Ordinance No. 65-21 CITY OF TIGARD, ORFGON
WHEREAS, petitions by owners for the annexation of certain
lands within the boundaries of an area located with Sections 2 and
3, T2S, R114 and Sections 34 and 35, T1S, Rltd, W.M., Washington County,
Oregon, were duly filed with the City Recorder, said area being
legally described on the attached sheet headed "DESCRIPTION" and by
reference made a part hereof; and
WHEREAS, none of the tracts and ownerships lying within said
area so described are within the corporate limits of any other city
but lie wholly within the County of Washington, State or Oregon and
the whole of said area is contiguous to the City of Tigard, and the
owners of various tracts withifi said area consented to said annexa-
tion; and
WHEREAS, substantially all of the landowners, and not less
than two-thirds (2/3) thereof, owning two-thirds (2/3) or more of
the area proposed to.be annexed, having two-thirds (2/3) or more
of the assessed valuation of all real property within the area pro-
posed to be annexed, have consented to the annexation proposal and
such consents are on file herein; and
WHEREAS,by Ordinanc^ No. 65-19 duly enacted by the City Council
on June 14, 1965, the C i; of Tigard did elect to dispense with sub-
mitting the annexation proposal to the registered voters of the City,
and by said ordinance set Monday, July 12, 1965 at the hour of 8:00 PM
at the City Hall, Tigard, Oregon, as the time and place of public
hest—,g by the Council of said annexation proposal, at which time and
place all registered voters of the City were invited to appear and
be heard on the question of said annexation; and
WHEREAS, by said Ordinance No. 65-19 the Council of the City
of Tigard did proclaim its intention to annex to the City of Tigard
all area lying within the boundaries set forth on the attached sheet
headed "DESCRIPTION,"said proposal to provide that beginning with
the first fiscal year after annexation takes effect, the rate of
taxation for city purposes on the property in said area proposed to
be annexed shall be according to the following ratios:
(a) Fiscal year 1966-67 - 25% ratio of the highest rate of
taxation applicable for such year for city purposes to other
property within the city.
(b) Fiscal year 1967-68 - 50'/ ratio of the highcst rate of
taxation applicable for such year for city purposes to other
property within the city.
(c) Fiscal year 1968-69 - 75% ratio of the highest rate of
taxation applicable for such year for city purposes to other
property within the city.
(d) Beginning with the fiscal year 1969-70 and thereafter, the
same rate of taxation applicable each year for city purposes
to other property shall apply.
Page 1 ORDINANCE No. 65J
%` •i ._.
WHEREAS, pursuant to said Ordinance No. 65-19, the said hear-
ing to be held on Monday, July 12, 1965 at 8:00 p.m., was duly pub-
licized by notice published once each week for two successive weeks
or three publishings in all, to-wit; on June 24, July 1 and 8, 1965,
f in the Tigard Times, a newspaper of general circulation and published
in the City of Tigard, Oregon; that an affidavit of such publications
was duly filed herein, and that notice of said hearing was further
given by posting in four public places within the City of Tigard for
a like period, the affidavit of posting of said notice being on file
herein; and
WHEREAS, the hearing on said annexation proposal as so publi-
cized was duly and regularly held at the City Hall, City of Tigard,
on July 12, 1965 beginning at 8:00 p.m., whereat those registered
voters and other interested persons desiring to be heard, were heard,
both in support of and against said proposal, and said hearing was
duly closed; and
WHEREAS, it appears that all statutory requirements for the
g1uiCJfa ti./on of the are, described on the attached sheet headed
u ..
"DESCRIPTION" and by reference made a part hereof have been fully
met and that said area may lawfully be annexed to the City of Tigard
by action of the City Council thereof,
Section 1: That all lands lying within the boundaries set forth
on the attached sheet headed "DESCRIPTION," by reference
made a part hereof, be, and the same are hereby, annexed to the City
of Tigard. and the boundaries of the City of Tigard be, and the same
axe, hereby extended to include all of said lands included within the
said boundaries.
Section 2: That the rate of taxation for City purposes on all prop-
erty within the area hereby annexed to the City of Tigard
shall be according to the following ratios:
(a) Fiscal year 1966-67 - 25% ratio of the highest rate of
taxation applicable for such year for City purposes to other
property within the City.
(b) Fiscal year 1967-68 - 50% ratio of the highest rate of
taxation applicable for such year for City purposes to other
property within the City.
(c) Fiscal year 1968-69 - 75% ratio of the highest rate of taxa-
tion applicable for such year for City purposes to other property
within the City.
(d) Beginning with the fiscal year 1.969-70 and thereafter, the
same rate of taxation applicable each year for city purposes
to other property shall apply.
Section 3: That the Recorder of the City of Tigard be, and she is
HEREBY DIRECTED, within 10 days from the date hereof, to
make and submit to the Secretary of State of Oregon:
a. A certified copy of this ordinance of annexation
b. A certified copy of the statement of consent of the land-
owners in the territory annexed
c. A certified copy of Ordinance No. 65-19 whereby the City
Council declared that no election is required in the City,
Page 2 ORDINANCE No. 65 - 21
and to file herein the acknowledgment of the Secretary of State of
said filing.
Section 4: That the Recorder of the City of Tigard be, and she
is hereby directed, withi-x 10 days from the date
hereof, to file with each of the Department of Revenue and Taxation
and the Separtment of Records, of the County of Washington, the
a. A certified copy of this ordinance of annexation
b. A certified copy of Ordinance No. 65-19,
and that a copy of this ordinance be directed to the Office of the
Washington County Surveyor.,
and to file herein the acknowledgments of said Departments of said
® filings.
Section 5: The annexation hereby ordained shall be effective on
the date of filing with the Secretary of State of
Oregon the copies of proceedings as in Section 3 hereof required to
be filed, and from and after said date the hereinabove described and
annexed territory shall be and remain a part of the City of Tigard.
PASSED: By the Council, by unanimous vote of all Council
members resent, after bein ead three times y
title only this2 " day of July, 1965.
a � ws
Rec r ler city of Tigard
APPROVED: By the Mayor, this 12th day of July, 1965.
Mayor - City ot T• g
r .
Page 3 -'ORDINANCE No. 65 21
.t TRACT is Beginning at the Northeast corner of URON HEIGHTS plat
No, 2, s subdivision of record In Washington County,
Oreon and running thence S 0'35'W, along the East line thereof,
12. 0 eat; thence N69'58'E. parallol with the division line between
the north and south halves of the John L. Hicklin Donation Land
Clain No.54 297.83 fast; thence S 27'57'E. 126:57 feet; thence
N89'58'E. 7!4.14 feet; thence N 58'14'E. 298.76 feat to a point
which bears S 00'021
E. 25.0 feet from said division line; thence
N 89'58' It. parallel with said division line, 896.76 feet, more or
Iona, to a point which bearo S 00'03 E. 26,0 feet from the Southwest
corner of that tract of land conveyed to Clarence B. Benny at ux by
dead recorded in Book 381, page 234, Washington County, Oregon Dead
Records; thence N 00'02'W. 25.0 feet to the Southwest corner of
said BansI tract; thence North along the West line of said Ban*
trect 25 eet to a paint: thence S 9°58'W, parallel with and 23
foot North of said d�vision line 911 feet; thence S 58'W W. 298.76
feet; th�c!S 89058'W. 709.82 feet; thence N27'57'W. 126.57 feet;
thence t 89'58'W. 327.75 feet to the East line of LERON HEIGHTS
Plat No. 3 ; Ithence S 00'02'E, along said gest line 37.5 feet
to the pout of beginning.
TG? II; Beginning at a point which is the Southwe+t corner of
that tract of land conveyed to Clarence B. Ban eyy st ux
by dead recorded in Soots 381 pals 334 Washington County 0:d
Records same being in Sec. - , IS, R{W W.M, ; thence N 00'02'W.
song t4a wast line of said Sauey tract 165 feet to the Northwest
corner thereof; thence N 89'58°E, along the North line of said Baney
tract 420 feat more or loss to the center of Tiodaman Road; thence
Northeasterly along the center of Tiodeman Road to a point, which
point is intersected by a line parallel with and 50 fest North when
measured at r ht angles to the North line of said Banetract•
thence 2811`58 . 4" feet more or less to a point N OWL.W. 5�S ft.
end S 89'38'14, 50 feet from the Northwest corner of the Bonny tract;
theme 8 00°02'1. 215 feet to the division line between the Borth
and South halves of the John L.HickwAn Donation Land Claim No.34.
13M_W: That portion of Sec. 35, TIA, R1W, W.M. Washington
County Oregon, lying East of, along and within fifty (50)
feet of the west tine of said Sec.35, and extending from the center-
line of S. W. Katherine Way, North to the centerline of S. W.
Tiodown Road.
Beginning at a point on the gest line of Sec.35, TLS
RIW, W.M. Washington County, Oregon which point is i0
feat north of the Northwest corner of Lot 17 GREENBURG HEIGNf2
ADDITI0N, which point is also on the north line of S.W.0 therine St.,
thence South along the West line of Lot 17 to the southwest corner
tharoof; thence East along the South line of Lot 17 and Lot 14,
330 feet, more or loss, to a point N 89'48'E. 50 feet from the
Northwest corner of that tract of land conveyed to David L. Ounbcrg
at ux by dead recorded in Book 417 age 452 Dead Records of W#sh-
ington County, Oregon; thence N 0O�y5'W. 50 lost- thence 889 48 H.
and parallel with the South line of Lots 17 and 14, GREENSURG
HMIGPTS ADDITION, 300 feat snore or less, to a point 30 feat Zest
of the Wast line of Sac. 2• thence North and parallel to the Wast
line of Lot 17, GRXENBURG AEIGNrS ADDITION to the north line of
Katherina Street• thence Wast along the north line of Katherine
Street to the pont of beginning.
TRACT V; LSROH HEIGHTS Plat No.3, according to the duly recorded
plat and map thareof, in Washington County, Oregon.
TRACT-VI; All that portion of Lots 9 and 12, GRERNBURG HEIMS
AW TTION, ZXCEPTING the Horth 104 feat of Lot 9 TIS,
R1W, W.M. Washington Counter, Oregon. [[i
0113 2
:,Vle'JI, G� p_
KNOW ALL l01 8x T}pi98 PRESENTS, That we, the undersigned
owners respectively of Che lands with respect to which the here-
inaftar described right of way and easement i- a part, hereinafter
termed Grantors, for and in consideration of tha sum of One Dollar
to each of us paid, and he benefits to inure to iAz by the grant
herein contained insofar As each,of'our(respective ownershipk is
included within the following described area, do hereby grant bar-
gain, sell and convey to J. A. PATERSON, his executors, admints-
trators, heirs and assigns, Grantee:
A perpetual ri ht of way and easement for roads, the
installation o sewer lines, water lines and other
utility services on, over and across, under along and
withLn that portion of each grantor's lands lying and
being within the boundaries of the following described
easement area, bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of LERON HEIGHTS Plat
No,2, a :sbd vision of record in Washington County,
Oregon and running thence SOO' 35' W, along the East
line tAereof 12.50 feet; thence N99' 58' E, parallel
with the division line between the north a nd south'
halves of the John L. Hicklin Don;tion Land Claim No.54,
297.83 feet- thence S 27'57' E, 126.57 feet• thence
N89058' a. f54.14 feet; thence N58' 14' E, 198.76 feet
to a point which bears SO0. 02' E 25.0 feet from said
division line; thence N890
38' E, parallel with said
division line, 896.76 feet more or less to a point
f which bears 8 00'02' E 25.0 feet from the Southwest
corner of that tract of land conveyed to Clarence B.
Baney ea ux by deed recorded in Book 381, page 234
Washington County, Oregon, Deed Records, thonce NO6-02' W.
9 25.0 feet to the Southwest cores r of mid Haney tract;
thence Norte: along the West line of said Barfly tract
25 feet to a point; thence South 89*58' West parallel
with and 25 feet North of said division line 911 feet,
thence S58°14' W. 298.78 feet' thence S89'58' W. 709.A2
Mt; thence N27'57' W. 126.53 feet; thence S89'58' W
327.75 feet to the East line of the tract first herein
described; thence S00'02' E. along said East line 37.5
." feet to the point of beginning.
TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the said easement and rights unto the
Grantee, his executors, administrators, heirs and assigns forever,
SUBJECT TO the express condition upon which this grant is mde,
that the Grantee shall pay any and all real and personal property
tastes hereafter levied against any rovementincluding-sewer
Imes,{(Nater lines or other utilities within ths,e easement area,
or against the lands within the eas nt area, by the City of
Tigard, prior to such time, if ever, that the Grantorc' other lands
abutting upon the easement area may be annexed or otherwise in-
cluded within the corporate boundaries of the City of Tigard.
And we, the undersigned Grantors, have made, constituted
and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and ap-
point J. A. PATERSON our true and lawful attorney, in our name, ;
t place and stead:
` J `
(a) To execute such petitions consents and a ,,..gents
whatsoever re-aired, in his discretion, or as may
be required by the City of Tigard, Oregon, to con-
sent to or accomplish, in due course, the annexa-
tion of the above described easement area to the
= ` City of Tigard, in accordance with Chapter 222,
Oregon Revised Statutes; and
(b) To execute for us, in our name, place and stead,
such instruments as necessary to give, grant and
ns y dedicate the said 50-foot strip, in his discretion,
to the Puolic for public road nur-poses.
X ,
We give and grant to our said attorney-in-fact, full power
= and authority to do and perform any act and thing requisite and
necessary, in his discretion, in connection with the foregoing
powers, as fully to all intents and purposes as we might do person
,ua i ally.
IN WITNESS WEFREOF we have hereunto set our hands and seals
3 ' this ' dey of ,- , 1964.
t, SEAL( )
L _
_ J = (SEAL) w� (SEAL) '
�2 r1 SEAL) (SEAL)
(SEAL) 4� _L.9ccr e�^ (SEAL)
a .
SEAL) - -- (SEAL)
t tC V CLQ/ _ CelLu� (SEAL) (SEAL)
-; Grantors Grantors i
t e
c. By: — - Title
y t525 e�3F505
4 i _
for and in consider-
ation of the sum of Tan Dollars and other valuable consid-
C1 oration to me (us) paid by J. A. PATERSON, the receipt whereof is
° hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant bargain, sell and convey to
J. A. PATERSON, his executors, administrators, heirs and assigns,
A perpetual right of way and easement for the iretAllation
of sewer lines, water lines and other utility services
on, over and across under, along and within that portion
of Grantor's lands lying East of and within fifty (50)
feet of the West line of Section 35, Township 2 South,
Range 1 West, W.M., Washington County, Oregon, and extend-
ing from the centerline of S. W. Katherine Way, North to
the centerline of S. W. Tiedemann Rood.
TO HAVE AND To HOLD the said easement and rights unto the
Grantee, his executors, administrators, heirs and assigns forever,
SUBJECT TO the express condition that the Grantee shall pay any and
all real and personal property taxes hereafter levied against any
improvements, including sewer lines, water lines or other utilities
within the easement area, or against the lands within the easement
area, by the City of Tigard, prior to such time, if ever, that the
Grantor s other lands abutting upon the easement area may be
annexed or otherwise included within the corporate boundaries of
the City of Tigard.
And I (we), D. W. MAETCHE
Grantor s va mace— const tute ani"
appo me , an y t ese presents o make, constitute and appoint
J. A. PATERSON my (our) true and lawful attorney, in my (our) name,
place and stead:
To execute such petitionsconsents and documents what-
soever required, in his discretion, or as may be required
by the City of Tigard, Oregon, to consent to or accom-
plish, in due course, the annexation of the above ardde-
to the itof Ti
with Chapterin
scred easement222, regonCRevised statutes . arcord-
I (we) give and grant to my said attorney-in-fact full power
and authority to do and perform any act and thing requisite and nec-
essary in his discretion, in connection with
the foregoiersonaers,
as fully to all intents and purposes as I (we) g personally.
IN WITN WHEREOF, r h ve hereu o SE *_hand and
seal,, this day of — --'
Province or .+Lbait6 ( — On the 'day of 1964,
personally appeared the above named D. W. MAETCHF
and acknowledged the fom going instrument to Do
voluntary act and deed....
&w ms"d
L�.t - ..v,L.d�a x V
ioces Tesoxssex.CVMV �o� Public for
My �aotiaission expires:
and HILDA BASTIAN, Husband and wife, for and in consideration of
the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration to
us paid by J. A. PATERSON, the receipt Whereof is hereby acknow-
o ledged, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convoy to J. A. PATERSON,
his executors, administrators, heirs and assigns, Grantee:
A perpetual right of wayand easement for the
installation of sewer lines on, a_ross, under,
along and within that portion of grantors' lands
described as follows:
Beginning at a point which is the Southwest corner of
that tract of land conveyed to Clarence B. Baney, at ux,
by deed recorded in Book 381 paga 234, Washington County
Deed Records, same being in Rection 34 TIS, Rita W:M.,
thence N 00' 02' West, along the west fine of as d Bsney
pact 165 feet to the Northeast corner thereof; thence
N 89- 58' E. along the North line of said Baney tract
420 feat more or less to the center of Tiedejusn Road;
thence Northeasterly along the center of Tiedeiisan Road
to a point which point is intersected by a line parallel
with and Sb feet North when *Assured at right angles to
the North line of said Baney tract; thence S. 89w 58'
West 490 feet more or less to a point N 00' 02' West
50 feat and S. 89" 58' West 50 feet from the Northwest
corner of the Baney tract; thence South 00` 02' 8 215 feet
to the division line between the North and South halves
of the John L. Hickman Donation Land Claim No. 54.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said easement and rights unto the
Grantee, his executors, administrators, heirs and assigns forever,
SUBJECT TO the express condition that the Grantee shall pay any and
all real and personal property taxes hereafter lg-»ied against any
iamprGvements, or against the lands within the easement area, by the
City of Tigard, prior to such times, if ever, that the Grantors other
J 1n►ds abutting the easement area may be annexed or otherwise included
within the corporate boundaries of the City of Tigard.
have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do maks,
constitute and appoint J. A. PATERSOti our true and lawful attorney,
>` in our name, place and stead:
To execute such petitions, consents and documents what-
soever required, in his discretion, or as may be required
by theCity of Tigard, Oreggon, to consent to or accomplish,
in du@ course, the annexation of the above described ease-
smnt area to the City of Tigard, in accordance with
Chapter 222, Oregon Revised Statutes.
We give and grant to our said attorney-in-fact, full power
and authority to do and perform any act and thing requisite and
necessary, in his discretion, in connection with the foregoing
' powers, as fully to all intents and purposes as we might do personally.
no525 PA;�508