Resolution No. 88-89 CI-FY OF 11GARD, OREGON RI-SOLM LON NO. 88 A RESOL.UJION A00PIING FINDINCS AND CONCLUSIONS M DENY A RLQUESI By WESTWOOD CORP. TO AMEND AN APPROVED LANDSCAPING PLAN IOR TIGARD TOWNE SQUARE (SDR 07—OS), MEWEMS,_10—Council approved a revised landscaping Square in January, 1988 (Resolutin No. 88.08); and plan for. Tigard Town" WHEREAS, Westwood Corporation requested an amendment to this plan to locate a 300 square foot building within the approved landscaped area; and WHEREAS, at a public hearing held on August 22, 1988, the Council had before, it the Planning staff's recommendation and the infurnstiun submitted by the applicant; NOW, THEREFORE, BE It RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that- Section 1: The landscaping plan approved in January, 1988, was intended to provide for buffering to substitute fur existing true; on tM site that had to be rcmuved due to careless treatment by the applicant. Section 2; The proposed 300 square foot building would be within this btff-Qr area and will detract frow the purpose of the landscaped buffer. Section 3: There appear to be numerous alternate locations within the parking area to ac,_,jjjjTjodote- the builciing. Section 4: The Council ORDER,,; that the requested landscaping plan amendment be denied. PASSED: 7 h i s day 0 f 1988. ATTEST: ---- I—d, Mayor City of Tigard te IJ G�tX Deputy Reenomr—,der city Q—fT—iq.rd--&k APP80VEDz TF RMI:, City Reccrder ate br/6791r, RESOLUTION NO. 88— Page 1