Resolution No. 74-28 RESOLUTION? NO. 7`/-.2 N CITY OF TIGARD, ORZGOIT A RESOLUTIO;I PETITIOMIiiG TIM BOARD OF CoUITTY C01'•iFiISSIO JERS AS THE GOWERAING I30DY OF THE U1JIFIED SM-1:1RAGE AGB, CY TO Ii?•S3DIATELY FRO- 'VIDE INTERIM SEWAGE COLLECTIXJ A;?D TR>>A`.P,4!SUT FACILITIES A?1D ALLOCLTION OF CONNECTION PERMITS TO SERVE LANDS IN T;?E TIGARD ,SPFA THEREBY To RECOGi1IZ3 IN AIT EQUITA2,I,E DEGREE TIIF. RYGHT OF THE TIGARD C07 MUNITY TO SHARE Ill THE BE ZFTTS PROVIDED BY PUBLIC FUNDS Oil AN EQUAL BASIS UTITI1 OTHIR CO:i"cliIJTTTES IN THE UNIFLD SEl E^.AGE AGENCY JURISDICTICIT. . IEREAS, the City of Ti�-,ard is wholly within the boundaries of the Unified Sewerage Agency District by action of its Council pursuant to an election conduetcd in connection with the formation of the Agency; and ?71iEItiihS, 'the City and the A�Zency by arsreement of September 8, 1970, defined the respective rtghts, duties and obliCatiions of the contra.ctinm parties ,whereby the patrons of tLe City and of the Agency, and taxpayers generally, have contributed proportionately and materially to the financial stature of the A.ency; and the Agency has proclaimed its intention and Is un,lert akin- Ln'ro,-;r.a--., to provide interim sowa,le collection and treatment capacity to other areas within the A?ency pendin- the completion of the Durham plant; and WHP.,HEAS, the C1.ty of "Ti-larc has repeatedly requested for the __"ard communit;9 cornnarable anti equal consideration from t'nc Agency in recognition of the •eedz of the Tigard area and the contribution by Its people to the financial capability of the Agency and such proposals have met with indifference on the part of the Agency's a.dmini st ration: and WHER,^PS, the proposals heretofore submitt_d by the City for the be:ncfit of the Tigard community having; been reviewed by the Agency's supervisory committee and by competent consultants were d,:ermined to be feasible to meet the needs of the Ti^ard community pending the coiopletian of the Du.rh,m plant and nevertheless no reco;n:ition of the needs of the 111gard community has been exhibited by the Agency and, by its _-overnin^ body:, and WHIlTiiAS, the City in Its governor-ental capacity has a high duty to its citizens, taxpayerz_ mad patrons of the AIericy to demand and obtain eaual and comparable benefits during the interim period to those bestowed by the Agency upon other areas and toward that objective the City may have E�n obligation to urin,- lcr;al proceed- ings to test the r:i<,ht of the Al�ency to continue its arbitrary and discriminatory attitude; NOW, TrIF.REFORE, RT'. IT 3ESO1:FED by the Council of the City of Tigard: j (1) That the Board of County Commissioners as thr ;;overn- inrg body of the Unified Sewerage A._cncy is formally requested to direct that the proposals heretofore made and on 1 s 1 - RLSOLUTIO74 ;QO. 74 - ,22).? s file with the A^eney nroposint_; i.nterim collection and treatment facilities in equal or comr,arable nature to those heretofore approved and now in process for the benefit of other communities within the boundaries of the AZency pending the cor:..letion of the Durham plant be i. mediatel;l acti.ve.teQ and construction pursuant thereto be undertaken without delayfor the benefit of the Ti;-ard arca. (2) That the 3oard of County CO":amizsionez as tale ;-,overnin body o£ tie A^ency immediately and r:uolicly deelare the policies of the A cncy, if any, £ormin- the basis for the Inequitable, arbitrary and di:;crim:.n.ntory failure to include in the interim scaar;e collection and treatment construction program any provis _on for the benefit of the 'iiL•a.rd comrcunity and in particular that certain area lying; in the near vicinity and' southerly of the existing T.detzgor treatment plant with respect to which area the proposed interim facilities are adapta Lle and suitable for inclusion in the permanent ;Curare collection network of the Algency. (3) 7nat the City .'•.crm'.niztrator be and he is hereby directed to cause to have a copy of this Pesoi.ution delivered forth;•ri.th to the County Administrator for the attention of the Board of County Commiasioners,an:i the City Administrator be and he is further authorized and directed to seek a d.ctermination of the procedures and recourse available to the City should the foregoing request be denied. PASSED by the Council this_, T, day of June, 1974. ATTEST: City /ecorcie Ctty � 'i 2 - RESOLVTIOh Ido. 74 •- 12. 3