Resolution No. 88-81 CIIY of 7I.GARD, OREGON
WHEREAS, this matter- came bofore the City Council at. itis meeting of July 25,
1988, upon the filing of an .aPPQa1 by the applicant and NPO N3 on a Hearings
Officer approval of a Conditional Use and Minor Land Par-tition subject to
conditions; and
WHERLAS, the City Council had before it the: 1) site map; 2) Hearings Office,
decision; 3) cupi•*s of appeals from Texaco, NPO ##3, CPO #4; 1) t_iden ,iomo
summarizing mediation meeting; 5) Wooley memo addressing -:trevt improvement
issues including recommended amendments to conditiuns 3 and 4 of the Hearings
Officer decision; and 6) transcripts from the Hearings Officer hearings of
March 24, 1988, May 18, 1988, and May 25, 1988. Supplemental items also
included were: 1) applicant's statement and traffic study; 2) staff report to
Hea.- nffic—: ti community traffic study; 4) applicant response to
neighborhood traffic concerns; and 5) letters dated September, 29, 1987, and
March 10, 1988 from the Oregon Department of Tr-ansportation.
WHEREAS, biased on the record in this case, the. City Council makes the
following findings of fact:
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Tax lot 1100. Map 2::1, LOAC, City of Tigard, County of
Washington, State of Oregon.
PUBLIC HEARING_i: Public. Hearings: March 24, 1988, May 1R, 1988, and May 25,
HISTORY: The property was originally developed for use as a restaurant and in
1985 than City approved a car sales businoss. This use has been abandoned.
Vic init Irrfornlat ion
The property .is located at the southwest curner of pacific Highway and Bull
Mountain Road. Pacific Highway is an arterial street which is under the
jurisdiction of the.: State Highway Division and Bull. Mountain. Road is a major
cool ector• and is a Washington County thoroughfare. A frontage road, under
State jurisdiction, which runs between Bull Mountain Road and Beef Bend Road
lies between the subject property and Pacific Highway. A vacant property
._.a to a west z. .ori C_..P (Commercial lae�ace�. 4., th., ,,,.uth a� ...�,.. .s ,...�r.._. _ _rc 3a1 Professional) and
Christ the King Church which is local-'d on the north side of Bull Mountain
Road is zoned C-G.
Page 1
Sate Information
Past use of the property has len. a paved parking area arid a building which
was formerly a restaurant, located on the west side of the subject property.
- Ther'e i.. presently one drivoway entr•anc.e, onto Bull Mountain Road and one
additional entrance on the frontage road. The minor land partition portion of
the application would place the devel.opiny portion on a separate lot from the
pr-oposod use.
The applicant plans to divide the pr,uperty into two parcels of 38,468 aril
28,512 square foot each. Ttre existing bu=.lcding would be located on the
smaller- western parcel and the proposed vehicle fuel sales, convenience mart
and car wash would be located on the lamer pal-cel. The proposed site plan
includes two driveway entrances onto Bull. Mountain Road arid one dr-ivoway
entrance on the frontage read. The convenience mart arid gas station would be
located in the northern portion -if the: property with the car- wash to the
south. Landscapirry, including deciduous trees and low lying vegetation would
be located around the per-iir;• of the new project. The applicant is also
proposing to locate one fr-*est:anding sign of an unspecified height, w4,ictt
exceeds 80 square feet per side, at the: northeast corner of the property.
App icable Plan Policies and Urdinanct? Provisions
Policv 2.1.1 _.. This poli , _atisfied _.. that the Cit,, has provided - -er-
public notice to the -uV1r0unding property owners andto the neighborhood
planning organization responsible for this area. In addition, the applicants
have met with the neighbors to discuss the proposed applications.
Policy 4.2.1 - The proposal willrequire domostic water, service fr'our the
Tiyar-d Water District 3tor11i water r-un--off from the proper-t:y would b, pumped
into the Bull. Mcuntaitr system by alreemont of the applicant, with no discharye
into the King City system. There are no wetlands on the site. The City of
Tigard has sole jurisdiction over water' use and discharge from this site.
Policy 5.1.4 -- The property to the south and west of the proposal is zoned
Professional Commercial; the property to the north of the proposal is zoned
General Commercial; the property to the east of the proposal is zoned R--4 and
is designated low density residential. while this property is technically
adjacent to the proposed site, it is actually separated from the proposal by
Highway 44 and is approximately 220 feet from the proposal.
Policy 6.6.1 The proposal plans a landscaping zone along the frontage of the
property on Bull Mountain Road of 12 feet: in width and along the fr-on age' r-^ad
to be vacated that varies between 7'6" arid 12' .in width. The car, wash willbe
screened along the property line and onsite. trash will be enclosed, as will
all storage.
.2 The -site ..c
J , -' «d with 12 wat. , Al' ..,f� the. ?' -r-d t>r-' _
District in the vicinity ofthefrontage road and an B" line in'Bull Mountain
Road. An 8" sewer line and manhole is located in Bull Mountain Road w=thin
106 feet of the property line, with adequate capacity. Storm drainage has
been addr-es!,ed above, by agreemerrL of the applicant.
Page 2
Policy 7.2.1 -- Storm drainage has been addressed above, by of the
applicant. Thore ar'e no natural drainage ways to be maintained on the
property. there is no 100 year flcrodplain elevation or. the Err'operty. -ihe:r,
is minimal erosion on the site.
Policy 7.5.1, 7.5.2 - -1 he proposal is within Lli,;trict No. 3 of the 1igar'd
poli':-; Service arca, 'or d the police department anticipates no difficulty in
serving the proposal.
Policy 7.G.1 -- A fire hydrantis conruacted to the 8" water main in Buil
M-unin-A—iRo'Ad a+ N" ����at.�iy 47' east of the proper-ty line. A fir• st;at:io+c is
located appeoximately one mile south of tho site. Response time is esLim•.+ted
2-3 minutes, which is below the standard response time of 5 minutes. The fire
depart:merithas indicated that. its fac:ili.ties are adcetuat, to provide fullfire
protection to the proposal.
Policy 7.7.1 -- Electrical service to the site is currently 400 an:p service
with 120--240, three phase service. PGE has indicated that electrical service
is adequate for the proposal. GTE has indicated that telephone service i+;
available to the site for the proposal. NW Natural Gas has a 4--1/2" main in
Bull Mountain Roped, with adequate capacity to serve the Proposal .
Policy 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3 - These policies provide that the City shall plan
for a safe and efficient street arid roadway system that meets current needs
and anticipated future growth and development. i-he e-:iiy is required to
provide for the efficient management of the transportation planning process,
through coordination with federal, state, regional and local jurisdictions.
All parties to this hearing ariree that tine intersection of the: frontage road
and Bull Mountain Road make the area in the vicinity of this proposal
Particularly dangerous. All parties agree: that the State of Oregon plans to
close the northern portion of frontage road when it develops a new access from
Highway 99W to Canterbury Square but; no specific, guaranteed plans are
pre s'�nt:ly av ilab le. The partilts a_3r e- , awhe „ , pr- , al should be
approved with just. the closure of the sough frontage ro.:ad befu,s
r`e the problem
of the north frontage road and the convenience of those attempting to reach
Canterbury Square from the south can be: addressed.
All parties agree that the level of service at portions of the intersection of
Bull Mountain Road and Highway 99W is intolerably low (an level).
However, the level of service is directly related to the cycle time of the
traffic sicunal at LOghway 99W and Bull Mountain Road. The State Highway
Department has the sole authority to change the timing on that cycle to
shorten it and make waits at that intersection less than their present 140
seconds. The applicant has requested such re-cycling or the signal, but there
was no response from the State when the record was closed. The Bull Mountain
Road queue presently clears within the 30 seconds allotted to its movements.
if the cycle time at this intersection was reduced, the queue would be shorter
and clearance should continue to be no problem, even if tfne proposal is
allowed. line opponents argued that: the traffic counts for the area were too
low. For purposes of this decision, the City Council adopted the counts as
generated by the opponents. The applicant argued that the intersection had
adequate capacity, even if you accepted the higher traffic counts as
accurate. Unless the State Highway Department- decides to change the cycle
times at this intersection, the residents in the area will continue to
s experience uncomfortable delays, regardless of whether this application, or
- another, is approved for the site.
RESOEU"fiON NO. 88--_5�L__
Page 3
The applicant admits that approximately 16,000 cars will use the proposed
facility each month; thoy base this on a trip generation field study dune at a
similar facility in Por'Lland and published information from the., -f:rip-Genor�al-
Manual (Fourth Edition). The Opponents argue that the comparisun is not valid
as only one other station was studied. The City Council. fi.rid s that the
comparison is a sound one.
The opponents argue that: the prujected growth for the arca indicates a
ten—fold increase in the next 15-20 y+car's, with a corresponding increase in
the background traffic which w-'11 use Bull Mountain Road. The applicant
points out that their rapacity calculations includ,�d a consideration of thu
population growth projections developed and maintained by Metro, which
projects Z5 percent increase in background Lrrafffic volumes on Bull Mountain
Road by the year 201.x. The City Council finds that the Met:r'o growth
projections have had a definite Lendency to underestimate the gr-owLh rate for-
the Tigard area.
The opponents point out. that th,a original traffic report incorrectly
considered the stopping sight distance in determining whether the proposed
accesses to Bull Mountain Road from the site could be hazardous, particularly
to Lr<affic coming down Bull Mountain Road. 1-he applicant's traffic engineer
conceded the incorrect reference, bit pointed out th1ki; the actual analysis was
done for intr- - "tion h - mist-,. ce r'_ �aL tot st _i,rtg distance
n � `
requiremets. Ung theformula of 10 times theJ83,Lh pe Centile appy tach
speed of oncoming vehicles, the only evidence in the record shows that Lhis
standard is exceeded under both current and proposed future site condii.ions.
The opponents expressed serious concerns about foot traffic on Bull Mountain
Road, particularly new foot. traffic that would btu attracted by the proposed
use. The applicant will be roquirod t— install sidewalks alornT Lho site
frontage from the westerrmiust point of the site. If additional foot traffic
is generated west of the sit:®, it should not conflict with the additional cars
turning into the site, which will approach frum the e.a't. Until all. of Bul.
Mountain Road is redeveloped to the major collector standard, with curbs,
sidewalks and an area for biking, foot traffic, will continue to be at risk on
this road.
The opponents- expressed concern relating to the additional hazard presented by
the necessary fuel deliveries to the site.
The proposed use will not generate transit ridership.
The proposal includes spaces for handicapped parking as weil as the other
required handicapped facilities.
Policy 9.1 1 -- The best evidence in thereccrd rid
cotes that only 5 erc-nt
of the trips to the proposed use wouldbe "new" ytrips to the area and 94
percent would be trips would be from traffic already in the area; the
additional energy consumption associated with this use would be minimal.
Policy 12.2.1 -- The property is zoned General Commercial which is ir,terded to
provide for major retail goods and services. The uses may involve auto repair
and services, supply and equipment- stores, vehicle sales, drive--in
restaurants, etc. Due to the nature of these uses (high traffic generators),
they are to be located next to a major collector street or arterial. as noted
above, Bull Mountain Road is designated a major collector street.
Page 4
Locational criteria -- As noted above, the proposed site is not bounded by
residential districts on more than two sides. The traffic congestion and
safety problems associated with the proposal art addressed above. The site is
sufficiently large to accommodate the use .grid has the r,equir,-d high
visibility. -The proposal is consistentwith any development which might occur,
on adjacent property zoned retail and/or office commercial and there are no
adjacent non--commercial uses to this property, as noted above.
Code I—etion 18.62.050 -- No minimum lot aro<A is requirc_d and the proposal
exceeds the minimum lot width of 50 ftiet by 6 feet. T-he proposal moots the
setback requirements with the closest building structure to the side property
line being 42 feet. The prcposal is well under, the height limitation of 45
feet, at 18 feet, 11 inches at Lhe highest point. The proposal covers 84.6
percent'. of the site, which is below the maximum standard of 65 percent
coverage. The proposal includes 15.4 percent of the Area in tar.dscapireg,
which exceeds the standard of 15 percent.
Code Section 18.100.020 - The proposed landscaping would not int^rf'>re with
the maintenance of any utilities on or off site and would not impair the
visibility of traffic on either Hull Mountain Road or Highway 99.
Code Section 18.102 -- No str-uctu;-es _n the proposal ar-e within the vision
clearance areas.
Code Section 18.106 - The proposal meets the parking requirements of the code
with three vehicles for each yas pump and four parkin:3 spaces dedicated to
just the convenience mart.
,�. Code Section 16.108 -- The access standards of the code are met by the
proposal, and the joint access requirements for• adjacent land would be mt4t by
the conditi.or.s of approval set forth below.
Code Section 18,114 - A sign permit is required by the City beforca any sign
may be erected. If the proposal includes a sign which exceeds the code
standard, the applicant would have to apply for• a separate hearing on that
part of the proposal.
Code Sections 18.1'0 and 18.162 - The criteria of these sections have been
satisfied as the proposal of the applicant has been amended to satisfy the
setback requireirent ., the building front yard, and as earlier conditioned to
require additional t;hide storage to avoid congestion at the driveways or on
Pull Mountain Road.
The City Council al— makes the following conclusions of la%w:
.. The Comprohensive plan and Code requirements of Policies 2. 1.1, 4.2,1,
5.1.4, 6.6.1, 7.1.2, 7.2.1, 7.4.4, 7.5.1. ✓.5.2, 7.6. 1 77-1, 9.1.1,
12.2.2, and Code Sections 18.62.050, 18.100.120, 18.i62, 18.206, 18.108,
18.114, 18.130, and 18.1.62 have been met.
Page 5
7. the Comprehensive Plan policies of Pulicies 8,1.1, 8.1.?, Arid 8.1..3 have
been addressed by Lhe applicant, Arid as conditioned below, have been
satisfied. lhere was wider-spread sentimentthat. this property should not
be zoned General Commercial, but no application for- re--zoning, or,
re designation by the Comprehensive Plan is before the City Council. As
`'- a General Commercial zoic:, the uses contemplated include high traffic
uses. the City Council notes that the only reason the proposed use
requires a conditional use hearing is Lo address the issue of fuel
storage in this area. The ciiy Council heard no concerns from opponents
on this point; generally, the opponents were most concerned about the
traffic impact (includW" trucks) this use might have on t:he, area.
The City has not imposed a moratorium on development of this area until
the traffic problems created by the intersection of the frontage road and
Dull Mountain Road have been romedied. However, the City Council must
consider whether, the proposal is consistent: with the intent of the
Comprehensive Plan and the Development L;ude.
The City Council concludes that due to the safety and congestion problems
already evident at the Bull Mountain Road/Pacific Highway intersection,
the anticipated int ease in traffic- volur::es, and they adverse impact that
a partial fror:tage road closure will have upon t:he businesses in
Canterbury Square, "the nor horn frontage road should also be closed prior
to developing this project.oject. The available r v_cd r_<_. nriiw 1 s that a new,
access to Canterbury Square and closure of the north frontage road can be
accomplished in 1909. until this closure occurs, the additional
construction traffic, fue•1 deli.verW s, and customer traffic will
exacerbate the existing safety problems at this intersection. Closure of
the south Frontage road without a direct access to Pacific Highway will
be inconvenient for Canterbury Square customers aria, Lherofore, 5-iness
for this center will be adversely affected in order to accommodate this;
project. Because of these traffic safety and Cantebury Square access
considerations, the closure of both frontage roads will be necessary as
noted in the conditions below.
3. There was considerable testimony from opporients about whether there woks a
need in the community for a facility such As the one proposed. Numerous
other similar facilities are presently vacant in the area. The City has
not adopted either policies or standards that require the consideration
of need in a conditional use application; accordingly, the City Council
cannot consider that issue. The City has determined by its silence on
that requirement, that market conditions will dictate whether uses will
be proposed or not. Similarly, opponents speculated what would happen to
the site if the use was developed and then abandurwd, once again, the
City does not require businesses to remain open when they have made a
decision that it is no longer economically feasible to do so. If this
use is abandoned, the area will have one other vacant building, as the-
headjacent site to the west presently contains the vacant „"uil.dir,y– from tW
previous uses on the site.
4. There were many objections from neighbors about the aesthetics of the
proposal, particularly at the entrance to the Bull Mountain residential
area. The City has not adopted standards to consider the aesthetics of
development within the General Comme-cial zone, so this issue is not one
the City Council may consider-.
Page 6 --
5. Some concern was expressed by opponents about noise from the site. Noise
testing was done at a similar site which has been fully developed, Arid it
was found to bo within acceptable: ranges. In addition, the distance
between the site and the nearest residential use should adequately
mitigate any noise impact. from the proposed use.. the applicant: has also
agreed to limit the tours of operation of the car wash (the noisiest
portion of the: proposed use) to 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM. In addit_ion, the
City Council has conditioned t.he- approval to compliance with
applicable noise standards.
o. A r-iF .-ent a. v.a of Canterbury Square objected to the closure o� the
south portion of the frontage road before the State or 0—gon doveloped
alternate: access to their property; they felt that a l:argt number' of the:
customers used the southern frontage road for, access.
Based on the findings and conclusions abovez, the City Council approves
CU 87-03 and M!_P 87-09, subject to the following conditions which must be
satisfied prior to issuance of buildiM permits, unless noted otherwise:
1. The applicant shall obtain a permit from the, Oregon State Highway
Division to perform work within the right-of--way of the Highway 99
frontage road. A copy of the permit shall be provided to the City
Engineering Office prior to issuance of a public impr'ou—mrA permit. "I ha
south frontage ,ad access to Bull Mountain Road shall be eliminated .and
shall become v dead end road which provides notmore than one access to
the site on the sough side of the site and sufficient room for turning
movements of emergency vehicles. nil access from this direction will be
eliminated if the City Engineer determines, based on his review OF the
site plan, that it encourages through--traffic._. l"he frontage road paving
from Bull Mountain Road south, to the site access shall be removed and a
five foot wide sidewalk shall ba: constructed from the ,ite's property line to Bull Mountain Road (MOT Contact:
Gunderson, phone 229--5002; City Contact, Gary Alfsun, phone 539--4171).
2. "The northern frontage road leading to Canterbury Square shall be closed.
An occupancy permit; for' the project will not be: is=sued prior to
completion of the ODOT-ASIEP project scheduled for the Canterbury Lane/
Canterbury Square Street and intersection improvements.
3. Standard half--street improvements (including a full size left turn lane)
including concrete sidewalks, driveway aprons, curbs, asphaltic concrete
pavement and utilities, including sanitary sewer, storm drainage and
streetlights, shall be installed along the Bull Mountain Road frontage.
improvements shall be constructed to major collector street standards of
the City of Tigard and shall conform to the alignment of the existing
adjacent- improvements. The street: improvements shall include a left turn
lane on Bull Mountain Road the length of the subject property which shall
provide arcess to buth the applicant's driveway and the future shared
access of this site and the adjacentlots to the west.
4. Additional right--of--way shall be dedicated to the public along the Pull
Mountain Road frontage to increase the right--of--way to 33 feet from
centerline. The description shall be tied to the existing right-of-way
centerline. The dediciation documents shall be on City forms and shall be
approved by the City Engineering Section. Dedication forms and
instructions are available from the Engineering Section (Contact:
Jon Feigion, phone 639-4171).
5. The applicant shall be allowed -access to Bull Mountain Road at this time
with the number and location to be approved by the City Engineer
(Contact: Gary jAlfson).
Pages 7
6. -1 he: applicant shall provide for internal "stacking" of vehicles waiting
for service from the sits. -There shall be no off--sate stacking of
vehicles awaiting service from the site (Contact: Keith L.iden, phone
7. A profile of Bul..1 Mo n'rtain Road shal 1. be providod from 300 feet, west of
the site to the .cast side of Highway 99W. The profi1.e shall show the
existing grade of Bu 1.1. Moucitain Road and a future grade that. meets
Wash rig Lori County standards for a major collector -it root. Iwo--Lhir'ds
str eet. improvements shell be cons Lr'uctod where a re:vi.=.ed vertical
alignment is required to meet; the current design standards. Two--thirds
street: improvements shall include half- street. improvements (including a
full sized left turn lane) and a 12 foot lane and 3--foot gravel shoulder
on the north side of the centerline. the construction of the vertical
realignment portion shall be coordinated with the Oregon State Highway
Division's Canterbury Square project improvements; i.e., the elimin,-,tion
of the north frontage road.
B. The applicant shall provide connections., of proposed b=.a i ldirig s to the
public sanitary sewer systom. A connection permit is required to connoct
to the existing public sariitary sewor system ( fit ad Roast., phone
9. The applicant shall provide for roof and parking lot rain drainacle to the
public storm water draining system to prevent rur:---off to the adjacent
properties. The. applicant ::hall. provide a method of transferring
storm drainage water from the site to the storm system on Bull Mountain
Road. No drainage shall be allowed to flow into the system presently
serving the King City area (Contact: Cary Alison).
10. Joint use and maintenance agreement -hall. bc executed arid recorded on
City standard forms for all common driveways. Agreements shall be
referenced on and become paxrt of all applA cable parcel deeds. The
agreement shall be approved by the Engineering Section prior to recording
(Contact: Jun Feigion).
11. The applicant shill reimburse the City any pern+it fees which the City
must pay in obtaining permits fr•oin Washington County .and the Oregon State
:lith=,aay Division for work required by these. conditions (Cortact: Gary
12, A or=e--foot reserve strip granted to the: City of Tigard shall he provided
alcng the frontage of Bull Mountain Road, except in the areas of driveway
access (Contact: Jon Feigion),
13, Seven sets of plan and profile public improvement construction plans and
one itemized construction cost estimate stamped by a registered
professional civil engineer detailing all proposed public improvoinrnts
shall be. submitted to the Fngineer•inq Section for i.isrrcnval. lwn set. of
profile plar+s s5a11. be submitted for preliminary review prior to
submittal of final plans. Cons t:ruction of the: proposed public
improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has
approved public improvement: plans. The Section will require a 100
percent performance assurance bond, or a letter of commitment, the
payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee, Also,
the executing of a street opening pe=rmit for construction compliance
agreements snail occur prior to, or concurrently with, the issuance of aer,
approved public improvement plan (Contact: Gary Alfson).
Page 8
14. The applicant shall comply with all applicable noise standards.
Compliance with such standards shall be dumonst'r•ated prior to issuance of
a building permit. The car' wash shall operate only within the hours of
7:00 AM to 10:00 PM (Contact: Keith Liden).
15. T-he proposed free--standing sign height and sire shall be revised to
confcsrei with the Community Devolopimm t Code requirements. Sign permits
shall be obtained from the City pr-ior• to installation of any sign
(Contact: Keith Lidera or Deborah Stuart).
16. The partition survey and legal descriptions for- bath parcels shall be
submitted for- Planning Dir,octur approval, prior to recording with
Washington County (Contact: Jon Feigiun).
17. This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the Uinal approval
i"the Council further- orders that the City Re<:or-der send a copy of the
final order as a notice of final 0�4cision in this matte,-.
PASSED: -1his r.ZDrld day of
ATTEST: City of Tigard —
t'N C�xte�c:l Pxt¢:eL�,tk-
Deputy Resor-der — Ci y of Tip. -r,d
ity Recorder —
Page 9