Ordinance No. 67-44 CITY OF TIOAPD, OREGO1!
.LACK G. RIVERMAN and BARBARA J. RIVERMAN, being* a portion of Lot 9,
Frewing's Orchard Tracts, Sec.2,2SI W."VAnHINCTON COUNTY, OREGON
VHE.1 .4S, the owners of the hereinafter das .iced lands have
petitioned the City of Tioard to amax the Esau to Qha City, and have
filed conce:, to said annazaulon with the City Recor&er under date of
the _21_ day of June 1967; and
WHEREAS, the lands hereinafter describer? proposed to be
annexed are contiguous to the corporate Amits of tw: Cily of Tinard
and are not ulthin the corporate limits of any city and lie wholly
within the Coun,y of Washington, State of Oregon, am, in all re-
spects, qualified to be wna:md to the City of •Pi„ , an,!
WIIiRiEAS, by Ordinance No.C7-40 duly eppeted Ly the City Council
of Tigard on he 10 day of July My, Cit, Council of
Tigard did elect to disponse with sutl-Virg; the nneyation proposal to
the registered voter - of the City of Ti;ard, =n,1iu .:y said ordinance
set Monday the 14 qday of August , 19 7 hour of 8:00
o'clock p.m. . ., the City Hall, 'iC,ard, Gre;;an, p1:e tine and place
for public hcarinl by file Council of said ann,xctlon pr proal; and
IJH::1t�,aG, aid hoac•in� of July 10 1967 was duly
publicized by ::otice publi:::ed one uacn ,r� � itr cessive .ecks,
or three publishInZa In all, to-wit: On the ap, d t y of
1967, the 3 day of Aug*ust__— -- __—-' 11 7 , t � -(L day of
' �tust 1967, inTO i�iVwd i'irrc;, a winnpap of qunwral
circula icni p blIUD in circ City of Tigwd, W o at an cf'.'i-
Not ofs i ab'-kation is an file heroin and that notice of said
hearing was .further given by pooting in four ;h,_ conspicuous
places within the City of _iCard for a like person and that the affi-
davit of the City Recorder with respect to said pa5tinj is on file
herein; and
r 1E1, '.3, the aea-lnZ on said proposal was duly and regularly
held at the C._,;, hall, City of Tigard, on Aur,ust 141967 at the
hour of 8:00 O'cicck P.M. whereat
all into esc c nd registered
voters of thz: City dcsi_in> to be heard, ._rw heard, and said hearing
was duly closed; 'and
Will 'u':S , it appears that all statutory rerui=ants for the
annexation of ',;h3 folio:cin_- described ar=a to t::o Cite of Tigard have
received full cooplia_nee a-.d that said area malr Je -. .. ul.ly annexed to
the City of TISard,
Section 1: _':not all of the following d.cscrib:d '_..ndn ba, and the same
rc, hereby annexed to the City of ' .`, and the b:n:nc'--
aries of the City of Tigard K, and they are, hereby e;tended to
Include the 0llaainZ; dczcz'ibed lands within the 5.-id boundaries:
i i.
. P
A portion of Lot 9 in Prewing's Orchard Tracts, in Section 2,
Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washing-
ton County, Oregon, according to the duly recorded plat thereof,
' which
portion is more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwestern corner of said Lot 9, in
the center of Garrett Avenue (County Rd.No.1067) and running
thence South 24030'East, along; the Southwesterly line of said
Lot 9, 149.26 feet; thence North 590111' East 220.0 feet to
the true point of beginning of the herein described premises;
thence continuing North 59041' East 40.0 feet to a point;
thence North 24032' West to a point or the Northwesterly line
of said Lot 9; thence South 50°10' West along said Northwest- i
erly line to the Northeasterly corner of that tract described i
in deed to Jack G. Riverman et ux recorded March 28, 1960 in "
Book 428
page 714; thence South 24032' East, along the Easterly
line of said Riverman tract, 286.95 feet to the true point of F
Section 2: That the Recorder of the City of Pira o =, and she is
e'oy directed, within 10 d
aYs frv ; uate hereof, t.
to make and subMit to the Secretary of State of
a. A certified copy of this ordinance of annexation
b. A ,ertified copy of the statement of c:orw ent of
the lardoviner3 in the territory annexe
c. A certified copy of Ordinance ;!o-t.•(_40 ,dwreby the
City Council declared that no ciuctic,:, is required
In tho City,
' and to file herein the acknowledgment of the Scczctary cf State of
said filin,-;.
Section 3: That the Recorder Of the City of Tirard be, and she is
hcreby directed within 10
, days f o; ., c' e hereof, to
file with each of the Department of Revenue and ion and the
Department of Records and Ue ctions of the Count;; ofliaanington, the
a. A ertified copy of this ordinance of annexation c
b. R certified copy of Ordinance No.67�40 ,
and that a cony of this Ordinance be directed to thr: Office of the
Washington County Surveyor,
and to file horein the ac!tno:vled;;ments of said Gepartrcents of said
Section 4: The annexation hereby ordained shall ba effective on the
date of filing with the Secretary of State of Oregon the
espies of oroceedirba as in Section 2 her^of requil 6 to be filed,
porta from nd after said lour_ the hereinabove ne�crib a and annexed
: tarritory Zhall be and remain a part of the City of 44;2rd.
PASSED: Dy the Council, by unanimous vote of all Council member3 r'
present, after being read three times by title And*% and
number only this 14 day of Augusi,10'7•
r Recor er - City or 'hare
t:. t APpROM: By the Mayor, this la! day of Aug., 1go7,
r City of t .d
v s$ '8ge 2 ORDIIN A. No.6
•,arra.. ._.. . ... _arra ._,», _ arra, .