committee may propose recommendations or nth"ei":vise parttcpate regarding legislative matters including but not limited to,cityv6de trap sportation policy;. transportation system planning,development standards,etc. This provision does not restrict in any way the rights of any Committee member fiorn exercising their participatory or dueprocess rights as:a private citizen.. In addition,iiieniiers shall not make representations on behalf of the City of Tigard or the Cormmitte.e unless.specifically authorized. SECTION 8. ATTENDANCE If any regular member of'the Committee is unable to attend a meeting,he or she is expected to notify the Chair or Vice Chair. If any ember ism:.absent from any six.(6),regularly scheduled meetings-within one year,of tlhree(3)consecutive meetings without reasonable cause,the.issue shall be placed.on the upcoming agenda,and.upon majority vote of the Committee,that position shall be declared vacant. The C.azntnittee shall forward its action to the Mayor and Council,who shall fill the vacant position. Ls CDA,lll ARDNYgity Council N1n1cfW\3-24-(*AITACl l 2 TAC bylaws.doc 3 SECnQN 9. QUORUM .At any meeting of the Coiiw�ss on,a quorm-n shall be A majority of the current members of-the. Corixtnissiora. No action-slaaIl be taken in the absence of a quorum excep.t-that.the:meeting inay continue -with discussion on agenda items. For the purposes of f'omiing a quoru mmOnbers do Have disqualified or excused themselves:from-participation in any t tter:shall be,counted.as present. In the event a.quorufn will:not be present at any meeting,the Chair or Vice.Chair shall notify the. Cont-i ttee members in advance so that decision may be made whether to meetaftl odte no action on agenda items,or to reschedule to a different time. SECTION .10. REMOVAL OF MEMBERS (a) The City Council may remove-members of the Committee in accordance with Section 8 .Attendahce: (u) The Council may alsoremove,members at its sole discretion. (c) The Coim-nittee may make a recommendation to Council for the removal of a mernbers tot failure to comply with Secton.7 Committee Member Responsibilities. The Committee shall forkvard:-a recommendation fc r replacetneat to the Mayor and Co.uncil in a timely manner: SECTION 11. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE (a) Not latet than December 1 of each year;die Committee shall prepare and file its Annual Report to the City Council. (b) The Annual Reportshall include a summary of key:activities.gid,proceedings and any specific. suggestions or recommendations which the Committee believes would:assist its mission or improvement of'the.City's transportation infrastructure. (c) The Annual Report shall not be submitted unless approved by the Committee. f:\(.DADM\RQN\GtyCoUnd Niate6a1\3•74-09 KrFACH 2TAC bylawu.doc