Resolution No. 86-110 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON Rt50LU1`I0N NO. 86--ILD— IN 6— jLDIN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF A FINAL ORDER UPON CITY COUNCIL_ REVIEW OF A HEARING'S OFFICER APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE (CU 3-86), T'RI—COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT" Of OREGON, ADOPTING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSf.ONS OF LAW. WHEREAS, this matter came before the City Council at its meeting of September 22., 1986, upon a Council request by motion to call the application up for review of the Hearings Officer's approval of the application request; and WHEREAS, the City Council had before it the Hearings Officer's approval, transcript of the hearing, staff report, and documentation provided by the applicant as part of the application; and WHEREAS, the applicable criteria in this decision are the following: policies 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 of the Tigard Comprehensive Plan and Chapter 18.130.040 and 18.130.060 of the Community Developrant Code. WHEREAS, based upon the record in this case, the City Council makes the following findings of fact: Section 1: The subject property is located at 8960 SW Commercial Street (WCTM 2S1 2AA lot 4901 S. 4800). Section 2: The property is coned CBD (Central Business District), Section 3: The applicant applied for approval of a Conditional Use permit to allow for construction of an off—street transit center in the CBD. The City Council also make the following conclusions of law: (1) The City Council concludes that, with modifications, the applicant's proposal conforms to the applicable criteria contained in the Tigard Municipal Code. (2) The City Council concludes that the applicant's proposal is consistent with Comprehensive Plan policies 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 which call for the promotion of public transportation. (3) The City Council concludes that, assuming the disposal of storm water can be. accomplished, public facilities are adequate to serve the proposed use. (4) The City Council concludes that the applicant's site plan shall be modified to prohibit bus parking within the required 40 foot street width on SW Commercial. RESOLUTION NO. 86-1,]Q (CU 3-86 TRI—MET) Page 1 tl (5) The City Council concludes that at least two spaces for bicycle parking should be provided on site. (6) The City Council concludes that the proposed Tigard Transit Center is riot expected to impact the traffic operations of the adjacent streets. The p m. peak hour level of service at the Main Street/ Commercial Street int.prsection will be the same with or without the proposed site under present and future (2005) traffic volume conditions. (7) The City Council concludes that the existing stop sign control of the Main Street/Commercial Street intersection will provide for acceptable level of service operations for the existing and future traffic volumes with the proposed site. The 1986 level of service is expected to be "C" and the year 2005 level of service was calculated to be "D" with the proposed transit center. (8) The City Council concludes that the expected gaps in vehicle flow along Commercial Street will easily accommodate entering/exiting of buses at the site access driveways. (9) The City Council concludes that the site plan allows for a minimum of 250 feet of unimpeded sight distance for bus drivers leaving the site. This distance provides a safe stopping sight distance for motorists traveling at 35 miles per hour. It is recommended that the departure of the buses from the two street bays occur before the remaining buses. This recommended bus operations procedure will greatly increase the site distance for both bus drivers and Commercial Street motorists. The City Council, therefore, orders the above referenced application be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET PRIOR 'TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS. 2. Applicant shall construct a City standard full half-street improvement along SUP Commercial Street; said improvement shall be constructed to minor collector street standards (40 feet new curb to existing curb minimum) and shall conform to a horizontal and vertical alignment to be approved by the Engineering Division. The design may be a modification of the preliminary L.I.D. design of record for SW Commercial Street, to facilitate blending of the proposed improvement with existing conditions. Concrete curb, sidewalks, entry-exit ways, and street pavement (and crushed rock), lighting and pedestrian vehicle marking is required; final design to be approved by the Engineering Division. Final design shall include street structural evaluation, by Washington County's C.B.E. method. Standard minor collector structural requirements may riot be sufficient. RESOLUTION NO. 86-JJQ (CU 3-86 TRI-MET) page 2 3 . Bus parking within 36 feet of the curb on the opposite side of Commercial Street shall not be permitted. Applicant shall provide the Engineering Division with a 3 lane street marking plan, from Main Street to applicant's southerly boundary, if bus parking will be between 36 and 40 feet of the curb on the opposite side of Commercial Street. 4. Five (5) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for approval. 5. Sanitary sewer plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for approval. 6. Constriction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Division has issued approved public improvement plans. The Division will require posting of a 100% Performance Bond, the payment of a permit fee and a streetlight fee. Also, the execution of a street opening permit shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement- plans. 7. If storm water is to be directed onto the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way, the applicant shall obtain a permit from Southern Pacific for outfall of stormwater -.-,to this right-of-way. A copy of the permit shall be provided to the City prior to issuance of any approved plans or permits. e. A revised site/landscaping plan shall be submitted for Planning Director's approval which includes the following: a. An additional 25 feet shall be acquired along the western property boundary to allow for more space between the on street buses and the Commercial Street centerline. b. Bus parking and circulation plan approved by the Engineering Division. C. Location and design of bicycle parkirj spaces (minimum of four). d. Adequate pedestrian circulation. 9. Landscaping material shown on the approved landscaping plan shall be installed prior to occupancy. 3-0. A sign permit must be obtained for all signs that are moved or placed on the property or the building (contact Deborah Stuart 639-4171). 11. Tri-Met will provide "no parking" signs for private property owners r- experiencing difficulties with motorists parking cars and riding the V bus. RESOLUTION NO. 86-1)0 (CU 3-86 TRI-MET) Fuge 3 12. Tax Lots 4800 and 4901 shall be combined into one parcel if the addition to the existing building causes it to straddle the property line. 13. Tri-met shall execute a non-remonstrance agreement for the formation of a L.I.D. for the construction of downtown public parking facilities shall be submitted for City approval. 14. This approval shall be valid for one year from the date of the final order. 15. The departure patterns at the Tigard Transit Center shall allow for the street bay buses to leave prior to the other buses to provide good sight distance for both drivers and motorist on Commercial Street. The Council further order- that the City Recorder send a copy of the final order as a notice of decision in the matter. PASSED: This 22nd day of September 1986 _ /Mayor - City of Tigard ATTES f1 4?co Lilfcting City Recorder - City of Tigard dj175/dj4 i I RESOLUTION NO. 86-//(D (CU 3-86 TRI-MET) I Page 4