Ordinance No. 65-24 4
WHEREAS, a petition for the annexation of the hereinafter
described lands, in due and legal form, was presented to the
City Council of the City of Tigard on the 26th day of July,
1965; and
WHEREAS, all the owners of said lands or any portion thereof
by said petition have consented to the annexation of said area to
the City of Tigard; and
WHEREAS, the area hereinafter described is contiguous to
the City of Tigard and is wholly within the County of Washington
and none of said area is included within the boundaries of any
other incorporated city; and
WHEREAS by Ordinance No. 65-23 duly passed by the City
Council of the City of Tigard on July 26, 1965, the City Council
did elect to dispense with submitting the question of annexation
of said area to the registered voters, and a hearing was called
to be held onthe 23rd day of August, 1965 at 8:00 p.m. at the
City Hall on Main Street in the City of Tigard, with respect to
said petition for the annexation of the hereinafter described-
area; and
WHEREAS, notice of said hearing was given by publication
once each week for two successive weeks, or three publishings in
all, prior to said gearing, in the Tigard Times, a newspaper of
general circulation in the. City of Tigard, and by posting notice
of said hearing in four public places within the City of Tigard, as
more fully appears from the affidavits of publication and posting
in the records and files of the City of Tigard; and
WHEREAS, a hearing with respect to said petition for anne::a-
tion was duly and regularly held, at the regularmeeting of the
City Council on August 23 1965 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall. on
Main Street in the City of Tigard, whereat those registered voters
and other interested persons desiring to be heard were heard both
in support of and against said proposal, and said hearing was duly
closed; and
hiHEREAS, after due deliberation, the City Council of tr,e
City of Tigard, in_regular meeting assembled on the 23rd day of
August, 1965 duly passed a motion favoring the annexation of the
hereinafter described area,
Page 1 - ORDINANCE No. 65 >24
Section l: That those said lands as described oa the attached
sheet entitled "DESCRIPTION", by reference made
a part hereof, be, and the same are-hereby annexed to the City
of Tigard, Oregon, and tiieiboundaries of the City of Tigard are
l hereby extended to include,said,lands.
Section 2: And by said 6rd4.nance 65-23 the City Council did
provide that beginning with the first fiscal year
after annexation takes place, the rate of taxation for city purposes
in said area proposed to'be annexed shall be according to the
fol]owiag ratios:
(a) Fiscal 'year 1966-67 - 25% ratio of the highest
rate of taxation applicable for such year for city
purposes to other property within the city.
(b) Fiscal Sear 1967 -68 - 507. ratio of the
highest rate,of taxation applicable for such year
for city purposes to other property within the
(c) Fiscal year 1968-69 - 75% ratio of the highest
rate of taxation applicable for such year for city
purposes to other property within the city.
(d) Beginning with the fiscal year 1969-70 and
thereafter, the same rate of taxation applicable
each year for city purposes to other property
shall apply.
Section. 3: That the Recorder of the City of Tigard be, and she
is hereby, directed within 10 days from the date
hereof, to make and submit to the Secretary of State of Oregon:
a A certified copy of this Ordinance of annexation.
A certified copy of the statement of consent of
the landowners in the territory annexed, to-wit:
f the said petition for annexation containing said
(c) certified copy of Ordinance No. 65-23 whereby
the City Council declared that no election is
required in the City,
and to file herein the acknowledgment of the Secretary of State of
said filing.
Section 4: That the Recorder of the City of Tigard be, and she
is hereby directed within 10 days.from the datehereof
to file with each c7 the Department of Revenue and Taxation and the
Department of Records and Elections of the County of Washington, the
a) A certified corer of this Ordinance of annexation.
t+) A certified copy of Ordinance No. 65-23, k
Vv: and to file herein the acknowledgments of said Departments of said `
Page 2 ORDINANCE 65-
Sect 4: The annexation hereby ordained shall be effective on
the date of filing with the Secretary of State of
Oregon the copies of proceedings as in Section 3 hereof required
to be filed, and from and
annexed territory shall fberand id date hremain apartrofnthevascribed
PASSED: By the Council by unanimous vote of all
Council members present, after being read three times by
this23rd day of
title only 1965.
�uguat ,
ecor er - City of Tigar
the Mayor, this 23rd _daY of Amst _, 1965
ayor -
ty Air
Page 3 - ORDINANCE No. 65 - 24` `
Beim inngg at an tiroO pilio Oo io'j diviaiou lino hervaeo the north and
'south halves of the otsa L. Mckl.ita D.L.C. being Claim No. 54 is TIS
and Claim 11o.37 to US o- RIW, W.M., distant 4&5.1 fast S89°0i' W. frim
the ling tbstweot9 e+_ftlriii 34 s. 35 TLS, RIW, Y`umming thence south
411.3 feat; ttAnce S89'13'W, 424- 3 eat chancy north 414.0 fast to the
above dascritv,d diviat_on 1i ; thence WA9'03' g. 424.) feet to ciao
trlace of begi.uaing;;
AIJO: Raginni ata fu�laiC an ct.s lis�� trat.aaaas 3actioas 2 uaa<1 3, T2S,
t]Nt U.M. 35.2h ctminu north ' t1m ya.trtar section cora-ar batwaou
•tie sOotlon 2 and 'I thaaa;:e S'. 489.2 fe, t to tfla canter of the County
Basad; tlaanea 30,35' ' . toot 5 f� c. ro 0-adtvisi('m line between the north
tad month halves of the john L. ftickltn D.L.C. thence with said division
line south 89'48' L. 465.1 fee 'u t;,,; Ox,vu described action lint;
thence S 0'47' W. 415 fest to l tv- lace of k-a6i i otog, beicag a portion
of Lot 23 of North `figmrdville d t ditiasn ato somciums known as Lot 3, a
subdivision of tit 23, of *-aid Worth T°igarctville hddA.tioxta;
AIAO: The north ICS() ft, of th$ tollcxrix;_.8 dxaocribed seal property sit-
Be in the County or Wes��ng+, aa, State vt Otgon, to-wit, Beya��in+xin�
at an iron pi}wr aet: at the hktt oamrC coa-ezer of Tot 1 of MOTH iXCAR1D^
VILLE ADDX'TEt (. STi FLa4.r) as cad running theroco along the North bound-
7F Lina of maid Lot 1, 589'10' 9. 759.5 fast to an iron ppipe; thence
S 4' 06' 6. 4?3,74 feet to mei It on pips; tt+ar.cs 'rr43$t 294.81 fast to 4A
4' iron pfpo eat in the Wsrtt:erlp b<aodaa� line of msSst Let l; thence
N 0'4 E. 438.0 feat along said Westerly bocuadory Linn to the point
of bagiming of this descri.ptirm, said pa col containing 3.20 acres of
l.tend, wore or less;
AIJO: Ths followlag 4--scrib4g! 4:aal yro;a:.et, �y3.s� 'a ratan of Lot 2,
to 0s lk ivisioo of 14C 23, of t TO `T�t:A.E:�8t�:7 i� 29M situated in
the County of W&ohit%Wu, State ,af Oeogou. to-mit: asa
iing at be
9at*t "etiron corner Asn to 5 c!:lobe 2 � •3: T2s e x1:3,w.M., and
*$ ther+ca 81004 +the Senetie;n :z?:as ?I 0'4, t 2383:4 aet to ,an it ss
p� "LA ix'oo pipe morki ng the t.ru-A Svai a of �.asAi�plug of thi.a dc-
` actci •S am; thouce deist 115.3 feet, to su, ircn pipe; t1"zbcm S 0043, W. 100
fee to an irnsi
P t tbar►a + Last ll _:? feat to p•:,ixt ce rtes toctlDn
Uno batt S titwis 'Z fa 3, TZS, RILL, 4.1 V.t ., rt m ,a N 0'47' KAdt
along, said section 1 100 Uo r to the point of bagir*saing;
ALN, The fa.1lo%1.z6 d*sa ri.."d realrt�y be a reioo of Lot 1
in oubdiwisioo of Lot 23 of AWIA ICBG AM T3[4R. ait:urted int t&j
CQuo" of Washington and Stnto of Oratpn, to-mit: Beg at tbb
quarter soctiou corner coomcm Co Sactioma 2 4 3, T25 aIW, .M., and
sva:cia tlwsocei selcs t'* 9*Acti" Una 9 0°'47' H. 2381.4 faet ter an Steffi
a g�!1�a► tharsca Wsicc ?1.3 :got tf. iroas gips, theasco coutiming vast
13q.a foot to an iron pp�i ; ttse�':cce S 0'4 ' 6t, 1,00.0 fast to as itoa
MLpej C cs East 1: .£''€=et tri en iron pipe; thence E 0*491 E, 100.0
t to the true point of beginssin of this d�eacriptioca, said paareel
i s tainting 0.353 acres of land with noasceptions.