Resolution No. 00-53 CITY OF TIOARD,OREGON RESOLUTION NO.00- 53 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING JAMES E. "JIM" GRIFFITH MAYOR OF TIGARD FROM SEPTEMBER 12, 2000, UNTIL ELECTION RESULTS OF THE NLARCH 2001 ELECTION ARE CERTIFIED TO ELECT A MAYOR TO COMPLETE THE UNENPIRED TERM OF JIN4 I]ICOLL WHEREAS, a vacancy in the position of Mayor in the City of Tigard occurred due to the death of Jim Nicoli;and WHEREAS,Mayor Jim Nicoli's term of office expires on December 31,2002;and WHEREAS, for the conduct of City business the City Council determined that it would appoint an Interim Mayor from September 12, 2000, until the results of an election in March 2001 become official so that a Mayor may take office to complete the unexpired term caused by the death of Jim Nicoli;and WHEREAS, the City Council through the City Recorder solicited applications for Interim Mayor utilizing a press release issued on July 19,2000;and WHEREAS,the Council required that all persons interested in being considered for appointment as Interim Mayor submit a letter of interest to the City Recorder by noon on Friday,August 4,2000; and WHEREAS, eight citizens of the City of Tigard submitted letters of interest by the established deadline;and WHEREAS,the City Council on August 14 and 15 interviewed each of the eight candidates;and WHEREAS,based upon the eight interviews the Council evaluated the excellent credentials of each applicant;and WHEREAS,Council concluded that it should appoint James E."Jim"Griffith;and WHEREAS, the Council was unanimous in its decision to appoint James E. "Jim" Griffith as Interim Mayor for the City of Tigard. RESOLUTION NO.00-53- Page 1 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: James E."Jim"Griffith is appointed Mayor of the City of Tigard from September 12,2000,until the results of the March,2001 election of a Mayor to complete the unexpired term vacated by Jim Nicoli is certified and the successful candidate is sworn in. PASSED: This -Do day ok,4, -2000. Brian J. 1VIOUIe,Cuuiicii Pf esiaiew ATTEST: -- City Recorder-City of Tigard 1AADWRESOLUTIONSWAYOR GRIFFITH V2.DOC a i i i i RESOLUTION NO.00-53 • Page 2