Ordinance No. 67-34 v a . CITY 0•_ TIGARD, OREGON ORDItiASCL•' No. 67 - 34 AN 0RDIaANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TIGARD Safi S OR { GEORGIA•-PACIFIC CORPORATION and FARMERS UNDERWRITERS ASSOCIATION, in SE1/4 of See. 1, T2S, R1W, W.M. , WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON 6.'HEnEI.S, the o,�:ners of the hcreinafter dascribed lands have petitioned the City of Tigard to an::cx the 6a7:e to t!:.:: City, and have filed content to said annexation with the City Recorder tinder date of the 10 day of April 1967; and 'rFXR-'AS, the lands hereinafter described and propposed to be annexed are contiguous to the corporate limits of tr.c City of Tin,ard and are not within the corporate limits of any city and lie wholly within the County of Washington, State of Oregon, and are, in all re- spects, qualified to be annexed to the City of Tigard; and WHEREAS, by Ordinance 110.E7- 27 duly cn.,ctaci by the City Council of Tigard on the _y0_ day of April_ 19(-7, t1le City Council of Tigard did elect to cxispense with subc;attinC the an cation proposal to the registered voters of the City of Tigard, and did :;y said ordinance x set Monday the 8th day of May 1967, at t'r.a hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. at flit City Hall, Tigan•:1, 7rr;;cn, tl;e time and place for public hc<:.:in; by the Council of said annexation proposal; and 11HE REAS, said hearing; of May 8, 1967 was duly publicized by notice published once each ti-eek for ts, �aurcessiv,� weeks, or three publish-in-s in all, tc-wit: On the 20 dc.y o: Aril 1967, the 27 day of April 1967 a tre a day of' �Mg, 19L-7, in the Pi"ard `„mes, a } sG3re: of general circulation a1•3 'published in the City of Tigard, Oreton; that an affi- davit of said i,::blication is on file herein and that n�t2ce c� hearing was furi;her given by posting in four pi—bllc :_: conspicuous plas.es with:'r t?:c City of Tigard for a like perica and that the affi- davit of the City Recorder with respect to said postin; is on file herein; and 14HER�AS, the hearinZ on said proposal was duly and re-ularly held at the City Hall, City of Ti-,F-rd, on Mav 8 , 1967 at the hazer of 8:00 O'clock P.M., whereat all ints�-;ernes and registered voters of the City desiring to be heard, stere hoard, and said hearing was duly closed; and it a?pears that all statutory :,zquircments for the annexation of t^o following described area tot e C ty of Tigard have received full con-Pliance and that said area mmy cc. Za^:fully annexed to the City of Ti<�ard, HOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FJLLOWS It � f described lands be, and the same Section 1: al. of the following d ser-bed Th- are, hereby annexed to the City of T•i7,ard, and the bound- aries of the City of Tigard be, and they are, l.orcby e:ctcnded to Include the following described lands nithin the said boundaries: s.^;,v 1o OTiDI'ANCI No. G7 34 ....................._.... 1 4 - l As set forth on the attached sheet designated "EXHIBIT A" and by this reference-made a part hereof. f i action 2: -hat the Recorder of the City of Titiard be, and site Is hereby directed, within 10 days from, the date hereof, to make and submit to the Secretary of State of Orei;or.: a. A certified copy of this ordinance of anrexation b. A certified copy of the statement of eonsLnt of the landowners in the territory annexod C. A certified copy of Ordinance No.E7_ 27 whereby the City Council declared that no election. is required in the City, and to file herein the acknowledgment of the Secretary of State of said filing. Section 3: That the Recorder of the City of Tigard be, and she is hereby directed, Fiithin 10 days frog.. o date hereof, to file with each of the Department of Revenue and Taxation and the Department of Records and Elections of the County of 'Wasnington, the following: a. A certified copy of thi3 ordinance of annexation b. A certified copy of Ordinance N0.67. 27 , and that a coay of this Ordinance be directed to the Office of the Washington County Surveyor, and to file herein the acar:owledgments' of said Departments of said r filings. 3eetion 4: The annexation hereby ordained shall be effective on the date of filing with the Secretary of State of Oregon the copies of proceedings as in Section 2 her_of required to be filed, q and from asd after said date the hereinabove described and annexed territory shall be and remain a part of the City of Tigard. PASSED: By the Council, by unanimous vote of all Council members present, after being read three times by title only, this 8th day of May 196 7- Recorder .Reco der City of Tigara APPROVED: By the Mayor, this 8th daf' May, 1467. t - Page 2 - ORDINANCE'No.6:7- 34" . _ `!, Description, of lands of Georgia-Pacific Corp, and Farmers Underwriters EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at the point of intersection of the South line of the S. E. 1/4 of Section 1, T23, R1W, W.M., Washington County Oregon with the centerline of S. W. 72nd Avenue (County Road 245) said point being the re-entrant corner of the James Hicklin D.L.C.#43; thence East along the South line of the SE1/4 of said Section I to the Southeast corner of said Sec.l; thence North along the East line of said Sec. 1 to a point which bears N890521E from a point on the centerline of S. W. Varns Street marking the beginning point of County Road 1286; thence West along the centerline of S.W.Varns St. (Co.Rd.1286) to a point N 00421E of the Northwest corner of Lot 4 VA&NS ACRES; thence S 00421W to the I'Qorthwesteorner of said Lot 4 VARNS ACRES; thence South along the West line of said Lot I1 VARNS ACRES to the Southwest corner thereof; thence East along the South line of said Lot 4 to the Westerly right-of-way line of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway; thence Southeasterly along the westerly line of said Highway right-of-way to a point which bears N890521E 1076.75 feet and N 0008'W 330 feet from an iron rod marking the Southeast corner of that tract deocribed as Parcel 1 in that certain mortgage to the Bank of California recorded June 9, 1964 in Mortgage Book 503 at page 452; thence Westerly parallel to the South line of said SEI/4 of Section l along -.he North line of tract described as Parcel 1 in deed from Joseph M. Fought et ux to Georgia-Pacific Corporation as recorded in Book520at page 369 Washington County, Oregon Deed Records, to the Northwest corner of said Georgia-Pacific tract; thence South along the West line of said Georgia-Pacific tract 330 feet to a point marked by an _:iron rod at the Southeast corner of Parcel l as described in mortgage to the Bank of California as recorded in Mortgage Book 503 page 452; thence S890521E parallel to and 40 feet North of the South line of said SEI/11 of Sec. 1 to the center- line of S. W. 72nd Avenue (Co.Rd.245); thence Southeasterly along the centerline of said S.W.72nd Ave.(Co.Rd.245) to the point of beginning. Exhibit "All 4� y h