Ordinance No. 68-94 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE No. 68 - e, AN ORDINANCE SETTING HEARING WITH RESPECT TO PROPOSED ANNEXA- TION OF THE LANDS OF Henry R. Potter, and Jean Audrey Potter in Sec. 34, T1S, R1W, WM. WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, AND DIRECTING GIVING OF NOTICE THEREOF. WHEREAS, there has ,heretofore been filed with the City Re- corder of the City of Tigard, petition for annexation of certain lands in Sec. 34, TlS, R1W, W.M. Washington County, Oregon, as hereinafter described; and WH%REAS, said premises are contiguous to the City of Tigard and not within the corporate limits of any other City, and lie wholly within the County of Washington, State of Oregon; and WHEREAS, it appears that said premises may properly be annexed to the City of Tigard without submitting the question to the registered voters of the territory, since the owners thereof, Henry R. Potter, and Jean Audrey Potter have by signed petition requested and consented to said annexation; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Tigard does hereby elect to dispense with submitting the question of the annexation of the hereinafter described premises to the registered voters of the City. Section 2: That Monday, the l3thday of Januaxy 1969 at the hour of 8:00 p.m., at the City Hall-in the City of Tigard, be, and the same is, hereby fixed as the date, time and place forpublic hearing before the City Council of Tigard of the petition Of Henry R. Potter and Jean Audrey Patter for annexation of the hereinafter described lands to the City of Tigard, and all registered voters of the City may appear at said time and place and be heard on the question of said annexation. Section 3: The City Recorder of the City of Tigazd be, and she is hereby, directed to give notice of said hearing by pub- lication once each week for two successive weeks, or three publish ings in all, prior to the date of the hearing, in the Tigard Times, a' newspaper of general circulation in the City, and said Recorder be, and she is hereby furthpr`directed to post notices of said hear- ing in four public places in the City of Tigard for a like period. Section 4: That the area proposed to be annexed be, and the same is hereby described as follows: Page 3 _ ORDINANCE No. 68 -` i ," The lands of Henry R. Potter and Jean Audrey Potter, husband and wipe, located in Ser., 34, TIS, RlW, W.M., Washington County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe or the westerly line of said Section 34, said pipe being North 00 06' Nasi: 655.49 feet of the Southwest corner of said. Section 34; running thence North 890 52' East 1331.6 feet to a point on centerline of county road number 1992, (S.W. 121st Avenue); thence North 00 10' West 328,07 feet to a point; thence South 890 51' West 1321.21 feet to a point on the westerly line of said Section 34; thence along said section line South 00 06' East 327.74 feet to the true point of beginning. Section 5; Inasmuch as the hearing of the petition for annexation of the lands herein described should be conducted with the least possible delay, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and it is declared to be necessary for the peace, health and safety of the City of Tigard that this ordinance become effective upon its passage by the Council and signature by the Mayor. PASSED: , By the Council, by unanimous vote of all Council members present, after being read three times by number and title only, this 9th day of December____, 196 8 r.. / Recorder -uity or Tax1ar APPROVED: By the Pre::., this 9th day of Dece.^,;:ger 196 a. of City Council Ctityp of T.garn/ Page 2 - ORDINANCE No. 68 - f/1/ l CITY OF TIGARD, CREGOiv ORDINANCE i'io. 68- j5" A11 ORDI 1ANC.' A[LEIiDLiG ORDINANCE 10. 6j-(1 (I: BEST CASH ACCOUPiTo) PASSED 3Y THE CITY C0O CIL 0_ THF 11Th DAY OF DECENB't R, 196y, 'i0 ALJ `iTni.13,T6 rl v ADDITIONAL LINPREST CASH ACCOUl"T FOR J.'Y_;: HAiiDLING Or MINOR ilIBBUef�.it .ri 'S 't'O POLICE DE" R`UIC"Nl' PURPOSES p1PHhb I ',EE ' FUND, AUT:IJrILI:;G 'IF Oii•IO??FY Z9"REn 0, PR-,ES'CRI' I:1C Tli; PROC .DU Ili FOR 1'h L: ACCOUIdTI, ( `i:,EItEOF, AiJa DECLAR- ING AIi I I Gr,I;cY. TIIE 'CI'TY OF `iIGI'RD ORDAINS AS FOLLOlIS! Section 1: That Section 1 of Ordinance ido. 67-71 passed by the City Council and approved by the ;Mayor on the lith day of December, 1y67, be and the L .me is hereby amended to add there- to Sub-section 5 thereof, readin; as follows: Section 5 -- Imprest Cash Account or Police Department Subdivision of General Fund in an amount not to exceed. $100.00, which sum is hereby author.Lzed to be transferred and set aside from: the General band under the head- in- "Imprest Cast: Account - Police Department Subdi.visicn - General Fund". That the source of replenishment of said fund shall be the Gen- eral Fund, Police Department Subdivision. Section 2: That ail provisions for use,of requirements for account- ing and restrictions on the application of said funds as set forth in said Ordinance No. 6l/-11, Section:. , 5 ar,d h there- of be and the swne are hereby made effective with respect to the above fund. Section 3: Inasmuch as it is necessary to provide for the estab-- �� 1ish:,ment ctf such funds and the proper accounting of the .Honeys made available thereto with t;:e least possible delay, + an emergency is hereby declared to exist, a,.d tFiis ordinance s'riall ,..i be effective upon its passago by the Council and approval of the Mayor. PASSED; By the Council, by unanimous vote of all Council members present, after bein=g read three times by number and title only, this.' ; __day of Dece:nber, 1968. Recorder - City of Ti d APPROVED: By the Mayors, this 3 day of Dece.rber,/196$. Til ayorC-t'. fy�T, x`rd�� Page 1. ORDINANCE Ivo. 68-