Resolution No. 80-14 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON
RESOLUTION No. 80-_,/4
WHEREAS, a daffodil has been registered with the Royal Horticulture
Society in England as the "Tigard Daffodil"; and
WHEREAS, the Council has-expressed interest in designating the
"Tigard Daffodil" as the City Flower..
Section 1: The "Tigard Daffodil" is hereby adopted as the official flower of
Che City of Tigard and designated as Exhibit "A".
PASSED: This L=` day of1980.
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City Recorder`
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GREEN ISLAND (Richardson) 1938. 2b. LM. 22". A sena• HOOPOE. See page 4. $35.00 each.
tional flower of very large size, great substance, and
smooth texture. Smooth,rounded perianth segments make HUMMINGBIRD. See page 6. $15.00 each.
a very circular flower. Bowl shaped crown with greenish
center, passing to white, and margined greenish lemon.
Short necked. Of great value to exhibitors and breeders. IBIS (Mitsch) 1974 EE. 6a 12" (Trousseau x cylamineus) f
Many of our finest seedlings have come from this variety. 239/1. Milk white, star-like perianth, and long slender \_
$1.00 each net. pale lemon crown. Not as tall nor as much reflexed as
Perky. A very graceful,delightful early flower. $5.00 each.
GREENLET (Fowlds) 1969 6a. EM. 14" (Green Island x
Cyclamineus). This has a broad, white, nicely reflexed IMPACT (Mitsch) 1971 2b. M. 15" (Precedent x Carita)
perianth, and medium Length pale lemon crown, fading A34/24. Another quite striking flower with flaring and
to ivory, with a bright lemon frill and greenish tone at fluted, somewhat cone- shaped crown of rich pink. The
the base. $4.00 each net. pointed, flat, white perianth could be of better form,but
GREEN QUEST (Miksch) 1968 3c. Llhl. 21" (Chinese White this makes a showy garden or cut flower. $2.50 each.
x Autowin)R12/3.A rounded milk-white flower with small
fluted cup.Green eye.$1.25 each. IMPALA (Mitsch) 1966 3b.L.20"(Chinese White x?)TIO/I.
This is a most graceful, very smooth flower with white
GULL. See page 4. $25.00 each. perianth, somewhat triangular in form. There is a de-
cided greenish cast to freshly opened blooms. A very
GYPSY(Richardson) 1964 2a.M. One of the unusual flowers small cup of p..le lemon•vith a deeper Iemon margin,and
with orange tan suffused perianth and brick red crown. A quite vivid green eye. A fl-wer of exceptional grace and
flower of good form and quality. $5.50 each. nice poise. Tail,strong stems. $2.00 each net.
HALLALI (Richardson) 1964 4. LAI. A nice compact double IMPERIAL (Mitsch) 1975 M. 2a 17" (Playboy z Daydream)
with white and orange petals. Limited stock. $3.50 each, B36/16. A large flower of very rounded form, having a
net. very broadly overlapping bright yellow perianth with a
HARMONY BELLS (Fowlds). 1963. 5a. M. 15". (Whiteley white halo at the base.The bowl shaped crown is of deeper
Gem x triandrus albus). Avery worthwhile addition to yellow. Lighter in color and much larger than Scio. Very
the rather limited class of yellowtriandrus hybrids, this heavy substance and strong stems. $6.50 each.
being of finer form than most of its class, and is a most
profuse blooming variety. A clear shade of yellow with a :MPRESARIO (Mitsch) 1975 EM 2d 16" (W12/1 (P5/8 x
high percentage of stems with three blooms even when Lunar Sea)x Salem) F88/2.The quite long,narrow crown
left down for two years when'he flowering is so profuse makes this appear to be a trumpet,but measurement indi.
as to almost conceal the foliage. Not as fertile as Honey cates otherwise.Perianth opens pale lemon and deepens in
Bells but has produced viable seed. 90c each; ($9.00 per color as it ages, reflexing somewhat in maturing. The
dozen net.) crown opens lemon, fading out to nearly white, with a
little gold rim. One of the best reverses we have raised.
HAZEL BRILLIANT (Culpepper) 1973 2a. A large striking $45.00 each.
flower reminiscent of some of the John Evelyn seedlings
raised some years ago but this is larger and with a broader INAUGURATION (Mitsch) 1974 E. 2a 18"(Galwayx St.Kev-
perianth. The large crown which is very nearly flat is of erne)A17/21. One of the earliest of the good quality large
brilliant orange red. Vigorous grower and good increaser. yellows. Golden yellow perianth that is flat and broadly
$2.20 each. overlapping. The trumpet-like crown is more flaring and
flanged than in AURUM.It appears to be a trumpet and
HERON. See page 6. $18.00 each, probably some blooms would so qualify. Very nice. $2.00
HIGH NOTE (Mitsch) 1974 7a LM. 21" (Quick Step x Day. INCA GOLD(Kanouse) 1965 la.EM.22".Parentage unknown.
dream) D80/16. Another vigorous growing flower much on
the style of StepForward.One,two,or three large flowers Unique in its class, this is one of the largest yellows we
on each stem,with rich yellow perianths,and large,quite grow,and perhaps the deepest yellow.Tall stiff stems,and
flaring crowns that become nearly white as they develop. upright rich green foliage make an attractive plant.Trum-
Very striking. $8.00 each. pets have a frilled and fringed edge rather than the
customary flanged and rolled edge. Some blooms may not
measure trumpet. Because of the depth of its rich golden
HIGH REPUTE_........... ..................Withdrawn for increase color,its size,and its lasting quality,it makes an excellent
garden flower.Due to a large root system,the bulbs of this
HILARITY (Mitsch)1974 E.2a 18"(P50/1 x Flaming Meteor) variety may not be completely rooted. $1.00 each.
B45/7. A sister to ALAMO,this has more the form of the IRISH COFFEE (Mitsch-Throckmorton) 1967 3a. LM. 17".
pollen parent. Soft, clear yellow perianths with spade (Green Island x Chinese White). Very broad perianth
sbaped segments,and quite a long crown with wide orange opening ivory but soon turning to lemon.The crown opens
band, shading to yellow. A large flower good for garden yellow with an orange band but the yellow fades out to
or cutting. $1.75 each. almost white in some areas.Quite different.$2.00 each net.
HILLSTAR. See page 4. $20.00 each. JADE (Mitsch) 1973 3c. L. 14" (Cushendall x Cantabile) ?
One of those very delightful small pure white flowers
with vivid green eyes that come at the end of the season.
HOMAGE..................................................Withdrawn for increase Considerably like Tern but we believe a better grower.
$2.00 each.
HONEYBIRD(Mitsch) 1964. ld.EM.21". (King of the North
x Content)K43/2. This is certainly one of the finest in its JETFIRE (Mitsch) 1969 6a. E. 10" (((Market Merry x Car.
class. The trumpet does not become so white as that of bineer) x Armada) x cyclamineus) A52/1. In form and
Lunar Sea. but the whole flower is of exceptional sub• quality,this Is equal to any of its class we have seen.The
stance- and the broad perianth is of an interesting wax. broad, silken smooth. reflexed perianth is of rich lemon
like texture. There are years when it is less striking than gold with a hint of green where it joins the trumpet,
others, but normally one may go down a long row and which ovens pale golden orange but gradually develops to
find few flowers that are not excellent in quality. A intense vivid orange red. In common with several of its
frequent winner at the shows including first in its class class,it is a free bloomer.sending up numbers of second.
in both London shows, 1967. Given an Award of Merit by sty blossoms which lengthen its season.A good increaser
the RHS,April, 1967. $2.00 each net. $6.00 each.