Resolution No. 07-46 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 07- A 7 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 01-02 GOVERNING THE NIENIBERSI IIP COMPOSITION OF THE TIGARD TREE BOARD. WHEREAS, the composition of the Tigard Tree Board is governed by Council Resolution No. 01-02 which requires a tnin.itnum of one and a maxitntun of three Planniing Commissioners on the Board; and WHEREAS, the Council recognizes the work and accomplislunents of Planning Cointnissioners who have simultaneously served as members of the Tree Board, facilitating communication and coordination between die two bodies; and WHEREAS, die Council also recognizes die increased burdens placed upon Planning Commissioners simultaneously serving as members of the Tree Board; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and Tree Board are presently engaged in a number of tasks and both have multiple responsibilities wid-i the Highest priority at tlhis time being the Comprehensive Plan Update and die Tree Stewardship and Urban Forest Enhancement Project. These tasks are requiring an increase in the frequency and duration of meetings by both bodies; and WHEREAS, the Council is aware of the need to lessen the Planning Commission's workload in view of complex and High-priority tasks die body is often charged with. Furthermore, it is desirable to enhance community involvement by broadening the opportunity for citizens at large to participate on City boards and Cotrunissions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: Council hereby amends Resolution No. 01-02 (Exhibit A) establishing and governing the Tree Board, to iihclude the following ainendtnents: a. SECTION 3: The composition of the board shall be a minitnuin of five (5) members not to exceed seven (7) members. ik fflinknum of eiie "` iiet to exeeed 3) Gemmissien shall eet A minimum of two (2) not to exceed seven feuF (4) shall be citizens at large appointed by the City Council, of which one may also be a plaiming commissioner. "Citizen" shall mean citizens of Tigard-er-tke ixr.,shin.,-+e County r_r,.t,a„se,.,,;ees area administer-ed by+i,e--Eity. b. shall - 204. RESOLUTION NO. 07 Page 1 SECTION ?: This resolution is effective immediately upon passage. PASSED: This Q q day of Ili, 2007. Mayor City of Tigard ATTEST: City Recorder- City of Tigard RESOLUTION NO. 07 - Page 2 77.71 aT'�I•(trI •-5s",�!F� 7. T A 'rExhibit A Z1i11 4 CITY OF TIQARD,00XpN ,.} RESOLUTION NO.01-DL, A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH. A TREE BOARD TO DEVELOP AND ADMINISTER A COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY TREE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CARE OF TREES i ONPU13LIC PROPERTY. 1' I WHEREAS, the City is interested in making application as a Tree City USA;and. '' 63 WHEREAS, in order for the City to qualify as a Tree City USA, a Tree Board or Department must be " established;and WBIREAS,a Tree Board would encourage citizen involvement in the implementation of an urban forestry plan that meets the community's needs;and c WHEREAS, a Tree Board would facilitate achievement of the community's goals for tree program management,maintenance,removal,replacement,and protection. r Y NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: A Tigard Tree Board is hereby established. �r SECTION 2: The mission of the Tigard Tree Board is to develop and administer a comprehensive community tree management program for the maintenance, removal; replacement, and r protection of trees on-public property, 8 A E, SECTION 3: The composition of the board shall be a minimum of five(5)members not to exceed seven (7)members.A minimum of one(1)not to exceed three(3)membem shall also be current members of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission si'Rll appoint these "1 ! members.A minimum of two(2)not to exceed four(4)shall be citizens at large appointed by the City Council, "Citizen" shall mean citizens of Tigard or the Washington County Urban Services area administered by the City. i SECTION4: The Planning Commission shall appoint one (1) to three (3) members to the Tree Board from the members of the Commission at the January meeting in each odd numbered year beginning in 2001. SECTION 5: The City Council shall appoint the citizen members to the Tree Board.If two (2)members are appointed initially,one(1) shall be appointed to a two year tam and one (1)to a four year term.If three(3)members are appointed initially,one(1)shall be appointed to a two year term and two (2) shall be appointed to four year trims. If four (4) members are appointed initially, two (2) shall be' appointed to two year terms and two (2) to faur year terms. Following the expiration of the initial terms,suMequent terms shall be for four years each. RESOLUTION NO,01-DZ, r. .l .J• _I: S .'fro- _ .. .>S�.' ♦.- } '~ w;l