Resolution No. 01-13 CITY OF TIGARD,OREGON RESOLUTION NO.01-1�) A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ANNUAL ADJUSTMENTS TO PARKS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES WHEREAS,the City adopted Resolution No.96-11 on February 27, 1996,imposing a Parks System Development Charge(Parks SDC),adopting a methodology for the imposition of Parks SDC charges,and a capital improvements plan,consistent with state law; WHEREAS,the City adopted Resolution bl•S2. on 44• !C•Cil , modifying the amount of Parks SDCs consistent with the previously adopted methodology; WHEREAS,components of the adopted methodology for Parks SDCs include the cost of residential land and construction costs; WHEREAS, published indices provide reliable information on changes in the cost of residential land and construction costs; WHEREAS, if Parks SDC charges are not adjusted with sufficient frequency,an increase in an SDC charge to reflect changes in the cost of land or construction may become substantial; WHEREAS,if Parks SDC charges are not adjusted with sufficient frequency,the City will collect less money to fund parks than the adopted methodology calls for; WHEREAS,annual increases in Parks SDC charges based on reliable indices will result in incremental increases in SDC charges while remaining consistent with the adopted methodology; NOW, THEREFORE,the Tigard City Council resolves as follows: Section 1: The Parks SDC shall be adjusted annually on January 1st of each year beginning in 2002. The formula to be used in determining the adjustment is attached as exhibit"A". PASSED: This l may of t,. 2001. yor Ci MPard ATTEST: City Recorder,City of Tigard RESOLUTION NO.01- Page 1 l EXHIBIT"A" FORMULA FOR PARKS SDC ANNUAL ADJUSTMENTS Parks SDC fees shall be adjusted annually on January 1st of each year beginning in 2002. The new fee will be determined by multiplying the existing fees by the average of two indices,one reflecting changes in development/construction costs and one reflecting changes in land acquisition costs. The average of these two indices is a reasonable approach because the Parks SDC fee is roughly split 50%between land acquisition and land development components. The index for the Land Acquisition component will be the base cost for residential tract land in Tigard,as determined by the Washington Country Appraiser. The average cost for residential tract land was selected because it is readily identified and is the lowest priced of the buildable lands in Tigard. Changes in this base cost can be calculated in terms of a percentage increase, to create the level of change to the original index, and projected to the overall acquisition cost. In accordance with Measure 5,the Washington County Appraiser's office will determine appraised values on July 1 of each year. The index for the Land Development component of the Parks SDC will be the Construction Cost Index for the City of Seattle as published in the December issue of the Engineering News Record(ENR). The Seattle cost index will be used because the city is the geographically closest to Tigard of twenty metropolitan areas for which the ENR maintains cost data.This index is adjusted monthly, quarterly,and annually. The annual index for each year will be selected beginning with the index for December 2002. The annual index will be used because it is available in December and most closely coincides with the January 151 implementation of park SDC fee adjustments. Definitions: SDC(2000) =current SDC fee L(2000) =Average cost of residential tract land 2000 L(2001) =Average cost of residential tract land 2001 L(2xxx) =Average cost of residential tract land 2xxx C(2000) =Const. cost index of 2000 C(2001) =Const.Cost index of 2001 C(2xxx) =Const. Cost index of 2xxx LCI=Land Cost Index: change from the current year from previous year CCI=Const. Cost index: change from current year from previous year RESOLUTION NO.01- Page 2 v®® ACI =Average cost index change of LCI +CCI FORMULA: L (2001) ------------------ = LCI L (2000) and C (2001) ----------------- = CCI C (2000) therefore: LCI + CCI ------------------ = ACI 2 then: SDC(2001) X ACI = SDC (2002) Each year subsequent to 2002 the costs shall be revised using the current year and previous year's data. Notwithstanding the foregoing,all calculations shall be carried out to the thousandth place. A final product ending in .49 or less shall be rounded down to the nearest dollar, .50 or more up to the next dollar. RESOLUTION NO.01- Page 3