Resolution No. 70-09 i RESOLUTION OF THE CITT COUNCIL.- OF THE CITY OF TIGARD, ORZGON RECOGNIZING )1ERITORI0US SERVICE OF PLANNING AND ZONING C019CESSIONER July 13, 1970 RESOLUTION 70-9 WHEREAS, JERRY HARRIS has resigned from the office as Commissioner of the Tigard Planning and Zoning Commission, and WHEREAS, during the period of service as Commissioner, Jerry Harris has given liberally of his time and abilities for the benefit of the Tigard c -ity and has performed his duties at all times in a public-spirited and commend- A able manner, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLTED: That the contents of the foregoing be made a matter of official record and that r copy of this resolution be forwarded to Jerry Harris. /00 Mayor op Tigard ""TEST: k-mer - 'Tigard �t = -,max t s�.