Resolution No. 88-90 CI-(Y OF I 16ANO, OREGON RLSOLU I ION NO. 88 0 A RLl'.;0L,J-lJ-ON P,,'OVlt)IN(., �UPPORI FOR AND COMMINP�; ON Hit. W()SHINGlorj cowwy TRANSPORTATION PLAN, PU31.L(' PFVffW DRAI r wilt,RL-As. W,AshimjLori Cour!k,y And Che lo(-..jj juri7dictions have Jointly developed a County Wide t ran y por t A i,on p 1,4r) a dd ro�;6 i rwl over-all syst"JI) through Lhe Washington County Transportation Coordinating Cummittoo; and WHEREAS, there is a no ed to resolve certain i ransport,.-it ion platin i ny diff(wc,nco, local jurisdictions and the County; and WHI RCAI3, in the interest of coordinated ptanning, it. i s desirable to have City/County aqroevnero or-, particular, portions of the County Tran-por-tation Plan. NOW, -mvRilot'r, f!f 11 REsolVEJ) by the 7igard City C;ounvij tir-u: Soctiori, 1 11-he City Council of the City of ritgwd suppor Ls tho WAshinqt.n County I r a—por LaLion Plan and r'oc,.)qnizc-,s th,> policies and s t,r,,-.t eq i o- as q u*I d e 1 i n e s in t ran s po r-La t i o n fila t t County--wide interest Section 2 1 hG City C"ww i I furthor recognize,,:; thfo 1.law inig spec j.f is transpor-La(ion system waps as conditioned by attached Exhibit A: Functional Classification Map Road 11,1prov"mont. Projects Map County 14ido Road System Map Through "truck Route- Map 1-r-arisit Map On-street Bicyclia Route Mao Uniform Road Improvement ffiosign Standards Section 3; 0010v' cofl!"Wrlts of the City Council regarding Che County Transportation Plan are contained in tho attached Exhibit A. PAC;GED: This J00 <- , dav of ATT��T: Mayor City of Tigard or Ar�PVEP-lky TO FORM: C�I;ty Rec,order bat G, br/6849D RESOLUTION NO. 88—t7(). Page 1 i E_XHIBII- 'A' rhe following _onditional statements and comments :'elate to the City Council's support for the County l-ranspottation Plan. 1. ThCL) _truck _routes. The City Council supports the concept of designating through truck routes thrvugheut the County. However, the City Council does not support the designation oiDurhaitt Road as a truck route at this time. in addition, the City Council suggests that Upper- 600nes Ferry Road through the City of Durham should riot be designated as a through truck route; S.W. 72nd Avenue is suggested as an alternative to Upper Uoones I.err-y Road as a truck route. 2. Count l+Ji.de Road_.System. The City supports the concept of es""blishing a county-wide road system and the City supports the county-wide--- road system map shown in the draft Transportation Plan. The City agrees with the philosophy that roadways of county--wide significance should receive an equitable share of maintenance funding resources. However, the City does not endorse the road jurisdiction policy shown in the draft plan. The City Council sp�•cificaily does nut. endorse the proposal that the City relinquish jurisdiction on Durham Road and Greenbury Road within the City of Tigard. 3. Transit. The City Council agr-ces that, additional transit: routes should be established to serve the rapidly developing arm-...s of 119r:.•-. City Council strongly supports the concept that light railtransit should be extended to serve Tigard. 4, Airports. Figure 13 showing airports and heliports should be amended to include the proposed private use heliport at Lincoln Tower near, Greenburg and Highway 217. 5. Finance. Additional work is needed to resolve differences among the various jurisdictions in their methods of collecting development impact fees. While a unifono county--wide method of collecting development fees may be desirable, the City Council is not prepared to endorse the County's Traffic Impact Fee program at this time. Additional work is needed to assure that any program adopted includes a method for allocating the resulting revenues to fund projects in the areas where the revenues are actually collected. 6. Coital Improvement- Progr,a_q. The City dues not endorse the: proposed road improvement project prioritization methods as they relate to roadway projects within the City. The City feels that project priorities need to relate less to s; Ct. iai classification and more to the severity of safety and capacity needs. RESOLUTION NO. 88_. Page 2 i __ 0 Exhibit A (Continued) 7. Uniform Road I:mprovcment GtsiyniandarJg.. -fh, City Council ayrees that uniform design standards arcs desirable. fhe Council recognizes that efforts are currently undorway atthe engineering staff level to resolve dif-furc-races in design standards ammy the variuus juris.idictions. When the staff effort is ctwpleLwh the Council will consider formal adoption of the standards. Prior to formal adoption, the City will continue to use the County standards as quidelines except where there is conflict with adopted City standards. 8, gull Mountain Connections. -the City is currently working with the County to establish specific alignments for a system of collector streets to serve khe northeast area of Bull Mountain and to provide future connections between Waln++t t+treet, Gaarde 6ireet, —,d Hull Mountain Road. It is anticipated that public meetings will be held during Lhe fall of 1988 to review potential alternative routes and that a specific plan will be adopted by the City and the County early in 1989. Tho City Council requests that this study effort be recognized and that prevision be made to effeci_ appropriate revisions to the County TrwnsportaLion Plan Maps following adoption of a specific plan for' collector streets in the r-,.artheast area of Bull ^mmW in. br/68496 s RLSC+LUTION NO. 88—� (/ Page 3 �^