Resolution No. 81-94 i CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. 81- 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL INITIATING ANNEXATION AND REQUESTING AN ANNEXATION REQUEST BE FORWARDED TO THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION (Short Title - McDonald Island). WHEREAS, annexation to the City of Tigard territory so bounded as noted Exhibit "A" would constitute a "minor boi:ndary change" under the boundary on commission law, ORS 199.410 to 199.510 and, WHEREAS, by authority of ORS 199.490 (1) (a) the Common Council of the City may initiate the annexation, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Tigard, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon at a regular meeting held on August 10, 1981 that: Section 1: The Council, pursuant to ORS 199.490 (1) (a) hereby initiates proceedings for annexation of the territory to the City. Section 2: The Council hereby approves the proposed annexation and requests the Portland Metropolitan Area Local Government Boundary Commissi approve it. on to Section 3: Upon annexation the zones will be changed from Washington County "RU-4" to the Tigard Comprehensive Plan designation of "R-7" Urban Low Density. Section 4: The City Recorder is hereby directed to file a certified copy of the Resolution with the Commission at once. DATED this _ Lo day of 17_ �� 1981. Mayor ATTEST: R corder `-i RESOLUTION No. 81- Sc� a f CITY OF TTGARD PLANNING VEPARTMCNT 12420 SW Main, Tigard NOVICE OF A• ATIO:N A:�NEX,TIO` TPLLE: McDonald .:N Lamar Property Cvmer: E; This is your forina notice that the Tigard City CoLmr 11 will consider the an7e--ation of your property at a Study Session on Aug 31 1981 and take formal action by Resolution at a Regular Sessior. on Aug_ 10, 198L If the Council approves this Resolution, the public hca.ring on this promos?.l will be held before the Portland Metro Area Kcal C-ove.rnazat Boundary ^�n ssion in Portland in the near future. u TP the Boundary Commission approves the annexation, they vill issue a Final Order to the City. Staff xvill then prepare an Ordinance accept:in- your property and zoning your property to the "Tigard Comprehensive Plan Designation". This Ordinance will be presented to the City Council fur adoption. You will not be notified individually of the FoLmdary Com.-Ass:ion Hearin;. Notices mill be *josted on telephone poles in your area. You will be notified before the Ordimuvi.^ accepting your property into the City is presented to the Council. {4e will be glad to tell you the Boundary Commission. Hearing date if you call the Planning Department at 639—1171 - Elizabeth Newton. We will also try to answer any questions you may have concerning the process or the effects of this action related to you or your property. Yo � ��.. Compreh:.�n.sive Plan Zone Designation inning Director AH:ag enc Resolution to Council August 10, 1981 Proposed Boundary Commission Date Sept. 24, 1981 City Colu:cil meetings are held at Fowler Junior High, 10865 S4: Walnut, 7:30 p.m. cn LF 1 {j �. th AVE f 5,. i.:.l r _ •i•}r ^j if 11.:to ^y(: � �' a` � ��__��•i�, t '^�`ti.�-.�+ C13�•+7i�]]f ib:^ _ �.L•'�'�.---L. '���•^ ^^77 1� � f 1��' T�-� � 1 --..(_. � rn:::c,1 �f1s;i_�'�]o]!•m ' 1 p C7 -1J,Sl• '� '��-7. EF,Sie pCT. Pn. ES _ r Ui� L. Sm. ��— z n:ovaRE PL. Via.^,T S x A o rtrrrss:r =F t;/' uy u f., CT r �:_Y Ca tys _S_W_1071{t_, 107 T. K S.W.10591 o._ '[p�r'�' lost AVE-! _.. S.4'1. Wl.T1�liSS y :+•v•aar�a?:lAaoa r 104th G rn • !'J4 tT. IUB E" r N I:AB'a'J �•- 1',� �`R —1 Ci S.W. =1 C1 ?s„yt r L1.1;.•�; y S u, 'AVE. �OC � �£ y �p L �r \ R•5ti 'i r"--����-� i._� \ say^ 6 c � 4 7 CTt AVE. 'm x 1 l (�•-- G � s,3 •r/1�j9 ��c13��' ' 'i"' �� y n 1 S 1 l 97th N SW.9, AVI E�-�a•+- 1\ O � 'c �.. Vjt�'4 0% . ,.S,W- 9 vs sa a3' co Sn 5.4°l. 93rd mf o S.W. 2nd N b C o` o •Y ,y6.GnD����*`` .. cn 91scn cn "tavrn "S w C.S.W. IISt'r r+ 1' r+ �1�b ..d.'+..��� C! v S.W. x z a�f2 9� Q7 ,.Sr'¢9n,Cf.C�7..m BBth .'^aN ) n D _/ r �- .y5 5 MA LL -N+ •�-�a -. -;"'"' •Ivo ``! — • PUBLIC SERVICES STREETS: Yany of us have muttered bitterly about the condition o£- Walnut- Street. At the present time, most of L:aluut Street is under Washingtoa County jurisc_icti.on.' Washington County does riot have funds to make ineprovecents to streets in t`•.,2 Tigard Urban Growth Area. The majority of the residents in your precinct voted in favor of the 'B' ballot Road Levy last spring,, but the vote in Mishin.ton County did not pass. Tigard has a street overlay program and we do repair our streets. Last year we overlayed two rliles of street at a cost of $113,000. This year we will approach three miles at a co:-,t of $180,000. The problen is that if-we do not have the jurisdiction of a street, we cannot improve it. The o-:ly way that we can h=lp you is if you annex to the City c;e can obtain the jurisdiction of the stre-:�;:s in your. area and repair them. Parts of Walnut, Fenno and 121st r--.Di.tld receive a higu priority for this type of improvement. PARKS: The City of Tigard charges a systems development charge from each d-vel.op- __. :s-t}n-¢ ��;A=�.; �••-' L cr *�2L-it-'; gity tn__help--pa�for-_acs_. _. ^-i.c�..aad. develo ent F a city park systems which presently enjoys a reput.-t.i.on`in the area for its quality, if not for its quantity. A new park at Summerlake between Scholls Ferry Road and SW Walnut now under develop- ment and expansion. GARBAGE COLLECTION; Rates in your area are currently $G.OS per month. Your neighbors in the city pay $5.85 per month. SEWERS: Septic tank systems fail! Health hazards exist! Install a new system now and chances are that within the next fi.va years you will be involved in a local improvement district for the installation of a public system to serve developments in your area. Wo what do you have?...$4,500. in your back yard and an assessment of $3,500. for the new service line ill from your house. <.; V POLICE PROTECTION: Our officers are in or near your area now, but have no jurisdiction to respond to your calls or enforce traffic 'laws. It Seem logical that we should be the ones to answer your requests for assistance. Obviously our response time is less than that-. of Washington County and our officers :ire trained for and sensitive to meeting the needs of Tigard residents. LIEP4RY: Annexation will allow you to help support a very fine library which provides that little extra beyond what is required. i PLANNINZ; SERVICES: A neighborhood Planning Area Organization was developed and a plan approved in 1975. NPO [3 has not met for at least two years and many things have changed dramatically in the last several months. Th�se',hzngasare important to you, but without a neighborhood orfanizatior. it is very difficult for the City to communicate with you. In the case of development in your neighborhood the City of Tigard is more readily accessible and generally will process requests faster than Washington County. 7 What is happening in Tigard is happening throughout the 1Setxo area_ PUBLIC SERVICES PaF;e 2 ' Tigard used to be a quiet little town "on the way to the coast." Highway 99W carries 35,000 cars a day now. Look around you. The Koll Business Center on Scholls Ferry Road, Park 217 on Hall Boulevard, Suss:erlalce, Morning M.11, Winterlake, and new senior center on O'Mara... We have processed apuror:iriately 150 Site Design Review applications in the past two years f,3z commercial. developu:-nt. _ _ • We have approximately 800 platted lots ready to build ou in the City now and expect snore. Tigard's population will increase dramatically in the corrin„ years. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO UNIFY TIG.NRD FOR I•MNY REASONS. UNLESS WE ALL WORK T0CETEER TO IMPROVE OUR COLLECTIVE POSITION WE WILI. ALL SUFFER Tf:E C0NSEQUENCES. OBVIOUSLY M[E%ATIONS ARESOI-.'ETIt'rr_S ]P.JSTRATING_FO.R ALL CONCEFo!ED, BLT,— FACED AND RESOLVED TOGETHER. GLOSSARY O" TEPI-IS CITY LIILTS: The actual line that surrounds tae City of Tigard's incorporated area'. UP3.'.1 GRO'WrH BOUNDARY: The actual line established by the Metropolitan Service District within which this City will develop between now and t-h•� year 2000. ZIETROPOLITAN SERVICE DISTRICT - (METRO); A locally created regional agency - responsible for the plannin in th-- Portland mr.tropolitan area_ LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOIM-NT co--ISS:CON - (?CDC): A state created agency' responsible for the planning in the state. YORTL.N:D MIMMFOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOTrER'•yi21,4T BOUNDRRY COIM•XJSSl:0:1 -(BOLMDARX COt:^•!?SS'i�^'i} An eleven person co=nission created by the state to review c.,: exations submitted to it by local jurisdictions.- -s - --- -s=- ---:=-_- - - - - 14-EIGETBORROOD PLAMING ORGANIZATION: A group of citizens appointed by the City Council to develop policies to guide development in each of seven neighborhood areas in the Tigard Urban Growth Area. The 1,PO for this area is NFO Y3. ISLAND: An area created through annexation which is surrounded by the City of Tigard, but is still under Washington County's jurisdiction. UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF •WASHINGTON COUNTY - (USA): The agency responsible for the treatment of waste water within Washington County. The City of Tigard is anageat of this organization, collects the service charges, inspects the connections acd issues the permits to connect to the system. The City is responsible for the maintenanceof all sanitary lines, 24" in diau_ter or less throughout the City. TRIPLE MAJORITY A1,'NEXATION: In accordance with the state law an annexation petitlon ig must have a majority of three things before it can be presented to the City Council ' for action. 517 of the property in acres, 51% of the assessed value of the property, the signatures of the owners of 512 of the property. FORCED ANNEXATION: This term mainly applies where City Council, Ly reso2ution, annexes an "island". In the cases -,.here "islands" exist or are created, the City Council can pass a resolution to annex the "island'..' without using the triple majority annexation method. At the present time there ate wore than ten "islands'; within the Urban Growth Boundary. LOCAL IMPR0VEMEENT DISTRICT - (L-ID): This refers to an assessment district forked .= by petition of property owners to construct public service lines, sidewal,4s, - streets, etc. The City accepts the petitions, conducts a feasibility study, engineers the project, forms the dis^rict; estimates the costs, holds a public hearing to notify the p_rsons in the district what the costs will be, hires the work done and assesses the property owners in a district according to benefit. Usually LID's are forz_d to take advantage of the City's ability to Bancroft Bond the improvements for up to thirty years at a reasonable interest rate, and rlaT,c public improvements which property o-aners in the district request. CLOSSARY OF TEMS Page 2 TAX EASE: A dollar amount recently anpr�ved by the voter= of Ti_-ard ($562,098). These funds actually represent only 137 0- total city funds with 877 cominZ from county tax and federal funis and local fees and permits. TAX RATE: 4:e expect the rate per $1,000 dollars of assessed value to be $1.04 ' this next year. If your property is assesscd' at $60,000 your taxes paid to ti, of e City e Tigard would be 62.40 $ per year. (Ocmer occupied residences currently are y eligible for a 307 tax relief from the States, thus your actual payment to ti, e s City cf Tigard would be $43.65). t Go .:r • - - - . .. - - - fir.