Resolution No. 70-03 RESOLUTION 70 - 3 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF TIGARD. OREGON OF INITIATION Or MIOR_6UkD RY 1j • _ FOR PURPOSE EXXTION OF TERRITORY1 CHANGE B AI'ISN W. 121st and Gaarde Ann x 11 KNOWN.AS _ the lands hereinafter described are contiguous WHEREAS, { to the corporate boundaries of Tigard; ter 494 Oregon Laws of WHEREAS. paragraph 16(1) ofaa city to initiate pzo- overning body of in said Chapter 494 1969 authorizes theboundary changes as ceedings for minor defined; and of the City of Tigard, Oregon the City Council illative policy pro WHEREAS, Laws of 1969 and in the finds that it is consistent with the leg said Chapter 494 Oregon Ln COs�ission be the Metropolitan Boundary lash the annexa- nouncements Of that r proceedings to accomp of Tigard, and public intereconductgrope of the City to include reguested to co described lands be expanded tion of the following the City of Tigard that the boundaries of .F the said lands described as follows: and by this reference made a Attached sheet headed As set forth on the a .,DESCRIPTION" - part hereof- AL NOW. THEREFORE, of Tigard. the City Council of the City BE IT RESOLVED by h annexa- Oregon: boundary change throng pursuant That proceedings for a bo initiateddws of (l) the City of Tigard are hereby Oregon La tion to 16 Cl) of Chapter 494, ,il to Paragraph ve herein described• 1969, of the lands abo ested to ssion is he necessary and (2) That teB undare eandiconduct all ne�ate boundaries forthwithto ehan9e the corp° . proper proceedings to include said lands. a of the City of Tigard is of the City of Tigard is hereby (3) That the City Recorder to forthwith file a certified spy ofZthisnd dir6C Rasolution with the Boundary C° :i 19—. • day o f -•-'— PASSED by the Council this .- Recorder - City of Tigard APPROVED: By the Mayor, this day of . city of Tigard RE30I,UTION CONSIDERED By COUNCIL, MARCH 9. 1970,ANDV1HIED FOR 6 MON'T'HS 3 .Resolution 70 ' DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "A" . (Parcel II) - S.W. 121st & Gaarde Annex. That portion of land, in Section 2 and.Section 3, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, W.M., and also in Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, W.M., being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intial point of Virginia Acre's, a sub- division of record in Washington County, Oregon, said initial point also being the initial point of Virginia Acres No. 2, ao subdivision of record in said County; running thence South 89 54' West a distance of 124.0 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 8, Virginia Acres subdivision; thence South Oe 27' West a distance of 75'feet to a point; thence South 890 52' West 50.feet to a point; thence North 000 27' East 75 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 9, Virginia Acres; thence South 890 54' West a distance of 253.0 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way boundaryoline of County Road No. 358 (S.W. 115th Avenue); thence South 0 37' West a dis- tance of 872.4 feet, more or less, along the said boundary line of County Road No. 358, to a point -of intersection with the centerline of county Road No. 411 (S.W. Gaarde Street); thence Westerly, along the centerline of County Road No. 411, to a point of intersection with the centerline of S.W. 121st Avenue; thence Northerly, along the centerline of S.W. 121st Avenue, to a point of intersection with an Easterly extension of the South boundary line of that tract of land conveyed to George & Ruth C. Anderson, Book 240, Page 335, Deed Records of said county; thence North 850 00' West_ a distance of 201.9 feet to a point; thence Nortg 380 53' West a distance of 27.8 feet to a point; thence North 07 18' East a distance of 199.1 feet to a point; thence South 850 00' East a distance of 221.9 feet to a point on the centerline of county Road No. 358 (S.W. 121st Avenue); thence Northerly, along the centerline of County Road No. 358, to a point of intersection with a Westerly e=tension of the North boundary line of that tract Of land conveyed to Louis A. & M. M. Kleffner Book 569, Page 448, Deed Records of said county= thence North 881 27' East a distance of 201.61 feet to the Northeast corner of the Kleffner tract, said Northeast corner also being the Northwest corner of that tract of land conveyed to Wayne A. & Wanda L. Clifford Book 487, Page 450, Deed Records of said county; thence South 641 55' East a distance of 131.09 feet to the Northeast corner of the Clifford tract; thence South 870 24' East a distance of 25.0 feet to a point on the centerline of S.W. 119th .Avenue; thence South 000 45' West a distance of 134.25 feet along the centerline of S.W. 119th Avenue, to a point of intersection with the centerline of County Road NO. 1955 (S.W. Lynn Street)i thence Westerly along the centerline of County Road NO. 1955 to a point of inter- section with a Northerly extension of the East line of that tract of land conveyed to Cleo H. Reider et ux, Sook 712, Page 226, Deed Records of said county; thence South 07 30' West a distance Of 180.85 feet to the Southeast corner of the Reider tract; thence North 820 38' West a distance of 150 feet, more or less, to a point on the centerline of county Road No. 358; said point being the North- west corner of Leron Heights, a subdivision of record in said county= thence South 070 389 West a distance of 163.27 feet, along the cen- terline of county Road No. 358, to a point of intersection with a Westerly extension of the centerline of County Road No. 1955 (S.W. Ann Street); thence South 850 001 East a distance of 1059.58 feet, _ more or. less, along the centerline of County Road No. 1955 (S.W. Ann Street) and said extension thereof, to a point on the West line Of Lot 19 of Leron Heights subdivision; thence south 000 45' West, a distance of 25.0 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of said Int 19; thence South 890 15' East a distance of 146.62 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 191 thence North 000 45' East a distance of 837.36 feet to a point, said point also bears South 000 45' r est 12.50 feet from the Initial Point of Leron Heights Plat 90 58' No. 2, a subdivision of record in said county; thence North 8 East, parallel with the division line between the North and South halves of the John L. Hicklin Donation Land Claim No. 54, a.distance of 297.83 feet; thence South 270 57' East 126.57 feet; thence Noeth 890 58' East 754.14 feet; thence North 580 14' East 298.76 feet to a point which bears South 25.0 feet from the said Hicklin D.L.C. division line; thence North 690 58' East, parallel with the said division line, to a point of intersection with the East boundary line of that tract of land conveyed to School District No. 23J, Hook 763, Page 130, Deed Records of said county; thence Southerly, along the East boundary line of the School District tract, to the Northwest corner of that tract of land conveyed to Maxwell D. & Gwendolyn M. Lewis, Hook 287, Page 730, Deed Records of said County; thence North 890 14' East, along the North boundary line of the Lewis tract, a distance of 426.2 feet to a point on the centerline of county Road No. 495 (S.W. Tiedeman Avenue); thence North 010 00' East, along the centerline of county Road No. 495, a distance of 330.0 feeteo a point; thence East a distance of 217.8 feet to the Northeast corner of that tract of land conveyed to John C. & Shirley A. Vallery, Book 493, Page 325, Deed Records of said County; thence South 000 49' East 100.0 feet to the Southeast corner of the Vallery tract; thence Easterly, along the North boundary line of that tract of land con- veyed to Roy M. & Delia O. Case, Book 347, Page 290, Deed Recgrds of said County, to the Northeast corner thereof; thence South 00 06' East a distance of 373.74 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence South 890 21' West a distance of 156.28 feet to the Northwest corner of that tract of land conveyed to John E. & Pansy cook, Book 502, Page 489, Deed Records of said County; thence South 000 10' West a distance of 133.80 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; thence North 890 21' East a distance of 158.23 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence South 190 56' West a distance of 278.69 feet to the Northeast corner of that tract of land conveyed to Elvin G. & Louise - P. Ryle, Book 706, Page 290, Deed Records of said County; thence North 750 05' West a distance of 190.89 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; thence South 140 55' West, along the Westerly line of the Kyle tract, a distance of 185.0 feet to a point on the centerline of County Road No. 494 (S.W. Walnut Street); thence Southeasterly, along the centerline of County Road No. 494, to a point of inter- section with a Northeasterly extension of the Northwest boundary line of that tract of land conveyed to Howard S. & M. A. Gass. Book 579, Page 67, Deed Records of said County; thence South 450 33' West, along the Northwest boundary line and said extension thereof of the Gass tract, a distance of 682.8 feet, to an iron pipe in the West line of Lot 24, Nort_z Tigardville Addition, a subdivision of record in said County, said iron pipe also being in a roadway (S.W. Fonar Street); thence North 000 57' East, along the Rest line of Tot 24 of North Tigardville Addition, to a point of intersection with the centerline of county Road No. 495 (S.W. Former Street); thence Southwesterly, along the centerline of County Road No. 495, to a point of intersection with a Northwesterly extension of the East boundary line of that tract of land conveyed to Mary Jane Waldo, Book 502, Page 178, Deed Records of said County; thence South 240 48' East along the East line and said extension thereof of the Waldo tract, a gistance of 167.0 feet, more or less, to a point; thence South 87 41' West parallel with Fonner Road 120.0 feet, more or less, to a point; thence South 240 44' East a distance of 35.0 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of that tract of land'. conveyed to Harvey C. & O. Lucille Hof%an, Book 686, Page 581, Deed Records of said County; thence South 87 59' West a distance of 180.0 feet to the Southwest corner of that tract of land described as Parcel II in deed to Jack D. Godwin and wifea Book 502, Page 179, Deed Records of said County; thence South 24 48' East a distance of 354.6 feet to the Northerly most Northeast corner of that tract of land conveyed to Jack & Madelon M. Hill Book 388, Page 94, Deed Records Of said County; thence North 89 53' West a distance of 960.6 feet, more or less, to the Mortheast corner of that tract of Page 2 - Exhibit 'A' land conveyed to Harry H. Chapman at ux, Book 601, Page 61, Deed Records of said County; thence South: along the East line of the Chapman tract, a distance of 120.0 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence Westerly a distance of 296.6 feet to the East right of way boundary line of County Road No. 358 (S.W. 115th Avenue): thence Southerly along the East boundary line of County Road No. 358 to a point which bears South 890 23' East 20.0 feet . from the Southeast corner of that tract of land conveyed to Eldon R. Branch et ux b Book 559, Page 201, Deed Records of said County; thence North 89 '23' West a distance of 20.0 feet to the Southeast corner of the Branch tract, said corner being in the center of a 40 foot roadway; thence North 750 02' 20" West, along the South line of the Branch tract, to a point of intersection with the Westerly boundary line of that tract of land conveyed to Carl H. Christenson at ux, Book 403, Page 75, Deed Records of said County; thence South 300 30' west, along the Westerly boundary line of the Christenson tract, a distance of 510.0 feet, more or less, to the most Northerly corner of that tract of land conveyed to Eldon R. Branch at ux, Book 722, Page 93, Deed Records of said County; thence South 300 30' West a distance of 1004.8 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of that tract of land purchased under contract by Lynn T. & rAota J. Miller, Book 615, Page 473, Deed Records of said county; thence South 890 23' East a giatance of 348.0 feet, more or less, to a point; thence North 32 55' East a distance of 553.7 feet to the Southwest corner of that tract of land conveyed to Donald L. Osborne at ux, Book 727, Page 38, Deed Records of said County, said Southwest corner also being in the center of a creek; thence Northerly along the West line of the said Osborne tract, which is following the meandering line of said creek, and continuing along said meandering line a distance of 275 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of that tract of land conveyed to Robert G. & Marjorie Pape, by deed, recorded in Book 589, Page 346, Deed Records, Washington County, Oregon; thence North 34 18' 20" East, along the Westerly line of the Pape tract and an extension thereof, a distance of 430 feet, more or less, to a point on the centerline of County Road No. 358 (S.W. 115th Avenue); thence South 890 23' East a distance of 20.0 feet to the Easterly right 8fway boundary line of county Road No. 358; thence running South 00 37' West, along the said boundary line of county Road No. 358, to a point of inter- section with an Easterly extension of the Northerly line of Virginia Acres subdivision; thence North 890 54' East, along the North line -of Virginia Acres and Virginia Acres No. 2, to the Northeast corner of .vt 19, Virginia Acres No. 2; thence South 000 24' West a distance of 447.64 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 12, Virginia Acres No. 2'; thence South 890 54' West a distance of 374.19 feet, along -.he South boundary line of Virginia Acres No. 2, to the point of beginning of this description. ,.. . Page 3 - Exhibit. "A" r,�.