Ordinance No. 67-12 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE No,67 - 12 eg' AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A ZONE CHANGE WITH RESPECT TO THE LANDS OF' HOWARD S. GASS and MARGARET A. GASS, being a part of Lots 6 and 7 Greenbur Heights, in Sec.35, TIS, R1W, W.M. (Tax Lot 1400) tQARDL WAS'INGTON COUNTY. OREGON WHEREAS, the hereinafter described lands, by action of the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, pursuant to the Zoning Code of paid City, have heretofore been limited 1n use .to those uses permitted by said Code, under, and have been classified and zoned for, R-5 (Residential) and w? WHEREAS, pursuant to prescribed procedures, the owners of j said lands have applied to the City of Tigard for reclassification of said property and can-e of zone thereof to permit the use thereof fbr A-2 (Multiple Dwelling) purposes, and said apolication .has been duly publicized and public hearing held by the City Planning Commission or, 7 after due and le«al notice; anri WHEREAS, the City Planning, Commission has recommended approval of said zone change to the City Council, and due .and legal notice 'c;f City.Couneil hearin., havinc, been given by publication_ in the Tigard Times, and the City Council naving heard same as its regular meetinc -of FebrUIL 13,, 1967 , an.i the Council finding that no public detriment will resu t from granting of said petition, -and that it is in the public interest that said zone change be approved, and the lands•re-zoned from R-5 (Residential) to A-2 (Multiple Dwelling); NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS- See tion.l: OLLOWS:Seetion.l: That the followisig described 'lands be, and the'same are hereby, zoned as A-2 for use in accordance 'with the A-2 (Multiple D`welling). classification of the Zoning Cede of the Pity of Tigard, which Zoning Code with respect to the A-2 V classification is by reference herein made a part hereof: As set -forth on the attached,sheet headed "DESCRIPTION" Which`by reference herein is made a part hereof. } Section 2: This ordinance shall be effective on the 31st day after its enactment by the, City Council of Tigard, Oregon n PASSED: by unanimous vote of all Council members present, after being read three times by title only, this l bh day oi' Fe�rpary , 1967. + Recon er - City o ig (d APPR01%1 D: By the Mayor, ttiiPA 13 day of February , 1967. C-it _ Page 1 Of(DINANCE No. 67- 12 I DESCRIPTION A part of Lots 6 and 7, GREENBERG HEIGHTS, a subdivision of record in Section 35, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: ed to Murrne Beginning at the Northeast corner of that tract c,, inyBook 563, page S. Donaldson, etlux, by deed recorded August 9, 196 , . p i 432 Deed Records of,Washington County, Ore on, beippg a ppoint which l es North 00 03' West 770.0 feet and North 89 34' Easti122.3 feet from the Southwest corner of GREENBERG HEIGHTS; and running !thence North 890 34` Bast 177.1 feet. more or less, to the Northwest corner of that tract z „ cva,;;cyed to Anton Mack, et uY., by deed recorded September 28, 1942, in Book 211, page 508, Deed Records of Washyi�gton County, Oregon; thence F South 0. 1f+' West 304.4 feet, more or less, to the South line of said Lot 7P being a point on the Northerly boundary of Greenberg Road; thence following the South line of Lot 7 and the South line of Lot 6 in a Northwesterly direction 194.0 £gget, more,or less, to an iron pipe in the East line of the aforesaid Donaldson tract; thence'North l° 46' West along the said East line a distpnce of 239.75 feet to the point of be inning, EXCEPT the following described real property in GREENBERG HEIGHTS, a duly recorded subdivision in Washington County, Oreggn; fir. r r Beginning at the Southwest corner of 'that tract of land convqiye+d to Anton Mack, et ux, by deed recorded'September 28, 1942, in Book,211,. page 508, Washington County, Oregon Deed Records, which point i� in the tenterline of S. W. Greenburg Road; thence North ?1° 23' West 78.89 feet „agong the center,of said road to a point; thence North 070 03' set 30.61 feint to an iron rod on the Northerly line of said road; thence ,00nti�uair.�, Orth 076 03' East 137.29 feet to an iron rod; thence South 82•` 25' 45" ;. taat 56.46 feet to an iron rod on the [gest line of said Mack tract; . hence South 00° 16' West 153.10 feet along said West line, to an iron �aod on the Northerly line of S. W. Greeinburg Road; thence continuing € south 000 16' West 31.60 feet to the place of beginning-------r------ i. d 1..