Ordinance No. 68-93 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE No. 68 -JI-3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDIiNG CHAPTER VIII uF ORDINANCE NO. 66-20 ( (MOTOR VEHICLE CODE) OF THE CITY OF TIGARD BY ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION DENOTED SECTION IB, DEFINING "PARXI,IG" AND ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION DENOTED SECTION IC, DEFINING "PARKING TIME LIMIT", and PRESCRIBING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That Chapter VIII, Parking Regu3 ations of the Motor _ Vehicle Code of the City of Tigard, Ordinance No. 66-20, be and the same is hereby amended and Supplemented by adding there- to Section IB .reading as follows: Section IB -- Parking;, Defined. -- The term par�n mor "parked" for the purposes of the Motor Vehicle Code of the City of Tigard shall mean the stopping or stranding of any vehicle upon any street or highway within the City of Ti.gard,whether such vehicle is oocupied or not, otherwise than temporarily,for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or un- loading passengers or freight, or in obedience to traffic regulations or traffic signs or signals. Section 2: That Chapter VIII, Parking; Regulations of the Motor Vehicle Code of the City of Tigard, Ordinance No. 66-20, be and the same is hereby amended and supplemented by adding there- to Section IC reading as follows: Section IC -- Parking* Time Limit. -- It shall be unlawful for any perscn to park or stop any vehicle for a longer period of time than that designated by official signs, parkir: : meters or other markings placed by or under authority of the City of Tigard. Such parking time limit shall include the aggregate of time of all stopping or standing of the same vehicle on the same side of the street within a space of 300 lineal feet measured along the curb line and between intersections,and the parking, standing or stopping of any vehicle within such expanse shall not exceed the designated time limit during any three hour period. Section 3: This Ordinance shall become and be effective on a.nd after the 31st day of its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. PASSED: By the Council, by unanimous vote of all Council members present, after beirL5_read three times by number and title only, this— day of December, 1968. Recorder - HAvo T ,ard APPROVED: By the Pres,, this__jLj_day of December, 1968. G the City Council. City of f Tigan_-_ Cl page 1 - ORDINANCE No. f�