Resolution No. 88-63 CI I Y Of I IGARD, ORE-GON RI-SOL U1 TON NO, 88111 A 8 LA R E',OL UI I ON ()U I HOR 111 NG T r If, MAYOR AND C 1-1 Y RE CORIA,R -10 SIGN AN AGRE)MEN I W1111 WAS14INGION COUNTY FOR MAKING LMI'ROVL:Mt--NI-S t(.) IlitL fWARD UINI',:*.+ CI-1\1111? io BUT-I" -qURVE IHL CIIY", SENIOR CI-11ZINS. WHLKLAS, the loaves and Flsh!,; Canter in Tigard, 1OCaLld at 8815 SW umar-a, was constructed in 1981, and serves the senior- citizens of I-igar-d, Kin.] City, Metzger, and adjacent areas; and WHEREAS, participation in Center, ser,ijicos nj has grown at a steady rate of three to five por-cont each year since completion of the Center,; and WHEREAS, the existing facility for the ..eaves arid f ishos Centerin Tigard it; inadequate in terms of space, fur1ct--'-naliLy, and handicapped access; and WHERLAS, the County Board of C01,1111issioner-s have atAtjej ir,iz d $86,213 in Commu n i ty c .e DoveloPiriont Block Grant funds for essential improvements to the yl�'artl S�nict.- Ccntz�-. ; &,-.d WHEREAS, acceptance of these funds "I'll -Ate5 thO City to comt;-iibut: $22,91,8 in local matching funds for implementing said improveiiwnts; and WHI.RLAS, the City has budgeted f1latchiny funds ',cr t j-,c- propc,-.,e., project. improvements in it's adopted capital improvement budget; and WHEREAS, an in,-:>r,govcr'nmental. agreemerit between the City and the Washington County Office of Commun ty Do%/o1cP'Pcnt has been prepared providing for the City to undertake the necessary improvements to the Tigard Senior, Center•, NOW, THERLPC.,R�', BE IT PESOLVED by the Tigard City Council, that: Section I The City Council hereby author*iz,,; the. Mayor Knd tho City Recorder to sign, on behalf of the City, the Intergovernmental Senior, Ccrjtjr. Improvement Agreement: with the County office prov idim3 for 11- design and curis tructicin of improvements to the Tigard Senior- Center'. PASSED: this ) day f A ,z 1988. ATTEST: Mayor City of Tigard ty Recorder - City of APPRIWED AS TO FORM: ,City C-d Date ht/5524D