Resolution No. 93-45 CITY OF T"LGARD, OREGON
WHEREAS, the above entitled matter, came before the Council at the
meeting of September 14, 1993; and
WHEREAS, it appearing to the Council that pursuant to METRO'S Regional
Solid Waste Management Plan, including the Waste Reduction Chapter, all
local governments are to adopt an annual work plan for waste reduction;
WHEREAS; 't gari_^.g t^ t .a 1 that the C-14--i of Tigard an
Washington County may enter into an vagreement pursuant to ORS Chapter
190 and ORS 459.055(11sb); and
WHEREAS, the Washington Country Waste Reduction Technical Committee have
developed and approved said plan and agreement with €ull participation
by staff of the C_ty of Tigard.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that:
Section 1: The Washington County Wasteshed Five-Year Waste Reduction
Pa an, Year Four, is designated as the City of Tigard
approved annual work plan for waste reduction for fiscal
year 1993-94.
Section 2: The City of Tigard approves the Washington County Waste
Reduction Intergovernmental Agreement and enters into and
at,thorizes the City Administrator to sign an agreement
.._ h Washington co-unt: - Lor fiscal year 1993-94.
PASSED: This day of 1993.
City of Tigard
City Recorder - City of Wgard
"age 1
1. Parties
Parties to this Agreement are Washington County(hereinafter"County")and
the individual signatory city. Plan Participants expected to sign agreements
are the County and the Cities of Banks, Beavertcr~, Cornelius, Durham,
Forest Grove, Hillsboro,King City, North Plaints,Sherwood,Tigard,Tualatin
:ails0, •�___•__u__ „ -
t„�,a�„a�t�� C�iiea3). Any reference Hereinafter to "local
government” shall include both County and Cities.
II. Statutory Authority
This Agreement is entered into pursuant to ORS Chapter 190 and ORS
lI1. Purpose
Pursuant to ORS Chapter 285, ORS Chapter 459,and related administrative
rules,the Metropolitan Service District(hereinafter "Metro")has established
a Regional Solid Waste Management Plan, including a waste reduction
chapter. The Metro plan provides that Metro shall establish a five-year work
plan for solid waste reduction and identifies specific programs for local
- government to implement the Metro plan. Metro has established guidelines
for local government participation in the form of an Annual Waste Reduction
Program for Local Government for Year Four (July 1, 1993 to June 30,
1994) of the five-year plana The Metro plan requires local governments to
adopt a work program annually. The Annual Waste Reduction Program for
Local Government establishes minimum requirements for local government
work programs for year four and provides that local governments may work
cooperatively with neighboring local governments if intergovernmental
agreements documenting cooperative arrangements are submitted with the
local government program. The purpose of this Agreement is to document
the cooperative arrangements among the local governments and to
establish the duties of the County as administrator of the fourth-year local
government Work plan for the fourth year (1993-1994), and to provide a
structure for continuing working relationships among the local governments
during the remaining one year of the five-year Metro work plan.
NOW"- 0-ion sin
111IM111 10
IV. Term of Agreement
All local governments shall decide whether to participate in the fourth
year local government work plan by September 30, 1993.
Participation shat' be accomplished by adoption of the plan and by
entering into this Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall be
from September 30, 1993 to June 30, 1994. This Agreement may be
renewed by the County and the individual signatory city for
successive one-year terms. Renewal shall be accomplished by
action of the governing body of the City and of the County to adopt
the proposed local government work plan for the succeeding year,
and to renew this agreement with amendment to Attachment"A"that
reflects the funding and duties of the proposed local government
work plan.
V. Administrative Structure
A. The Washington County Wasteshed Technical Committee shall
consist of a staff member from each local government appointed by
each of the local government administrators or governing bodies.
County staff shall act as administrative coordinator of the Technical
The Technical Committee shall develop and propose an annual work
plan including projected annual expenses and revenues for year five.
The annual work plan will be developed in a timely manner to meet
r all deadlines set by Department of Environmental Quality, Metro and
participating local governments. Annual work plans will be presented
for approval by the governing body of each local government on
one-year intervals only. The annual work plans shall provide local
governments with minimum waste reduction standards consistent
with the Metro plan;individual local governments may impose higher
standards for waste reduction.
Vi. Duties of parties
A. County duties as Program Adminisirator
The County shall perform work requiring technical expertise,
including plan development, data collection and compilation, report
writing, program coordination, technical advice to participating
governments, and general information to the public. The County
shall recommend policies and develop model ordinances as
necessary, and generally promote the local government waste
reduction programs. The County shall also perform field work
(_ including performing waste audits,single-family recycling,multi-family
recycling,school education,community education,and special event
promotion. The County shall also perform work requiring
coordinatie-a with Metro;DEQ,and other agencies,and represent the
local governments before such agencies. In addition, the County
shall perform the specific duties outlined in Attachment"A" (page 2).
B. County Duties as Grant Applicant
The County may act as agent for all participating jurisdictions in
applying for waste reduction and recycling grant funds as determined
appropriate by the Technical Committee. Disbursement of funds will
be io local pariicipaiing jurisdictions or franchised haulers based on
a formula to be determined by the Technical Committee or set by
grant requirements. This does not preclude any local government
from applying individually for any waste reduction and recycling
C. Duties of Each Local Government
Each local government shall undertake annual program tasks that
are internal in nature, such as office paper recycling and
procurement of recycled products. Each local government shall also
be responsible for enforcement of solid waste reruc.inn plan
standards with respect to the solid waste collection ordinances and
franchisees within each local government jurisdiction; enforcement
may include complaint investigation, service standard review,
reporting and revisions to local government codes based upon the
model code developed by the County. In addition, each local
government shall be responsible for establishing rates for collection
franchisees within each local government's jurisdiction consistent
with the waste reduction program. Each local government
designates the County to act as its agent in receiving appropriate
recycling grant funds. In addition, each local government shall
perform the specific duties outlined in Attached"A" (page 2).
VII. Funding
Each local government shall pay to Washington County as program
administrator the amount identified as the local government's share for
administrative costs as allocated under the annual plan recommended by
the Technical Committee and approved by the participating local
governments. For the 1993-1994 year, each local government's share shall
- - -
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consist of all revenue from the Metro "Challenge"grant for the 1993-1994
program year, in accordance with Attachment"A" (page 3). Washington
County shall act as administrator for revenues collected by cooperative
efforts of the local governments. Each local government shall have the right
to audit for up to three years County records relating to Metro grant funds
received through this Agreement.
Each local government shall be responsible for establishing solid waste
collection rates that allow a reasonable return to franchised solid waste
collection businesses based on local rate review standards. Local
governments retain authority to review iiauier costs and io pts.-Wra-,auul 5
of hauler financial records.
Titl l" Ica _,c,'
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ON i
Washington County Cooperative Recycling Program
Year Four, Annual Waste Reduction Program
Fiscal Year 1993-1994
The Washington County Cooperative Recycling Program is an intergovernmental
organization formed by the cities of Banks, Beaverton, Cornelius, Durham,
Forest Grove, Hillsboro, King City, North Plains, Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin,
Wilsonville and unincorporated Washington County.
The Cooperative Recycling Program is committed to providing solid waste
management, including waste reduction program planning, public education,
recycling and collection services in an efficient, affordable and
environmentally sound manner in order to achieve state mandated and regional
waste recovery goals. The Cooperative Recycling Program's goal is to reduce
duplicate efforts o�, the part of participating jurisdictions in achieving
recovery goals and providing service. Priorities for the Cooperative
Recycling Program are:
® Complying with state law.
Providing education and information on solid waste, waste
reduction, recycling and reuse.
® Providing program coordination with other jurisdictions and
® Assuring efficient, affordable and consistent services for the
The cities and unincorporated county first met in 1989 to develop a joint
approach to yard debris recycling. In 1990 the cities and county again met
and formed a coalition of governments interested in developing a coordinated
approach to providing services and programs, thereby conserving both fiscal
and environmental resources. For the fourth year, fiscal year 1993-1994, the
Washington County Cooperative Recycling Program has developed the yearly waste
reduction work plans to submit to Pietro.
The Washington County Cooperative Recycling Program (WCCRP) governments work
to provide the 349,626 residents and approximately 8800 commercial
establishments, alternatives to disposal , such as waste reduction and reuse
MVM 20—21,1111111:11111111
options and recycling opportunities. Recent voter approval of a state-wide
ballot measure which limits tax dollars for a variety of programs, reflects
the desire of the public to receive cost effective services. Solid waste
ollection and recyciing services are provided by 26 franchised haulers and a
number of recycling firms and processors.
Program Structure:
The Cooperative Recycling Program is guided by the Technical Committee, whose
members are representatives from each city and the unincorporated County.
Washington County staff administer the program on a day to day basis and
monitor overall compliance with state law and regional goals. Each local
jurisdiction is responsible for rate setting and enforcement within their
legal boundaries. The full scope of responsibility is outlined below in
Figure 1. Current active committees within the program are Finance, Education
dliii PFV-110t'Gil, and Waste Reduction. Sub-committees are formed in specific
program planning areas; for example, commercial recycling and yard debris
recycling collection, on an as-needed basis.
Figure 1 Local Government Scope of Responsibility
Plan Development Rate Setting Authority for Franchised Haulers
Data Collection & Compilation Internal Recycling Programs:
Reporting Requirements In-House Recycling Programs
Program Coordination Procurement Policies
Technical assistance to local governments Building Design Review Adoption
General Public Information Multi-Family Recycling Service Resolution or
General Promotion haste Reduction Enforcement:
Public Education Program Implementation Assurance
Program Implementation: Complaint Investigation '
Residential Curbside Recycling Program Service Standard Adoption _
Coordinateand Conduct Waste Audits Report Requirements
Commercial Recycling Program Code Revision
Multi-Family Recycling Contribute Rev. ue to program for Administrative
School Education, Designate County as Multi-Family Grant Administrator
Community Education Designate County as Challenge Grant Administrator
Special Event Promotion Authorize County to Apply for Weste Reduction Grants
as applicable
Coordination with Regional. State, and Local
Governments and Agencies
Contribute revenue to program and administrative
costs as lead jurisdiction,
Since local governments retain authority over the rate setting process, it is
each government's responsibility to assess the fiscal impacts of the new waste
reduction programs included in the Year 4 Plan and the continuation of
existing programs, for their franchised haulers.
Disposal fees and franchise fees fund the area's waste reduction programs_
The Metropolitan Service District (Metro) collects a portion of the disposal
fees paid by area residents and re-distributes a small percentage of the
money, in Challenge Grants, to the local governments in order to conduct waste
reduction activities. Challenge Grants are awarded on a per capita basis to
each city and county (see Table 1).
Each of the jurisdictions participating in the Cooperative Recycling Program
assign their funding through an intergovernmental agreement, to Washington
County to administer the Cooperative Recycling Prograi,i n In additioto the
County's Challenge Grant money, the County contributes franchise fee generated
funds, which has amounted to approximately 44% of the total budget for use in
administrating the Cooperative Recycling Program- This year Metro's Challenge
Grant funding was cut 30% from the projected funding levels. The County had
budgeted funds based on Metro's original projected amounts and remains
committed to this sum. For this fiscal year, the County's support amounts to
56% of the Cooperative Recycling Program budget. Table 1 reflects the
1993-1994 level of funding for the program.
Funding cuts may impact the WCCRP's ability to add new programs. Priority
will be given to complying with State requirements and maintaining programs
established in the first three years of the waste reduction program. The
WCCRP governments should assess the impact of reduced funding on programs and
determine whether new funding sources should be secured.
Table 1 Population and Funding Allocations
Jurisdiction 1992 Metro Franchise Fee Total
Population Challenge Funding Funding
Banks 570 -$--300E- -0- $ 300
Beaverton 581785 S 16,708 -0- 16,708
Cornel ius 6,425 $ 1,826 -0- 1,826
Durham 800 $ 300 -0- _ 300
Forest Grove 14,010 $ 3,982 -0- 3,982
Millsboro 40,350 $ 11,468 -0- $ 11,468
King City 2,065 $ 587 -0- $ 587
North Plains 1,025 $ 300 -07--T-300
Sherwood 3,635 $ 1,033 -0- $ 1,03F
Tigard 31,265 $ 8,886 -0- 8,886
Tualatin 16,640 $ 4,729 -0- 4,729
Wi I sonvi 11 a 9,255 $ 2,630 -0- 2,630
Uninc. 164,801 $ 46,840 $126,780 $173,620
TOTALS 349,626 99,589 $126,780 $226,369
Year 4, Fiscal Year 1993-1994, Waste Reduction Work Plan:
To comply with Department of Environmental Quality requirements as detailed in
the Oregon Administrative Rules, Division 90, Recycling and Waste Reduction
�' 3
Chapter, in conjunction with the Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 459A Reuse
and Recycling that. meet the regional waste recovery goal of 40% by 1995 and
50% by the year 2000.
comply with the requirements of the 19911 Oregon ecyclinding thect. Deteloutsolid
waste, waste reduction and recycling programs
in Chapter 340-90-040(3)(a) , (b), (c). and one other element. Elements of
Chapter 340-90-040 include:
(a) Provide a recycling container for each residential customer no
later than January 1, 1993.
(b) Provide at least once each week collection of source separated
I recyclables.
(c) Provide a recycling education and promotion program that is
expanded from the ^,,••;_^ raquirements.
(d) Establish, through local ordinance, a multi family recycling
collection program.
(e) Establish and implement residential yard debris collection program.
(f) Establish and implement regular on-site commercial recycling
(a) Establish collection rates for residential solid waste encouraging
source reduction.
The Washington County Cooperative Recycling Program chose ORS 340-90-040(d),
Establish, through local ordinance, a multi-family recycling collection
program, as the fourth element required to meet the 1991 Oregon Recycling Act.
I A. Strategy:
Continue weekly, curbside residential recycling collection within the cities
and unincorporated County areas inside the urban growth boundary (UGB).
Target Date: On-going program
Responsibility: Each local jurisdiction will provide program enforcement and
rate setting authority.
I B. Strategy:
Continue to coordinate the Multi-Family Recycling Program, providing funding,
tenant and manager education, and promotion of the program.
Target Date: On-going program:
Responsibility Assigned: Washington County staff as program coordinator and
educators. Each local jurisdiction is responsible for program enforcement and
rate setting authority.
I C. Strategy:
Develop an expanded education and promotion program that includes the elements
listed in Chapter 340-90-030(3) (a) through (g) and Chapter
340-90-040(3)(c)(A) through (E) which include:
(a) Initial written notice to residential and commercial generators of
recyclables which includes:
*reasons to recycle;
*name, address, phone number of on-route collector;
f * listing of depots With hours ^f operation;
*or reasons to recycle and a phone number to call for recycling
information on depots, services, collection, and Metro Recycling
Information (234-3000).
(b) Written information about recycling to disposal site users. The
information must include reasons to recycle, a list of recyclable materials,
and proper preparation instruction.
c) Unattended disposal sites must have signage indicating availability of
recycling on-site, materials accepted, and proper preparation instructions.
(d) Identify and establish a citizen involvement process to develop and
implement education./prO.^Otion -am
���,.. pro-gr-am.
(e) Notification and educational materials provided to local media, trade
publications, local television and radio stations, community groups and
neighborhood associations.
(f) Use a variety of materials and media forTats to deliver the nded
program information to the maximum number of service collection customers and
generators of solid waste.
(g) Designate an education/promotion person as the official contact.
(h) New residential/commercial collection service customers shall receive
( educational information listing materials collected, schedule of collection,
proper preparation information and reasons to source separate.
(i) Existing residential/commercial collection service customers to be
provided at least quarterly, with written or more effective information on
reasons to recycle, list of materials, and proper preparation instructions.
(j) Provide to each collection service customer, annual written information
about benefits of recycling, type and amount of materials recycled during past
year, and proper preparation instructions.
(k) Conduct one community media event per year to promote recycling.
Target Date: June 30, 1994
Responsibility Assigned: Washington County staff, in coordination with the
cities, will develop educational and promotional materials for the WCCRP, that
meet the criteria set out in state law.
Continue to Maintain and Promote the Activities begun in Years One, Two, and
Three of the Annual Waste Reduction Program as listed below:
\, 5
Miff -Mom
1. Multi-Family Recycling
Continue to promote and support the established Multi-Family Recycling Program
so that substantially all complexes are provided recycling collection service
of at least (but not limited to) four principal recyclable materials,
including glass, tin, newspaper and corrugated cardboard, by July 1, 1995.
1 A. Strategy:
Develop and distribute educational and promotional materials targeting
managers and tenants. Provide technical assistance to property owners,
managers or haulers on recycling systems.
Target Date: On-going program, reviewed annually.
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County Multi-Family Project Manager
and Program Educator.
1 B. Strategy:
Establish multi-family recycling collection service through local ordinance,
franchise, or any other means enforceable by the city or county for
multi-family dwellings with five units or more.
Target Date: June 30, 1994
Responsibility Assigned to: Each local jurisdiction as program enforcement
and rate-setting authority.
1 C. Strategy:
Provide program coordination, distribute Metro funding and matching grant
funds used for recycling containers, education, and promotion. Collect data
on status of recycling, necessary for reporting requirements.
Target Date: On-going program, funding availability reviewed annually.
' Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County M/F Project Manager and Program
Educator. Each local jurisdiction assigns funding to the Cooperative
Recycling Program by intergovernmental agreement and provides program
enforcement within each jurisdictional boundary.
2. Yard Debris Recycling:
Develop new yard debris recycling and/or home composting opportunities to
supplement the Washington County Yard Debris Recycling Depot System, in
accordance with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulations.
2 A. Strategy:
Develop an implementation plan for DEQ approval, to add new yard debris
recycling and/or home composting oppe rtunities to residents. Update education
and promotion materials to incorporate program changes-
71/1 -- __
Target Date: September 1993
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County staff in coordination with
Technical Committee. Program Educator in coordination with the local
Jur isdict.iU[/b.
2 B. Strategy:
Continue to provide home composting education to the public by using existing
displays and educational materials developed by the county, local governments,
and Petro.
Target Date: On-going
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County Program Educator
3. fn-House Recycling and Purchasing:
Continue established in-house recycling programs collecting office paper and
other materials, and expand the purchase of products containing recycled
3 A. Strategy:
Develop expanded in-house rec-ycling programs as feasible and review existino_
price preference and/or procurement policies to be consistent with the 1991
Oregon Recycling Act.
Target Date: on-going program, June 30, 1994
Responsibility Assigned to: Each local jurisdiction.
3 9. Strategy:
Develop an in-house recycling education program or review existing program to
include program changes.
Target Date: on-going program, June 30, 1994
Responsibility Assigned to: Each local jurisdiction.
4. Building !Design Review
Require through the building design review process that recycling areas be
incorporated into the construction of all new multi-family, commercial ,
institutional , and industrial developments.
4 A. Strategy:
Adopt and implement a zoning ordinance to include recycling areas with
adequate space and access to facilitate effective recycling on the part of
building users and efficient recycling on the part of the haulers.
Target Date: June 30, 1994
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County staff as technical assistance
and each local jurisdiction.
5. Construction/Demolition Debris Recycling:
Incorporate construction/demolition debris recycling into local government
renovation and development projects whenever economically feasible.
5 A. Strategy:
Promote the use of recycled products and c/d recycling opportunities by
distributing existing educational/informational brochures targeting
Target Date: On-going program.
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County staff to provide technical
assistance and each local government.
6. Home Composting:
Promote home composting as an alternative to disposal.
Target Date: On-going program
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County Program Educator
7. Household Hazardous Waste:
Educate residents on HHW minimization and proper disposal at Metro's fixed HHW
facilities and/or mobile collection system.
7 A. Strategy:
Participate in the development of a regional strategic plan for Y,uW education,
promotion and information dissemination; when appropriate, utilize promotional
materials, kits and displays produced by Metro; and assist Metro in scheduling
workshops, presentations, displays and promotional activities as such
activities are requested by the local communities.
Target Date: Begin process in 1993-1994 fiscal year.
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County Program Educator, available
staff and each local government.
8. Evaluate Feasibility of Adding New Materials to Curbside Program:
Determine the feasibility of adding materials to the curbside program, based
on economic and technical feasibility of collection and the adequacy of the
Target Date: February , 1994
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County staff as technical assistance.
Each local jurisdiction as program enforcement and rate-setting authority.
MAN' �® _
9. Recycling Depots:
Promote recycling depots collecting non-curbside items. Local governments, in
cooperation with Metro will continue to promote depot collection of materials
such as phone books and Christmas trees.
Target Date: November 1993 through January 1994
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County staff
10. School Recycling:
Provide schools the opportunity to participate in waste audits and implement
waste reduction/recycling programs.
10 A. Strategy:
Continue the Washington County Green Schools Waste Reduction Program,
providing technical assistance and curriculum enhancement to area schools.
Expand opportunities as program resources permit.
Target Date: On-going program.
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County Program Educator
11. Commercial Waste Audit Program:
Continue to promote the availability of waste audits and available recycling
services to the commercial sector. Offer audits upon request that focus on
waste reduction and precycling.
Target Date: On-going program
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County Commercial Recycling staff
III. New Waste Reduction Programs for Fiscal Year 1993-1994:
1. Comprehensive Commercial Recycling Plan:
To ensure comprehensive waste reduction and recycling services are available
for the commercial sector and increase the amount of recyclable materials
recovered from the wastestream.
Continue to develop a comprehensive Commercial Waste Reduction and Recycling
Plan that provides efficient, stable, cost effective service while achieving
waste recovery goals. The Plan should include:
*Long-term waste reduction and recycling strategy designed to make a
significant contribution to the regional objective of a 50%
reduction/recycling level by the year 2000;
*timelines for implementing the program;
*coordination with other local governments and Metro to design a system
to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the program and;
*identify rule, of ler.;l government, haulers, and businesses in
implementing the program.
1 A. Strategy:
Develop and establish minimum levels of service, evaluate collection,
processing, transportation and market options and assess the cost to
businesses and services, in coordination with local government, haulers,
markets, private vendors, customers and other effected parties.
I Target Date: June 30, 199-
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County staff and each local government ?
=m enforcement and rate-setting authority.
a� prig. ..
1 B. Strategy:
Continue participation in Forum consisting of representatives of local
governments outside of Washington County, DEQ and Metro, to resolve policy
issues that affect the implementation of a comprehensive commercial recycling
program, design a consistent measurement and evaluation criteria to determine
the effectiveness of the program, and to develop consistencies in programs and
educational efforts.
Target Date: Continuing_, on-going forum
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County staff and Program Educator and
the Technical Committee for review.
1 C. Strategy:
Provide to Metro, a copy of the plan and a progress report on its
implementation as a part of the Program Summary Reports due on August 1, 1494
and August 1, 1995.
Target Date: August 1, 1994
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County staff
2. Rates:
To encourage participation in recycling programs by providing rate incentives
for solid waste collection and recycling services.
Local governments are to set rates that encourage participation of customers
and recycling of materials. If rates are selected as a program element, local
governments will follow DEQ regulations.
2 A. Strategy:
Review rate structure for disincentives to recycling and waste reduction
Target Date: 4th quarter of fiscal year, or normal rate review time
Responsibility Assigned to: Each local government as program enforcement and
rate-setting authority.
3. Waste Reduction Program Planning:
To evaluate the first five year waste reduction program.
Develop recommendations based on evaluation of Years One through Five (1990-
1995), on effective means to achieve a waste recovery level of 50% by the Year
3 A. Strategy:
Based on recommendations, participate in a regional planning process to design
the second Five Year Waste Reduction Program and yearly activities.
Target Date: Begin July 1, 1994
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County staff and Technical Committee
for review.
3 B. Strategy:
Participate in the Year Five, Fiscal Year 1994-1995, planning process and
prepare recommendations for waste reduction program development.
Target Date: March 1993
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County staff and Technical Committee
for review.
3 C. Strategy:
r Assess the need for alternate funding sources in order to continue the
Washington County Cooperative Recycling Program. Based on the findings
incorporate new funding sources, if necessary for the Year Five, fiscal year
1994-95 Waste Reduction Program and the second Five Year Waste Reduction
Target Date: Begin September 1993
Responsibility Assigned to: Washington County staff and the Technical
July 28.1993
" I
Washington County Cooperative Recycling Program Budget
Waste Reduction Plan Budget
Year 4, Fiscal Year 1993-1994
Metro Challenge Grant $ 99,589
Washington County Revenue 8126.780
Revenue Total $226,369
Program Staff:
.25 Solid Waste Mgmt. Coordinator $ 15,136
.65 Recycling Coordinator $ 27,820
r .75 Recycling Specialist $ 29,468
.65 Program Educator $ 29,932
.50 Associate Clerk1$ 7.207
2.81 Total FTE Total $119,563
Program Support:
Materials & Services $ 5,669
Promotion & Education $101.137
Total $106,806
Expense Total $226,369