Resolution No. 89-65 CITY OF TIC,ARD, OR0YXk7 RE50I17PION NO. 89-L f� A RESOLLITION STRONGLY ARCING THE ORBOON DEPAK 114EM OF 'TRANSPORTATION AND ORESOd DEISAMMESPT OF LAND CONSERVATION Atm DE'VELl M2", AS W-IML AS PARTICIPATING JURISDICTIONS SUCH AS kVLc2MM'ON ODIiFT7.'Y AND THE PETIMPOLTPAN SEMCE: DISTRICT, TO MW F HARD QUICKLY WITH TFM LAND USE ANALYSIS EIJR THE WESTERN BYPASS CORRIDOR AND To PREMIMNARY 04GINEM1`IG AND RIa;T-OF-VAY ACQUIS1tION AS SON AS POSSIBI E. MIEPF1S, the establishment of a "Weste-rn Bypass" expressway linking Interstate Highway 5, Pacific Highway 99W, and Sunset Highway 26 along the western side of the Metropolitan Portland region has long been a goal of many of the cities in Washington and Yamh_ill Counties, and A*MMuS, the Metropolitan Service District (IM-MO) cmxh�c.-ted an extensive Southwest corridor Study in 1986 and 1937, and the study's final report clearly identified the Western Bypass as an integral element of a rehensive solution to transportation needs in the western :metropolitan region, and WairMM-1, the I-5 to 99W segment of the Western Bypass was one of only four road projects identified by a near unanimous coalition of cities and counties, stretchJng from the City of Tigard on the east to Lincoln City on the west, for incl--union in the Oregon Department of Transportation's (ODOr) Six-Year Highway Impz�t Plan, and MMMAS, ODOT responded by designating the We--I r t Bypass as an "AcCL-ss Oregon" rcute, Part of Governor Neil Cyoldscdnmidt's plan to boost economic and tourism growth in Orion, and MCMFAS, ODOT also responded by including significant funding for the Western Bypass in the 1988 Six-Year Highway Improvement Plan update to complete Bypass planning and prelimi- y engineering, and to initiate right-cf—ay acquisition by 1993, and WfflEREAS, Washington County u1ty and METRO have identified a Western Bypass Corridor in their respective Transportation Plan Updates, and WHEREAS, coantisiued growth in inrhrstry and population along Interstate 5, Highway 99W, and Highway 26, and the growth in business and t wrist traffic to and from the Oregon Coast, make the establishment- of a connecting Bypass an essential e-lerent .in the continued economic c vitality of Warrington and Yamhill C m alti.es, and VMREAS, tangoing legal and procedural disputes rxytwithctan i g, the Western Bypass remains a crucial, if not the crucial element, in a multi-modal solution to the prcble-- of transporting good and people through, to, and from the waste-rn Matropolltan Portland region. RE sourmcu NO. &9-&5 PAGE 1 NOW, THERJKFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1: Reg„iional Consensus. That the City has been part of, and continues to --zWoirt, the develcImiestt of a broad based regional arazsensus among local governments with respect to transportation priorities and eConamic graath. Section 2: B1YP—�--o-, That the City continues to strongly support and endorse the identiii.catIOn, design, acquisition, and carjs -tion of a Western Bypass expressway linking Interstate Highway 5, Pacific Highs ay 99W, and —•nset Highway 26. Section 3: Land Use Analysis. That the Oregon Department of Transportation (;DOT) and oregon int of Lazxi c onser�tion and Development (DLCO) direct the maximum resources passible tcxaards completing the land use analysis for the Western Bypass Corridor in a timely, expeditious, thorough, and complete manner. Section q: Ipgal Transportation Plans. That Washington County and the r--trrpolitan Service District move quickly to modify their Transportation Plans in accordance with any legal judynrents and with the results of the ODOT/DI&D land use anFlysis. Secticm 5: Fund3sKx. That existing futx4?.rg for the Western Bypass included in the current ODar six-Year Highway Improvement Plan be retained and extended, and that work towards identifying and securing necessary construction funding be ongoing. Section 6: A9Wj9it=— That, at the earliest possible juncture, given the ongoing, land use analysis, ODOP ocucnence right--of-way planning and acgjdsi.ticn, particularly for the section of the Bypass between Intern-F.tate 5 and Highway 99w, in order to assure the practical arra ecc; feasibility of the Bypass project. Section 7: '{MD99P;•ittal. That the City Recorder is hereby directed to i iately transmit copies of this P.esolution to: Governor Heil C,raldschmidt RDbert Bothuan, Director oDdr Susan Brady, Director DLCD Menc1:er's of the Cregcn Transportation Commission Firs of the Land c ovation and Development Commis io n Mayors of the Cities of Yamhill and Washington COMUes State Representataves and Senators representing Yamhill and WasYri3n . Counties Bonni.>= Hays, Washizrgton County Boa= of Chi sssa.0ners David Bishop. Yamhill County Board of CcMmissicna s Mika Ragsdale, Presiding Officer, MEIFD RESCEE=CV NO. 83- PAGE 2 Section 8: Effective Da �. Zt1.ts Resolution shall became effective upon approval and adnpti-- PASSED: This day of 9 Cx of igar d ATTER: Deputy City Recorder - City of Ticgard AP/PROV D AS TO ECTM City Recorder A Daae Icej BYPSS Ii:\ \CaYRUC RESOUTrICK No. 89- F3AG7<: 3