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Resolution No. 04-71
CITY OF TIGARD,OREGON RESOLUTION NO.04- 7/ A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 42 TO THE FY 2004-05 BUDGET TO ACCEPT AND EXPEND US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GRANT FUNDS FOR THE"DARE TO BE GREAT"SUMMER CAMPS. WHEREAS,The US Department of Justice is making grant funds available to provide educational camps to area at-risk youth;and WHEREAS,The City of Tigard has applied for a grant from this program;and WHEREAS,On September 9,2004,the City of Tigard was awarded a grant of$23,467;and WHEREAS,The FY 2004-05 Adopted Budget includes the expenditures for the summer camps;and WHEREAS,The grant funds were not included in the FY 2004-05 Adopted Budget due to the uncertainty of the award;and WHEREAS,The grant revenues will be offset by increasing the General Fund Contingency as expenditures have already been budgeted;and WHEREAS,it is necessary to amend the FY 2004-05 Budget to recognize these grant revenues and to allow expenditure of the funds. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION The FY 2004-05 Budget of the City of Tigard is hereby amended as shown in Attachment A to this resolution to increase General Fund revenues by$23,467 and to increase Contingency by the same amount. SECTION This resolution is effective immediately upon passage. I PASSED: This/—eL day of ems© !/ 2004. i Mayor-C of Tigard 1 i ATTEST: i C'�ecord r City of Tigard RESOLUTION NO.04-71 Page 1 Attachment A FY 2004-05 Budget Amendment#2 FY 2004-05 BudgetRevised Revised Amendment Revised Budget #2 Bud et General Fund Resources Beginning Fund Balance $7,751,279 $7,751,279 Property Taxes 9,398,805 9,398,805 Grants 49,060 23,467 72,527 Interagency Revenues 2,435,609 2,435,609 Development Fees&Charges 372,294 372,294 Utiltity Fees and Charges 0 0 Miscellaneous Fees and Charges 184,160 184,160 Fines and Forfeitures 592,840 592,840 Franchise Fees and Business Tax 2,944,042 2,944,042 Interest Earnings 172,500 172,500 Bond/Note Proceeds 0 0 Other Revenues 68,200 68,200 Transfers In from Other Funds 2,145,314 2,145,314 Total $26,114,103 $23,467 $26,137,570 Requirements Community Service Program $10,359,639 $10,359,639 Public Works Program 2,446,197 2,446,197 Development Services Program 2,554,196 2,554,196 Policy&Administration Program 344,706 344,706 General Government 0 0 Program Expenditures Total $15,704,738 $0 $15,704,738 Debt Service $0 $0 Capital Improvements $0 $0 Transfers to Other Funds $3,758,056 $3,758,056 Contingency $763,525 $23,467 $786,992 Total Requirements $20,226,319 $23,467 $20,249,786 i Ending Fund Balance 5,887,784 5,887,784 1 1 Grand Total $26,114,103 $23,467 $26,137,570