Resolution No. 89-77 ciTy OF TIGAPD, CRMOR RESIMUMM NO. 89--= A RESOILMM RF)7JESrTNG Tf'E QRB3ON Lar--My CCL%MSSION To EXCI'UDE THE CITY OF TIGAM AS A VIDW PC*MR PROGIZA21 SITE. VREREAS, the Oregor Lottery commission is considering juplementing a video poker gave in the Portland Mtxcpolitan Area, and VdVAREAS, reliance on gambling proceeds for general gavex-mle-nt Purposes Is not a prudent way to finance state govenmiert, and VarERFAs, gwnblirig, illecp-1 or stz�te-run, exacerbates financial and social problem among individuals, and VZS, video pokex-t., gambling games will significantly mange the nature of t -Bdi he Oregon I�OL--,ery by --c6bh-LbV a repetitive game with imm ate resolution and rwar-i=-ed-late layouts, often played in an establxshwnt In which alcohol is ccrx=ied, and VMUAS, the institution of v--Cleo potter takes a giant stride toward casino- style gambling. WW, MIZEFRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council 'fit: section 1: The City of Tigard protests the Oregon IxytteLy Cmunission plan to include this city as a video, p6rer pCoUrM site- PASSED: This 9th day of Cutober, 1989. Maybr city-of-IrIgard City Recorder Ck4��.fgd APPMUM AS TO FCW., City � /11 /2 b-1-- Date REDOIL'MON NO- page A