Resolution No. 71-12 RESOLUTIOI4 '71- i.A CITY OF TIGARD A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE APPORTIONIMENT OF C�jTS AS SET FORTH IN ORDER #71-3.94 DATED APRIL 2, 1971 OF PUBLIC UTILITY COMMIS- SIONER WITH RESPECT'TO ITEMS 1 THROUGH 11 FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF CROSSINGS 14UMBERED FD-751.1 and 3E-32.2 IN THE CITY OF TIGARD. IJHEREAS, under date of April 2, 1971 , Sam R. Haley,Public Utility Commissioner of the State of Oregon, by order N71-194 ordered that signalization at crossings FD-751.1 and 3E-32.2 in the City of Tigard be installed as therein directed and that the costs thereof be apportioned as set forth under Items 1 to 11, naked 9, 10 and 11 of said Order; and WHEREAS, the said P.U.C. Commissioner further "ORDERED that, in the event Southern Pacific Trans-portation Company and Oregon Electric Railway Company enter into an agreement to compact the crossing through track removal, relocation, ,joint trackage, or a com- bination thereof, and file a proper petition within three months to amend this order, said order will be suspended pending hearing upon said petition; and it is further "ORDERED that, if the above petition is not filed within three months from the date of this order, said order shall be effective upon receipt by thecommissioner of a notice from the City of Tigard that it consents to the appor- tionment of costs made herein and agrees to comply therewith." WHEREAS, it appears to be in the beet interests of the City of Tigard that the City consent to the apportionment of costs as set forth in the Commissl.oner's order and in accordance with Section 763.170(3) Oregon Revised Statutes, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Tigard that "The City of Tigard does hereby consent to the apportionment of costs made in paragraphs 1 „ to ll,pages 9, 10 and 11 oS theCommissioner's order, and the City does further agree to comply therewith in the event that the order becomes '. effective as by its terms required." u PASSED BY THE COUNCIL this 28th day of June, 1971. fi mayor �ti