Resolution No. 02-07 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 02-0`] A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE METHODS OF ASSESSMENT AND PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS TO .BENEFITED PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE 69T" AVENUE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, DIRECTING THAT NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS BE GIVEN TO EACH PROPERTY OWNER, AND DIRECTING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING BE HELD TO CONSIDER OBJECTIONS. WHEREAS, in Rine 1998, Specht Development, Inc. submitted a petition for formation of a Local Improvement District(LID)to improve certain streets in the 69th Avenue area; and WIIEREAS,at the Council meeting of March 9, 1999,Ordinance 99-07 was adopted officially forming the 69th Avenue Local Improvement District(LID 49); and WHEREAS, final construction plans were prepared by DeHaas & Associates, Inc., and the project was advertised for bids; and WHEREAS, the construction contract was awarded to W.A. Jones, Co., the construction began on June June 17, 1999,and was certified as substantially complete on April 21,2000; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard is a participant in the assessed district, contributing an amount not-to- exceed $200,000.00 for land acquisition costs to permit construction of the Beveland Street Extension between 68th Avenue and 69th Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City contribution has been deducted from the total LID costs; and WHEREAS, after deduction of the City contribution, the total amount remaining to be assessed against benefited property owners is$1,589,211.00; and WHEREAS,the Final Engineer's Report was completed in November 2001. with revisions on January 10, 2002 setting out the assessment methods and spreading total costs of the Local Improvement District among the benefited property owners; and WHEREAS, Tigard Municipal Code (TMC) Section 13.04.060 requires that City Council adopt the assessment methods and proposed assessments; and WHEREAS, TMC 13.04.055 further requires that Council direct that notice of proposed assessments be given to the benefited property owners and that a public hearing be held to consider objections. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION l: The Final Engineers Report for the 69th Avenue LID dated November 2001 is attached as Exhibit A and by this reference is incorporated as part of this resolution. SECTION 2: The total LID costs to be assessed against benefited property owners is$1,589,211.00. RESOLUTION NO. 02-C��� Page 1 SECTION 3: The methods of assessment and proposed assessments as presented in the Final Engineer's Report are hereby approved. SECTION 4: Council hereby directs that a public hearing be held to consider objections, and that proper notice of the public hearing in accordance with TMC Section 13.04.060 be given to each of the property owners to be assessed. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Resolution shall be effective immediately. r-id PASSED: This � — day of- r ta-'- -2002. ayor- ity 1116W ATTEST: l� City Recorder-City of Tigard 1:\Citywide\Res\Assessment Resolution for the 69"Avenue LID.doc RESOLUTION NO. 02-'�'- Page,'? __ EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF TIGARD FINAL, ENGINEER'S REPORT LID 49 69TH AVENUE LOCAL IMPRO'V'EMENT DISTRICT TIGARD, OREGON NOVEMBER, 2001 98.189.118 DeHaas & Associates, Inc. Suite 300 - AGC Center 9450 SW Commerce Circle Wilsonville, OR 97070 (503) 682-2450 (503) 682-4018 Pax L.I.D. No. 49 69th AVENUE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FINAL ENGINEER`S REPORT NOVEMBER, 2001 This final Engineer's Report follows the full completion of the project, including all right-of-way acquisition proceedings. The 69th Avenue Local Improvement District involves improvements to all or a portion of the following streets within the City of Tigard: 69th Avenue - Hampton Street to Dartmouth Street Elmhurst Street - 70th Avenue to 112 Block East of 69th Avenue Franklin Street - 69th Avenue to 112 Block East of 69th Avenue Beveland Street - 70th Avenue to 68th Avenue Dartmouth Street - 70th Avenue to 69th Avenue General improvements include Streets and Water Quality, Storm Drainage and Detention, Sanitary Sewer, Water, Sidewalk, Street Trees and Barkdust, Undergrounding Utilities and Ancillary Improvements which included right-of-way acquisition, street lighting and miscellaneous minor improvements. General financing of the project is accomplished by formation of a Local Improvement District (LID), a process whereby the City finances the construction, sells bonds to cover all project costs, places assessment liens on beneficial property owners, and allows the property owners to pay off the liens plus interest in six-month installments over a specific period (in this instance 20 years). The City of Tigard is a participant in the assessed district, contributing an amount not-to-exceed $200,000.00 for land acquisition costs to permit construction of the Beveland Street Extension between 68th Avenue and 69th Avenue. In addition to the Beveland right-of-way, dedications of land were acquired at 16 street comers to allow for construction of wheelchair ramps. The total amount to be assessed against benefitted property owners is $1,365,213. /.Z Formation of LID In June of 1998, Specht Development submitted a petition for formation of a Local Improvement District to improve streets in the 69th Avenue area. Specht's petition for the LID was prompted by the need for street improvements required by the City to support Specht's Site Design Review (SDR) application for development. Four (4) other properties had SDR approvals conditioned upon street improvements and one other was eminent. Owners involved in the SDR process requiring street improvements were: 1. Specht Development, Inc. 2. Landmark Ford 3. Martin 4. McCroskey 5_ Porter 6. Roth Inasmuch as it was deemed far more efficient to construct required street and related improvements under a single project, the City set in motion the LID process for making such improvements. City Engineering Staff presented a Preliminary Evaluation Report which was presented to Council at their meeting of October 13, 1998. On October 27, 1998, Council passed Resolution 98 52 directing the Engineering Staff to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report for the proposed 69th Avenue Local Improvement District. DeHaas & Associates, Inc. was retained by the City to provide engineering services. At their meeting of 12/8/98, City Council expressed their desire to implement an element of the Tigard Triangle Street Plan and include the extension of Beveland Street from 68th Avenue to 69th Avenue in the project. A Preliminary Engineer's Report (Preliminary Plans and cost estimates) was prepared and presented for review at a neighborhood meeting 1/14/99 in the TWD Auditorium. The Preliminary Engineer's Report indicated that the LID boundary should be extended South to Hampton Street, and East to include the extension of Beveland Street from 69th Avenue to 68th Avenue. The extension to Hampton Street ensured that all of 69th Avenue between Hampton Street and Dartmouth Street would be improved to current standards, to include undergrounding of overhead utilities. The extension of Beveland Street from 69th Avenue to 68th Avenue complied with the requirement of the Tigard Triangle Street Plan to provide a direct connection from 68th Avenue to 72nd Avenue along Beveland Street. Engineering analysis found that the LID as proposed in the Preliminary Engineer's Report was feasible, and that the improvements could be completed by fall of 1999. The Preliminary Engineer's Report was adjusted based upon continuing input and information provided, along with refinement of the proposed preliminary design. On February 9, 1999 Council, after reviewing the Preliminary Engineer's Report, passed Resolution 99-10 declaring Council's intention to form a Local Improvement District (LID) to improve 69th Avenue and certain other streets within the Tigard Triangle in the City of Tigard. The refined Preliminary Fngineer`s Report was reviewed at an informal meeting with benefitted property owners at City Hall on 2/17/99. Council held a formai public hearing for formation of the District (LID) on 2/23/99. That hearing was continued to the Council meeting of 3/9/99 at which Ordinance 99-07 was adopted, officially forming the LID. Construction Final construction plans were prepared by DeHaas & Associates, Inc. and the project was advertised for bids. Ten (10) bids were received on 5/18/99 as follow: I- W-A. Jones Co. $ 832,341.70 2. Coffman Excavation, Inc. 833,966.50 3. Northwest Earthmovers, Inc. 855,859.30 4. Emerald Tower, Inc. 879,117.99 5. D & D Concrete & Utilities, Inc. 940,980.00 6. Three Dimensional Contracting, Inc. 974,552.50 7. The Saunders Company, Inc. 1,033,818.70 8. Eagle Elsner, Inc. 1,035,266.90 9. Kerr Contractors, Inc. 1,037.153.00 10. P. Miller & Sons Contractors, Inc. 1,152,333.10 The construction contract was awarded to W.A. Jones Co. in the amount of$832,341.70 and W.A. Jones was issued a notice to proceed on 6/17/99. The construction was certified as substantially complete on 4/21/00. Final W.A. Jones construction cost was $931,472.20 which included $70,200.47 in change orders, the largest change order being $17,986.45 for moving the Pierce building off of Beveland Street. Assessment Methods This is a comprehensive LID, inasmuch as a series of different improvement elements were included, each of which benefit a different set of properties. Assessment methods recognize improvements already completed. Accordingly, each set of improvements is assessed by a rnethod which recognizes its appropriate area or element of benefit and fairly distributes the costs. Improvement elements have been separated as follow: I. Street Improvements 50% of costs on a Frontage Basis 50% of costs on an Area Basis This method mitigates unfairness related to properties of variable shape and size and reduces the heavy impact on corner parcels that would occur if a 100% Frontage Basis were used. 2. Storm Drainage Improvements 100% of costs on an Area Basis 3. Sanitary Sewer Improvements Service extension costs on a Per Each Basis Remaining costs on an Area Basis 4. Water Improvements Service extensions and new hydrant costs on a Per Each Basis S. Sidewalk Improvements 100% of costs on a Frontage Basis 6. Street Trees and Barkdust Barkdust: 100% of costs on a Frontage Basis Street Trees: 100% of costs on a Per-Tree Basis (Preliminary Engineer's Report 100% on a Frontage Basis) 7. Under rig Power. Telephone and TV 100% of costs on an Area Basis 8. Ancillary Improvements 100% of the following costs on an Area Basis a. Right-of-way acquisition, including right-of-way and demolition costs related to the taking of right-of-way for Beveland between 69th and 68th. b. Added catch basin and lateral at NW comer of 69th and Hampton. c. Reconstruction of wheelchair ramp at NW corner of 69th and Hampton. d. Street Lighting. Exhibit A illustrates the overall LID boundary. Exhibit B is the Final Assessment Roll. Maps illustrating the respective elements„ areas of benefit and assessment factors are identified as Exhibits C-1 through C-8 and D-1 through D-8 respectively. Exhibit D-9 includes a summary of individual total assessment costs. Exhibit E provides a record of all costs and calculations for distribution to each assessment element. Exhibits F1 - F16 provides a record of reports, resolutions, ordinances, hearings, meetings and other pertinent project documentation. This Final Engineer's Report has been prepared in a manner which acknowledges all the Council's decisions and actions to date. The Final Assessment roll reflecting the total of those actions is attached as Exhibit "B". �tD PRpF Sincerely, 447 9 Marlin I DeHaas, P.E., P.L.S. President ON ti cc: 98.189.118 �,��/Y 14, %g��P� HI. Dt Exp. 12/31/01 cc: 98.189.118 Attachments: Exhibit A LID Boundary. Exhibit B Assessment Roll. Exhibits C-1 through C-8 Areas or Elements of Benefit. C-1 Street and Water Quality Improvements C-2 Storm Drain and Detention Improvements C-3 Sanitary Sewer Improvements C-4 Water Improvements C-5 Sidewalk Improvements C-6 Street Trees and Barkdust Improvements C-7 Undergrounding Power, Telephone and TV C-8 Ancillary Improvements Exhibits D-1 through D-8 Individual Assessment and Assessment Factors for Each Construction Element. D-1 Street and Water Quality Improvements D-2 Storm Drain and Detention Improvements D-3 Sanitary Sewer Improvements D-4 Water Improvements D-5 Sidewalk Improvements D-6 Street Trees and Barkdust Improvements D-7 Undergrounding Power, Telephone and TV D-8 Ancillary Improvements Exhibit D-9 Summary of Individual Total Assessment Costs. Exhibit E A record of all costs and calculations for distribution to each assessment element. Exhibits F-1 through F-16 A record of reports, resolutions, ordinances, hearings, meetings and other pertinent project documentation. F-1 Staff Preliminary Evaluation Report for Proposed 69th Avenue LID - 10/13/98 F-2 Resolution No 98-52, Resolution directing Staff to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report, 10/27/98 F-3 Preliminary Engineer's Report F4 Resolution No 99-10, Resolution Declaring Council's Intent to Form the LID F-5 Notice for Neighborhood Meeting of 1/14/99 F-6 Agenda Outline for Neighborhood Meeting of 1/14/99 F-7 Acknowledgment of Adoption of 20-year Term for Repayment and Criteria for Deferral of Special Assessments, 2/8/99 F-8 Notice of Informal Public Meeting of 2/17/99 an Formal Public Hearing before Council of 2/23/99 F-9 Agenda Outline for Informal Public Meeting of 2/17/99 F-10 Notice of Continuation of Public Hearing to 3/9/99 F-I I Ordinance No 99-07, Ordinance forming the District (LID) and Ordering the Improvements to be made, 3/9/99 F-12 Advertisement for Bids for Construction, 5/4/99 F-13 Tabulation of Bids and Recommendation of Award to W.A. Jones Co., 5/19/99 F-14 Notice to Proceed, 6/17/99 F-15 Certificate of Work Completion and Acceptance F-16 Final Payment Estimate 189FINAL.N26 EXHIBIT A Dartmouth StreetXf7/�7/ LID BoundGry Map n C}�rac�Q :.. � tz .xrar.: �. ............................................ _............_..-.... . Yx.. ........ lb :J-:t--------------------------------- in: JW - : c v ..::c�;E q� ............................ ------------------- - : w ..:::.:::-::.....:: p Friifi :: Street Scale:l"=200'"=2C10' ::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :xt: x06, Aky: 2S 1 1MA044r 2S ! 7M Akp.• 2S 7 W A&p.• 2S J W -Az— ...... xc ............. LID Bounda n Hampton Street EXHIBIT B FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL (and Ownership Report) L.I.D. 49 69th AVENUE LID NOVEMBER, 2001 (Revised 1/10/02) EXHIBIT B 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID-Assessment Roll Rev. 1/10/02 Tax Ident. LoAssessed Outstanding Bonding Final Bonding Lot Owner No. LoValuation Assessment Capacity Assessment Deficiency Tigard Corporate Center 1&2 2900 15400 Millikan Way $9,962,880 0 8,302,400 $306,696 0 Beaverton, OR 97006 Tigard Corporate Center 3-6 3800 15400MillikanWay 6,104,020 0 5,086,683 347,023 0 Beaverton, OR 97007 Tigard Corporate Center 7 9100 15400 Millikan Way 5,793,140 0 4,827,617 201,191 0 Beaverton, OR 97008 Stephen W. &Lynn Peirce 8 9600 12560 SW 70'h 204,910 0 170,758 55,126 0 Tigard, OR 97223 R&D Property Dev LLC 9 9108 12559 SW 69" 617,300 0 514,417 58,519 0 Tigard, OR 97223 John B. McCroskey 10 2700 1380 Morning Sky Ct 569,640 0 474,700 24,905 0 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Don R. & Cynthia Sue Morton 11 2800 3109 NE Broadway 144,870 0 120,725 31,390 0 Portland, OR 97223 Triangle Terrace LLC 12 2900 12600 SW 72nd Ave#200 1,687,640 0 1,406,367 73,648 0 Tigard, OR 97223 KF LLC 13 3000 7407 SW Hunt Club Dr 1,106,870 0 922,392 9,579 0 Portland, OR 97224 Landmark Ford Inc. 14 2700 PO Box 23970 183,540 0 152,950 39,792 0 Tigard, OR 97281 Landmark Ford Inc. 15 2600 PO Box 23970 117,100 0 97,583 16,777 0 Tigard, OR 97282 Landmark Ford Inc. 16 2400 PO Box 23970 91,160 0 75,967 25,370 0 Tigard, OR 97283 Bonding Capacity= Assessed Valuation 1.2 Page 1 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID -Assessment Roll Rev. 1/10/02 Idents Tax LoAssessed Outstanding Bonding Final Bonding Lot Owner No. LoValuation Assessment Capacity Assessment Deficiency Ella J. Opdal 17 2301 12170 SW 69th Ave $132,660 0 110,550 $30,722 0 Tigard, OR 97223 Cecil&Donna Rae Jones 18 2300 12190 SW 69th Ave 148,200 0 123,500 37,383 0 Tigard, OR 97223 Landmark Ford Inc. 19 5100 PO Box 23970 99,490 0 82,908 25,109 0 Tigard, OR 97283 Fairmark Investments LLC 20 4900 PO Box 901 152,820 0 127,350 51,427 0 Tualatin, OR 97062 Landmark Ford Inc. 21 5200 PO Box 23970 552,000 0 460,000 34,372 0 Tigard, OR 97283 Landmark Ford Inc. 22 4300 PO Box 23970 141,870 0 118,225 24,700 0 Tigard, OR 97283 J.T., Jr. & Theresa A. Roth 23 8300 12600 SW 72nd Ave Ste 200 57,630 0 48,025 17,467 0 Tigard, OR 97223 J.T., Jr. & Theresa A. Roth 24 8700 12600 SW 72nd Ave Ste 200 47,270 0 39,392 22,469 0 Tigard, OR 97224 JT., Jr. & Theresa A. Roth 25 8500 12600 SW 72nd Ave Ste 200 57,630 0 48,025 2,464 0 Tigard, OR 97225 J.T., Jr. & Theresa A. Roth 26 8600 12600 SW 72nd Ave Ste 200 126,480 0 105,400 15,890 0 Tigard, OR 97226 J.T., Jr. & Theresa A. Roth 27 9800 12600 SW 72nd Ave Ste 200 939,950 0 783,292 26,558 0 Tigard, OR 97227 Mark R. Dana 28 9700 12585 SW 68th Ave 441,070 0 367,558 18,821 0 Tigard, OR 97223 Bonding Capacity=Assessed Valuation 1.2 Page.2 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID-Assessment Roll Rev. 1/10102 Tax Ident. LoAssessed Outstanding Bonding Final Bonding Lot Owner No. LoValuation Assessment Capacity Assessment Deficiency No George Fox University 29 2400 414 N Meridian $5,256,530 0 4,380,442 $37,615 0 Newberg, OR 97132 Peter&Eloise Szamblean 30 8302 3258 Lakeview Blvd 786,590 0 655,492 54,199 0 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Bonding Capacity=Assessed Valuation 1.2 Page 3 EXHIBITS C-1 through C-8 Dartmouth Street Exhibit C- 1 Street & Yater Quality IL gZUO- Assessment c Assessment Map ; w tz zor: Elmhurst Street 5100 !9 j 7 ` aao !dent. No. ;;::: ::_: : c s :.._.::::::_..-....: :: El Assessment Area a ...-. Assessment Frontage .� ® Area Assesed 0 757. :r .:: : � 2 c — — frontage Assessed 60 75.'x' ^ � Frank/in Street Q tz �3oz: 71.91Gt1 Re-v fact StrP_Pt Scale:7"=200' 97LY7 izRV, TL 96017 T n 2707 C a Q t.- TL 2407 •C UD Boundary Hampton Street Dartmouth Street Exhibit C-, Storm Drain & De ten tion Im ro veru en is � p Assessment IIaad �. n J Elmhurst Street A5100 w. m ldent. No. .. . :: 0 Assessment Area ------------- ® Area Assessed 0 75X ..................:....:..:. :': .. . :: o, a a) c .. Fronk/in Street Q Q O rz Wiz' c _n sxxr; W er Beveland Street y� Scale:1'=200' _.....__ .. iz rz 9ra� n 9eao (, TL 2700 Q j Q 11 7Z 2800 7L 2400 wr.�. R 2900 `° Q L10 Rounddly—,z— ORJOk9O PamOton Street Dartmouth Street Exhlb t C—, Sanitary Se wer ..... lmpro semen is �°� Assessment Map a� a z� Elmhurst Street FL_T. TOO: ZA (2) /dent. No. ......::::... - . Assessment Area _::::: services Q Franklin Street Q 7z::staff: �o :-g rz as Bevelan Strcct Scale:1"=200' 77 9700 rza rzO oe n9800 I � I TL 2700 11 n 286"0 7L 2400 7z 2900 LID Boundary ��// n .sago I Hampton Street --1 I Dartmouth Street Exhlb t C-4 W- ater Improvements I Assessment Map � 7Z 2700 n 2900 I n a3o1 n 2.x00 I ElmhurstStlreet I n 5100 rt ,W I @Q to ® I Q JdenL No. n 4" a— Fire Hydronts Q 6" Services >z 5" n 4-W m C I Franklin Street © rz 6302 n v100 I 1 r x87W n Bevelanl Street Scale:l"=200' O ® I n 9700 a a160v a 9106 I n sera I I TL 27W n 2600 I n 2" LID /� Q n 2Y"M Boundary I I (raj A 3000 I Hamoton .Street Dartmouth Street Lex lh ft SldewGlk Improvements Assessment t MGp 7L 2700 Q 017 and R 24 t 7Z 29M C n aver 7Z 2" Elmhurst Street n 5700 7Z 38ao ldent. No. a to @ c '� 40`7 —� Assessment Frontage C m rz szan Q w b7Z 43W v w � h Franklin Street a Q 7L 8J02 7Z 9100 6506 7L 8) TZ 8eve/and Street Scale:1"=200' O 7Z 9700 7Z S" 7L 911" Q J TL 2700 � Q 1 i 7Z 2800 7Z 24W w UD Boundary �-] n 2900 Q 7z -Vwg:LL Hampton Street Dartmouth Street 6-xhlbf t C-6 Street Trees & • 6'arkdus t lmpro vem en is n 27 Assessment flap► ondfl 24al� TZ 2900 rz 2347 t7a 2" Elmhurst Street •• •• • •• 40 n 5100 • t9 • • • 7Z 4900 @ /dent. No. Q to ., e la .rear • 2.5" Cal. Street Trees � • Q 40 J,5" Ca/. Street Trees • L*7Z4,YW— Assessment Frontage • CJCZ • • Frank/rn Street 0 • 7Z 8JU2 7Z 91 • cip • `O • • • TZ 8600 7Z Beveland Street Scale:1"=200' •• • • ••• • 7Z 9600 >t 78 7Z 97 7Z 9800 Q t 7Z 270!t C Q R 2800 • • R 2400 R 29on g to LID Boundary- Z-1 • • rz .rood Hampton Street I Dartmouth Street Exhlbit G— Undergroundinq Power, pTe%phone & TV j .... Impro veru en is Q _Assessment Map : moi 1T lP: Elmhurst Street `.ice; : : =...:.,�....... � Idem. No. =. ani . - =::_ - 0 Assessment Area m y ct� q p :: Franklin Street Q M 8302 D71iMOO 8eveland Sfreef Scale.1„=200, 7z 9700 :. 7Z 98(X7 Q v Q .... UD Boundary 0 7z Hampton Street E Dartmouth Street Exhibit C—� Ancll"Icry Improvements Assessment Ma _ ....-...--.. _-._. az2s..Fa::`. : i.: Z4:A Elmhurst Street W,5100 _. � ------...... J (D Iden t. No. 0 Assessment Area a � c = =' lb . re:: q =....................... t ti. All ------------------ ­T ........... ---------- ......................... Franklin Street Q Tata : w .....................j1ta7 .18 M Berelvrid Slieel Scale:l"=200' --: - ..z::V s 6A v �:.. � w Q . :. ................................... ?i LID Bounddly--,'14 ... saioa:: INmmr)tnn S'frpo+ EXHIBITS D-1 through D-8 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit D-1 Street and Water Quality Improvements Rev. 1/10/02 Total Ident. Tax Lot 2 Frontage Frontage(ft) Area(ft ) Area Costs Assessable No. No. Costs Costs 1&2 2900 669 87,522 $34,315 $41,544 $75,858 3-6 3800 699 105,048 35,853 49,863 85,71 7 9100 479 56,868 24,569 26,993 51,562 8 9600 119 21,420 (5,104 10,167 16,271 9 9108 280 17,998 14,362 8,543 22,905 10 2700 0 0 0 0 11 2800 75 16,425 3,847 7,796 11,643 12 2900 155 33,945 7,950 16,112 24,063 13 3000 0 0 0 0 14 2700 150 10,000 7,694 4,747 12,441 15 2600 50 5,000 2,565 2,373 4,938 16 2400 75 7,500 3,847 3,560 7,40 17 2301 88 8,800 4,514 4,177 8,691 18 2300 * 163 * 7,686 8,361 3,648 12,00 19 5100 100 4,982 5,129 2,365 7,49 20 4900 150 15,000 7,694 7,1.20 14,81 21 5200 100 10,000 5,129 4,747 9,87 22 4300 100 4,982 5,129 2,365 7,494 23 8300 50 5,000 2,565 2,373 4,938 24 8700 140 3,964 7,181 1,882 9,063 25 8500 0 1,400 0 665 665 26 8600 100 31102 5,129 1,472 6,60 27 9800 100 4,982 5,129 2,365 7,49 28 9700 100 5,000 5,129 2,373 7,503 29 2400 0 0 0 0 30 8302 * 225 * 13,664 11,541 6,4861 18,02 4,167 ft 13736 $213736 450,288 ft $2 , , $427,471 Street& Water Quality Improvements (General Construction) $427,471 * 75% Assessment - See Exhibit C-1 .Assessment Formula 50% of costs on Frontage Basis $213,736/4,167 ft = $51.29 /ft 50% of costs on Area Basis $213,736/450,288 ft2 = $0.475 /ftl 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit D-2 Storm Drain and Detention Improvements Rev. 1110/02 Ident.. Tax Lot Special Total No. No. Area{ft2} Services Area Costs Assessable Specht Costs 1&2 2900 87,522 $0 $57,378 $57,378 3-6 3800 105,048 2,322 68,868 71,19 7 9100 56,868 0 37,282 37,28 8 9600 21,420 0 14,043 14,043 9 9108 5,000 0 3,278 3,278 10 2700 0 0 0 11 2800 0 0 0 12 2900 0 0 0 13 3000 0 0 0 14 2700 10,000 0 6,556 6,55 15 2600 5,000 0 3,278 3,278 16 2400 7,500 0 4,917 4,91 17 2301 8,800 0 5,769 5,76 18 2300 * 7,686 0 5,039 5,03 19 5100 4,982 0 3,266 3,26 20 4900 15,000 0 9,834 9,83 21 5200 10,000 0 6,556 6,55 22 4300 4,982 0 3,266 3,26 23 8300 5,000 0 3,278 3,278 24 8700 3,964 0 2,599 2,59 25 8500 1,400 0 918 918 26 8600 3,102 0 2,034 2,03 27 9800 4,982 0 3,266 3,26 28 9700 , 5,000 0 3,278 3,278 29 2400 0 0 4 30 8302 * 13,664 0 8,958 8,958 386,920 ft $2,3221 $253,6581 $255,9RCJ Storm Drain&Detention Improvements(General Constn,iction) $253,658 Special Services for Specht $2,322 $255,980 Assessment Formula(General Construction) Costs on Area Basis $253,658/386,920 W - $0.65558 /ft2 * 75% Assessment - See Exhibit C;-2 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit D_3 Sanitary Sewer Improvements Rev. 1110/02 Tax LotService Total Ident. No. No Area (ft) Service(ea) Area Costs costs Assessable Costs 1&2 2900 87,522 1 $30,486 $1,505 $31,991 3-6 3800 105,048 1 36,591 1,505 38,09 7 9100 56,868 1 19,809 1,505 21,314 8 9600 0 0 0 0 9 9108 0 1 0 1,505 1,505 10 2700 0 0 0 0 11 2800 0 1 0 1,505 1,505 12 2900 0 1 0 1,505 1,505 13 3000 0 0 0 0 14 2700 10,000 0 3,483 0 3,483 15 2600 5,000 0 1,742 0 1,74 16 2400 7,500 0 2,612 0 2,61 17 2301 8,800 1 3,065 1,505 4,57 18 2300 8,800 1 3,065 1,505 4,57 19 5100 9,964 0 3,471 0 3,471. 20 4900 15,000 1 5,225 1,505 6,73 21 5200 10,000 0 3,483 0 3,483 22 4300 9,964 0 3,471 0 3,471 23 8300 5,000 1 1,742 1,505 3,24 24 8700 3,964 0 1,381 0 1,381 25 8500 0 0 0 0 26 8600 0 0 0 0 27 9800 0 0 _0 0 28 9700 0 0 0 0 29 2400 0 0 0 0 30 8302 14,902 0 5,191 01 5,191 358,332 ft2l10 $124,8171 $15,0501 $139,867 Sanitary Sewer Improvements (General Construction) $124,817 Services $15,050 $139,867 Assessment Formula Sanitary Sewer Improvements $124,817,1358,332 ft2 = $0.34833 /ft2 Services = $1,505 ea. 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit D-4 Water Improvements Rev. 1/10/02 6" Total Ident. Tax Lot Service Fire Hydrant 6" Service Fire Hydrant Assessable No. No. (ea) (ea) Costs Costs Costs 1&2 2900 1 2 $4,766 $9,943 $14,70 3-6 3800 1 2 4,766 9,943 14,70 7 9100 1 1 4,766 4,971 9,738 8 9600 0 0 0 0 9 9108 0 0 0 0 10 2700 0 0 0 0 11 2800 0 0 0 0 12 2900 0 1 0 4,971 4,971 13 3000 0 0 0 0 14 2700 0 0 0 0 15 2600 0 0 0 0 16 2400 0 0 0 0 17 2301 0 0 0 0 18 2300 0 0 0 0 19 5100 0 0 0 0 20 4900 0 0 0 0 21 5200 0 0 0 0 22 4300 0 0 0 0 23 8300 0 0 0 0 24 8700 0 0 0 0 25 8500 0 0 0 0 26 8600 0 0 0 0 27 9800 0 0 0 0 28 9700 0 0 0 0 29 2400 0 0 0 0 30 8302 01 01 0 0 I 1 1 :: 1 3.00 6,001 $14,2991 $29,8281 $44,128 Assessment Formula 6" Services 3@ $4,766 = $14,299 Hydrants 6@ $4,971 = $29,828 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit D-5 Sidewalk Improvements Rev. 1/10/02 Extra Ident. Tax Lot Sidewalk Tree Fronts ft Sidewralk Tree Grates Frontage Total Frontage g � ) No. No (ft) Grates Costs Costs Costs Assessable Costs 1&2 2900 566 4 669 $2,556 $3,755 $26,446 $32,758 3-6 3800 566 41 699 2,556 3,755 27,632 33,944 7 9100 566 4 479 2,556 3,755 18,935 25,247 8 9600 0 0 119 0 0 4,704 4,704 9 9108 0 0 280 0 0 11,069 11,069 10 2700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 2800 0 0 75 0 0 2,965 2,965 12 2900 0 0 175 0 0 6,918 6,918 13 3000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 2700 0 0 150 0 0 5,930 5,930 15 2600 0 0 50 0 0 1,977 1,977 16 2400 0 01 75 0 0 2,965 2,965 17 2301 0 0 88 0 0 3,479 3,479 18 2300 0 0 188 0 0 7,432 7,432 19 5100 0 0 100 0 0 3,953 3,953 20 4900 0 0 150 0 0 5,930 5,930 21 5200 0 01 100 0 0 3,953 3,953 22 4300 0 0 100 0 0 3,953 3,953 23 8300 0 0 50 0 0 1,977 1,977 24 8700 0 0 140 0 0 5,534 5,534 25 8500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 1 8600 0 01 100 0 0 3,953 3,953 27 9800 0 0 100 0 0 3,953 3,953 28 9700 0 0 100 0 0 3,953 3,953 29 2400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 8302 0 0 250 0 0 9,883 9,883- 1,698 ft 121 4,237 ft $7,669 $11,265 $167,494 $186,428 Sidewalk Improvements $186,428 Assessment Formula Costs on Frontage Basis $167,494/4,237 ft = $39.5313 /ft (General Construction) Costs directly to Specht Extra Sidewalk 1,698 ft2 @ $4.52/ft2 - $7,675 /ft" Tree Grates 12 @ $938.76 ea. - $11,265 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit D-6 Street Trees and Barkdust Improvements Rev, 1/10/02 Ident. Tax Lot Frontage 3.5" Cal. 2.5" Cal. Barkdust Total No. No. (ft) Trees(Ea) Trees Frontage Tree Costs Assessable (Ea) Costs Costs 1&2 2900 888 6 24 $1,067 $16,373 $17,43 3-6 3800 699 0 26 840 10,636 11,475 7 9100 479 0 14 575 5,727 6,30 8 9600 119 0 3 143 1,227 1,37 9 9108 280 0 9 336 3,682 4,018 10 2700 0 0 0 0 0 11 2800 75 0 2 90 818 908 12 2900 175 0 6 210 2,454 2,665 13 3000 0 0 0 0 0 14 2700 150 0 6 180 2,454 2,635 15 2600 50 0 1 60 409 46 16 2400 75 0 2 90 818 908 17 2301 88 0 1 106 409 515 18 2300 188 0 1 226 409 635 19 5100 100 0 3 120 1,227 1,34 20 4900 150 0 2 180 818 99 21 5200 100 0 4 120 1,636 1,75 22 4300 100 0 2 120 818 938 23 8300 50 0 2 60 818 878 24 8700 140 0 3 168 1,227 1,395 25 1 8500 0 0 0 0 0 26 8600 100 0 3 120 1,227 1,34 27 9800 100 0 1 120 4091 52 28 9700 100 0 2 120 818 938 29 2400 0 0 0 0 0 30 8302 250 0 b 300 2,454 2,755 4,456 ftj 61 1231 $5,3531 $56,870 $62,22 Street Trees& Barkdust $62,222 Less one 2.5" Cal. tree $ (409) $ 61,813 Assessment Formula Costs on Frontage Basis(Barkdust) $5,353/4,456 ft — $1.2012 /ft Street Trees 3.5"Cal. 6 @ $1092.52 — $6,555 2.5" Cal. 123 @ $409.06 = $50,314 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit D-7 Undergrounding Power, Telephone and TV Improvements Rev. 1/10/02 Ident. Tax Lot Total No. No. Area(ft2) Area Costs Assessable Costs 1&2 2900 87,522 $21,434 $21,434 3-6 3800 105,048 25,726 25,72 7 9100 56,868 13,927 13,92 8 9600 21,420 5,246 5,24 9 9108 17,998 4,408 4,408 10 2700 28,470 6,972 6,97 11 2800 16,425 4,022 4,02 12 2900 38,325 9,386 9,38 13 3000 10,950 2,682 2,68 14 2700 10,000 2,449 2,44 15 2600 5,000 1,224 1,22 16 2400 7,500 1,837 1,83 17 2301 8,800 2,155 2,155 18 2300 8,800 2,155 2,155 19 5100 9,964 2,440 2,44 20 4900 15,000 3,673 35673 21 5200 10,000 2,449 2,44 22 4300 9,964 2,440 2,44 23 8300 0 0 24 8700 0 0 25 8500 0 0 26 8600 0 0 27 9800 0 0 28 9700 0 0 29 2400 43,000 10,530 10,53 30 8302 0 0 511,054 ft2 F777iU5,154 $125,154 Undergrounding Power, Telephone, & TV $125,154 Assessment Formula 100% of costs on Area Basis $125,1541511,054 ft2 = $0.24489 Ift2 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit D-8 Ancillary Improvements Rev. 1/14/02 Ident. Tax Lot Total No. No. Area(ft) Assessable Costs 1&2 1 2900 87,522 $55,129 3-6 3800 1051048 66,168 7 9100 56,868 35,820 8 9600 21,420 13,492 9 9108 17,998 11,337 10 2700 28,470 17,933 11 2800 16,425 10,346 12 2900 38,325 24,140 13 3000 10,950 6,897 14 2700 10,000 6,299 15 2600 5,000 3,149 16 2400 7,500 4,724 17 2301 8,800 5,543 18 2300 8,800 5,543 19 5100 4,982 3,138 20 4900 15,000 9,448 21 5200 10,000 6,299 22 4300 4,982 3,1.38 23 8300 5,000 3,149 24 8700 3,964 2,497 25 8500 1,400 882 26 8600 3,102 1,954 27 9800 17,964 11,315 28 9700 5,000 3,149 29 2400 43,000 27,085 30 8302 14,9021 9,387 552,422 ft2 $347,962 Ancillary Improvements $347,962 Plus one 2.5" Cal. tree $409 $348,371 Assessment Formula 100% of costs on Area Basis $347,962/552,422 = $0.63 /ft2 Right-of-Way Acquisition Catch Basin @ Hampton House removal on Beveland Wheelchair Ramp @ Hampton EXffiBIT D-9 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit D-9 Rev. 1/10/02 Summary of Assessment Costs D-1 D-2 D-3 D4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 Undeigrounding Ident. Tax Lot Property Owner Street& St.D.& Sanitary Water Sidewalk Street Trees , Total Assessabl pokerTelephone Ancillary e No. No. Water Quality Detention Sewer &Barkdust TV Costs 1&2 2900 Tigard Corporate Center $75,858 $57,378 $31,991 $14,709 $32,758 $17,439 $21,43, $55,129 $306,696 3-6 3800 Tigard Corporate Center 85,716 71,190 38,096 14,709 33,944 11,475 25,726 66,1681 347,023 7 9100 Tigard Corate Center 51,562 37,282 21,314 9,738 25,247 6,302 13,927 35,820 201,191 8 9600 S-.ephen W.&Lynn L.Peirce 16,271 14,043 0 0 4,704 1,370 5,246 13,492 55,126 9 9108 R&D Properly Development LLC 22,905 3,278 1,505 0 11,069 4,015 4,408 11,337 . 58,519 10 2700 John B.McCroskey 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,972 17,933 24,905 11 2800 Don R. &Cynthia Sue Morton 11,643 0 1,505 0 2,965 908 4,022 10,346 31,390 12 2900 Triangle Terrace LLC 24,063 0 1,5051 4,971 6,918 2,665 9,386 24,140 73,648 13 3000 KF LLC 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,682 6,897 9,579 14 2700 Landmark Ford,Inc. 12,441 6,556 3,483 0 5,930 2,635 2,449 6,299 39,792 15 2600 Landmark Ford,Inc. 4,938 3,278 1,742 0 1,977 469 1,224 3,149 16,777 16 2400 Landmark Ford,Inc. 7,407 4,917 2,612 0 2,965 908 1,837 4,724 25,370 17 2301 Ella J.Cpdal 8,691 5,769 4,570 0 3,479 515 2,1_'5 5,543 30,722 18 2300 Cecil&Donna Rae Jones 12,009 5,039 4,5701 0 7,432 635 2,155 5,543 37,383 19 5100 Landmark Ford,Inc. 7,494 3,266 3,4711 0 3,953 1,347 2,440 3,138 25,109 20 4900 Fainnark Investments LLC 14,814 9,834 6,730 0 5,930 998 3,673 9,448 51,427 21 5200 landmark Ford,Inc. 9,876 6,556 3,483 0 3,953 1,756 2,449 6,299 34,372 22 4300 Landmark Ford,Inc. 7,494 3,266 3,471 0 3,953 938 2,440 3,138 24,700 23 8300 J.T.,Jr.&Theresa A.Roth 4,938 3,278 3,247 0 1,977 878 0 3,149 17,467 24 8700 J.T.,Jr.&Theresa A.Roth 9,063 2,599 1,381 0 5,534 1,395 0 2,497 22,469 25 8500 J.T.,Jr. &Theresa A.Roth 665 918 0 0 0 0 0 882 2,464 26 8600 J.T.,Jr. &Theresa A.Roth 6,602 2,034 0 01 3,953 1,347 0 1,954 15,850 27 9800 J.T.,Jr.&Theresa A.Roth 7,494 3,266 0 01 3,953 5291 0 11,315 26,558 28 9700 IbLark R.Dana 7,503 3,278 0 0 3,953 938 0 3,149 18,821 29 2400 Ceorge Fox University 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,530 27,085 37,615 30 8302 Peter&Eloise Szambelan 18,027 8,9581 5,191 0 9,883 2,755 0 9,387 54,199 $427,471 $255,980 $139,867 $44,128 $186,428 $61,813 $125,151 $348,371 $1,589,211 EXHIBIT E t Jones: D-1 Street & Water Quality Improvements $ 301,190.58 D-2 Storm Drain & Detention Improvements 181,096.50 D-3 Sanitary Sewer Improvements 99,101.45 D-4 Water Improvements 31 266.30 D-5 Sidewalk Improvements 132 091.92 D-6 Street Trees & Barkdust 44,087.20 D-7 Underground Power, Telephone & TV 86,354.90 D-8 Ancillary Improvements 56,283.35 TOTAL, $931,472.20 Payments to Jones: Pay Estimate #1 $ 49,862.15 #2 120,617.31 #3 126,935.69 #4 186,499.24 #5 111,029.39 #6 79,949.28 #7 93,555.10 #8 99,087.99 #9 38,513.79 #10 25422.26 TOTAL $ 931,472.20 EXHIBIT E Rev. 1/10/02 2 LA&E and Bond Interest and Costs Spread on Construction Cost Basis to Schedules 1-8 1) Engineering $179,691.06 ( 6,502.22) (R/W Engineering) - Schedule 8 $173,188.84 (Spread on Construction Cost Basis) - Schedules 1-8 2) Advertising 11/8/98 $ 58.50 11/18/98 49.77 3/11/99 49.77 5/19/99 121,88 5/19/99 92.43 $372.35 3) Projected Advertising Costs 4 @ $50.00 = $200.00 4) Plan Reproduction - Lazerquick 5/19/00 $136.94 6/2/00 90.17 $227.11 5) 'Title Reports $2,970.00 6) Bond Interest and Costs Bond Counsel $ 4,020.78 BAN Sale Costs (fees) 1,867.50 BAN Sale Cost 1,715.00 BAN Issuance Costs 12,572.50 Financial Advisor 1,050.00 Interest Paid 186,152.17 Projected Interest 12,576.67 $209,954.62 Total LA&E and Bond Interest = $386,912.92 386,912.92 940,604.15 = 0.41135 Rev. 1/10/02 3 Construction Costs Schedule 1 302,420.58 2 181,096.50 3 99,101.45 4 31,266.30 5 132,091.92 6 44,087.20 7 88,676.85 8 61,863.35 Total $940,604.15 Total LA&E and Bond Interest Costs spread to Schedule 1-8 on a percentage of construction cost basis = $386,912.92 LA&E R/W costs to Schedule 8 = $6,502.22 Rev. 1/10/02 4 Street & Water Quality Improvements (Backup for Exhibit D-1) Construction W.A. Jones $301,190.59 (Pay Estimate) Baracade 130.00 Arborvitae 12/29/99 - Mark Dana 1,100.00 $302,420.58 LA&E and Bond Interest Costs (41.135%)($302,420.58) = $125,050.91 TOTAL: Street & Water Quality Improvements $427,471.49 Rev. 1/10102 5 Storm Drain & Detention Improvements (Backup for Exhibit D-2) Construction W.A. Jones Contract $179,119.25 (Pay Estimate) Special Services for Specht (Change Order #1, Item #5) 1,977.25 (Pay Estimate) Total Construction $181,096.50 LA&E and Bond Interest Costs (41.135%)($181,096.50) = $74,883.46 TOTAL: Storm Drain &Detention Improvements $212,663.74 Construction LA&E Total General Construction $179,119.25 $ 74,065.87 $253,185.12 Specht Construction 1,977.25 817.59 2,794.84 $181,096.50 $ 74,883.46 $255,979.96 Rev. 1110102 6 Sanitary Sewer Improvements (Backup for Exhibit D-3) Construction W.A. Jones Contract $99,101.45 (Pay Estimate) LA&E and Bond Interest Costs (41.135%)($99,101.45) _ $40,765.38 TOTAL: Sanitary Sewer Improvements $139,866.83 S.S. Services = 10 @ $1,505.00 = $ 15,050.00 Other — 124,816.83 $139,866.83 Rev. 1/10/02 7 Water Improvements (Backup for Exhibit D-4) Construction W. A. Jones (Hydrants) $21,134.55 * 6" Services to Specht (Change Order #2, Item #1) 10,131.75 Total Construction $31,266.30 (Pay Estimate) LA&E and Bond Interest Costs (41.135%)($31,266.30) = $12,861.39 TOTAL: Water Improvements $44,127.69 *Specht 3 ea. 6" Water Services Change Order #2, Item #1 $ 3,027.45 Trench Exc. & B.F. 3@ 36' = 108' @ 23.00 2,516.40 12x6 Tapping Sleeves 3@ 875.01 2,571.00 6" Tapping Valve 3@ 348.30 1,044.90 6" D.I. Pipe 3@ 36' = 108' @ 9.00 972.00 $10,131.75 Construction LA&E Total General Construction $21,134.55 $ 8,693.69 $29,828.24 Specht Construction 10,131.75 4,167.7 14,299.45 $31,266.30 $12,861.39 $44,127.69 Rev. 1/10/02 8 Sidewalk Improvements (Backup to Exhibit D-5) Construction W.A. Jones Contract Total $132,091.92 (Pay Estimate) Total Construction $132,091.92 LA&E and Bond Interest Costs (41.135%)($132,091.92) _ $ 54,336.01 TOTAL; Sidewalk Improvements $186,427.93 Construction LA&E Total General Construction $118,676.52 $48,817.59 $167,494.11 Specht Construction Tree Grates (Change Order No. 5) 7,981.80 3,283.31 11,265.11 Extra Sidewalk _ 5,433.60 _ 2,235.11 7,668.71 $132,091.92 $54,336.01 $186,427.93 Tree Grates 12ea. @ 665.15 = $7,981.80 Extra Sidewalk 1,698ft2 @ 3.20 = $5,433.60 Rev. 1/10/02 9 Street Trees & Barkdust Improvements (Backup for Exhibit D-6) Construction W.A. Jones $44,087.20 (Fay Estimate) I,A&E and Bond Interest Costs (41.135%)($44,087.20) — $18,135.27 Barkdust $ 3,792.60 (1.41135) _ $ 5,352.69 31/a" Cal. Trees 4,644.60 (1.41135) = 6,555.15 2'/z" Cal. Trees 35,650.00 (1.41135) = 50,314.63 $62,222.47 * ( 409.06) TOTAL: Street Trees & Barkdust Improvements $61,813.41 * Less cost of one 2'/x" caliper tree removed to add light Rev. 1110102 10 Undergrounding Power, Telephone and TV Impovements (Backup for Exhibit D-7) Construction W.A. Jones $86,354.90 (Pay Estimate) P.G.E. Reimbursement { 1,726.04) P.G.E. Energizing 3,357.00 Repair Landscape George Fox 691.00 Total Construction $88,676.86 LA&E and Bond Interest Costs (41,135%)($88,676.86) _ $36,477.23 TOTAL: Undergrounding Power, Telephone and TV Improvements $125,154.09 Rev. 1/10/02 11 Ancillary Improvements (Backup to Exhibit D-8) Construction W.A. Jones $56,283.35 (Pay Estimate) R.J. Rouse Electric 2/7/00 300.00 (Remove Light Pole) 4/25/00 5,180.00 (Extra Light) KS LLC Landscaping 100.00 Total Construction $61,863.35 R/W Acquisition Kathleen Knowlton 3/11/99 $ 300.00 4/07/99 5,528.75 5/19/99 581.25 6/14/99 2,925.00 6/30/99 1,230.00 6/30/99 2,400.00 8/9/99 506.25 9/16/99 637.50 10/12/99 566.25 $ 14,675.00 Clancy Garner & Peirce 4/15/99 $ 405.00 $ 405.00 State of Oregon (Peirce taking) 6/23/99 $225,000.00 7/26/99 52,500.00 $277,500.00 Tax-Pierce Property $ 1,057.79 $ 1,057.79 The Business Journal $ 85.00 $ 85.00 Daily Journal of Commerce $ 58.50 $ 58.50 Rev. 1/10/02 12 Ancillary Improvements Cont, Community News $ 45.60 $ 45.60 Pacific Coast Credit 1/26/00 $ 6,833.34 $ 6,833.34 Teach Reporting 5111/00 $ 335.75 $ 335.75 Moscato Ofner & Henningsen Inc. 513/00 $ 600.00 2,645.00 $ 3,245.00 Paula monic Trosen 7/26/99 $ 2,099.50 9/3/99 2,099.50 $ 4,199.00 SML Associates 9/1/99 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Clayton Environmental Consultants 9/29/99 $ 210.00 10/12/99 60.00 $ 270.00 Bonnie Owens 9/29/99 $ 6,510.00 6/30/99 6,510.00 $ 13,020.00 Sherl J. Ireland 6/9/99 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Hanna McEldowny & Assoc. 1/15/99 750.00 $ 750.00 Rev. 1/10/02 13 Ancillary Improvements Cont. JF Young & Assoc, $ 5,177.82 $ 5,177.82 Limelight Video $ 361.00 52.00 175.00 $ 588.00 Marijane Simon (Court Reporter) 580.60 $ 580.60 Mark Dana 8/3/99 $ 432.00 6/30/99 1,211.UU $ 1,643.00 Landmark Ford 8/3/99 864.00 $ 864.00 J.T. Roth 8/3/99 $ 864.00 (3964)(11) _ $43,604.00 9/17/99 77,828.64 Less Real Est. Fee ( 3,000.00) Sale 40' strip ( 40,604.00) $40,604.00 $ 38,088.64 Pacific Christians Counsel 8/9/99 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Ramis Crew & Corrigan 6/2/99 $ 394.50 6/30/99 274.50 6/30/99 646.65 6/30/99 1,884.00 6/30/99 1,621.29 9/4/99 930.50 10/5/99 1,436.60 10/6/99 432.00 10/13/99 612.30 10/14/99 859.50 Rev. 1/10/02 14 Ancillary Improvements Cont. 11/18/99 777.10 12/16/99 216.00 12/23/99 117.20 1/5/00 243.00 1/18/00 256.39 1/26/00 166.50 2/16/00 72.70 3/2/00 487.50 3/9/00 227.00 4/6/00 72.00 4/13/00 570.10 4/25/00 63.00 5/11/00 120.00 6/2/00 993.00 6/13/00 234.10 355.50 96.10 40.50 513.00 5,782.50 6,992.40 465.93 643.50 243.90 184.00 113.80 125.70 183.00 54.00 177.50 6.52 85.50 237.40 70.00 139.20 169.00 422.25 July-Oct, 30,01 1,535.50 Projected Ramis Atty. 101000.00 $ 44,226.42 Rev. 1/10/02 15 Ancillary Improvements Cont. Preston Gates & Ellis 1,182.29 $ 1,182.29 City Participation ($200,000.00) ($200,000.00) Total R/W Acquisition $254,148.46 LA&E and Bond Interest Costs (Construction) (41.135%)($61,863.55) _ $25,447.57 (Right-of-Way) Amendment #1 Legals for R/W Acquisition 1,500.00 Amendment #2 Legals for R/W Acquisition 1,250.00 Amendment #3 Ease for PGI✓ 725.00 House Removal Alts. 780.00 House Removal Alts. 675.00 Amendment #4 Extra Work PC: Possession Delay 1,572.22 $ 6,502.22 _$31,961.79 $347,961.60 * 409.06 TOTAL: Ancillary Improvements $348,370.66 Plus cost of one 21/2" caliper tree removed to add light 189Final,N15 Rev. 1/10/02 16 Schedule 1 $ 427,471.49 Schedule 2 255,979.96 Schedule 3 139,866.83 Schedule 4 44,127.69 Schedule 5 186,427.93 Schedule 6 61,813.41 Schedule 7 125,154.09 Schedule 8 348,370.66 $1,589,211.90 EXHIBIT F-1 CITY OF TIGARD FACT SHEET 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, OR 97223 Contact: Agustin P. Duenas P.E , (503) 639-4171 AGENDA: October 13, 1998 TOPIC: Preliminary Evaluation Report for Proposed 69th Avenue LID BACKGROUND. Specht Development, Inc. submitted a petition for formation of a Local Improvement District (LID) to construct improvements to SW 69"'Avenue, SW Dartmouth Street, SW Elmhurst Street, SW Franklin Street, and SW Beveland Street. The proposed improvements include upgrading the streets to full city street standards, including sewer. water, storm drainage facilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street trees, and undergrounding of any overhead utilities. The proposed LID appears feasible. There are advantages and disadvantages in forming the LID, but the overall benefits to the City, to the petitioner, and to the Tigard Triangle are clear. The preliminary evaluation report evaluates the proposed LID and makes recommendations on actions City Council should take to ensure successful formation of the LID and timely construction of the improvements. COST: No funds have been allocated for the formation of the LID. Funding will have to be provided to proceed to the next step in the Lill formation process. EXHIBIT F-1 AGENDA ITI=M tt _ FOR AGENDA OF October 13 1998 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITF-M SUMMAR Y ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE Preliminary Evaluation Re rt for Proposed 69th Avenue LID PREPARED BY: A.P. uenas DEPT HEAD OK� --£IT-Y MGR OK ISSUE BEFORE THE COUNCIL Shall City Council proceed with the process to form a Local Improvement District for the Avenue. improvements to 69t11 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that City Council direct staff to continue with the next step in the LID formation process in accordance with the recommendations of the preliminary evaluation report. IIVFORMATION SUMMARY Specht Development, Inc. submitted a petition for formation of a Local Improvement District (LID) to constnict improvements to SW 69`h Avenue and a portion of SW Dartmouth Street. The submittal, including all amendments, includes improvements to the following: • SW 69'11 Avenue between the south right-of-way line of SW Dartmouth Street and the south right-of- way line of the proposed extension of SW Beveland Street (i.e. the south property line of Tr Lots 9100, 8800 and 8600, 2S I01 AA). Cel� -- Iv(St41 »,' . , i.,d.) • SW Elmhurst Street between SW 68`h Avenue and SW 70`h Avenue • SW Franklin Street between SW 68`h Avenue and SW 69`h Avenue a- t 7` J-W • SW Beveland Street between SW 69`h Avenue and SW 70t11 Avenue � ,tea • SW Dartmouth Street between SW 69`h Avenue and SW 70`h Avenue (south side only} (,Ocql Res 1 The proposed improvements include upgrading the streets to full city street standards, includin�q�er w ter, norm drainage facilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street trees, and undergrounding of any over uniitles. Fhe proposed LID appears feasible. There are advantages and disadvantages in forming the LID, but the overall benefits to the City, to the petitioner, and to the Tigard Triangle are clear. The preliminary evaluation report evaluates the proposed LID and makes recommendations on actions City Council should take to ensure successful formation of the LID and timely construction of the improvements. OTHER ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Deny the proposal submitted and do not proceed any further in the LID formation process. y� lvlw r 2 VISION TASK FORCE GOAL AND ACTION COMMITTEE STRATEGY --------____ The improvements proposed by this LID meets the Tigard Beyond Tomorrow goal of Improve Traffic Safety. strategy Encourage through traffic on major collectors and arterials. It upgrades and existing gravel street to provide safer, more efficient traffic movements. FISCAL MOTES There are no funds currently allocated for the preliminary engineering report_ Funding will have to be provided for the LID formation process to continue. I Ic.ywwkwUnfV06%k&C Preliminary Evaluation Report Petition for formation of a Local Improvement District for 69t1i Avenue in the City of Tigard BACKGROUND The Petition Specht Development. Inc. submitted a petition for formation of a Local Improvement District (LID) to construct improvements to SW 69`" Avenue and a portion of SW Dartmouth Street. Attached as Exhibit A are a copy each of the original LID petition and subsequent amendments to the original submittal.The submittal, including all amendments includes improvements to the following: • SW 69h Avenue between the south right-of-way line of SW Dartmouth Street and the south right-of-way line of the proposed extension of SW Beveland Street (i.e. the south property line of Tax Lots 9100,8800 and 8600, 2S 101 AA). • SW Elmhurst Street between SW 68`"Avenue and SW 7(P Avenue • SW Franklin Street between SW 68h Avenue and SW 69h Avenue • SW Beveland Street between SW 69u'Avenue and SW 70th Avenue • SW Dartmouth Street between SW 69`h Avenue and SW 70'h Avenue (south side only) The proposed improvements include upgrading the streets to full city street standards, including sewer, water, storm drainage facilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street trees, and undergrounding of any overhead utilities. The area proposed for improvements comprises approximately twelve(12) acres including the street rights-of-way, is legally described in the petition's Exhibit A. described in narrative form on the petition's Exhibit B, and depicted on the map marked Exhibit C. The LID Process The LID process is outlined in Title 13, Chapter 13.04 of the Tigard Municipal Code. The initiation of this LID was through petition by a property owner with major land holdings within the proposed LID boundary. The remainder of the process is as follows, assuming positive recommendations to Council throughout the process: • Preparation of the Preliminary Evaluation Report (This Report) • Submittal to City Council for discussion and direction Preliminary Evaluation Rcport Petition for LID Formation for 69" Avcnuc September 30, 1998 Pagc I of 8 Council adopts a resolution directing staff to prepare a preliminary engineer's report • Formation of the District by Ordinance • Preparation of final plans and specifications Construction of the improvements • Determination and levying of assessments Current Situation SW 69`" Avenue, between SW Dartmouth Street and SW Beveland Street, is an existing two-lane gravel street approximately 22 feet in width with drainage provided by a series of open ditches throughout portions of the street. The street has been maintained by the City for a number of years and is usually dusty during the summer months and inundated with potholes during the rainy months. This street was under consideration for paving during the FY 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program. However, the buildup of gravel on that street over the years required engineering design to ensure that the vertical alignment was coordinated throughout the entire length of the street from Dartmouth Street south to Hampton Street. There are existing rights-of-way on 690'Avenue,Dartmouth Street, Elmhurst Street and Franklin Street. nom is no existing right-of-way for-Bcvclaud Street between 69`"Avenue and 700 Avenue. However,the Specht application proposes dedication of the right-of-way needed to provide that connection. Vacation of Franklin Stiect between 69`s Avenue and 70`s Avenue was approved with conditions in the City Council meeting of September 9, 1998. This street vacation was conditioned upon the development application proceeding forward with the dedication of right-of-way for the Beveland Street connection. Specht Development, Inc. has under option a large portion of the properties within the proposed LID boundary. Another major property owner, Landmark Ford, has signed non- remonstrance agreements. Together, the properties under these two owners total approximately 70%of the properties under the proposed LID. There are two lots with residential structures within the proposed LID boundary. Attached as Exhibit B is a drawing showing the proposed LID boundary, the Specht properties, and the properties owned by Landmark Ford (Corliss properties). There are existing improvements 69`" Avenue south of Beveland Street. There are pending improvements already required through the development review process, namely the Porter, Morton and McCrosky projects south of Beveland. There are currently two homes within the proposed LID boundary, and a residential structure being used as a plumbing/mechanical shop. Status of Land Use Applications • Specht Development Inc., has had a pre-application conference, has submitted an application requesting SDR for grading, and has submitted an application tcqucsting SDR for the buildings. Preliminary Evaluation Report Petition (or LID Formation for 69" Avcnuc September 30, 1998 Page 2 of 8 • Landmark l=ord has signed non-remonstrance agreements for 69"' AMILIC There are SDR conditions remaining that are yet to be fulfilled_ • Morton was approved for an SDR in 1995 with requirement for half-street improvements. A temporary use was approved for a trailer in 1997 because of the burnout of the existing office. Morton has not fulfilled the obligation for the street improvements. • McCroskey SDR required half-street improvements and SDR is under construction. • Porter SDR has been approved with half-street improvement requirements but permits have not been issued. • Tim and Teresa Roth and Michael Zoucha own Tax Lot 2900, which is 0.88 acres. Indications are this property could develop in the near future. TIGARD TRIANGLE PLAN REQUIREMENTS The Tigard Triangle Street Plan identifies 69`h Avenue as a Local Service Street requiring a 60-foot right-of-way-and paved surface 36 feet wide curb-to-curb. The Plan identifies Beveland Street as a local collector requiring a-60-foot right-of-way and 36 foot wide paved surface curb-to-curb. Elmhurst'Street-and.Franklin Street are identified as Local Service Streets with 60-foot right-of-way requirements and 36-foot wide paved surface. Dartmouth Street is identified in the Plan as a Major Arterial requiring a 70-foot right-of- way with paved surface of 44 feet curb-to-curb. The following is a summary of the existing rights-of-way on each street together with the requirements, which each street must meet upon development: SW Beveland Street (local collector): Existing ROW: 60 feet, west of 72nd and 50 feet between 72nd and 70th Required ROW: 60 feet Pavement requirement: 36 feet curb-to-curb Sidewalks: 6-foot Planter Strips- 6-foot Street Trees: Spreading type to 25-foot height, spaced 22 feet o.c., between sidewalk and curb. Franklin Street (local street): Existing ROW: 60 feet, between 70th and 66th Required ROW: 60 feet Pavement requirement: 36 feet curb-to-curb Preliminary Evaluation Report Pennon for l.tD Formation for 69"Avenue September 30, 1998 Pagr 1 of 8 Sidewalks: 6-foot Planter Strips: 6-foot Street Trees: Spreading type to 25-foot height, spaced 22 feet o.c., between sidewalk and curb. Elmhurst Street flocal street). Existing ROW: 60 feet, between 7t)th and 66th Required ROW: 60 feet Pavement requirement: 36 feet curb-to-curb Sidewalks: 6-foot Planter Strips: 6-foot Street Trees: Spreading type to 25-foot height, spaced 22 feet o.c., between sidewalk and curb. Dartmouth Street (major arterial): Existing ROW: Varies from 52.95 feet from centerline at NW corner of LID boundary to 65.81 feet from centerline at NE corner of LID boundary. Required ROW: 72 feet,east of SW 72nd Avenue Pavement requirement: 44 feet curb-to-curb Sidewalks: 6-foot Planter Strips: 7-foot Street Trees: Broad-Spreading type,spaced 27 feet o.c., between sidewalk and curb. 69th Avenue(local street): Existing ROW: 60 feet Required ROW: 60 feet Pavement requirement: 36 feet curb-to-curb Sidewalks: 6-foot Planter Strips: 6-foot Street Trees: Spreading type to 25-foot height, spaced 22 feet o.c., between sidewalk and curb. The Tigard Triangle Street Plan requires that Bexeland Street connect with 68`" Avenue (see Exhibit Q. No right-of-way currently exists for this connection between 69`" Avenue and 68"' Avenue. POSSIBLE ASSESSMENT METHODS There are several ways that benefit to the property owners can be determined and assessment proportional to the benefits received can be established. Those methods include street frontage, total area owned, or a mixture of both. The actual method or Preliminary Evaluation Report Petition for LID Formation for 69'" Avenue September 30. 1998 Page 4 of 8 tnethods of assessment should be developed and recommended to Ctty Council as Bart of the preliminary engineering report. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED One alternative considered is to include improvements to 69`" Avenue south of Beveland all the way to Hampton Street. This alternative does not appear necessary since nearly all of the properties south of Beveland are in various stages of development, and the construction of the improvements should occur in the near future. Another alternative considered is to extend Beveland Street from 69th Avenue to 680, Avenue.This connection is required by the Tigard Triangle Street Plan. It would require acquisition of land and a building, which currently houses a commercial business. This acquisition could mean condemnation if the owners involved are not willing to sell. EVALUATION OF THE PROPOSED LID Advantages The two major landowners in the proposed LID boundary together represent 70% of the benefited property between Dartmouth Street and Beveland Street. Although Landmark Ford is not included in the petition, the City has non-remonstrance agreements on record for this property owner. The TMC prohibits Council from proceeding with the formation of the district if the property owners owning two-thirds of the land area in the proposed LID remonstrate against the formation of the LID. In this case, successful formation of the LID is assured since landowners in only 30% of the land area can remonstrate against the LID formation. Exhibit B shows the properties involved and the proposed district boundaries. The proposed LID boundary is compact and the improvements proposed appear relatively easy to construct. Terrain will not pose an obstacle in this area, and construction of the improvements should be rapid assuming favorable weather during the construction period. This proposed LID offers the City an opportunity to form an LID that can be rapidly and successfully completed and closed, in marked contrast to the Dartmouth Street LID. The formation of this LID will allow the City to take advantage of non-remonstrance agreements already on record in this area. Although non-remonstrance agreements have been executed for various properties throughout the City, opportunities to take advantage of these agreements are few and far between. The proposed improvements to 69u Avenue would eliminate a maintenance problem for the City. There have been numerous dust-related complaints during the summer. In addition, the street is inundated with potholes during the rainy winter months. Prchinrnary Evaluation Report Petition for LID Formation for 69' Avenue September 30, 1998 Page 5 of 8 Disadvantages The Tigard Triangle Street Plan requires the connection of Beveland Street to 681" Avenue. if this connection is not included in this LID, the chances are that connection will not happen in the foreseeable future. To eventually make this connection, the City may have to assume most of, if not all, the costs for the land acquisition and construction of improvements. However, one risk in including this connection to the LID is the inevitable delays that occur in the acquisition of property and residential structure, especially one where an ongoing business currently exists. If the landowner is not willing to sell, condemnation proceedings may have to be initiated. In addition, if the extension of SW Beveland from 69`h to 68 Avenue significantly increases the costs to the LID participants, or significantly increases the time frame in which the LID could be implemented, then the initiators of the LID may abandon their support for the LID and perhaps even their development proposal. At the very least, the inclusion of the extension of Beveland Street to 68rh Avenue should be explored during the preparation of the preliminary engineering report and a recommendation to Council submitted for consideration prior to the final decision on formation of the LID, However,Council should be aware that Specht Develnpment is concerned that the inclusion of this connection could creato a major obstacle to timely completion of the improvements and may withdraw their support for the LID if major delays or significantly higher costs result from its inclusion_ TIME FRAMES Specht Development, the initiator of this LID proposal, plans to complete its development by late summer of 1999. Construction of the proposed improvements under the LID can realistically be completed by September 1999, assuming no major delays are encountered in the process. This time frame assumes timely initiation and completion of the engineering work, and construction commencement by May 1999. The schedule necessary to enable construction during late spring and summer 1999 would require completion of the construction drawings by early March 1999. Advertisement for bids would be during March and early April 1999 with bid opening set for mid-April 1999. Initiation of construction in rnid May 1999 would cnsurc at least four full months of construction during the summer months. FEE SCHEDULE TMC 13.09 states that Council may establish a fee schedule for LIDS initiated by property owners. A very prcliminary estimate of total construction cost for the proposed improvements is $760,000. This does not include extension of Beveland Street to 68`h Avenue. The engineering costs should be approximately 15% of this, or$114,000. The preliminary engineering report needs to include preparation of construction plans and specifications sufficient to provide a detailed cost estimate. Assuming the preliminary engineering report needs to provide plans and specifications up to at least 60% stage, the Preliminary Evacuation Report Petition for LID Forrnauon for 69`" Avenue September 30. 1998 Page 6 of 8 cost for the preliminary engineering should be established at 80% of 11 14,000 or approximately $91,000. Since there are distinct benefits to the City resulting from the proposed improvements, and the formation and construction of the proposed improvements appear to be extremely feasible, the City could opt to assume most, if not all, of the financial risk. The choices are to charge the applicant the$91,000, to have the City foot all of the expenses, or to charge the applicant a portion of the costs with the City assuming the balance necessary to produce the preliminary engineering report. WHAT'S NEXT After considering the preliminary evaluation report, Council may direct staff to terminate work on the proposed district or to adopt a resolution directing staff to prepare a preliminary engineer's report. The resolution to be prepared by staff for Council adoption will include any specific instructions resulting from Council's discussion and decisions after reviewing this preliminary evaluation report. The resolution will be prepared and submitted to Council at the next available business meeting. The preliminary engineering report should include the scope of work, location of the proposed improvements, proposed district boundaries, estimated costs, and other information that may be relevant to the feasibility of the improvements and district. The report should recommend approval, approval with conditions,or denial. This report should be completed together with 60% plans, specifications and estimates no later than January 1999. If Council directs staff to proceed with preparation of the preliminary engineer's report, Council may adopt a fee schedule to cover all or a portion of the work required. This fee must be paid by the applicant submitting the petition prior to commencement of any work in the preparation of the preliminary engineer's report. The costs to prepare the preliminary engineering report can be rolled into the overall LED costs. If, based on the preliminary engineer's report, Council decides to proceed with the formation of the LID, Council needs to declare its intention to form the district and proceed with the district formation and construction of improvements in accordance with Chapter 13-04 of the TMC. RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed LID certainly appears feasible. However, certain key improvements outside the proposed LID boundary should be strongly considered for incorporation into the LIP The recommendations are as follows: • That Council direct staff to proceed with the preparation and submittal of the resolution authorizing preparation of the preliminary engineering report, together with any special instructions that should be included in the resolution Preliminary Evaluation Report Petition for LiD Formation for 690 Avenue September 30, 1998 Page 7 of 8 • That Council establish a fee schedule which must be paid by the applicant prior to commencement of the report preparation • That Council direct staff(as one of the special instructions for the resolution) to ensure that the preliminary engineering report seriously explores the possibility of extending the LID boundary to encompass the extension of Beveland Street to 68`h Avenue, and that the report submits a recommendation on the feasibility of incorporating that extension into the LID • That Council require that the report be submitted no later than Febivary 1999 together with estimates and 60% plans and specifications Attachments: Exhibit A—Petition by Specht Development Exhibit B —Proposed Local Improvement District for Improvements to 69u'Avenue Exhibit C—Tigard Triangle Street Plan Pe,k-h-on i,.VeJ Prc.l E✓�a l..t.ta�'ay, �� �o I Pepoyt Preliminary Evaluation Report Petition for LID Formation for 69" Avenue 5cptcmtx-i 30. 1998 Page 8 of 8 SPECH-f- W� U� .ION 1 7 1996 '1'1 ( 111 TY OF TIGAtt „ June 12, 1998 Mr Gus Duenas City Engineer Via: Facsimile 684_7297 City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Petition for LID Dear Gus: Specht Development, Inc. wishes to include SW Elmhurst Street (full street and associated between SW 69th and 70th Avenue) in the LID petitionutilities indicated that this letter wPreviously tn would serve as adequate notice for the inclusion of Elmhurst in the LID.lial Range notify me if this is incorrect. We look forward to working with you in the successful completion of the LID formation. On another subject, would you please be so kind as to inform me as to what point in the LID formation Process you will allow permits to be issued for our development. To date we have not received a definitive answer_ Thank you for your assistance. Please contact me if you have any questions. Best Regards, SPECHT DEVELOPMENT, INC. Todd R. SheafT'er Vice President Encl. c Ed Murphy(fax: 968.1674) Mike Robinson, Stoel Rives(fax: 220.2480) Greg Specht Exhibit A C.,Tod4 Prvjc %jwg Pr01_ To44,T.s..0 I K7C u S 1p EC L A T o 9 r ` � `f'1 I`R(I,,(_RIit O� OR C` tl ttc 4( 1201 faz 503/62(,-89()j June 5, 1998 Mr.Gus Duenas City Engineer via' U.S.Mail City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard,OR 97223 RE: Petition for LED Dear Gus:. Enclosed please find our application for the formation of an LID. Please note that the application has been amended from the copy that was previously faxed to you, as we are now asking for inclusion of Dartmouth improvements in the LID. Please contact me if you have any questions. Best Regards, SPECHT DEVELOPMENT, INC. I�Ww '. ,f/.e� Todd R. Sheaffer Vice President Encl. c: Ed Murphy(fax: 968-1674) ` odd N.,-411Wi P-,- Ioddl I',g..d--gQ'COT 2 00C PE"FI ION FOR AND CONSENT TO CIZEAT'E A LOCAL, IMPROVEMENT DIS'fRIC'F THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL City of Tigard County of Washington State of Oregon In the matter of the improvement of lands described as. Street and utility improvements to SW 69th Avenue, SW ,Amhurst Street, SW Franklin Street, SW Beveland Street, and SW Dartmouth Street, all within the "Tigard Triangle" between S W Dartmouth Street and SW Beveland Street, and between SW 68th Avenue and SW 701h Avenue. We, the undersigned petitioners, hereby request that the City of Tigard conduct a preliminary engineering study for the area described below to detemiine feasibility and estimated costs of making improvements to these streets through the creation of an assessment district_ The local improvement district would be for the express purpose of: Improving the followin streets to full citV street standards -including sewer water and storm drainage facilities curbs gutters sidewalks street trees and undergrounding of any overhead electrical cable 4r telephone%firing• • SW 62h Street between the south right-of-way line of SW Dartrrtcxrth Street and the south might-of-way line of the proposed extension of SW Beveland Street (i.e. the south vromrty line of Tax Lots 9100, 8800 and 8604 2S101AA); • SW Elmhurst Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue; • SW Franklin Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 69th Avenue; • SW Beveland Street between SW 69th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue; • SW Dartmouth Street between SW 69th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue. The area proposed hereby to be improved by creation of an assessment district comprises approximately to elve (12) acres counting the right-of-ways, and is legally described in the attached sheet marked Exhibit 'A', described in narrative form on Exhibit `B', and illustrated on the map marked Exhibit 'C', all of which by reference herein are made a part hereof. We hereby declare that we the undersigned petitioners: (1) are in fact the owner(s) or the oontract purchaser(s) of the indicated property(s); (2) represent at least fifty percent of the property benefited by the proposed local I mprovement district; (3) understand that the cast of these improvements would be borne by the benefited properties if a local improvement district were formed; (4) state that by signing this petition we are only acknowledging an interest in having a Preliminary engineering report completed, and are not committed to supporting any local improvement district that be proposed as a result of the City's analysis and report; ed murphy+spec hV1jdperiaou/101hdr+6/1 5196 WHEREFORE, petitioners request that said preliminary engineering study be accomplished, and a report be delivered to the City Council regarding the feasibility of creating an assessment district, and that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon,expedite the study as much as txks-sible. SIGNATURE ADDRESS WCTM 2S101AA (ePIVAIAd R.-el.4"-) Tax Lots 2800 2900 J,J / 3800 3901 4000 1 d 4200 9100 2 EXHIBIT `A' PROPERTIES INCLUDED WITHIN THE PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT All on Map 2S101AA,the following Tax Lots: 2900 Specht 2700 Corliss" 2800 Specht 2600 Corlise 3800 Specht 2400 Corliss 3901 Specht 2301 Snyder/Miller 4000 Specht 2300 Jones 4200 Specht 5100 Corliss= 9100 Specht 4900 Roth 5200 (lots 15- 18)Corliss' 4300 lots 19-22)Corliss* 8300 Roth 8700 Roth 8804 Roth filed non-remonstrance agreement on this property edmurphy/rpechubdpetiho M/9dJd6/03195 3 JL"-04-1998 IS:30 93% p 01 Exhibit 'B' NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The project would improve the public streets and public utilities to full city standard. Specifically, the project would improve: • SW 69th Avenue between SW Dartmouth Street and SW Beveland Street, or essentially to the north property line of tax lots 2900, 2800 and 2700, 2S101AA, and the south property line of tax lots 9100 and 8800, 2S I OIA& Improvements include full street section, curb and gutter, storm drainage, sidewalks, landscaping, signing, striping, street lighting, water lines, sewer lines and other utility lines. • SW Beveland Street from its current eastern terminus at SW 70th Avenue to SW 69th Avenue. Improvements include full street section, curb and gutter, storm drainage, sidewalks, landscaping, signing, striping, street lighting, water lines, sewer lines and other utility lines. Right-of-way for SW Beveland Street will be dedicated to the public by the owner. • SW Franklin Street from SW 69th Avenue to SW 6M Avenue. Improvements to this section of street include only the sidewalk, curb and pavement along the south right-of-way line from SW 69th Avenue east a distance of approximately 100 feet, adjacent to taut lot 8300. • SW Elmhurst Street from its current eastern terminus at SW 70th Avenue to SW 69th Avenue. Improvementrt include full street section, curb and gutter, storm drainage, sidewalks, landscaping, signing, striping, street lighting, water lines, sewer lines and other utility lines. • SW Elmhurst Street between SW 69th and SW 68th Avenues. Improvements to this section of street include only the sidewalk, curb and pavement along the north right- of-way line of SW Elmhurst Street from SW 69th Avenue cast a distance of approximately 100 feet, adjacent to tax lot 2300. • SW Dau truUuth Street from SW 70th Avenue to SW 69th Avenue. Improvements to this section of street include sidewalks, bicycle lanes and landscaping within the planter strip along the south side of SW Dartmouth Street,adjacent to Tax Lots 2900, 2800 and 2700. cdmurphv/spcchUhdpctiuon/I 0thdr/611 5/98 4 Proposed LID Boundary Specht Properties Corliss Properties r k � � 7" Proposed Local Improvement District for Improvements to SW 69th Avenue o1 v O —3 i �Y J V a t60.R 0.�pp Oa 60 O � a • o _odor r001r � a 0 004 00 4 b e O avP•1P•. o O Q�O�OpOP r o •aaoo 0000 oacm ww �y oo co O , 0 7 r L.tgcnd � h Major Arterial Cr , minor Arterial Local Collector .... (` Local Street Frontage Road 000 OGOT Told Boz —•� Potential Rotary Locations 0 Tigard Triangle Street Plan City of Tigard Spencer d: Kupper • Lloyd D Lmdlcy. ASIA • Cogan Owens Cohan March 1. 19Y7 Exhibit C EXffiBIT F-2 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 98- 5a r A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ENGINEERING STAFF TO PREPARE A PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED 69TH AVENUE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Specht Development, Inc. submitted a petition for formation of a Local Improvement District(LID) to construct improvements to the following streets within the City of Tigard: • SW 69`t'Avenue between the south right-of-way line of SW Dartmouth Street and the south right-of-way line of the proposed extension of SW Beveland Street(i.e. the south property line of Tax Lots 9100, 8800 and 8600, 2S 101 AA) • SW Elmhurst Street between SW 68`h Avenue and SW 70`h Avenue • SW Franklin Street between SW 68`h Avenue and SW 69"'Avenue • SW Beveland Street between SW 69`h Avenue and SW 70`h Avenue • SW Dartmouth Street between SW 69'h Avenue and SW 70`h Avenue(South side only); and WHEREAS,the proposed improvements include upgrading the streets to full city street standards, including sewer, water, storm drainage facilities,curbs,gutters, sidewalks, street trees, and undergrounding of any overhead utilities; and WHEREAS, the Engineering staff prepared a preliminary evaluation report which was submitted to City Council for discussion and direction during the meeting of October 13, 1998; and WHEREAS,the preliminary evaluation report determined that the proposed LID appears feasible and recommended that City Council take the next step in the LID formation process by authorizing the preparation of a preliminary engineering report; and WHEREAS,the City Council discussed the proposed LID,heard the pros and cons about the proposed LID,and provided an opportunity for input by the initiators of the LID and other property owners; and WHEREAS, the City Council has indicated that the LID boundary and improvements included in the LID proposal are satisfactory as submitted; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the extension of Beveland Street from 69th Avenue to 68"'Avenue should not be included in the LID because of potential complications that the extension might cause; and WHEREAS, the City Council has stated that the City of Tigard would provide the funding for the preparation of the preliminary engineering report; and WHEREAS,Specht Development, Inc. has agreed to reimburse the City for expenses incurred should Specht Development withdraw their support for the LID sometime during the formation process; and RESOLUTION NO. 98-_ Page t EXHIBIT WHEREAS, the City Council has directed staff to immediately proceed with the preparation of the preliminary engineering report and to prepare this resolution for adoption at the next Council business meeting. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: The Engineering staff is directed to proceed with preparation of the preliminary engineering report for the proposed LID in accordance with the proposed LID boundary and improvements as described in the LID petition and preliminary evaluation report. SECTION 2: The preliminary engineering report should include the scope of work, location of the proposed improvements,proposed district boundaries,estimated costs, proposed assessment methods, and other information that may be relevant to the feasibility of the improvements and district.The report should recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial. This report should be completed together with 60%plans, specifications and estimates for presentation to City Council in February 1999. SECTION 3: The City of Tigard shall provide the funding for preparation of the preliminary engineering report. All expenses towards preparation of clic report and the preparation of the construction plans and specifications shall be rolled into the overall LID costs. SECTION 4: Should Specht Development, Inc. withdraw its support for the LID prior to the formation of the LID, all expenses incurred shall be billed to Specht Development, Inc. SECTION 5: Should the LID formation proceed as anticipated, the schedule to be established should seek to initiate construction of the improvements in late spring 1999 with completion of construction by September or October 1999. 7h- PASSED: This ? day of OCI-6� 1 8. City of Tigard ATTEST. uty City Recorder-- y--o—f T—igard i:\ci iywide\res\691 idres.res �` RESOLUTION NO. 98-_ Page 2 Proposed 691h Avenue Local Improvement District ;ED Proposed LID M'°°TMErr Boundary Corliss Properties Specht Ea� Properties M1 ar Proposed Street Improvements EXHIBIT F-3 PRF.I.IMiNA RY F.NGMFF.R'S REPORT 69TH AVENUE CONSTRUCTION LID Scope of work Specht Development, Inc. submitted a petition for formation of a Local Improvement District (LID) to construct improvements to the following streets within the City of Tigard: • SW 69th Avenue between the South right-of-way line of SW Dartmouth Street and the South right-of-way line of the proposed extension of SW Beveland Street (i.e. the South property line of Tax Lots 9100, 8800 and 9600, 2S101AA) • SW Elmhurst Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue • SW Franklin Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 69th Avenue • SW Beveland Street between SW 69th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue • SW Dartmouth Street between SW 69th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue (South side only) By Resolution No. 98 - 52 , passed October 27, 1998, the Tigard City Council resolved as follows. That SECTION l: The Engineering staff is directed to proceed with preparation of the preliminary engineering report for the proposed LID in accordance with the proposed LID boundary and improvements as described in the LID petition and preliminary evaluation report. SECTION 2: The preliminary engineering report should include the scope of work, location of the proposed improvements, proposed district boundaries, estimated costs, proposed assessment methods, and other information that may be relevant to the feasibility of the improvements and district. The report should recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial. This report should be completed together with 60% plans, specifications and estimates for presentation to City Council in February 1999. SECTION 3: The City of Tigard shall provide the funding for preparation of the preliminary engineering report. All expenses towards preparation of the report and the preparation of the construction plans and specification shall be rolled into the overall LID costs. SECTION 4: Should Specht Development, Inc. withdraw its support for the LID prior to the formation of the LID, all expenses incurred shall be billed to Specht Development, Inc. SECTION 5: Should the LID formation proceed as anticipated, the schedule to be established should seek to initiate construction of the improvements in Iate spring 1999 with completion of construction by September or October 1999. i EXHIBIT F 3 The city has subsequently retained DeHaas & Associates, Inc. to provide engineering services and this preliminary Engineer's Report. At the meeting of December 8, 1998, the City Council expressed the desire to include the extension of Beveland Street from 69th Avenue to 68th Avenue if at all possible, and directed staff to explore the feasibility of acquiring the house to allow the extension of Beveland Street. The subsequent review of the proposed taking indicated that the structure could be acquired and the Beveland extension constructed without adversely impacting the construction schedule for completion of 69th Avenue and the other streets in the proposed LID Wundary. This Preliminary Engineering Report therefore includes the extension of Beveland Street from 69th Avenue to 68th Avenue as part of the proposed LID boundary. Findings The engineering review and analysis of the proposed LID area indicates that the LID boundary should be. extended south to Hampton Street, and east to include the extension of Beveland Street from 69th Avenue to 68th Avenue. The extension to Hampton Street ensures that 69th Avenue between Hampton Street and Dartmouth Street is fully improved to current standards, to include undergrounding of overhead utilities. The extension of Beveland Street from 69th Avenue to 68th Avenue complies with the requirement of the Tigard Triangle Street Plan to provide a direct connection from 68th Avenue to 72nd Avenue along Beveland Street. The engineering analysis finds that the LID as proposed in this report is feasible, and that the improvements can be completed by fall of 1999. Recommendation City Council could approve the report, or approve the report with revisions. The recommendation of this report is that City Council approve the report in its entirety and declare its intention to form the LID and construct the improvements. Time is of the essence. Approval of the report and passage of the Resolution of Intent would ensure that the process proceeds expeditiously to allow completion of the improvements by fall of 1999. The specific details of the proposed LID are as follows: Location of Proposed Improvements The general location of improvements is shown on Exhibit A. Final extent and location of improvements will depend upon final design deliberations. Proposed LID Boundary The proposed district (�) boundary is shown on Exhibit B. 2 Proposed Assessment Methods This is a comprehensive LID, inasmuch as a series of different improvement elements are proposed, each of which benefit a different set of properties. Assessment methods should recognize improvements already completed. Accordingly, it is proposed that each set of improvements be assessed by a method which recognizes its appropriate area of benefit and fairly distributes the costs. Improvement elements have been separated as follow: 1. Street Improvements 50% of costs on a Frontage Basis 50% of costs on an Area Basis This method mitigates unfairness related to properties of variable shape and size and reduces the heavy impact on corner parcels that would occur if a 100% Frontage Basis were used. 1 Storm Drainage Improvements 100% of costs on an Area Basis 3. Sanitary Sewer Improvements Service extension costs on a Per Fach Basis Remaining costs on an Area Basis 4. Water Improvements Service extensions and new hydrant costs on a Per Each Basis 5. Sidewalk Improvements 100% of costs on a Frontage Basis 6. Street Trees and Barkdust 100% of costs on a Frontage Basis 7. Under rog unding Power, Telephone and TV 100% of costs on an Area Basis & Ancillary Improvements 100% of the following costs on an Area Basis a. Right-of-way acquisition, including right-of-way and demolition costs related to the taking of right-of-way for Beveland between 69th and 68th. b. Add catch basin and lateral at NW corner of 69th and Hampton. c. Reconstruct wheelchair ramp at NW corner of 69th and Hampton, if deemed necessary. d. Street Lighting Maps illustrating the respective elements, areas of benefit and assessment factors are identified as Exhibits C-1 through C-8 respectively. 3 Estimated Costs Estimated total cost for each improvement element along with the assessment to each property owner is shown on Exhibits D-1 through D-8 respectively. A composite tabulation showing total estimated assessments to each property is shown on Exhibit E. Construction Schedule It is anticipated construction for the basic portion of the project will commence in late spring of 1999 with substantial construction complete by October of 1999. Completion of the portion of Beveland between 69th and 68th will depend on the process required for right-of-way taking, whether by expedient negotiation or by condemnation. Construction contract document provisions will be written to anticipate construction of the subject section late in the project to allow time for completion of the taking. If delay is extensive, it may be appropriate to construct the subject section by a separate construction contract. Property Entry for Surveying or other Engineering Purposes The Engineer should be authorized to enter all properties in the district for surveying and engineering purposes, and such additional properties as may be necessary to analyze drainage features and develop the drainage report. Project Support and Informal Information Meetings Initiation of the project was by Specht Development, Inc., representing 40.83% of the benefitted property within the district as proposed in this report. The City has non- remonstrance agreements from an additional 9.05% of the benefitted properties. This would indicate that total remonstrances counted at the public hearing on formation of the district, should not exceed-�%, unless the City Council revises the boundaries of the district. An informal public meeting was held January 14, 1999 in the TV`VD auditorium to which all owners in the district were invited. Exhibits similar to those attached to this report were presented along with explanations of how the LID process works and proposed time schedules. Other miscellaneous questions were answered. The exhibits, cost estimates and assessments, etc., prepared for this report represent adjustments from those presented at the January 14, 1999 meeting, based on continuing input and information provided, along with our refinement of the proposed preliminary design. Another informal public meeting is planned for a few days before the public hearing on formation of the district in order to answer detailed questions, present the refined plans and cost estimates and resolve any misunderstandings. This informal meeting should insure that the owners will be well-informed and will not have to face the difficult task of digging out detailed information in the formal public hearing setting. Notice of the info ay accompany the notice of the formal public hearing. 40arlin J. eH , P4L. L.S. 4 Attachments Exhibit A Proposed Improvements Map Exhibit B Proposed LID Boundary Exhibit C-1 through C-8 Areas of Benefit and Assessment Factors C-1 Street and Water Quality Improvements C-2 Storm Drain and Detention Improvements C-3 Sanitary Sewer Improvements C-4 Water Improvements C-5 Sidewalk Improvements C-6 Street Trees and Barkdust Improvements C-7 Undergrounding Power, Telephone and TV C-8 Ancillary Improvements Exhibit D-1 through D-8 Individual Assessment for Each Construction Element D-1 Street and Water Quality Improvements D-2 Storm Drain and Detention Improvements D-3 Sanitary Sewer Improvements D-4 Water Improvements D-5 Sidewalk Improvements D-6 Street Trees and Barkdust Improvements D-7 Undergrounding Power, Telephone and TV D-8 Ancillary Improvements Exhibit E Composite Tabulation of Individual Assessment Costs s ^+ 69th AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION I I - -- �- - - - -- _ -----_ ------ - ------- _ _ . ------------- ---- _ ..'aTir — — -- — s,.�a -- — — — 16 ----------- ma PROPOSED IMPRO VEM£NTS aY`. i I _�xee-r s iurzx awnr ., i I :meu nwr:or�wruv I J ; :w/M'Y IlIrCR .asFw Y smFF!m�M�uElE,vn ----------- -- mecz,�.s�ararsr TH isi i1773 3i � 7i7 iii > i � iEi hl i `c � � ! Dortm, h Sheet C,x/�/[j/t Q L ID Ba urs alar Ma IF�280 H77 t z zi ____ Elrrrrrrrst Super- i r_ 5;00 U �: TG f911L J C fL 420a III! f I ^ k r" i rc 0"0 - i f Oca I Stole:�"=200 I R 9' / P 9 fQE a Two TL 97G(7 • r r 4> 1 }£ 2700 � C n zBc� n � L/D Boundary TL _OW V Darts th Street �Xt7%b%1`Street & !tea ter oll . Assessment zID Assessment Alla � q p I � TL 2f171? I b�; FL:1J4t Elmhurst Street i r,5 J /den t. No. �e 4900 J n ;7.90t j :fuvu J Assessment Area Q .._. . r. ......«.. Tz..3�X1 -- Frontage C J a 4200 7z4300 �O Frank/rn Street I � R 9700 I Q Bereland Street Scale. 1"=200' TL Fflt I }R 97D6 rz 9800 l-7Z 9 roo r Dn 2700 1 Q f R 246 n 257 `O 1 LID Boundary —- rz 3000 Nompton Street Dorf crth Street rXt`11b/� C - F771. 1 Detern bion lm ro vem erg is Assessrnelm � Mcp 0 I __ rz`2900 ti Fz ,,v r. I � n: 2svp E/mhurst Street f n sn ` n, Jim: D�q i CO /dent. Na. f . ZI r9tx�; _... ... . rz z9�r .... ... Assessment Area C . Fra i c - r � I � � rt skaa - 7 9100 ff='1Z 6'OQ. l,IY 00 Be ve/an d Sere e f Scale.-1"=200' r R 9fOf rL 9108 n 9arxa! n o7nn ( ) /L 2700 C i ab Q i -- -A C J 1 n 2800 n 24 ,c JL 2900 (2 LID Boundary (12 rL soco �.l Hampton Street OortI7 'h Street L` lXhlbl1 C- 3 Sar7rrary Sewer /M ro vem en is f 7L 22pf7 Assessm ens Map n.2WO o �z zsvt 7L ?JA? Elmhurst Street FL`57067: & MOO, 0 Iden t. No. :+coir (b } Assessment Area services Fronklin Street v) j t &kv : 7L 9 f 00 f Fo I '17L 8700(2 IL LWOO BeveIG17C Sireet Sccle:1"=200' 4 rD J A 9 1(7,q Q 98001 7L 9700 i 7L 2700 , n 2800 2,f I � I IL 2900 4% LID Boundary — ,? I I 2 J000 fl0mptoo Sweet Donn th Street �Xl`Ilbl t C water Imprd vera ern a I n 2m0 Assessmen � Map /4 n 60 i n 2400 �` 16 i IL 2Yi? IL 2Jo1 I IL 2JA? Td I .. ..E/rrrhurst S{`reet /L 5100 >z J800 I /9 :3 n 490o a Iden t. No. T- IL J901 c:lCPQ: CJ C}— Fire Nydran is i� � �. 117 TL 52CO Services ' 1 (b G G F/wlk//l/ StrVct Z d3ao IZ 9100 i� (-2,:WL 87000,1IL B 00 I i I Sca/e:1"=.200' i 1L91Of 89106 I I 1Z 9800, a 9700 I I r n 2700lz 1� n zdar _. n 24 n 29C1t! I L10 Boundary IL J000 1 ,,J I I !-/r-mntnn St/PPt Ocrtn th Street Exhlbi j C 51'de wu/k amara vem en is ;Zll?" ' Ma,C / j 1L 2.700 / c o TI 1400 IL 2900 rZ 2Mi {O TZ 2" T$ Elmhurst Street rL 5foo ]n,5v, QQ Iden t. No. ZI rz 4900 A J901j -- Frontcge � > Q 73 n. slap a 4200 Coq IZ 4JO0 Fronk/in Street c TL 8;00 r[ 9100 a 87002:6)7z 00 Beve/and Street ScGle:7"=200' TY 9101 i Q 9109 n qRrv); rz x700 i DO R2700 Q -- Tr 7z 2900 TL 24 �C Qa 010 Boundo _// >I 1900 ry r2 rz _xw Nmm�tnn 4�t��At *2 SM--e� Exhl6l'� Tre e s rL I 2eoo Scrkolus� lmlorovemen �s 7Z 2,700 Q3 Assessmen � MG/O 7Z ZK4V I- 7Z 2900 (Dd /Z 2301 'Z 5100 (b Of Iden t. No. :�J IZ A900 (Z 7Z JYO I (b Fl-ol7tC _qe A 4000 7z S-700 N 06 7Z '42LV (4�) ?z 4JO0 Frcnkll�7 stre e t lz 9100 p �2d'IZ eT760!'2b)IZ 6 Vo -------L Re velcrd S'tree� —200' C9, lz 91of 7L 9108 rz 9800 /Z 9700 2, IZ 2700 7L 2300 IZ 24 LID Soundoly lz Jow Hampton Sereel Darty th Street �Xf7lb%� C� Un dergro u17 d rig PowerFj eoh ori e & TV n 7 4 Imp ro vem erg is n��o AssessmeP rg /�� Ma {B Elmhurst Street 7 .MOO 4 f � Iden t. No. V: c s9ao �y Assessment Area .00A:: � I i b . � y Q v F�Jnklin Street i I F I 9JO0 r sroo 876106617Z 00 Seveland Street Scale:11"=200' ! i r_ spar �rt; y,oe I` 1Z 9900! 7L 9700 I i �_ 'j rL z8C7t1 7L iltit LID 8oundory r 3--L��a /-'orr�oton Street Dart.. rth Street �xhl6/ C /7cf//cry /rr�pr-o �err��j�is a Assessmen� Vcp lb R:Zf00' >L Z9QP K :ZaoT- YC!J: Ij fZ FJOCT: I xa _ Elmhurst Street F[.5701) 7Z ae0n `Y�9 t 0 /dent. Na. ±::i.'::i'..:: Z).......::.. :. c Assessment Area N Franklin Streel Q 7L 9100 ^TL 8700@,jt- 00 Seveland Street Scale: � srra� Tt Brae: - a 9600 'TI 9700 �n a� aica�: c UD Boundary Tz —� - Iz . HaMDtan Street v nth Avenue Reconstruction L,.-, Exhibit D-1 Street and Water Quality Improvements February 1, 1999 Total Ident. Tax Lot Frontage (ft Area(sq ft) Frontage Assessable No No Improvements Improvements Costs Area Costs Costs t 2800 100 6204 $4,231 $2,178 $6,409 2 2900 350 81396 14,809 28,571 43,380 3 3800 200 31900 8,462 11,197 19,660 4 3901 0 29750 0 10,443 10,443 5 4000 125 12500 5,289 4,388 9,677 6 4200 155 30970 6,558 10,871 17,429 7 9100 474 55845 20,056 19,603 39,658 8 9101 119 21420 5,035 7,519 12,55 r1l9108 280 18000 11,847 6,318 18,165 0 2700 0 0 0 0 1 2800 75 16425 3,173 5,765 8,939 2 2900 155 33945 6,558 11,915 18,474 13 3000 0 0 0 0 0 14 2700 150 10000 6,347 3,510 9,857 15 2600 50 5000 2,116 1,755 3,871 16 2400 75 7500 3,173 2,633 5,806 17 230t 88 8800 3,723 3,089 6,812 18 2300 162 7613 6,854 2,672 9,527 19 5100 t00 5000 4,231 1,755 51986 20 4900 150 15000 6,347 5,265 11,612 21 8200 1 100 10000 4,231 3,510 7,741 22 4300 t00 5000 4,231 1,755 5,986 23 8300 275 17500 1 1,636 6,143 17,778 24 87.00 140 4000 5,924 1,404 7.328 25 8500 0 1250 0 439 439 26 8600 100 3750 4,231 1,316 5,547 27 9800 t00 5000 4,231 1,755 5,986 28 9700 100 5000 4,231 1,755 5,98 29 2400 0 0 0 0 0 37231 4487681 157,5251 157,525 315,05 Street& Water Quality Improvements - Total Cost: $315,050 * 75%Assessment Assessment Formula 50%of costs on Frontage Basis $157,525/3,723 ft = $42.31 13/ft 50% of costs on Area Basis $157,525/448,768 sq.ft. = $0.3510/sq.ft 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit D-2 Storm Drain and Detention Improvements February 1, 1999 Total Ident. Tax Lot Area(sq ft) Assessable No. No. Improvements Area Costs Costs 1 2800 6204 $3,722 $3,222 2 2900 81396 42,272 42,272 3 3800 31900 16,567 16,567 4 3901 29750 15,450 15,45 5 4000 12500 6,492 6,492 6 4200 30970 16,084 16,08 7 9100 55845 29,002 29,002 8 9101 21420 11,124 11,12 9 9108 5000 2,597 2,59 10 2700 0 0 [16 2800 0 0 0 2900 0 0 3000 0 0 2700 10000 5,193 5,193 2600 5000 2,597 2,597 2400 7500 3,895 3.895 17 2301 8800 4,570 4,570 2300 8700 4,518 4,518 F1920 5100 10000 5,193 5.193 4900 15000 7,790 7.790 21 8200 10000 5,193 5,193 22 4300 5000 2,597 2.597 F26 8300 20000 10,387 10,38 8700 4000 2,077 2,077 8500 1250 649 649 8600 37501,948 1,948 9800 5000 2,597 2,597 28 9700 soon 2,597 2,59 29 2400 0 0 0 3939851 204,6101 - Storm 04,610 Storm Drain& Detention Improvements $201,610 Assessment Formula 100%of costs on Area Basis $204,6101393,985 sq fl =$0.51933/sq ft oath Avenue Reconstruction L.. ,, Exhibit a-3 Sanitary Sewer Improvements February 1, 1999 Tax Total Ident. Lot Service Assessable No. No. Area(sq ft) Service (ea) Area Costs costs Costs 1 2800 6204 0 $972 $0 $97`2 ? 2900 81396 1 12,754 2,400 15,15 3 3800 31900 0 4,998 0 4,998 4 3901 30000 0 4,701 0 4,701 5 4000 12500 1 1,959 2,400 4,359 6 4200 30970 0 4,853 0 4,853 7 9100 59130 1 9,265 2,400 11,665 8 9101 0 0 0 0 0 9 9108 0 1 0 2,400 2,400 10 2700 0 0 0 0 0 11 2800 0 1 0 2,400 2,40 12 2900 0 1 0 2,400 2,400 13 3000 0 0 0 0 0 14 2700 10000 0 1,567 0 1,567 15 2600 5000 0 783 0 783 16 2400 7S00 0 1,175 0 1,175 17 2301 8800 1 1.379 2,400 3,779 18 2300 8700 1 1,363 2,400 3,763 19 5100 10000 0 1,567 0 1,56 20 4900 15000 1 2,350 2,400 4,750 21 8200 10000 0 1,567 0 1,567 22 4300 10000 0 1,567 0 1,56 23 8300 20000 1 3,134 2,400 5.53 24 8700 4000 0 627 0 627 25 8500 0 0 0 0 0 26 8600 0 0 0 0 0 27 9800 0 0 0 0 0 28 9700 0 0 0 0 0 29 2400 0 0 0 0 36 i 100 10 56,580 24,000 80,58 Sanitary Sewer Improvements $56,580 Services $24,000 Assessment Formula Sanitary Sewer Improvements $56,580/361,100 sq. ft. =$0 1567/sq- ft. Services =$2,400 each th Avenue Reconstruction L Exhibit D-4 Water Improvements February 1, 1999 Tax 1" 2" T, Total ldent. Lot Service Service Fire hydrant l" Service Service Fire Hydrant Assessable No. No. (ea) (ea) (ea) Costs costs Costs Costs 1 2800 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 2 2900 0 1 ? 0 1,250 9,690 10,940 3 3800 0 0 1 0 0 4,845 4,845 4 3901 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4000 0 1 0 0 1,250 0 1,250 6 4200 0 0 1 0 0 4,845 4,845 7 9100 0 1 l 0 1,250 4,845 6,095 8 9101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9108 1 0 0 300 0 0 300 10 2700 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 11 2800 1 0 0 300 0 0 300 12 2900 0 0 1 0 0 4,845 4 845 13 3000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 2700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 2600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 2400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 2301 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 2300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 5100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 8200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 4300 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 23 8300 1 0 0 3001 0 0 300 24 8700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 8500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 8600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 9800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 9700 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 2400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.00 -9001 3,7 01 29,0701 33,720 Assessment Formula 1"Services 3@a $300 ea = 900 2" Services 3@7a $1,250 ea = 3750 Hydrants 6@ $4,845 ea =29,070 $33,720 69th Avenue Reconstruction Lill Exhibit o-5 Sidewalk Improvements February 1, 1999 Total FIdent. Tax Lot Frontage (ft) Frontage Assessable No. Improvements Costs Costs 2800 -1-7-5 $4,569 $4,569 2 2900 143 3,734 3,73 3 3800 0 0 0 4 3901 0 0 0 5 4000 0 0 6 4200 0 0 0 7 9100 0 0 8 9101 118 3,081 31081 9 9108 100 2,611 2,611 10 2700 0 0 11 2800 0 0 0 12 2900 0 0 0 13 3000 0 0 L15 2700 150 3,917 3,917 2600 50 1,306 1,30 2400 75 1,958 1,958 2301 88 2,298 2,298 18 2300 187 4,883 4,883 19 5100 100 1611 2,611 20 4900 150 3,917 3,917 21 8200 100 2,611 2,611 22 4300 100 2,611 2,611 23 8300 100 2,611 2,611 24 8700 100 2,611 2,611 25 8500 0 0 0 26 8600 100 2,611 2,611 27 9800 100 2,611 2,611 28 9700 100 2,611 2,611 29 2400 0 0 0 20361 53,160 53,160 Sidewalk Improvements $53,160 Assessment Formula 100%of Costs on Frontage Basis $53,160/2036 ft =$26.1100/ft 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit D-6 Street Trees and Barkdust Improvements February 1, 1999 Total Ident. Tax Lot Frontage(ft) Frontage Assessable No. No. Improvements Costs Costs 1 2800 175 $2,4451 -- $2,445 2 2900 711 9,933 9,933 3 3800 418 5,840 5,840 4 3901 0 0 0 5 4000' 125 1,746 1,746 6 4200 155 2,165 2,165 7 9100 473 6,608 6,608 8 9101 118 1,649 1,649 9 9108 230 3,213 3,213 10 2700 0 0 0 11 2800 751,048 1,048 12 2900 175 2,445 2,445 [14 3000 0 0 0 2700 150 2,096 2,09 2600 50 699 69 16 2400 75 1,048 1.048 17 2301 88 1,229 1,229 18 2300 187 2,612 2,612 19 5100 100 1,397 1.397 20 4900 150 21096 2,096 21 8200 100 1,397 1,397 22 4300 100 1,397 1,397 23 8300 300 4,191 4,191 24 8700 140 1,956 1,956 25 8500 0 0 0 26 8600 100 1,397 1,397 27 9800 100 1,397 1,397 28 9700 100 1,397 1,397 29 00 240 0 4395 561,400 61,40 Street Trees & Barkdust $61,400 Assessment Formula 100% of Costs on Frontage Basis $61,400/4,395 ft =$13.9704/ft 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit n-7 Undergrounding Power, Telephone and TV Improvements February 1, 1999 Total Ident. Tax Lot Area(sq ft) Assessable No. No. Improvements Area Costs Costs 1 2800 6204 $1,261 $1,261 2 2900 81396 16,539 16,539 3 3800 31900 6,482 6,482 4 3901 29750 6,045 6,045 5 4000 12500 2,540 2,54 6 4200 30970 6,293 6,293 7 9100 55845 11,347 11,347 8 9101 21420 4,352 4,352 9 9108 5000 1,016 1,01 10 2700 28340 5,759 5,75 11 2800 16350 3,322 3,322 12 2900 38150 7,752 7,752 13 3000 17440 3,544 3,54 14 2700 10000 2,032 2,032 15 2600 5000 11016 1,016 16 2400 7500 1,524 1,52 17 2301 8800 1,788 1,788 F18 2300 8700 1.768 1,768 19 5100 10000 7,03 2.037 20 4900 15000 3,048 3,048 21 8200 10000 2,032 2,032 22 4300 10000 2,032 2.032 23 8300 0 0 0 24 8700 0 0 0 25 8500 0 0 0 26 8600 0 Q 27 9800 0 0 28 9700 0 0 29 2400 46000 9,347 9,347 5062651 102,8701 102,870 Undergrounding Power, Telephone, & TV $102,870 Assessment Formula 100%of costs on Area Basis $102,870/506,265 sq ft -$0.2032/sq ft 09th Avenue Reconstruction L j Exhibit D-s Ancillary Improvements February 1, 1999 Total Ident. Tax Lot Area(sq ft) Assessable No. No. Improvements Area Costs Costs 1 2800 6204 $4,341 $4,341 2 2900 81396 56,952 56,95 3 3800 31900 22,320 22,32 4 3901 29750 20,816 20,81 5 4000 12500 8,746 8,74 6 4200 30970 21,669 21,66 7 9100 55845 39,074 39,07 8 9101 21420 14,987 14,9871 9 9108 5000 3,498 3,49 10 2700 28340 19,829 19,82 11 2800 16350 11,440 11,44 12 2900 38150 26,693 26,693 13 3000 17440 12,202 12,20 14 2700 10000 6,997 6,99 15 2600 5000 3,498 3,49 16 2400 7500 5,248 5,24 17 2301 8800 6,157 6,15 k2l 2300 8700 6.087 6,08 5100 5000 3,498 3.49 4900 15000 10,495 10,495 8200 10000 b,997 6,99 4300 5000 3,498 3,49 8300 15000 10,495 10,495 8700 4000 2,799 '_,79 25 8500 1250 875 875 26 8600 3750 2,624 2,62 27 9800 13000 9,096 9,09 28 9700 5000 3,498 3,49 29 1 2400 46000 32,185 32,185 T- 5382651 376,615 376,61 Ancillary Improvements $376,615 Assessment Formula 100%of costs on Area Basis $376,615/538,265 =$0.6997/ft Right-of-Way Acquisition 330,000 Catch Basin @ Hampton 5575 Wheelchair Ramp @ Hampton 1890 Street Lighting 39,150 376,615 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID Exhibit F Summary of Assessment Costs February 1,1999 Ident, Tax Lot Street&Water St.l).& Sanita No. No. Property Owner rY Street Trees Undergrounding power, Total Assessable Pe Y Quality lleteniion Sewer Water Sidewalk &Barkdust Telephone&TV Ancillary Costs 1 2800 Kenneth M.Montgomery $6,409 $3,222 5972 50 54,569 $2,445 2 2900 Donald E.&Julia Gail Pollock $1,261 $4,341 523,218 43,380 42,272 15,154 10,940 3,734 9,933 16,539 56,952 3 3800 Richard L.Ca nter&Julia Gail&Donald Pollock 19,660 16,567 4,998 4,845 0 198,904 4 3901 Richard L.Carpenter 5,840 6,482 22,320 10,443 15,450 4,701 0 0 0 6,045 20,816 5 4C00 Donald E.Pollock 9,677 6,492 4,359 1,250 0 57,454 6 1 4100 TDonald E.Pollock&Richard Car enter1,746 2,540 8,746 7 9100 Uonaki E. Pollock 34,809 17,42) 16,084 41853 4,845 U 2,165 6,293 21,669 8 9101 Alfred F.&Diane M.Kindrick 19,658 29,002 11,665 6,015 U 6,608 11,247 3)c ,074 73,338 143,449 12,554 11,124 0 0 3,081 1,649 4,352 14,987 9 9108 Denise Porter&Sue Bennett 18,165 21597 21400 300 2,61 t 3,213 47'747 10 2700 John B.McCroske 1,C16 3,498 33,801 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,759 19,829 11 2800 Don R.&Cynthia Sue Morton 8,939 0 2,400 300 p 25,588 1,048 3,322 11,440 27,449 12 2900 J.T.,Jr.&Theresa A.Roth 18,474 0 2,400 4,845 0 2,445 13 30)0 KF LLC 7,752 26,693 62,608 U 14 27)0 Landmark Ford,Inc. 0 0 0 0 0 3,544 12,202 9,857 5,193 1,567 p 3 15,746 15 26)0 Landmark Ford,Inc. ,917 2,096 2,032 61997 31,658 3,871 2,597 783 0 1,306 699 16 24)0 Landmark Ford,Inc. 5,806 3,895 1,175 0 c 1,048 1,524 5,248 1,016 3,498 0,654 13,769 2 17 23D 1 Ella 1,958 al Snyder&John M Iton 6,812 4,570 3,779 0 2,298 1,229 18 2300 Cecil do Donna Rae Jones 1,738 6,157 26,634 9,527 4,518 3,763 0 4,883 2,612 1,768 6,087 19 5100 Landmark Ford,Inc. 5,986 5,193 1,567 0 2,6]1 1,397 33,158 20 4900 Jose t A.&Cheryl A.Mone o&Jame:Monego 1 1,612 7,790 4,750 0 3,91 1 2,096 2,032 3,498 22,285 21 8200 Landmark Ford,Inc. 7,741 5,193 1,567 0 2 611 1,397 3,048 10,495 43,708 22 4300 Landmark Ford,Ina2,012 6,997 27,538 5,986 2,597 1,567 0 2,611 1,397 2,032 3,498 23 8300 J.T.,Jt.&Theresa A. Roth 17,778 10,387 5,534 300 2,611 4,191 19,688 24 8700 J.T.,Jr.&Theresa A. Roth 7,328 2,077 627 0 2,61 1 1 956 0 10,495 51,296 25 8500 J.T.,Jr.&Theresa A.Roth 439 649 0 p 0 2,799 17,397 26 8600 Ste hen W.&L L.Peirce 0 0 0 875 1,963 5,547 1,948 0 0 2,611 1,397 0 2,624 27 9800 J.T.,Jr.&Theresa A.Roth 5,986 2,597 0 0 2,611 1,397 14,127 28 9700 Mark R.Dana 5,986 2,597 0 0 9,096 21,687 0 611 1,397 0 3,498 16,089 29 2400 Western Evangelical Seminar} 0 0 0 0 U 0 9,347 32,185 41,532 315,050 204,610 80,580 33,720 53,160 61,400 102,87) 376,615 1,228,005 EXHIBIT F4 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 99- /() A RESOLUTION DECLARING COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO FORM A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(LID)TO IMPROVE 69TH AVENUE AND CERTAIN OTHER STREETS WITHIN THE TIGARD TRIANGLE IN THE CITY OF TIGARD. WHEREAS, Specht Development, Inc. submitted a petition for formation of Local Improvement District(LID)to construct improvements to the following streets within the City of Tigard: • SW 69" Avenue between the south right-of-way line of SW Dartmouth Street and the south right-of-way line of the proposed extension of SW Beveland Street (i.e. the south property line of Tax Lots 9100, 8800 and 8600, 2S 10 1 AA) • SW Elmhurst Street between SW 68' Avenue and SW 70" Avenue • SW Franklin Street between SW 68'Avenue and SW 69'Avenue • SW Beveland Street between SW 69'Avenue and SW 70" Avenue • SW Dartmouth Street between SW 69'Avenue and SW 70"Avenue(South side only); and WHEREAS, the proposed improvements include upgrading the streets to full city street standards, including sewer,water,storm drainage facilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street trees, and undergrounding of any overhead utilities; and WHEREAS, the Engineering staff prepared a preliminary evaluation report which was submitted to City Council for discussion and direction during the meeting of October 13, 1998; and WHEREAS, the preliminary evaluation report determined that the proposed LID appears feasible and recommended that City Council take the next step in the LID formation process by authorizing the preparation of a preliminary engineering report; and WHEREAS, the City Council discussed the proposed LID,heard the pros and cons about the proposed LID, and provided an opportunity for input by the initiators of the LID and other property owners; and WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution No. 98-52 authorized the preparation of a preliminary engineering report for the proposed LID; and WHEREAS, the City Council has provided additional guidance since the meeting on October 13, 1998 to extend the LID boundary south to Hampton Street, and to include the extension of Beveland Street from 69"Avenue to 68' Avenue to satisfy the requirements of the Tigard Triangle Street Plan; and WHEREAS, the City has retained the firm of DeHaas and Associates, Inc. to prepare the preliminary engineering report; and WHEREAS, DeHaas and Associates, Inc. has completed the preliminary engineering report, which includes extension of the LID boundary to Hampton Street and the extension of Beveland Stiect froze►69" Avenue to 68" Avenue; and RESOLUTION NO. 99-10 EXHIBIT F-4 Page i WHEREAS, the preliminary engineering report recommends that City Council proceed with the formation of the 1.11) as proposed in the report. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby declares the intention to form a local improvement district (LID) to improve the following streets within the Tigard Triangle in the City of Tigard: • SW 69th Avenue between the north right-of-way line of SW Hampton Street and the south right-of-way line of SW Dartmouth Street • SW Elmhurst Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue • SW Franklin Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 69th Avenue • SW Beveland Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue • SW Dartmouth Street between SW 69th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue(South side only) SECTION 2: The improvements will include street, storm drain, sanitary sewer,water, sidewalk, lighting, undergrounding power-telephone-TV, and other ancillary improvements necessary to bring the streets up to full City standards. Basic construction will be procured in accordance with City of Tigard construction contract procurement procedures. Portions of construction may be completed by public utilities(sewer, telephone,TV and water). Miscellaneous construction may be provided by City Forces. SECTION 3: The estimate of probable total costs of the improvements is $1,228,005.00. SECTION 4: The methods of assessment shall be as follow: a. Street and Water Quality Improvements 50% of costs on a Frontage Basis 50% of costs on an Area Basis b. Storm Drain and Detention Improvements 100% of costs on an Area Basis C. Sa.nitaiy Sewer Improvements Service extension costs on a Per Each Basis Remaining costs on an Area Basis d. Water Improvements Service extensions and new hydrant costs on a Per Each Basis e. Sidewalk Improvement 100%of costs on a Frontage Basis f. Street Trees and Barkdust 100% of costs on an Area Basis g. Undergrounding Power. Telephone and TV 100% of costs on an Area Basis RESOLUTION NO. 99-/ Page 2 h. Ancillary Improvements 100%of the following costs on an Area Basis: 1) Right-of-way acquisition, including right-of-way and demolition costs related to the taking of right-of-way for Beveland between 69th and 68th. 2) Add catch basin and lateral at NW comer of 69th and Hampton_ 3) Reconstruct wheelchair ramp at NW corner of 69th and Hampton, if deemed necessary. 4) Street Lighting SECTION 5: The public hearing to hear remonstrances shall be conducted during the City Council meeting on February 23, 1999 at 7:30 p-m_ in City Hail,Town Hall Meeting Room, 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, Oregon. SECTION 6: Proper notice shall be given regarding the time and date of the public hearing to hear remonstrances. This notice should include the streets in the proposed LID and a brief description of the proposed public improvements. PASSED: This day of _U 1999. or-City of Tigard ATTEST: ra, City Recorder-City of Tigard I.CitywdekRes\Resolution of Intent to Form 69'Avenue LID RESOLUTION NO. 99-_ Page 3 EXHIBIT F-5 Jan 0? 00 10; 20a Engineering 624 0752 P• t Post-it'Fax Note 7671 pale Of To7-7 Pages C4 From-q.__ ;�7 January 4, 1999 Phone it Phone r Fax M _ Fax 9 � r ITY OF TIGARD OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING for 69TH AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION LID (Local Improvement District) The City of Tigard is proposing to form a Local Improvement District to effect construction of street and associated improvements in the following areas: • 69'hAvenue between the South right-of-way line of Dartmouth Street and the North right-of-way of Hampton Street • Dartmouth Street between 69"'Avenue and 70"'Avenue(South side only) • Elmhurst Street between 68"'Avenue and 70"'Avenue • Franklin Street between 680 Avenue and_69"'Avenue • Beveland Street between 68 h Avenue and 79"'Avenue Possible improvements may be made to the following: ,C914 10 fb • Beveland Street between-W and-69u'Avenue • 69"'Avenue between Beveland Street and Hampton Street. As an element of final plan development, the City would like to review the general plans and LID procedure with affected and surrounding property owners. You are invited to attend a meeting on: Thursday, January 14, 1999 at the Tigard Water District Building (Auditorium) 8777 SW Burnham 6:00 —7:30 PM This will be an informational meeting on preliminary plan. Plans will be updated as final designs are completed. If you have any questions, please contact Martin DeHaas or Dave Price @ DeHaas &Associates, Inc. 682-2450. r 4nM99vOK9N%neighborhood notice for 69th doca EXHIBIT F-5 DARTMOUTH ST ' i ELMHURSTST I �1 ( Q� f '••-ry I f - ' of FRANKLIN iST —.8EVELAND ST N i ! t I f j r I 11 7 ! t I I f 1 t i i jI I j ? _ Gt0 ONtACA ST I i to _I i , i i i 1 ~ I I 1 ! i ! f r f I f i I i HAMPTON ST I t I EN NG DEPARTMENT 13123 sr,0 4ALL DLW69TH AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION ncx". OKCION IM3 CITY OF nGAROrue f°'3 LOCATION MAP fua_rxcr dILAON sT CITY Of • . , r04040A.IIIC IM�ORY.TIO N .Yf 7.Y ED AREA NOTIFIED 69th Avenue Recongnictim DARTMOUTH ST File No.313 ST -------- HER SO � - Be�ED _ST ---- 0 ST 0 Z . cli N ON GA ST �— coo ��•3161.1 _� HAMPTON ST City of Tigard bt Vw io 614 Ir W 4Ip,M,lr ruAml s .na .+ww+e..r+6•ara ti o.,.,,,,,,iri1 s—vb.Uwua. —1 1!126 = TbYd oq m23 Community Development (5"6304171 .—. A11P/M�wv.eltlpYd.a.w Plot date:Dec 31, 1998; C: agicMAGICO2.APR EXHIBIT F-6 69TH AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION AGENDA OUTLINE - Informal Public Meeting 1/14/99 1. INFORMAL INSPECTION OF PLANS AND COST EXHIBITS 2. INTRODUCTION a. Marlin - Project Manager b. Dave Price - Project Engineer c. Cliff Menting - Assistant Engineer d. If anyone needs to call our office, number is 682-2450, fax 682-4018 3. PROJECT REVIEW This project is referred to as 69th Avenue Reconstruction, although there is some new construction proposed. Plans are preliminary only and subject to revisions as the final design. is developed. a. Street Improvements (36ft wide with curb and gutter) L Reconstruction of 69th from Beveland to Dartmouth. 2. 1/2 street construction on 69th fronting T.L. 2900, 2800 and 9101. 3. 1/2 street construction on Franklin fronting T.L. 8300. 4. 1/2 street construction on Elmhurst fronting T.L. 2300. 5. Sidewalk and Landscaping on Dartmouth between 69th and 70th. 6. Full street construction Elmhurst 69th to 70th. Beveland 68th to 70th. 7. There will be R/W acquisition costs on the portion of Beveland from 69th to 68th. 8. The newly constructed Beveland is proposed to connect to existing Beveland at 70th. 9. The newly constructed Elmhurst is not proposed to connect to the West of 70th. b. Storm Drainaye 1. Phase in a new catch basin at Hampton. 2. Construct storm drains serving Beveland and Franklin, all to connect to the existing storm drain to the South, except for 1/2 block which must drain to the West to existing Beveland. 3. Resize and reconstruct the major crossing between Franklin and Elmhurst. 4. Collect drainage on 69th and Elmhurst to drain West to 70th and North on 70th to a water quality/detention facility (approximately 6,000 W). EXHIBIT F-6 1 C. sanitary' Sewer 1. Extend from Beveland North to Elmhurst. 2. Extend from Dartmouth South to Elmhurst. 3. Construct services as required. d. Water (TVWD) 1. Construct an 8" main in Beveland from 69th to 70th and connect to existing 4". TVWD has plans to resize the 4" in the future. 2. Construct an 8" main in Elmhurst from 69th to 70th. 3. Construct services as required. e. Ancillary Improvements 1. Underground existing power from Hampton to Beveland, from Franklin to the North side of Dartmouth and on Elmhurst from 69th to 70th. 2. Possible overlay of paving at South end of 69th depending upon pavement strength analysis. 3. R/W acquisition at intersection corners to provide for pedestrian ramps. 4. R/W acquisition for Beveland between 69th and 68th (R/W for Beveland between 69th and 70th is proposed to be dedicated at no cost as a part of conditions for development on the West side of 69th between Beveland and Dartmouth). f. Costs 1. Costs of improvements have been estimated on the basis of preliminary plans and without the benefit of final design. Preliminary costs estimates will be further refined when final designs are complete. We are always investigating opportunities to mitigate costs. g. Timing 1. Public hearing on formation of the LID before council 2/23/99. 2. LID formed by council on 3/9/99. 3. Construction Bid. Award 6/1/99. 4. Project substantially complete 9/15/99. 4. IJD PROCEDURES a. All cities have ordinances providing for forming LED's to construct and finance public improvements. This is a project which lends itself to that process. The City sells bonds to finance the design and construction. Bonds are retired as assessments are paid by benefitting property owners. b. In this case initiation of the LID process was by petition of more than 50% of the property benefitted. 2 c. Council calls for a Preliminary Engineering Report. (17his informal meeting is being held before we complete that report). d. The Preliminary Engineering Report is presented to Council where upon they approve the report (with modifications if deemed appropriate) and calls for a public hearing. e. All property owners to be assessed will be notified of the public hearing both individually and by publication in the newspaper. The notice, among other items will: 1) Give the time of the hearing. 2) Describe the project. 3) Estimate of total cost of project and portion proposed for assessment. 4) Will indicate that the purpose of the hearing is to remonstrances (objections) either written or oral. f. If the remonstrance from property owners represents less than 2/3 of the property area within the district, the City can proceed with formulation of the LID. g. Assuming the district is formed, the City completes final design, takes construction bids and constructs the project. h. After the project is complete and all costs are known, assessments are calculated and a public hearing held to consider any objections to the proposed assessments. i. Notices of the assessments are sent to the property owners and they are given the opportunity to promptly pay all or a portion of the assessment, or make application to pay all or remaining portion of the assessment in semi annual installments over a 10 yr period including interest on the unpaid balance. That is 1/20th of the principal plus interest. The interest rate will be set at 2% above the bond yield. The assessment can be paid off at anytime. 5. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT METHODS a. Street and Storm Drain 50% of costs on Frontage basis. - 50% of costs on Area basis. b. Ancillary Improvements Undergrounding power, R/W acquisition, Overlay(If required) 100% of costs on Area basis. c. Sanitary Sewer Services on a Per Each basis. Remaining costs on an Area basis. 3 d. Water Services on a Per Each basis. Remaining casts on an Area basis. b. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS a. Assembled Group. b. Informal around Exhibits. 4 EXHIBIT F-7 4b 10 99 10: 31a Engineering 6244 0752 p. l P 02'08/99 MON 13:33 FAX 5036391471 CITY OF TIGARD �� � 0001 February S, 1999 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON Todd R. Sheaffer Specht Development 15400 SW Millikan Way Beaverton,Oregon 97006 1 RE: 69`h Avenue LID Dear Mr. Sheaffer: I have considered your request for a 20 year term for repaymea of the assessments for the' 69`s Avenue LID. Given the strong relationship ost o LID itween thecurmprovemeassessnts, I havValueoe the properties involved in the LID and the proposed approved your request. } When the LID:project is complete, I will send a notice of assessment to each property owner for each lot included in the LID. The notice will give each owner the opportunity heir assessment in to pay their assessment in cash or sign an agreement an the assessor assessments to be paid installments over.the twenty year period The interest in installments.will be deternuned after all contracts are signed and bonded. I am also attaching a description of the State of Chegon program far deferral of special assessments as you.requested. If you have any further questions, please call me at 639-4171 ext.345. 7671 Date Post-It*Fax Nota j/ Sincerely To From Phone If Phone M I Wayne Lowry {0 G• Fax 0 Director of Finance Fes' b c:. Gus Duenas, City of Tigard Ed Murphy,Ed Murphy and Associates MarlinDe Haas,De Haas &Associates, Inc. EXHIBIT F-7 :.; ri08/99 MON 13:34 FAX 5036' 1 CITY OF TIGARD .__ _ _ _ Q002 .- Information CirctAar September 1997 Deferral of t Special Assessments Senior citizens can `borrow"to pay for public improve- 4. If you owe any assessments when you file .the menu that arc charged against their property. The state application,the property must not have been sold a will.make the payments for those who qualify. All a foreclosure sale. payments, plus interest, must be repaid. 5. Your household income must be less 517,500 Oregon homeowners age 62 or older may defer pay- for the preceding year. Household In menu on certain "special assessments' against their both taxable and nontaxable income, property.These are assessments by a city,county,sari- Now to apply- (ary district or other taxing district for improvement such as paved streets, sidewalks and sewers. Because Apply for the deferral between October 1 and Decem- thcsc assessments usually are large, homeowners may ber 1 at the assessment dbiuict office that billed you for pay in installments over several years. the improvement. The application must include a certified copy of the How does deferral work? installment agreement. if your payments are delinquent If you qualify for the deferral program. the State of and you want the state to pay them, the delinquent Oregon will make the installment paymenLs for you. amount must be shown on the application. The paymenLs will be charged to an account that estab- The taxing district bonding officer will send your appli- cation to the Oregon Department of Revenue for ap- Jislirs a lien against your property. The money, plus pro-.-al. if the department approves your application,the interest, must he paid back when you move, sell the state will pay your special assessment installments for property•change ownership or die.'[lir interest rate is 6 you as long as the property qualifies. percent per year, This progni n allmv.s you to list on your pnopem'as long PaymQnts on the deferred amount - a.you wish without making special:l-se.­,snxnl payments, You or your spouse may pay all or part of the deferred You may apply to defer prc`,mi ani)futltrc:o�-,smcnts.1f amount. and will defer present or future payments. >-< u hsyc :ens• psat due:r ex ntrnt.. you :thee rwiy drier Other--(relatives or friends)also may pay far you if you di(xse(including interc•,t or penalty you olyc). don't Ohiect.All paymenLs should be made to the taxing DO l Qualify? district office. To qualify for illi drfe �rnit: When deferred assessments are due I. You tttust I • 62 or older at the• tune• you (iic• the All deferred amccsment paymenLs,plus interest,become application. due on Augus( 15 of the calendar year after the year that 2. You niu%i have a ree•t)/ex decd ir)the pre iperi or Ix any of these events occur: buying the property under a recs)rdc•tl�r[L,contrio. • The person who claimed the deferral dies. Certain trustor-trustee arranKentcni., qualify for de- • The ownership of the property changes. ferral. You are not eligible for deferral if you h:n•r • The person who claimed the deferral no longer lives only a lite estate interest in the prr)pent. Your on the property(except when required to be absent homestrnd is limited to%'Our rrin,ipal d„Llfing aner for health reasons). the tax lot u }rn h el. 3. You n :t live on the propert} (exce pi for an However, if the person who deferred (he payment dies indivi re uired to he a nt by reason of or is disqualified,that person's spouse may continue the health). if t it property i., ossned by iseo car stare deferral if: persons, not husband and wife. each owner must • The survivor was age 59`h or older when the-disquali- apply. live on the proper'%-, he 62 or older, and fication occurred. lw\-c combined household income of S17.500 or • Meets other qualifications, and IrsS per year. - Applies by August 15 of the next year. - .. ....Y a.... ��o G! itC C('lrls 4, U /iJ 2P- 3 02-/08/99 HON 13:35 FAX 50363 71 CITY OF TIGARD n4t'Lr: When heirs inherit the property and make it their Princl- Oregon tax questions.You can also order tax forms.This pal residence by August 15 of the following year, a service is available 24 hours a day. repayment schedule may be arranged with the Oregon Department of Revenue. Once you're in the system,push: Call Salem at 3784988 for information about your de- 1—For personal income tax refund information (begin- ferred account balance. This number is not toll-free. ning March n' TTY(hearing or speech impaired only):(503)945.8617. 2-10 order current year or amended forte(some Gall your assessment district for the assessment balance. federal forms available.) Make any payments to the assessment district. Your 6—For other information. assessment district will send the payments to the Depart- ()--For assistanrr-from a representative, ment of Revenue. Representatives are available: 7:30 A-K-5:10 P.M.Mon- Property faX deferral program day4riday,except Wednesday when the hours are 9 Lm.-5:10 P.M. Closed on holidays_ From April 1- The program deferring special assessments isn't related April 15, represenratives are available from 7 w M. to the Senior Citizen's Property Tax Deferral program. until 7 r.H-, Monday-Friday. You may defer payments under oac or both programs, but you must make a separate.application for each.You TrY(hearing or speech impaired only).These num- must apply for property tax deferral.widi your county bels are answered by machine only and are not assessor between January 1 and April 15. forvol¢e use.The yeah-round toil-free number within Oregon 3 1- . For more information about tax deferral, write for the (503)94 r5-8617 -nom In Salem, the number is free information r, *SeWor ax Deferral.* 150-310-675. Theaddress is': pro��T 111bla Esplfioll) Lis punas que necesitan asistencia en Espanol pueden dejar un mensaje. El numero Publications disponible todo cl z8o en Salem es(503)945-8618. Oregon Department afRevenue pv Box A message line is available all year for those who Salem OKR 973 need assistance in Spanish. The number in Salem is 7308-Og90 (503) 945-8618. Taxpayer assistance In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act C211: Salem (ADA),this information.is available in alternative fonm s (503)378-4988 upon request by calling(503)378-4988. Toll-free within Oregon 1-800-356-4222 7be 1011 free rrunib+er 1s orrlp auatlable fauuarl- To get forms tbrutigb ApHl. Income tax booklets are available at many-post offices, banks and libr2ries Or write to:Forms. For touchtone phones, our telephone voice respomv men(of Revenue.PO 13ox 14999.Salem OR 97n Dcpan. system his recorded tax information shout many of your Our Internet addrmi is: hot r/tt1ti��.due�trtr.o � EXHIBIT F-8 t February 10, 1999 CITY OF Tf CARD OREGON JV01 Public Meeting Wednesday, February 17,. 1999 6:00 PM a City of Tigard Town Hall 13125 SW Hall Blvd. to discuss 69' Avenue LID Public Hearing Tuesday, February 23, 1999 7:30 PM City of Tigard Town Hall 13125 SW Hall Blvd. (See Attached for additional Information) 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223(503)639-4171 TDD(503)684-2772 EXHIBIT F"-8 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 69TH AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION By resolution No. 99-10 passed February 9, 1999, the Tigard City Council declared its intention to form a Local Improvement District (LID) to improve the following streets within the City of Tigard. • SW 69th Avenue between the North right-of-way line of SW Hampton Street and the South right-of-way line of SW Dartmouth Street • SW Elmhurst Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue • SW Franklin Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 69th Avenue • SW Beveland Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue • SW Dartmouth Street between SW 69th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue (South side only) The improvements will include street, storm drain, sanitary sewer, water, sidewalk, street trees, undergrounding power, telephone, TV, and other ancillary improvements necessary to bring the streets up to full City standards. Ancillary improvements include right-of-way acquisition, a catch basin and wheelchair ramp at Hampton and street lighting. Basic construction will be by letting construction contracts in the usual manner. Portions of construction may be completed by public utilities (power, telephone, TV and water). Miscellaneous construction may be provided by City Forces. Construction is proposed for the Summer of 1999. The property specially benefitted and included in the LID is shown on the attached may. The estimated total cost of the improvements is $1,228,005. All costs are proposed to be paid for by special assessments. The public hearing to hear remonstrances will be conducted during the City Council meeting on February 23, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall, Town Hall Meeting Room, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, Oregon. The purpose of the hearing is to hear remonstrances. In order to be considered, all written and oral remonstrances must be received by the close of the hearing. In addition, an informal meeting will be held at the City Hall at 6:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 17, 1999. The purpose of this informal meeting is to answer detailed questions so that property owners will be well-informed and simplify questions to be answered at the formal public hearing. The preliminary project design and other additional information is available for public review at: 1. The office of the Engineer DeHaas & Associates, Inc. 9450 SW Commerce Circle Suite 300, AGC Center Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 (503) 682-2450 (Marlin DeHaas) t 2. At the Receptionist Desk Tigard City Hall 13125 SW HaU Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 189hear.F09 I Dort, th Sheet FYhlhl t 9 L lD soundcry a .. /o ............. ............. ..................... : : ::::: .. ......... .......... ... aYF ... . }:EI�2Il?UL }: i�'�G..e" ::z: .Ji stud: ...... B.....`:.... ... .....' :.: _...:....:::..... ':4r.......:: .. .::: .....JQ J { ::...;; : ! (} 'Z} :: .::' p ; Franktin:: Street ii s'riiii.. . : rt erori . ...'.�.... ....:.: .. .:.':. as Sco%.•1".-200' � srrar rt,grae A. AIA 3i:,980¢ I :._:::.::..:,T;:. ... .........__................ ........ ..... =: ::> 41D Boundary .. _. ......... .... ........... EXffiBIT F-9 69TH AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION AGENDA OUTLINE - Informal Public Meeting,, 2/17199 L INFORMAL INSPECTION OF PLANS AND COST EXHIBITS 2. INTRODUCTION a. Marlin - Project Manager b. If anyone needs to call our office, number is 682-2450, fax 682-4018 3. PROJECT REVIEW This project is referred to as 69th Avenue Reconstruction. Plans are preliminary only and subject to revisions as the final design is developed. a. Street Improvements (36ft wide with curb and gutter) 1. Reconstruction of 69th from Beveland to Dartmouth. 2. 1/2 street construction on 69th fronting T.L. 2900, 2800 and 9108. 3. 1/2 street construction on Franklin fronting T.L. 8300. 4. 1/2 street construction on Elmhurst fronting T.L. 2300. 5. Sidewalk and Landscaping on Dartmouth between 69th and 70th, 6. Full street construction Elmhurst 69th to 70th. Beveland 68th to 70th. 7. There will be R/W acquisition costs on the portion of Beveland from 69th to 68th. 8. The newly constructed Beveland is proposed to connect to existing Beveland at 70th. 9. The newly constructed Elmhurst is not proposed to connect to the West of 70th. b. Storm Drainage 1. Phase in a new catch basin at Hampton. 2. Construct storm drains serving Beveland and Franklin, all to connect to the existing storm drain to the South, except for 1/2 block-which must drain to the West to existing Beveland. 3. Resize and reconstruct the major crossing between Franklin and Elmhurst. 4. Collect drainage on 69th and Elmhurst to drain West to 70th and North on 70th to a water quality/detention facility. c. Sanitary Sewer I. Extend from Beveland North to Elmhurst. 2, Extend from Dartmouth South to Elmhurst. 3. Construct services as required. EXHIBIT F-9 d. Water VWD) 1. Construct an 8" main in Beveland from 68th to 70th. We have an understanding that TVWD will construct and pay for this new 8" line. There will be no costs therefor to the LID. TVWD has plans to resize the 4" existing in Beveland West of 70th. 2. Construct an 8" main in Elmhurst from 69th to 70th. 3. Construct services as required. 4. Construct Fire Hydrants as required. AncfflM Improvements 1. Underground existing power from Hampton North to TL 9800, from Franklin to the North side of Dartmouth and on Elmhurst from 69th to 70th. 2. R/W acquisition at intersection corners to provide for pedestrian ramps. 3. R/W acquisition for Beveland between 69th and 68th (R/W for Beveland between 69th and 70th is proposed to be dedicated at no cost as a part of conditions for development on the West side of 69th between Beveland and Dartmouth). f. Costs 1. Costs of improvements have been estimated on the basis of preliminary plans and without the benefit of final design. Preliminary costs estimates will be further refined when final designs are complete. We are always investigating opportunities to mitigate costs. g. Timing 1. Public hearing on formation of the LID before council 2/23/99. 2. LID formed by council on 3/9/99- 3. Construction Bid Award 6/1/99. 4. Project substantially complete 9/15/99. 4. LID PROCEDURES a. All cities have ordinances providing for forming LID's to construct and finance public improvements. This is a project which lends itself to that process. The City sells bonds to finance the design and construction. Bonds are retired as assessments are paid by benefitting property owners. b. In this case initiation of the LID was by petition by Specht Development. c. Council calls for a Preliminary Engineering Report. (This informal meeting is being held before we complete that report). d. The Preliminary Engineering Report is presented to Council where upon they approve the report (with modifications if deemed appropriate) and calls for a public hearing. 2 e. All property owners to be assessed will be notified of the public hearing both individually and by publication in the newspaper. The notice, among other items will; 1) Give the time of the hearing. 2) Describe the project. 3) Estimate of total cost of project and portion proposed for assessment. 4) Will indicate that the purpose of the hearing is to remonstrances (objections) either written or oral. f. If the remonstrance from property owners represents less than 2/3 of the property area within the district, the City can proceed with formulation of the LID_ g. Assuming the district is formed, the City completes final design, takes construction bids and constructs the project. h. After the project is complete and all costs are known, assessments are calculated and a public hearing held to consider any objections to the proposed assessments. i. Notices of the assessments are sent to the property owners and they are given the opportunity to promptly pay all or a portion of the assessment, or make application to pay all or remaining portion of the assessment in semi annual installments over a 10 yr period including interest on the unpaid balance. That is 1/20th of the principal plus interest. The interest rate will be set at 2% above the bond yield. The assessment can be paid off at anytime. 5. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT METHODS a. Street and Storm Drain 50% of costs on Frontage basis. 50% of costs on Area basis. b. Ancillary Improvements Undergrounding power, R/W acquisition. 100% of costs on Area basis. c. Sanitary Sewer Services on a Per Each basis. Remaining costs on an Area basis. d. Water Services on a Per Each basis. Hydrants Per Each Remaining costs on an Area basis. 3 6. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS a. Assembled Group. Ir. Informal arougd'.Exhibits. 4 EXHIBIT F-10 February 25, 1999 G WY OF 11GARD OREGON CE Continuation of Public Hearing for 69t" Avenue LID (Local Improvement District) Tuesday, March 9, 1999 7:30 PM City of Tigard Town Hall 13125 SW Hall Blvd. (See attachment for additional information) 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tlyard, OR 97223(503)639-4171 TDD(5W)684-2772 EXHIBIT F-10 Notice of Public Hearing Proposed 69th Avenue Local Improvement District The public hearing on the proposed 69`h Avenue LID(Local Improvement District), conducted on February 23, 1999, is continued to the March 9, 1999, City Council meeting. By Resolution No.99-10 passed February 9, 1999, the Tigard City Council declared its intention to form an LID to improve the following streets within the City of Tigard. • SW 69th Avenue between the North right-of-way line of SW Hampton Street and the South right-of-way line of SW Dartmouth Street • SW Elmhurst Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue • SW Franklin Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 69h Avenue • SW Beveland Street between SW 68th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue • SW Dartmouth Street between SW 69th Avenue and SW 70th Avenue(South side only) The improvements will include street, storm drain, sanitary sewer,water, sidewalk, street trees, undergrounding power, telephone, TV, and other ancillary improvements necessary to bring the streets up to full City standards.Ancillary improvements include right-of-way acquisition, a catch basin and wheelchair ramp at Hampton and street lighting. in compliance with TMC Title 13, Chapter 13.04, Section 13.04.040 a public hearing will be conducted on the proposed district. Basic construction will be performed by construction contract procured in accordance with City procurement procedures. Portions of construction may be completed by public utilities(power, telephone,TV and water). Miscellaneous construction may be provided by City forces. Construction is proposed for the summer of 1991). The properties specially benefited and included in the LID are shown on the attached map. The estimated total cost of the improvements is $1,228,005. All costs are proposed to be paid for by special assessments. The public hearing to hear remonstrances will be resumed during the City Council meeting on March 9, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. In City Hall,Town Hall Meeting Room, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard,Oregon. The purpose of the hearing is to hear remonstrances. In order to be considered,all written and oral remonstrances must be received by the close of the hearing. The preliminary project design and other additional information are available for public review at: 1. The office of the Engineer 2. Receptionist Counter DeHaas&Associates, inc. Tigard City Hall 9450 SW Commerce Circle 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Suite 300,AGC Center Tigard, OR 97223 Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 (503)682-2450 (Marlin DeHaas) TT Public 2/18/99 0"VAiangYneNregsVwbce d hearing for 69th avenue Nd.aoc Dartm Street EXf71�?/( (� t� LID Bo urs dory flap <::::=::�: : ;. � : := �:,.. ? 2 raf: ''Elrrritiuisl `free . ::...... I ::,Qx ::: a� . :::.:::. F...: C : = .r I r - �: r F p�kiJn: Sheet iii'i7l::ylOCJ:..r::.r::.'.i�:=::�?:=::�::•:•:i�. i _ -- - er_ ... ... ` : ................. . . .........4.:..: :::...., . Scale:1"-200' - :? :c9 UC :::R9rax:. :' . .: :: I :.l.l....'.%%'...l.*.l.-;.'l....... ..... ...11. ..... ................ ...... .......... ...... ......... ....--.................... .......- ..................... :o .. ............... ............. .. .......•=:it ri6a ................ =: - LID Boundary- a Hompton Street EXHIBIT F-11 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE NO. 99- Q`) AN ORDINANCE CONFIRMING AND RATIFYING THE RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 9, 1999, AS AMENDED, WITH RESPECT TO THE BOUNDARIES OF THE 69TH AVENUE LOCAL, IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(LID #49); DECLARING RESULTS OF THE HEARING HELD WITH RESPECT TO TIIE IMPROVEMENT; DETERMINING THE BENEFITED PROPERTIES TO BE ASSESSED; ESTABLISHING THE DISTRICT; AND ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE IN CONFORMANCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BEING PREPARED FOR THE IMPROVEMEN'T'S. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 99-10 was passed by the City Council of the City of Tigard at its regular meeting of February 9, 1999, which described the boundaries of a proposed street improvement assessment district, and which declared the Council's intention to construct street improvements, including curb, gutters, sidewalk,streetlights, storm drainage facilities, sanitary sewer, waterlines,street trees, undergrounding of any overhead utilities, and appurtenances thereto, and to assess the costs for the improvements against the properties within the boundaries which have been found to be specially benefited; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the resolution, legal notice of the hearing scheduled for February 23, 1999 was given by publication in the Tigard Times on February 18, 1999 prior to the hearing; and WILEREAS,,by the terms of the resolution a hearing was held at 7:30 p.m. on February 23, 1999 at the Town Hall Meeting Room in City Hall located at 13125 SW Hall Boulevard in Tigard, Oregon and was continued to March 9, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of affording an opportunity to any parties affected by the proposal to make objections or remonstrances to the proposed improvements; and WHEREAS, written notice regarding the continuation of the public hearing was given to all property owners in the proposed assessment district ten or more days prior to the continuation of the hearing in accordance with TMC 13.04.040 (b)(I)B; and +REAS,the preliminary plans and specifications for the improvements, the estimates of the work to be performed, and the probable costs of the improvements which each lot should pay were available to the public at the meeting and prior to the meeting; and WHEREAS, by the terms of the resolution and public notice, written objections or remonstrances from not less than 66 2/3% by property area of the owners of the properties within the boundaries of the proposed improvement assessment district were invited as provided by TMC 13.04.040; and WIIEREAS, all objections and remonstrances presented prior to the hearing and at the hearing represent less than 66 2/3% by property area within the improvement assessment district, and that the percentage of remonstrances is not a ban to further proceedings in the snaking of the improvements; and WHEREAS, all proceedings to date have been in conformity with State Statute, the Tigard Charter, Chapter [X, §38, §39, arid Tigard Municipal Code, I itle 13, and all procedures were regularly and lawfully conducted. ORDFNANCr NO 99_ 3 v—Yv11dcbr(f\(hdmancc for Fornuaon of 6l�'Avcnuc LII) F'ag< i of i GXIIIBIT F-ll NOW,THEREFORE,THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Resolution No. 99-10, adopted by the City Council on February 9, 1999,and attached and marked as Exhibit "A" shall be adopted as a part of this ordinance subject to the amendments set forth in Sections 5 and 6 of this ordinance. The amendments are a result of the public hearing proceedings, and the amended resolution is hereby approved, ratified, and confirmed. The boundaries of the area henceforth to he known as 691h Avenue Local Improvement District, as described in the resolution, are declared and fixed in accordance with the description. SECTION 2: The City Council, having acquired jurisdiction to order the improvements to be made, does hereby authorize the formation of the local improvement district and directs the Finance Director to prepare the Preliminary Assessment Roll. SECTION 3: The City Council firrther authorizes the acquisition of land as provided by State law and the Tigard Municipal Code, and the construction of street improvements within the boundaries of the 69th Avenue Local Improvement District in conformity in all reasonable particulars with the plans and specifications being prepared for this LID. SECTION 4: The estimated costs and expenses of the improvements to be assessed against the specially benefited properties is $1,228,005.00. The estimated costs include the cost of construction and installation of the improvements, advertising, legal, administrative, survey, engineering, notice, supervision, materials, labor, contracts, equipment, inspections and assessment costs; financing costs including interest charges; the costs of necessary property right-of-way or easement acquisition and condemnation proceedings; attorney's fees and any other necessary expenses. SECTION 5: All lands situated within the boundaries described on the attached Exhibit "A" are determined and declared to be a street improvement assessment district, and it is further declared that each lot, part of lot and parcel of land within said boundaries will be specially benefited by said improvements. The estimated cost is $1,228,005.00 for the improvements including land acquisition costs. The City of Tigard shall be a participant in the street I-mprovement assessment district and shall contribute an amount not to exceed $240,000.00 for land acquisition costs to permit construction of the Beveland Street Extension between 68' Avenue and 69'Avenue. The project costs estimated to be $1,228,005.00 shall be assessed, according to benefit, against all lands within the district, except that the City of Tigard shall contribute an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 that shall be used to reduce the costs assessible to the benefited properties_ Benefit for the purposes of LID tt49 is hereby determined to be derived according to improving both the property's ability to develop as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and the Tigard Triangle Design Standards for the City of Tigard, and the property's access to the improvements. SECTION 6: The final costs of the improvements to be assessed shall be determined after completion of all improvements and acceptance of the improvements by the City of Tigard. The final methods of assessment shall likewise be determined after the improvements are completed and accepted. ORDINANCE No 99- I kitywidc,ord\0rdinancc for Formation of 69'Avcnuc LID Pagc 2 of 3 SECTION 7: The Tigard City Council find s that the 69' Avenue Local Improvement District improvements are local improvements of the character described in TMC 13.04.010(a) and ORS 310.140, and that they therefore qualify for interim financing pursuant to ORS 223.235. SECTION 8: This ordinance shall be effective 30 days after its enactment by the Council and approval by the Mayor. PASSED: By 1,(Yl�lX1=M b vote of all Council members present after be and title only, this_ q day of. ' 1999. bei read by number Catherine Wheatley, City Recorder APPROVED: By Tigard City Council this M day of 999. es Nicoll,Mayor Approved as to form: City to ey �- .3- g- Date — ORDI P-S3 fce j fa.t� [:Citywid[1nrtlYhrlinanc<for Fo—tion of 69-A—c LID Pale 3 of 1 EXHIBIT F-12 - � 'i •l PUBLISHED FIRST TIME TODAY CIT/ OF TIGAnjD ttt M AVENUE RECONSTRUCTM UD ADVERTMEMENpakT FOR BIDS WrMEsn.sealed bids wW bethe n;;rla reCM+red by I I BOW � May 18. 1999.at which time they 97223. untf 2.1X bepub Iiay cpensa and read. ahek be nlrU ttM1�q� a�7Y the swim 1alp 10 Rod(--178x.'Ot—Yait1;A•JC ++wdfwt, PE or ort;l grrb&C�tltler-*�6fo 6 dAfa40r } CA 1� 10..[faxen «BBB �Eb* 12 Qon txaa>31duN�E9a8'Sotma'Heel'13. skedTues—t a !11'Ulde(p(luld t5. etrreatt tfne�(t Fest i o'PkmbtakW Itom and �cations may be D� 19125 SW tulle d. T . e9on. for anon re(unctwe Chaarrps Of for 7125.00 each. Copies will be mailed an additional tea of$5.00 per set of plans and specification_ a Plans ft Plan bons may be exam- Joumat of d Plan Centers: Daily strurrW ( Commerce. McGraw-Hip Con- M. Impact Plan Center. Ore- on Contractors Plan Center. Salem Contractors Exchange, and southwest Ni on Contractors Association. All bids wia be public y opened at the natin with t e contract documenplace,They ts and rt�r ordemust be r by a ' PSI check bap_the bidder in the Or ten per- cent of the bid as Security. The bidder shag be registered with the �sgon Censbuodon Conkactcxa Board ialTh to bid openina. The succesW to cute ted contracct and perf d mance bond in form as approved by the The Moor snap comply with the rea*Wnwks of the P-s nig wage Law in t>ftS 279.350, m°Y mhct any bid not in with aft prescribed"ic bid- ding procedures and requirements. and maY f*d Ion good cause any or all bids W011 a Ilh kV of the City than it is in the public kderast to do so. trbly 4. 1999• 4018CB-11 e*sesesees EXHIBIT F-12 EXHIBIT F-13 / 1 JUIIC JVI - fM.T., VClIU:( HAAS 94 W. Commerce Circle �c Ki ..de, Orem 97070 ssociates, Inc.111$2-14so s i (S03)6824018 Fax NZ Consulting ft&eers & Sttrveyora May 19, 1999 Vannie Nguyen City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 71gard, OR 97223 Re: 69th Avenue R000nsauc tlon LID Dear Vannie: Wdtten sealod bids were rooeived by the Bnginoeri4$Department, City of ,gad, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, Oregon 97223 tmtI12.00 o'clock pm.,May 18, 1999,at which time they were publicly opened and read. Tea bids were received as follow: L W.A.Iona Co. S 832,341.70 3. NaWkwest Bu6non833"50 ets, b r- 855,859.30 4. Bmetapd Tower,Inc. 879,117.99 S. - D&D Cmcrete&Utilities,Inc. 940,980.00 6. 11=Dimensional Contracting,Inc. 974,55250 7. Tie Sa mdew may' Inc. 1,033,818.70 8. Eagle Eisner,Inc. 1,035,266.90 9. Kerr Contractus, Inc. 1,037,153.00 10. P. Miller&Sons Contracwrs, Inc. 1,152,333.10 The EnginCW6 Estimate was $813,597.75 A tabulation of bids is attached. ` We n000mmead the contract award be made to WA.Jams'Co.in the amount of$832,341.70. Sincordy, zz. E. , P L.S. President / cc: 98:189.118 Attachments MM/1o:, 1891tr.M20 EXHIBIT F-13 EXHIBIT F-14 June 17, 1999 1 CITY OF 71GARD OREGON Warren A.Jones W. A_Janes,Company 11270 SW Clay Street Sherwood,Oregon 97140 NOTICE.T1'J PROCEED 69th Avenue Reconstruction LID The contract documents for the above contracts were received by us in complete form. You are hereby notified to proceed with the work required under the contract. The date for official completion of all schedules except Schedule F is 17hursday,September 30, 1999;and the date for official completion of Schedule F is Monday,November 1, 1999, A fully executed copy of the contract document for the project is enclosed. Sincerely, 7� Vannie T. guy P.E. Engineering Manager --C: Marlin J.De Haas 04rsg%99dpWWnV-w,jones.aoc 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tinard, OR 97223(503)639-4171 TDD(503)684-2772 EXHIBIT F-14 EXHIBIT F-15 DE HAAS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Suite 300 - AGC Center 9450 SW Commerce Circle Wilsonville, Oregon. 97070 CERTIFICATE OF WORK COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE NAME OF PROJECT : 620 Avenue Re ons ruc t ion L I I) PROJECT No. : CIP 99.07 98 1$9 118 1. All work for the above referenced project has been completed by us in accordance with the Contract Documents of De Haas & Associates, Inc. and we hereby approve the final estimate quantities as computed by De Haas& Associates, Inc. This farm releases the owner from any liens arising out of this contract; or is providing the Owner herewith, a bond covering any liens outstanding on this contract. Date: l ` -'d Y � (Signature of Authorized Official) -- W-A. Jones Co (Name of Contracting Firm) — —.-11270 SW a ay StraaY hertapod, 0xk9o-ri---9.11-4-0 (Address) 2. Work has been completed on the above referenced project in accordance with terms of the contract applying thereto. C recommend acceptance of the completed project and also ecotnm d that final paymcat be made to the Contractor_ Date: �L' T C' -- De Haas Associates, Inc. CERT.CMP EXHIBIT F-15 EXHIBIT F-16 WORK PROPOSED WORK COMPLETED SHEE7_1_OF_8_SHEETS PREVIOUS THIS MONTH TOTAL UNIT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL EM jon RIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS t Mobi izaLS All 28 619.10 328679.60 100° 28 619.60 p, REMARKS 2 TF 8 DT LS All S1 442.D0 51 442.00 100% j1 442.00 0% 50.00 100 328 619. F 3 Erosion LS All 52 701 70 S2 701.70 100°G $2 701.70 0% 50.00 100% $1 442.00 F 4 Cleari LS All 528 241.10 f28 241.10 100% 328 241.10 Ooh 50.00 100% $2 701.70 F 5 Remove Eldsb 19 Storm Drains Com let LF 1 77 $9.60 $73920 77 $739.20 0 50.00 100% $28 241.10 6 Remove Ext Catch Basins et 'EA 3 5210.60 $631.80 4 $842.40 p i0'� 17 5739.20 7 Rem" "Sidewalk& Co SF 2202 0.60 50.00 4 $842.40 5132120 1187 71220 0 50.00 1187 571220 8 Remove Cirib` LF 288 $3A0 $1123,20 13U41 $52260 0 $0.00 134 9 Rewerk Gravel Se bn'of 69th Ave. LS All $2 22020 $222020 o% $0.00 0% 5522.60 10 Comrrloo F1otiefioli r CY 21790% $420 $9151.80 1963 $8,244.60 0 11 Flnbynkn{ertt CY 1 4242 $2.50 $10 605.OD 41621 $10 405.000 $0.00 1963 $8 44.60 12 Su rade StgAzatipn CY 20 545.7D $914.00 82.4 3 765.68 0 S0'� 4162 $1040500 13 3J4--0 Cntstiea#tock' CY 189 3.8D S4 49820 397 $9448.60 0 $0'� 4 S3 765.68 14 1`-0 Crushed Rack CY 1594 523.0) $36,662.00 1768 $40 664.00 0 �'� 397 $94148.60 15 Curb 8 Gutter LF 4619 SO-00 1768 340664.00 F 58.40 S38 799.60 4599 $38 631.60 17 5142.60 4616 338 774.40 16 A.0 Pavement TON 2332 $35.00 387 620.00 2227.51 177 962.85 69.9 S2 446.50 2297.41 580 409.35 17 Ad'ust Tele hone Manholes EA 2 $200.40 $400.80 4 5801.60 p 18 WaterQUdll Facilit LS All $13,736.40 $13,736.40 100% $13,736.40 0% 50.00 4 5801.60 19 Sune Monument Boxes EA 3 $213.00 50.00 100% b13,736.40 20 Reconstruct Parkin Lot Access LS All 5639.00 5 S1 065.00 0 $0.00 5 31 065.00 SS 78120 1.20 90% ES 203.0 6on 8 10% $578-12 100°� SS 781.20 21 CorrbinaSto/Street Sin EA � 6 5185.30 $1.11 51,117.80 5 $926.50 p 22 Relocate Chain Link Fence LF 475 $1QDC $4,750.00 181 $1,810.00 50.00 5 $926.50 23 Relocate Wood Fence Deleted 0 50.00 181 $1,810.00 F 24 Block Retainin Wall Standard SF 285 $24.70 $7039.50 0 $0.00 0 25 Block Relainin VJall Com ac SF 2g5 30.00 0 $0.00 F _ $23.20 $6612.00 791 $18351.20 0 $0.00 191 $18 351.20 F charge Order#1 Item#3 LS All $526.25 $526.25 100% $526.25 0% r Char a Order#S Item#2 TON 28 $95.00 $2 660.00 28 $0.00 100% $526.25 F 52 660.00 0 50.00 28 f2 660.00 ibtotal Schedule A(Original Work Pio sed$285,361.30 TOTAL AMOUNT EARNED $292,547.55 $298,023.16 $3,167.42 $301,190.58 .SSS RETAINAGE °/, ESTIMATE NO. 10 PAYMENT PERIOD March,2000 CONTRACTOR ESS PREVIOUS PAYMENT EST.NO.J AMOUNTS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT VVA.Jones 'MOUNT OUE THIS ESTIMATE DATE 11270 SW Clay St. Sterwood,OR. 97140 (503)570-0603 AYMENT DISTRIBUTION )ESCRIPTIDN AMOUNT H PAYMENT ESTIMATE WORK PROPOSED WORK COMPLETED SHEET-2-OF-8-SHEETS PREVIOUS THIS MONTH TOTAL UNIT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL I TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS UNITS 26 Mobilization LS All 516,394.60 16 394.60 100° $16,394.6000 DOLLARS REMARKS 27 TP&DT LS All $721.00 U.00 100% 16 394.60 F 29 LS All 00 rosionControl $721.00 1D0% 5721-00 06 $ODO 29 100% 5721.00 F 5500-70 55 .70 100% 5500.70 01G SO.DO 100% 5500.70 F Tench &Grubb' LS All SQ 470.40 S4 470.40 100% S4 470.4D OIG 30 Trench Ex Com &Gass A Backfill LF -345 $17.00 $5 865.00 345 SS 865.00 p 5 $4 470.40 F 31 Trianch Ez:Gom`&Gass B Bacldill LF "a 718=.._ ._ $o_�. 10 L51 711.80 1782 $53 638 Y0 p ------ 345 $5865.00 32 Ttnnch Follildetion ;25: :$13 $337.50 0 $0.00, - p 1782 "=53 638.20 F C Pave ltR t -LF 0.; $15.90 $318.00 64 St 017.60 D $0.00 _0 50.00 F 34 6"HDPE AASHTO M252 LF 69 00 64 $1 017.60 35 S�iIOPE $2.40 $165.60 "82 $196.130 p OM252 . LF 57 $199.50 107 $374.50: 0 50.00 SZ 5196.80 F 36IO�HDP _4.50 SO.00 = 107 5374.50 F AASHTO:M252 LF _325 44-20- '331 365.00 325 $1365.00 0 ' 7 IS-HnPE AASHT01VI2945T S :. 1F ;'0'60':... ._ $O.Q9 3Z5.: 513&5.00 F $4:80' .: 53 648.00 761 53652 80 0 .OD 76f 'S3 652.80 38 15'11DPE AASHTO M294 - S LF 758 39 $7.60 55760.80 758 55 760.80 C 18'HDPE P" AASHTO M294 TYpe S LF . 23 $8.70 $200.10 23 5200-10 -C - S0'� 758 55 7fi0.80 F 40 24'HDPE Pi- AASHTO M294 TYPe S LF 71 SOAD 23 $200;10 F' .00 5994.00 71 5994.00 0 SQOD 41 Cat514 Catch Basins EA 17 $1,213.30 920.626.10 18 521,839.40 0 71 5994.00 F - 42 48"Standard Manhole F1� 7 $2,119.90 814,639.30 6 $12,719.40 0 $0.00 18 $21,639.40 F 43 60"Standard Manhole 1 S3 473.50 50.00 6 $12,719.40 F 44 Construct Beveland Outfall Facilities EA All 53,473.50 2 $6,947.00 0 $0.00 2 56,947.00 F S4,i73.40 $4,573.40 100% $4,573.40 0% $0.00 - 100% $4,573.40 F 45 Detention Facili LS All $25,997.20 $25,997.20 100% $25,997.20 0 46 Connect to Existing Manhole I LA 1 $599.50 $599.50 CY 15 1 $O.00 100% $25,997.20 F 47 Class 100 Ri ra 5599.50 0 $0.00 1 $599.50 F 571.50 61,072.50 25 $1,787.50 0 $0.00 25 $1,787.50 F Chan a Order#1 Item#1 LS All $1, 21.00 ;1,421.00 100% $1,421.00 0% Chan a Order#1 Item 94 LS All $2 633.35 ;2,833.35 100% 52 833.35 $0.00 100% 51,421.00 F Chan a Order#1 Item#5 LS All $1,57725 11,977.25 1D0°/ S1 97725 DY $0'00 100% $2,833.35 F Chan a Order#4 Item#2 CY 35 5150.00 95,250.00 35 55,250.00 50.00 100% $1,97725 F o $o.o0 3s Ss,2so.00 F 'ubtotat-Schedule B Ori inal Work Pro sed$163,833.50 $175,315.10 $181,096.50 $0.00 $181,096.50 TOTgI AMOUNT EARNED RE1,101 11 I gYME�TS ESTiiwiTt NU. 10 LESS RETAINAGE % PAYMENT PERIOD March,2000 CONTRACTOR LESS P EST.NO. AMOUNTS REVIOUS PAYMENT APPROVED =0R PAYNENT W.A Jones Co. AMOUNT rn it I H1S ESTIMATE DATE W.A-11270 SW Clay St. Sherwood,OR 97140 PAYMENT DISTRIBUTION (503)570-0603 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PAYMENT ESTIMATE WORK PROPOSED WORK COMPLETED SHEET_3_pF_8_SHEETS PREVIOUS THIS MONTH TOTAL UNfT I TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 70TAL TOTAL TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE DDLLARS UNITS DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS REMARKS 48 o rhzahon AAll 9,494.60 9,494.60 9 49460 0 ° 00 100 ° 9,494. 0 F 49 TPBDT LS $1 081.50 $1081.50 100°� $1 081.50 0% 40.00 100% $1 081.50 F 53 Erosion Control I LS Ail $774.50 5774.50 100% $774.50 0% 50.00 100% $774.50 F 51 Clearin and Grubbin LS All 5915.20 $915.20 100% $91520 0% 50.00 100°� 5915.20 F 52 Remove E1dst M.H.&3"S.S. LS I AHI 1 $1.264.80 1 $1.264.80 1()O%l $1,26480 0% $0.00 100% $1264.80 F 53 Treilcli Ex Common &Class B Backfill LF 19 $40.50 $61 114.50 1509 $61.114.50 0 50.00 1509 $61 114.50 F 54 Trertch Foundation LF 20 $16.90 $338.00500 SOHO 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 F 55 ACs.Paveme't Reptamment LF 50 $15.90 $795.00 57 $906.30 0 =0.00 57 $906.30 F 56 -pipe LF 202 $1.70 $343:40 202 $343.40 0 30.00 202 $343.40 F 57 pipe LF 232 $2.20 $510.40 232 $510.40 0 $0.D0 232 $510.40 F' 58 81:ft .`i LF 1075 $3.20 $3 440.00 1075 $3 440.30 0 $0.00 1075 $3 440.00 F 59 Tees 6 . 24.50 0 $0.00 9 5724.50 F 60 In Tees EA 3 $137.10 $411.30 21 4-20 0 $100 2 $274.20 F 61 48"Standard Manhole EA 5 $2,552.80 $12,764.00 51. $12,764-00 0 $3.00 5 $12,764.00 F 62 Connect to Exisfing Manhole EA 1 1 $654.70 $654.70 1 $654.10 0 53.00 1 $654.70 F Chan a Order#1 Item#4 LS All $2,288.85 $2,288.85 100% $2,288.85 0% ° $0.00 1D0/ $2,288.85 F Change Order#4 Item#2 CY 17 $150.00 $2,550.00 17 $2,550.00 0 $0.00 17 $2,550.00 F f Subtotal-Schedule C Ori incl Work Pro sed$94,384.90 $99,223.75 $99,101.45 $0.00 $99,101.45 I TOTAL AMOUNT EARNED PREVIOUS PAYMENTS ESTIMATE N0, 10 PAYMENT PERIOD March 2000 CONTRACTOR LESS RETAINAGE % FSr__NO_n_ a_n_n_n_i_rn_" LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTFOR PAYMENTv W.A.Jones Co. AFPROVED DATE AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE 11270 SW Clay St Sherwood,OR 97140 (503)570-0603 P'4_YNENT_DISTRIBUTION DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PAYMENT -- ESTIMATE i WORK PROPOSED WORK COMPLETED SHEET_4_OF_a_SHEETS PREVIOUS THIS MONTH TOTAL UNIT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL I TOTAL TOTAL I TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE COLLARS UNITS DOLLARS UNIrS DOL;ARS UNITS DOLLARS REMARKS 63 n n mon ass A a r 14 18.40 72 . 0 0 $0.1w 0. of $0.00 0 0.00 64 Trench Ex Common 8 Class B Backfill LF 188 $23.30 $4380.40 271 $6,314.30 0 $0.00 271 $6,314.30 F 65 A.C.Pavement Replacement LF 32 $15.90 $508.80 19 $302.10 0 $0.00 19 $302.10 F 66 6"Ductile Iron Pi Class 52 LF 336 $9.00 $3 024.00 271 $2,439-00 0 $0.00 271 S2 439.00 F 67 12"x 6"Tapping Sleeves EA 5 $857.00 $4,285.00 7 $5,999.00 0 $0.00 7 $5.999.00 F 68 6"Tapping Valves EA 5 $348.30 $1,741.501 8 $2.78E.40 0 $000 8 $2,786.40 F 69 Fire Hydrants FA 6 $1,47730 $8.863.80 5 $7,38E.50 0 $0.00 5 $7,386-5oChangF e Order#2 Itsn#1 EA 3 $1,009.15 $3,027.45 3 $3027.45 0 $0.00 3 $3.027.45 FChaing . e Order#2 Item#2 LS All $3,011,55 $3,011.55 100% $3,011.55 0% $0.00 100%1 $3,011.55 F, ,ubtolal-Schedule D Ori iral Work Pioposed$25,526.70 $31,565.70 $31,266.30 $0.00 $31,266.30 TOTAL AMOUNT EARNED PREVIOUS PAYMENTS ESTIMATE NO. - 10 PAYMENT PERIOD March,2000 CONTRACTOR LEES RETAINAGE % JEST,NO. AMOUNTS W .Jones Co LEES PREVIOUS PAY.. noPanN�n Fr)R PAYMENT !?n'F� 1127^,-"1'Clay St AMOUNT DUE THIS EMENATE --I} Sherwood,OR 97140 (503)570-0603 PAYMENT DISTRIBUTION DESCRIPTION JAMOUNT PAYMENT ESTIMATE WORK PROPOSED WORK COMPLETED SHEET_S_OF_8_SHEETS . PREVIOUS THIS- MONTH TOTAL UNIT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TD TOTAL TOTAL t72Concrete DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARSUNITS DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS air ams 12 8 3_ 1 91 1 t1 8 3. 0 1 1 LABS mrete Sidewralk SF 24,660 53.20 $78 912.00 27861 $89 155.20 424 $1356'80 28285 $90 512.00 Sidewalk 8 on _ SF 1 3478 $3.90 $13 564.20 47451 $18.505.50 212 $826.80 4957 $1933230 e Order#5 item#1 - EA 1 12 $665.15 S7 981.80 12 $7,931.80 0 0.00 $7 981.80 F Change 0rder.#6 Item:#1 LS. All $1424.00 $1424.. 10091 $1424.00 0% $$0.00.. 10012 12 _ $1424.00 F gh�S3rd&,W7,41 eril'#1 SF 266 54.62 $t 882i 0 $0.00 266 $1228.92 266 $1228.92 __z htotal-Schedule E Ori iaal Work Pro sed$103,195.80 $113830.52 $127 786.10 $4,305.82 $132,091.92 CTALAMOUNT EARNEG PREVIOUS PAYMENTS ESTIMATE NO. 10 ESS RETAINAGE °/ EST.NO. AMOUNTS PAYMENT PERIOD March.2000 CONTRACTOR ESS PREVIOUS PAYMENT APPROVED FOR PAYMENTDATE WA.Jones Co. MOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE I I 11210SW Clay St Sherwood,OR 97140 AfMENT DISTRIBUTION (503)570-0603 ,ESCRIPTION AMOUNT PAYMENT ESTIMATE WORK PROPOSED WORK COMPLETED SHEET 6_OF_8_SHEETS PREVIOUS THIS MONTH TOTAL UNIT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL EM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE DOLLARS UNITS I DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS REMARKS 73 treet Trees 2-1 ali r A 180 8 .50 51,750.00 1241 $35,650. 0 .0 24 35,650.00 74 1 Street Trees 3-1r'Caliper) EA 8 $774.10 $6,192.80 6 $4.644.60 0 $0.00 6 $4,644.60 75 Barkdust 1000SF 1 19 $270.9C $5,147-10 16 $4,334.40 -2 $541.80 14 $3,792.60 d'ustment b 1000SF Covera Not"units"dzlivered btotal SChedile F Ori iral Work Pro sed$63,089.90 $63,089.90 $44,629.00 $541.80 $44087.20 OTAL AMOUNT EARNED I 1PREVIOUS PAYMENTS ESTIMATE NO. 10 PAYMENT PERIOD March.2000 CONTRACTOF ESS RETAINAGE % ES-.NO. AMOUNTS W.A Jones Cc. ESS PRFVIOt IC PAYMENT APPRU ED FOR PAYMENT DATE 11270 SW Cla Street MOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE Y Sherwood,OR 97140 (503)570-0603 AYMENT DISTRIBUTION ESCRIPTION AMOUNT PAYMENT ESTIMATE WORK PROPOSED WORK COMPLETED SHEET_7_OF_B_SHEETS PREVIOUS THIS MONTH TOTAL UNIT TOTAL TOTALTOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS UNITS I DOLLARS REMARKS 76 f; lization LS All 6 113,70 $6,113.70 100% $6,13.70 13.70 0 $0.00 100 $6,113.70 F 77 TP&DT LS Ail $540.70 $540.70 t00% $90.70 0% $0.00 100% $540.70 F 78 Erosion Con Vol LS All $38460 $364.60 100% $:84.60 0% $0.00 100% $384.60 F 79 Clearino&Grubbing LS All $1,37280 $1372.80 100% $1,272B0 0% $0.00 100%1 $1.372.80 F 80 Trench Ex&Backfill LF 3275 $5.90 $19 322.50 4147 $24467.30 0 $0.00 41471 $24.467.30 F 81 2"Scheade 40 PVC LF 160 $0.60 $95.00 160 $96.00 0 $0.00 160 $W.00 F 82 4"Schedule 40 PVC LF 3115 1A0 $4,361.00414 $5 805.80 0 $0.00 41471 $5.805.80 F 83 660 LA Vaufts EA 9 $2,229.30 $20.063.70 9 $20,(63.70 0 $0.00 9 $20,063.70 F 84 4242 Pad Vault EA 3 $718.10 $2154.30 3 $ 154.30 0 $0.00 3 S2 154.30 F 85 6k 6 Conaele Trans(orrner Pad ET- 1 $587.70 $587.70 1 $597.70 0 $0.00 1 $587.70 F 86 A. Pavement R LF 352 $15.90 SS 593.80 779 $it 396.10 0 $0.00 779 $1 386.10 F 87 Concrete Sidewalk R t ete SF 125 $4.70 $587.50 539 $2,533.30 0 $0.00 539 $2,533.30 Change Order#2-(Item#3FA 2 $508.40 $1015.80 2 $1016.80 0 $0.00 2 $1016.80 F Change Orde-#2 Item#4 LS All $6,637.10 $6.637.10 1 100% $6,637.10 0% $0.00 100% $6,637.10 F Change Orde,#4 Item#1 EA 2 $497.50 $99500 2 $995.00 0 $0.00 2 $995.00 F Change Orde,94 Item#2 CY 8 $150.D0 $1,200.00 8 $1,200.00 0 $0.00 8 $1,200-00 F ubtotal•Schedule G(Original Work Pro sed$61,181.30 $71,030.20 $86,3:4.90 $0.00 $86,354.90 TOTAL AMOUNT EARNED PREVIOUS PAYMENTS ESTIMATE NO. 10 PAYM=NT PERIOD March,2000 CONTRACTOR LESS RETAINAGE % J I tsi.Nu. Aiviviiivis W.A.Jones Go- APPRCVED FOR PAYMENT DATE 11270 SW Clay Street LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENT � f Y 4MOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE I Sherwood,OR 97140 (503)570-0603 PAYMENT DISTRIBUTION DESCR PTION AMOUNT PAYMENT ESTIMATE ....KK 'RGrvSE� WVKK UUMPLEI'ED SHEET 8_OF 8 SNFETS PREVIOUS THIS MONTH TOTAL UNIT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL fEY DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS UNITS DOLLARS 88 Construct New Catch 3asln&lateral REMARKS LS All 4,533.60 4 533.60 100°0 4,5 3.60 0% 0. 0 100° $4 533.60 F 89 Replace Wheelchair Famp LS All $945.90 $945.90 100% $945.90 0% $0.00 100% $945.90 F 90 Demolition of House at Beveland Deleted 91 200 Watt Street Lights EA 14 $995.20 $13 932.80 14 $13 932.80 0 $0.00 14 $13 932.80 F 92 1324-18�Boxes EA 14 $199.00 $2,786.00 14 $2.786.00 0 $0.00 14 $2 786.00 F 9 12'Schedule40PVC LF 2120 $0.7C $1484.00 2344 $1640.80 0 $0.00 2344 $1640.80 F 94 tench Excavation&Backfill for Li htin LF 210 $5.90 $1239.00 198 $1 168.20 0 $0.00 198 $1 168.20 F in addition to that required for r tench Excavation&backfill for Und round lS All $5865.60 $5 865.60 0� 100% ES 865.60 $0.00 100% nverslons 12170 12190 8.12330 SS 865.60 F 69th Avenue. C.Pavement Replacement LF 46 $15.90 $731.40 10 $159.00 0 $0.00 10 5759.00 F 9 to Sidewalk R laoement SF 50 $5.00 $250.00 216 $1.080.00 $0.00 216 $1080.00 Order#1 Iterr,#2 LS All $6185.00 $6185.00 100% $6 185:0 0% $0.00 100% Change Order#3 Item#1 LS All $17986.45 $17 986.45 100% $17.986.45 0% $0.00 100% 3$6185.00 $6986.45 ibtotal-Schedue H Ori ina Work Proposed$31,76 -30 $55,939.75 $56,283.35 $0.00 )tat ANSchedules(Original Work Proposed$832,34 1.70 902,542-.47T- 924,540.76 $56,28335 6 931.44 931 472.20 TOTAL AMOUNT EARNED $931,472.20 PREVIOUS PAYMENTS ESTIMATE NO. 10 ESSRETAINAGE 0% $0.00 EST.NO. AMOUNTS PAYMENT PER March.200D CDNTRACTOR ESS PREVIOUS PAYMENT 5906,049.94 1 $49 862.15 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT W.A.Jones Co. kMOUNT DUE TNIS ESTIMATE $25 422.26 2 I --�°T� 11270 SW Clay Street E'20,617.31 M9 $-3 .ti9Sherwood,VK 91140 .24 (503)570-0603 'AYMENT DISTP,IBUTION 39)ESCRIPTION AMOUNT .28.10 PAYMENT .99ESTIMATE .79