Resolution No. 95-34 CITY OF TIGARD,OREGON
WHEREAS, the applicant requested a comprehensive pian mcp amendment from
Professional Office(C-P)to General Commercial(C-G) and zone change from C-P to
C-G on 0.39 acres located on the Nest side of North Dakota Street just south of SW
Scholls Ferry Road;
WHEREAS, the Tigard Planning Commission considered the above application at its
public hearing on June 19, 1995,and recommended denial; and
WHEREAS,the Tigard City Council considered the above application at its public hearing
on July 11, 1995.
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that:
Section 1: The proposal is not consistent with all of the relevant criteria noted in the
attached #Nnal order(Exhibit A)
Section 2: The City Council upholds the Planning Commission's recommendation for
denial of the comprehensive plan mcp amendment and zone map
change as set forth in Exhibits A and B.
Section 3: The City Council, therefore, orders that application request CPA 95-
0002./ZON 95-0003 be DENIED, and further orders that the City Recorder
send a copy of the find order as a Notice of Final Decision to the parties
in this case.
PASSED: This j Xh day of , 1995.
or-Ctt`j of Tigard
Crfy Recorder-City of Ttga.
Page 1
The Tigard City Council reviewed the application below at a public hearing on
July 11,1995. The city council denies the request based on the facts,findings and
conclusions noted below.
1. General Information
CASE: Comprehensive Pian Amendment CPA 95-0002
Z jne Change ZON 95-0003
REQUEST: Amend the Comprehensive Plan map from C-P
(Commercial Professional)to C-G(General Commercial)
and change the zoning from C-P to C-G.
APPLICANT: Pacific Crest Partners Scholls
911 Oak Street
Hood River, OR 97031
Ball,Janik & Novack
101 SW Main,Suite 1100
Portland,OR 97204
LOCATION: Southwest corner of SW Scholls Ferry Road and SW North
Dakota Street(Parcel 3 of Minor Land Partition 94-0013)
2. Vicinity
The 0.39-acre site is located along the west side of North Dakota Street just
south of SW Scholls Ferry Road (see map Exhibit B). The proposal affects
Parcel 3 of a recently-approved minor land partition(MLP 94-0013) on tax
lot 1Si 35AD,lot 2400(see Exhibit C). The properties immediately abutting
the site on the north and west are Parcels 1 and 2 of MLP 94-0013. The
applicant Is in the process of developing the site for construction of a bank
on Parcel i and 10,850 square feet of office/retail space on Parcels 2 and
3. Properties to the north across SW Scholls Ferry R::;ad are in the City of
Beaverton and zoned for residential use wiih the exception of the northeast
corner of SW Scholls Ferry and SW Dakota Street,which is zoned for office
commercial. Properties to th`. west of the site beyond Parcel 2 are zoned
R-7 (PD) and contain the Summerlake subdivision. Properties to the east
across SW North Dakota Street are zoned for commercial development and
contain St.Vincent's medical office,McDonalds and Jiffy Lube. South of
the site are properties zoned R-7(PD). The Kindercare day care center,
located immediately to the south,is a conditional use in this zone.
3. Background information
In February of 1990, the British Petroleum Oil Company (BP) proposed
amending the comprehensive plan map on parcel 1S1 35AD,lot 2400 from
Commercial Professional to General Commercial and changing the zoning
I--- a` I tv '^G. Stt.7l1 recorn needed denial of the proposal due to
concerns related to traffic congestion,traffic safety and the absence of a
finding of a change of circumstances or evidence of a mistake in the
original plan. The Planning Commission recommended that the City
Council change the property to C-N on the northern part and leave the
C-P on the southern part. The Council rejected the applicant's proposal
and the Commission's recommendation, and directed staff to prepare a
resolution denying the application. The applicant withdrew the application
before the resolution was sent to Council
In August of 1990, BP proposed amending the northern 70%of the same
propertyfrom Professional Commercial(C-P)to Neighborhood Commercial
(C-IV). Staff recommended denial of the proposal due to insufficient
evidence to support the claim that a change in circumstances had
occurred in the neighborhood or a mistake was made in the original
designation of the site,and because several of the locational criteria were
not satisfied. BP withdrew its application before it was heard by the
Planning Commission.
The current applicant, Pacific Crest Partners Scholls, was approved for a
- minor land partition(MLP 94-0013) and site development review (SDR 94-
0014) in August of 1994. The original 1.24-acre parcel was divided into
three parcels. Parcel 3 of that partition is the subject of the current
The Planning Commission held a hearing on CPA 95-0002/ZON 95-0003 on
June 19, 1995,and voted 3-2 with one abstention to recommend denial of
the proposal. The commissioners requested that staff convey the following
concerns to the council: the commissioners are uncomfortable about
opening up the proposed parcel to all types of uses under the C-G zone;
the provision In the code that allows retail uses, including restaurants,
outright In the C-P zone should be looked at and reevaluated to only allow
these as conditional uses;and the siting criteria for the C-N(Neighborhood
Commercial-) zone, which restricts commercial development to one
quadrant of a street intersection or one side of a street, should be
4. Site Information and Proposal Description
Site development has commenced on Parcels 1.2 and 3 pursuant to the
approved site development application in August of 1994 (SDR 94-0014).
Approval of SDR 94-0014 allows for construction of a bank and 10,850
square feet of office/retail space. Prior to construction,former tax lot 2400
contained a veterinary office,three homes and an apartment building.
The applicant requests a comprehensive plan map amendment from C-P
(Commercial Professional) to C-G (General Commercial) and a zone
change from C-P to C-G on Parcel 3 of MLP 94-0013. The reason for the
requested change is to expand the range of permissible uses to those
allowed under C-� zoning. The applicant wishes to lease Parcel 3 to
Hollywood Video. Linder C-P zoning,this type of use is limited to 20 percent
of the entire square footage within the development compiex. Under this
restriction, only 3,100 of the 8,400 square feet of a building currently
approved and under construction on Parcel 3 could be used for such a
use. Therefore,a change from C-P to C-G will affect the permitted uses for
the remaining 5,300 square feet.
A written narrative, titled Statement in Support of Application for Quasl-
Judicial Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and Zone Change,and a
trip generation comparison were submitted as part of the initial application.
A subpequenttraffic analysis was performed by the applicant at the request
of staff and Washington County. They are included as part of this staff
5. Agency Comments
The Tigard Water Department and Tualatin valley Fire and Rescue District
have reviewed the proposal and have no objections. The Engineering
Division comments, contained in a memo dated May 25, concern the
traffic Impacts during off-peak times. In part,the memo states: Although
North Dakota Street is designated as a minor collector, it functions in this
area more I'ke a major collector, carrying traffic between 121st Avenue
and SW Scholls Ferry Road. While not a capacity problem,the volume of
traffic has been a concern for several years In the residential
ne!ghborhoods to the south of the site, The concerns are related to safety,
noise and general quality of life issues as a result of the increased traffic in
the residential neighborhood. Traffic islands have helped to reduce speeds
but have provided little reduction in traffic volumes. The proposed zone
change is not likely to increase the overall traffic volume on North Dakota
Street. However, it does have the poTen.!al to increase the volume in the
evening and weekend periods -- the periods of greatest concern to the
residential neighborhoods. The applicant states that the zone change
would allow the property to be used as a video store. The peak traffic time
for video stores tends to be on evenings and weekends. We are
concerned that the proposed zone change will exacerbate existing traffic
problems in the residential areas to the south of the site. Therefore,we
recommend that the zone change be denied.
Washington County reviewed the proposal and initiaiiy siajed that the
traffic Information submitted by the applicant is not adequate to fully
determine whether the impacts of the proposal are acceptable or
unacceptable. Based on the available information, the County
recommended the following: Defer any decision until the applicant
provides a traffic analysis that addresses impacts of the proposal as
contemplated by the Transportation Planning Rule(OAR 660-12-060);or limit
the use of the site to not exceed the PM peak trip threshold of the existing
'worst case'(158 trips)through conditions of the plan amendment;or deny
the request. An additional analysis was conducted by the applicant for the
Scholls Ferry Road/North Dakota Street intersection. Washington County
reviewed this analysis and has no objections to the proposed amendment.
No other comments were received at the time of this report.
The relevant criteria in this case are Comprehensive Plan policie-s 1,1,20,2.1.1,
6.1.1,5.4,8.1.1, and 12.2.1 (2); Community Development Code chapters 18.22,
18.32 and 18.62; and Oregon Administrative- Rules,Chapter 650, Division 12.
1. Policy 1.1.2, Implementation Strategy 2, requires that in order to approve
quasi-judicial changes to the comprehensive plan map, the city council
must find: a change is consistent with applicable plan policies;.and a
change of physical circumstances has occurred since the original
designation,or a mistake was made in the original land use designation..
The applicant's statement in support of this proposal asserts that
circumstances have changed in the neighborhood or community since the
entire site;(previous WCTM i S i 36AD,lot 2400)was annexed to the city and
zoned C-P in 1979. The applicant contends that a substantial amount of
new office space has been developed since 1979. In particular, the
properties zoned I-P(Industrial Park)along SW Nimbus Avenue to the east
have been developed principally as an office park and not as industrial
space, This hundreds of thousands of square feet of flex-space
development does not appear to have been envisioned, given the I-P
zoning of this area. This situation has caused,in turn,amexcess of potential
office space in the area. Evidence of this surplus, the statement claims,is
the vacant second floor of the medical office building across SW North
Dakota Street from the site. In addition,the applicant has not been able
to Find any tenants to lease the office-type space in the Parcel 3 building.
This assertion., however,dova not meet the requirement that a change in
physical circumstances occurred or that a mistake was made concerning
the affected property. It Is an argument based upon the current market
for cornmercic ii o lice spac,o. The compr?nensive plan does not contain
policies or criteria for designating land uses based upon such market forces.
Therefore,this criterion is not met.
Even if marketability of office space could be construed as a criterion,the
applicant's argument that an excess of office space has developed that
was not envisioned by the comprehensive plan and affects his property is
not supported by the evidence. The I-P zoning district in the Nimbus
Avenue area, which has been in place since adoption of the
comprehensive plan, allows for light manufacturing, office and
complementary related commercial uses. The increase in office space
'development' has been due to build out of a zoning district that
contemplated these uses.
In fact,the plan and zone designations in this area seem to have done a
good job in anticipating the future mix of commercial uses. Currently, it
appears that the market for office tenants is strong. Staff surveys
conducted in May along the SW Scholis Ferry Road corridor from Nimbus
Avenue to SW North Dakota Street have yielded the following findings.
® Schoils Business Center,SW Scholls Fern,,/SW Nimbus(Tigard I-P zone):
According to the lease office,the market for office tenants is very
strong with high lease rates; in fact, this type of tenant is being
targeted by the office to fill the remaining vacancies;out of 313,379
square feet of leasable area, 18,803 are vacant(69k vacancy).
• Nimbus Center, SW Scholls Ferry/SW Nimbus(Tigard C-G zone): out
of 26,281 square feet of leasable area, 4338 are vacant (17%
• Greenway Town Center,SW Scholls Ferry Road/SW 122nd(Tigard C-G
zone): out of approximately 123,000 square feet of leasable area,
approximately 5,000 are vacant(4%vacancy).
• Parkside Plaza,SW Scholl:;Ferry Road near Conestoga(Beaverton CS
zone, Community Service): out of 26,581 square feet of leasable
area,5,335 are vacant (20%vacancy).
• Pacific Place Center, SW Scholis Ferry/Nimbus in Beaverton
(Beaverton Cl zone, Campus Industrial): out of 29,510 square feet of
leasable area,approximately 2,360 are vacant(8%vacancy).
• Nimbus Corporation Center,SW Scholls Ferry/Nimbus in(Beaverton Cl
zone): out of 692,961 square feet of leasable area, 27,718 are
As these data show,the vacancy rate for commercial office space and
general retail space along SW Scholls Ferry Road west of Highway 217 is
comparable. The overaii vacUr.,�y rate for comm wdal uses in the corridor
is 5% with a comparable split between land use zones that are primarily
intended for retail (80/.) and those for office/industriol (50/.). There is no
evidence of an oversupply of leasable office space. In fact,the vacancy
rate at commercial centers zoned primarily for retail is 3%higher than the
rate for centers zoned primarily for office uses. in addition, three
lease/property managers representing commercial interests along SW
Scholls Ferry Road stated that office space is currently a very desirable
commodity. As for the vacancies in the St. Vincent's Medical Clinic
building across SW North Dakota Street from the site,the entire space is
being held for additional physicians' offices. The lease manager stated
that the vacant office space being held could have been leased several
times over given the number of inquiries received by her.
2. Policy 2.1.1 states that the city shall maintain an ongoing citizen
involvement program and shall assure that citizens will be provided an
opportunity to be involved in all phases of the planning process. The policy
is satisfied because the surrounding property owners were given notice of
public hearings related to the proposal and given the opportunity to
comment on the proposal. The notice for the ;Manning commsasion and
city council hearings were sent to surrounding property owners within 250
feet of the affected property,posted at Tigard City Hall and advertised in
a local newspaper. In adaition, the applicant provided notice of and
conducted a meeting on Marcn 24, 1995, for interested property owners
within a 250-foot radius of the affected property.
3. Policy 5.4 states that the city shall ensure that new commercial and
indi:stria!development shall not encroach into residential areas that have
not been designated for commercial or industries@ uses. The parcel
proposed for redesignation to commercial use is currently zoned C-P, a
commercial designation.. This policy is satisfied, therefore, because there
will be no encroachment of new commercial development into residential
4. Policy 8.1.1 states that the city shall pian for a safe and efficient street and
roadway system that meets current needs and anticipated future growth
and development. The traffic analysis performed for the site development
review, subsequently approved in August of 1994, concluded that the
development project could be accommodated by the existing road
system. -e analysis estimated there would be 87 PM peak hour trips(38
enter, 49 exit) generated by Parcel 3 uses. The applicant addressed
potential traffic impacts from the current proposal using another trip
generation analysis. Trip generation rates were compared for several
different mix of use scenarios for the 8,400 square foot building under
construction. Given the existing site plan and parking limitations,staff from
the city and Washington County arrived at a 'worst case' scenario based
on store tenants,which itidudes thepreferred video store. The
applicant conducted a trip generation comparison between this scenario
and a proposed scenario under the current C-P which indicated that the
current zoning would generate more trips. It is noted, however,that both
of these scenarios generate significantly more PM peak hour trips than the
analysis performed by the applicant indicated for Parcel 3 during the site
development review in August of 1994(285 for C-P and 248 for C-G vs.the
87 indicated in 1994).
An intersection analysis was conducted by the applicant based on the two
reasonable 'worst case' uses under the C-P and C-G zoning. The analysis
found that the S`r! Scholls Ferry/North Dakota intersection will experience
demand in excess of its capacity within the next few years. This situation
wilt be attributable to additional development over a large area of Tigard
and Beaverton,not one specific project,as Scholls Ferry is a major arterial
roadway. Level of service F will occur by the year 2005 under both zoning
scenarios (see Exhibit D). Washington County reviewed the analysis and
finds that the proposed amendment will not have a significant effect on
the planned County transportation system.
5. Policy 12.2.1(2) provides the locational criteria for designating land as
general commercial on the plan map. The locational criteria can be
construed in a flexible manner in the interest of accommodating proposals
which are found to be in the public interest and capable of integration into
the community. The burden of proving conformance with the criteria varies
with the degree of change and impact on the community. The applicable
locational criteria with findings are as follows:
a. The commercial area is not surrounded by residential districts on
more than two sides_ The properties immediately to the north and
west of the site are Parcels 1 and 2 of MLP 94-0013,which are zoned
C-P. Beyond these single parcels are residential neighborhoods.
Across SW Scholls Ferry Road to the north is a Beaverton subdivision;
and to the west is the Surrimerlake subdivision in Tigard, zoned R-
SIMMI 7(PD). The some residential subdivision lies to the south,however,the
parcel adjoining the site is currently occupied by Kindercare day
care center. Across SW North Dakota Street to the east is a
commercial area with C-N and C-U zoning districts. This criterion is
met because a residential district is immediately adjacent on only
one side of the proposed site.
b. The proposed area or expansion of an existing area shall not create
traffic conciestion or a traffic safety problem. Such a determination
shall be based on street capacity, existing and projected traffic
volumes, the speed limit, number of turning movern:ents and the
traffic oeneratina characteristics of the various fiypes of uses.
The applicant's traffic analysis concludes #hat the-SW Scholls
Ferry/North Dakota intersection will experience demand in excess of
its capacity within the next few years. ,The report states that this
situation will be attributable to additional development over a large
area of Tigard and Beaverton, not one specific project, as Scholls
Ferry is a major arterial roadway. Washington County reviewed this
analysis and concluded that the proposal will not make the planned
transportation system any worse than it would be without the plan
amendment/zone change.
The Engineering Division is concerned that the proposal will have
adverse effects on the residential neighborhood to the south. The
division states that the increased volume of traffic will exacerbate
existing traffic problems in the neighborhood. The particular
concerns are related to safety,noise and the general quality of life.
The use of the site as a video store especially,the division believes,
will add traffic during evenings and weekends,historically the times
of greatest concern to area residents. For this reason, the division
recommends denial of the proposed amendment and zone change.
C. The site shall have direct access from a n•,aior collector or arterial
street. Access to the site is via SW North Dakota Street, a minor
collector. This was determined by the city's approvai of the site
development plan (SDR 94-0014) in August of 1994 because direct
access to SW Scholls Ferry Road,an arterial street,was prohibited by
Washingtori County. Because direct access to SW Scholls Ferry Road
!s not allowed forthis property's development,strict adherence to this
criterion is not warranted in this case.
d. Public transportation shall be available to the site or aer erol area.
Tri-met offers bus service along SW Scholls Ferry Road with stops just
west of Old Scholls Ferry Road and just east of Conestoga Drive.
Because transit service is available to the site area, this criterion is
e. The site shall be of a size which can accommodate present and
Arciected uses. A site development plan has already been
approved by the city (SDR 94-0014) and construction is currently
underway. The site will be able to accommodate approximately
5,400 square feet of office and/or retail uses. Easements exist to
allow parking for these uses on Parcels 1 and 2. The applicant
prefers to lease the entire space for a video store and states that any
other future uses would be limited to those that can be
accoi i i,i odated will yin life building envelope.
f. The site shall have high visibility. The site is located in the
development complex that is oriented towards SW Scholls Ferry Road,
giving it high visibility for g=nerol commercial use.
g. The scale of the proiect shall be compatible with the surrounding
uses. The approved development on this site consists of a single-story
structure of approximately 8,400 square feet. The proposal does not
involve any change to this scale of the project. The relatively small
scale of the project is compatible with the surrounding uses of
commercial and medium density residential.
h. The site conflauration and characteristics shall be such that the
rivacy of adiacent non-commercial uses con be maintained. The
approved deveiopment plan orients the building toward SW Scholls
Ferry Road on the north. To the east across North Dakota Street is
commercially-zoned which includes a medical office center. To the
south is the Kindercare day care center, a conditional use in an R-7
(PD) zone. There will be no windows or public access facing south
towards this residentially-zoned area. To the east Is the new
veterinary clinic building and a 20-foot buffer between the building
and the residential neighborhood. With the foregoing configurations
and characteristics,this criterion is met.
1. it shall be possibie to incorporate the unique site features into the site
desian and development plan. The development plan has already
been approved for the site and construction is currently underway.
The site contained no unique features prior to site development.
j. The associated liah#sLnoise and activities shall not intertere with
adjoining non-residential uses. The adjoining uses to the north and
west of the site are part of the some development complex and
therefore will be integrated with whatever use is chosen for the
affected property. The development as approved will not create
noise and lighting impacts to the medicai office building across SW
North Dakota Street or the Kindercare center to the south. The
building orientation will be to the north facing away from the day
care center.
6. Section 18.32 of the Community Development Code sets forth the
procedural requirements for review of quasi-jud"cial plan amendments. The
application has been processed in accordance with code sections
18.32.020, 18.32.050 and 18.32.060;hearings have been conducted by the
planning corrnmission and city council according to 18.32.090(D); and the
requirements for notification of the hearings have been met according to
18.32.130 and 18.32.140.
7. Section 18.22 of the Community Development Code sets forth standards
and procedures for quasi-judicial amendments tr, the plan and zoning
district map as follows:
A. A recommendation or a decision to approve, approve with
conditions or to deny an application for a quasi-judicial amendment
shall be based on all ai the following standards:
1. The applicable comprehensive pian policies and map desianation
and the change will not adversePt affect the health, safety and
welfare of the community. The applicable plan policies related to
the proposal are reviewed above under section B (Findings and
2. The statewide planning goals adopted under Oregon Revised
Statutes Chapter 197,until acknowledgement of the comprehensive
plan and ordinances. The Tigard Comprehensive Pian has been
acknowledged,therefore specific review of each statewide planning
goal Is not.applicable. Notice of filing this proposed amendment has ,
been provided to the Department of Land Conservation and
Development for comment a*least 45 days prior to the final decision
3. The applicable standards of any provision of this code or other
applicable Implementingordinance. Code section 18.62 (General
Commercial District) contains the standards for the C-G zone. The
approved development under the C-P zone meets the standards
under the section for the C-G zone: The average!at width exceeds
50 feet;all setback requirements are met by the approved site plan;
maximum: building coverage (85%) and minimum landscaping
requirements(15%)are met by the site plan;and other requirements
such as landscaping and screening and off-street parking and
loading are identical for both zones. If this proposal is approved and
the applicant wishes to alter the site development pian,the current
planning division would need to review and approve the changes.
4. Evidence of chance in the neighborhood or community or a mistake
or inconsistency in the comprehensive plan or zoning map as it
relates to the property which is the subject of the development_
applica ion i. See ob'c)ve under B.1.
9. Conclusion
in conclusion,staff finds that all applicable approval criteria to support a
comprehensive plan amendment and zone change have not been met.
The statement submitted by the applicant regarding comprehensive plan
policy 1.1.2(Implementation Strategy 2),requiring that the city find that a
change of physical circumstances has occurred or a mistake was made!,-
nthe original designation, is not a valid argument. It does not ad less a
i} physical change of circumstances, but is rather based on the market
demand for commercial retail and office land uses. Staff cannot,
therefore, make findings to support the proposed amendment and zone
The city councils denies the requested comprehensive plan amendment
CPA 950002 and zone change ZON 95-0003 based upon the foregoing
findings and conclusions.
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PCR?.AND.OREGON 97207.0039• ;5031 224-9560 FAX(5031228-1285
June 5,1995
Washington County
Lard Use and Transportation
Attention:Scott King
155 North First Avenue,Suite 350
Hillsboro,Oregon 97214
Re: Pacific Crest Zone Change
Scholls Ferry/North Dakota Traffic Conditions
Project Number 294149
Dear Mr.King:
Mackenzie Engineering Incorporated has reviewed traffic conditions anticipated at the i_ttersectior,of
Scholls Ferry Road and North r yakota Street with development of the Pacific Crest site at the southwest
corner of the intersection. The scenarios reviewed include existing traffic conditions before development
of the site and 199`:And 2005 conditions with and without the proposed zone change or.Parcel 3&cm C-P
to C-G. Our previous trip generation comparison indicated that under worst case scenarios,the existing
zoning would actually generate more trips than the proposed zoning.
Traffic volumes for 1995 were estimated from summer 1994 counts with in-process traffic added for US
Bank and Jiffy Lube and traffic generated from the Pacific Crest site. This includes the planned
veterinarian office and bank and the"worst case"scenarios for Parcel 3. With existing C-P zoning,Parcel
3 could support a 2,800 s.f convenience market and a 5,300 s.f Motor Vehicles Department office. Under -the proposed C-G zone,the BMV office would be replaced by a video store.
Washington County staff provided EMMFJ2 model runs for 2010 projected traffic volumes and 1985
volumes. The 2010 volume projections for Scholls Ferry are below the PM peak hour nuc counts
conducted by IMEi staff during the summer of 1994. To estimate the 2005 traffic volumes,the growth rate
anticipated between 1985 and 2010 was applied to the 1994 aa&fic counts. This growth rate was found to
be approximately 5%per year. The recent growth rate along Scholls Ferry Road has been 7%. The 5%
rate was used for long term growth since the 71/6 rate is reflective of high levels of development in recent
yea--s and increased.traffic due to the improvements completed on Scholls Ferry Road.
Intersection capacity calculations were prepared utilizing NCAP software which simulates the 1985
Highway Capacity Manual. The calculation accounts for the existing PM signal timing on Scholls Ferry
Road. The table below=presents the intersection level of service as well as volume to capacity ratio(VIC)
and average delay for the existing and proposed zones in 1995 and 2005. The signal progression system
currently operating on Scholls Ferry provides a low average delay for through traffic. Traffic volumes
projected for 2005 result in intersection demand significantly over capacity. These results,although
shown,are not reliable. Several variables may affect future operation of the intersection including a
constant growth rate of 5%,how planned roadway improvements will affect Scholls Ferry traffic,and
F:\W PDATAV 5.06194149`A5L1-SK
Scott King
Project Number 294149
June 5,1995
Page 2'
what improvements if any may be constructed on Scholls Ferry Road such as a third lace or intersection
improvements. Some of the planned improvements which may reduce Scholls Ferry ft-a c include the
IMurray Boulevard Extension/Walnut improvements and SW 125th Extension to Hail Boulevard.
Intersection Capacity and Level of Service
Scholls FerrwRoad at North Dakota Street
Scenario V/C Delay LOS*
1995 C-P Zone 0.993 32.2 D
1995 C-G Zone 0.987 30.5 D
2005 C-P Zone 1.63 >60 F
L2005 C-G Zone ' 1.62 ( >60 , F
*Level of Service is based upon average delay.
The intersection of Scholls Ferry Road at North Dakota Street will experience demand in excess of its
capacity within the next Yew years. The t mffic increases will be arzibutable to development over a large
arra of Tigard and Beaverton,not one specific project,as Scholls Ferry is a major arterial roadway. The
costs of any improvements which may be constructed on Scholls Ferry Road should be shared with all new
development in the area
If you have any additional questions please call me at 224-9560.
Sincerely, f
a v #10505 9
Brent Ahrend �/ >.:
Traffic Analyst
- t f
/BTA-sk %✓ Y 13.♦g19..�� 1
Enclosures �p G.LL
c: Ray Valone,Michael Anderson-City of Tigard
Dan Boyden-Pacific Crest
Richard Alien-BalI Janik&Novack
F:IW PDATAM-06194149105Li-SIC