Resolution No. 90-61 CITY OF TiC1;R!), OREMN
RESOLUTION NO. 90-11�-/--)f
A R£,C.T.UITC 14 Or TM TICS C.I ly cxuQcYI, MAKING AN APPO)2yH IW To 233E PZAkt Dr_
VkUREAS, the Mayor's Appointment Advisory Counnittee rjet September 11, 1940 to
interview xnterested citizens for ;ositi ons on boards and c cmnittaes; end
Wnuu ,, a ukuber Of the Plaroung 0=Rnir-cion has resigned leaving a vaoancy;
*n7 UMEAS, Brain Moore submitted an application expressing a.� int—est in
sewing on the Plwming Ccmnission.
NOW, THMUXIORE, BE rr RESOLVED by the Tigard City Cavi-Icil that:
Section 1: Briars Moore shall be appointed to the Planning Couniasion to fill
the vacancy left with the resignation of Mane Levere':t.
Section 2: The terns Shall be effective on Cc-t A)er 1, IS-90 and expire on
July 1, 1991.
PASSED: This clay of ?/" i 7 'r"'� 1930.
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idayor - Ci --f Tigard
At :
City Recorder v City ofTigad
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