Resolution No. 88-57 CITY of I 1GARE), OREGON RE,' ,oititION NO. 88- A RUGOLUTION Of ItiC 11GARD C.11Y COUNCIL. RATIFYING f) VOL 1(,f RES01)""I of I,ICI-P, pqOGPAtJ COWRACr Bt-FWI IN IIIK CITY OF TECARD AND Hill [JGf)RO SCHOOL DI.SIRICI A, thjo t'iAv of Tiq-krd -rid Lhc, Tigard School Oi*tri(-t desire to continue ,1� j : j a C�Ocip(�rative offort in: providing . p. i c onfurce-.,.ient in the School District; interdicting narcotics trafficking in the School District; providing informal c.,uzis0lirig for tr-OUblOd students; creating can atriiosPhor'cl Of sarPeLy and security on district campuses; and enforcing criminal statutes through arrest and investigations; and WHEREAS, the Tigard ('office DL.par­tiliopt and the City Council bol i0vu that par-tic ic Pat ir19 in this P('Ogralll is a k(-,,y to p r-o v i d i ng a school At'110 5 Ph," conducive to the education process and reducing juvenile criminal cictivitY. NOW, -1f1Ff,,EroRF_ BE 11 RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section I The I igr-d p -­L ii id the School District jointly oporat;� a School Resource Officer- Progral" in the School Resource Officer Contract whic'r' is refer-'nct.d as Exhibit "A". Section1-ho Mriyor and (',ity Recorder are hereby author'i/od to sign th,� School Rsour,,c, Officer Contract on behalf off the City Of Tiqard and the Rf2cordur is further directed to file a copy Of said contract with the Tigard School District. _�"" day of 1988. PASSED This 1;� ma�y*W_--City Of Tigard ATTEST: V--p-Z� City Recorder City of Tigard c, APPRO V,ED AS 10 FORM: y� Recorder - City- 0 7 f Tigard ke/0084C RESOLUTION NO, `Y CI Y Y Of TIGARD AND 11CARD SCHOOL. L1I`)-ti:1CT SCHOOL RESOURCE OFt=:ECLR CONTRAt:T THIS AGREE.ME W is made and entered into by arid between the City of Tigard (Tigard), a municipal corporation Cf the State of Oregon, .:.nd the Tigard School Dir.trict (School District). WHEREAS, Tigard and the Tigard School Districtdesire a cooperative effortin: t Prouidirnq a pusitzve im+ ge of and law enforcement officers for school age children; 2. Sharing educational resources for law enforcement, health and safety, and drug education; 3. Interdicting narcotics trafficking in the school district; 4. Providing counseling for- troub;.ed students; 5. Creatine; an atmosphere of safety and security on district campuses; 6. Responding to criminal matters through arrests and/or invost-i 1 ons; tinct WHEREAS, Tigard and the. Tigard School District desire to memorialize and continued such a cooperative effort by contract; and WHEREAS, such contracts are authorized under ORS 190.0:40 et seq.; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1. The Tigard Police Department shall pra+ride two School Resource Officers (SRO) to be assigned to the T'igtrrd School District as follows: a. One SRO shall be assigned to Tigard High School. b. One SRO shall be assigned to Fowler and Twality Junior High Schools. C. Both SRO's shall share responsibility for, the School District's elementary schools. 2. The SRO's shall be sworr+ employees of the Tigard Police Department. 3. Supervision of the SRO's shall bc.. provided by the Chief- of the Tigard Police Department and by the principals at schools in which the. SRO's are working. 4. The duties and responsibilities of the SRO's shall be defined by « written job description mutually agreed upon by Tigard and the School District. Such duties shall include but not be limited to: a. Enforcing criminal laws through investigation and on—view arrests; I -- CITY OF TIGARD AND TIGARD SCHOOL. DISTRICT SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER CONTRACT bto establish and maintain a school campuses: "• -'__ _ c. Giving classroom presentotiuns on topics of mutual ini.ere.st to the Tigard police Department arid the School District; d. Providing informal counseling to studeni:s :in need; e. Repres,_-nting the image of area law knforcement in t:he school district; W f. Attending schL..1 6,,aru ,,,..tom,- ..,. __ ,_. _. ,.—is. 5. The School District shall provide the s.Ro's with payers. 6. Except as provided for in this contract, Tigard shall. pay the rusts of selection, salary, benefits, vehicle, and equipment for two 3RO's. 7. The School District shall reimburse Tigard according to the cost sheet in Appendix 1, payments shall be made in advance on a quarterly basis. 8.. Trainin<1 costs shall be shared by mutual agr anent. on a case by case: basis �. 1-hi, contract, the SRO's shall be reassi.yrQd tta the_ Tigard police Department. 10- All equipment, excepting pagers, shall remain the property of Tigard. In the event of termination of Lhis progr-..v-n Lhe depr-eciatod value of the two SRO vehicles shall be equally -,hared between the City and the --Schnol District. 11. Tigard covenants and agrees to hold and save the School Di:>trict, its officers, employees, or agents harmloss from all claims whatsoever that might. arise *%gainst the School District, its officers, employees, or agents by any act of Tigard, its offi__. _, employees, or agents .in the performance of the duties required by theLter•ms of this contract. 12. The School District covenants and agrees to hold and save Tigard, its officers, employees, or agents harmless from all claims whatsoever that, might arise against Tigard, its officers, e+rployees, or agents by any act of the School. District, its officers, employees, or agents in the performance of Lhe duties require=d by the terms of this contract. 13. Tigard and the School District mutually covenant and agree that neither party will insure the actions of the other, but rather each party will assume its own responsibility in connection with any claims made by a third party against Tigard and/or the School District. 14. Tigard and the School District mutually agree that nothing contained in this contract is intended to limit the remedy, if any, of either party against the other party, including claims under subrogation agreements with the party's insurance carrier, to recover damages to property or injury to persons caused by a party's negligence. 15. This contract shall be effec"'_ua beginning Ju'y 1, 1988, through June 30, 1989. This contract shall be renewable, subject to negotiation, provided 4,. that the party seeking to renew the contract provide the other party with thirty (30) day-, written notice. 2 – CITY OF TIGARD AND TIGARD SCHOOL_ DISTRICT SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER CONTRACT r­t Y nay terms rlat�- this ,­ contract by giuiru thii-y lio) dziyt� �rittor. IN WIINE!3S WIIFRCOF, the parties have caused this Contract to be executed by the duly iAUth0l"iZed officers on the dates horeiriafter, written. CITY OF FIGARD 1-1GARD SCHOOL Di,;TR,cr Tom 8 7 rlar., Mayor Ru?,ell A. joki. City of 71gard Tigard School District Dat, Date: Attest: U r-emei+"fl-se , City Recorder Approved as to for-in: Approved As to rorm.: DM City-attorney Attorney, Tigard School District ke/0084C MEMORANDUM CI FY OF 11GARD, OREGON TU: Dr. ?^_k= June 14, 1988 FROM: Chief of police SUBJECT: Salary/Benefits -- SROs Cost Per officer: Peterson and Boothhy SALARY: Peterson $33,369 600thby $32,239 BENEFITS:: 1�ti73 __14_135 rnrae $47,842 $46,374 Unemployment: $ 33 $ 32 Worker's Compensation: 2.1568 1,612 Social Security: 21506 2.421 Retirement: 5,673 5,481 !+_fa Insurance: 95 95 Salary Continuation: 216 216 Medical/Rental: 3,336 3,332 Clothing: _.�9a6 946 Total $14,473 $14,135 ke/0084C l �;N APPENDIX 1 Exhibit "A" SRO PROGRAM COST SHEET Salary, Benefits, and Vehicle Operation for Nigh School SRO SLary a. Horiefits at: $47,842 Vehicle Operation 640 Salary, Benefits, and Vehicle Operation for Junior tfigh Schoul SRO Salary & Benefits at: $46,374 Vehicle Operation 840 Tu tal fivzt F.i !'j1-' .f 'r y.y:,,-,a 'QC TotalReimbursement Costs to City of Tigard from School District =_ $95,896 at 50% _- $47,948 ke/0084C