Ordinance No. 65-14 CITY OF TIGA.RD, OREGON ORDINANCE No. 65 - 14 All ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES WITH RESPECT TO CONTRACTS FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, Section 40 of the Charter of the City of Tigard reads as follows: "Section 40. BIDS. A contract in excess of $500.00 for public improvement to be made by a private con- tractor shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder for the contract and shall be done in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the council. The right rn reject any or all said ,. council shall have tS �g..- _ bids." WIIEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to prescribe policies and procedures to give effect to the foregoing Charter provision, NOW, TH&REFORE, THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section l: At any time it is proposed by any Department of the City to undertake any public improvement involving expenditures in excess of $500.00, the officer in charge of such department shall prepare, or cause to have prepared, specifications andpplans for the work in preliminary form and shall submit same to'the City Recorder or City Clerk for preliminary approval by the City Council. The City Recorder or City Clerk shall bring the pro- posed public improvement before the Council at the next regular or special meeting. " Such preliminary plans and specifications shall in- clude a statement of the purpose of the improvement, whether or not funds are specifically budgeted or available for such expenditure, the estimated cost, and the probable time of completion and need for the improvement. The city officer in charge of such department shall personally, or by designated subordinate, present the proposal to the Council at said meeting. Section 2: Upon approval by the Council of the preliminary plans r' and specifications, either as submitted or as amended, the City Recorder or City Clerk shall give notice of intention to receive written sealed bids at a time and glace in said notice to be set forth. The notice shall fully describe the purpose for which the bids are being solicited and the time and place of opening of the bids, and shall further sta to that plans or specifications, or both, ,a may be obtained from the City Recorder's Office, unless the specifi- cations are included in the said notice. Such notice shall not be ORDINANCE NO. 65- 14 s' 4 publicized until completion of plans or spEcifications as may be necessary. Except as stated in the next succeeding section, said notice shall be published in one issue of a. newspaper of gen- eralweekcurioroto thepdatesofdin the Ciopening oftsaid biof dsrd, not less than one P Sects There the interests, or property, of the City would suffer material injury by delay, or where the�Council ben dtermines that the City's public interest would be materiallyauben- efited by immediate purchase or contract, the Cit Council, y imous declaration of all councilmen present f such ifact., entertive bidsed in the minutes of the meeting, Y direct secured informally through public advertising or the circularization contininthe of written notice for bids, or ooh, blicaimprovement�corsstatincig fications and requirements for the that same may be obtained in the office of the City Recorder. In such instance of informal bidding procedures, rea- sonable measures shall be taken that calls for bids be adequately advertised and that prandh ecrive ycases ofvinforrmal easonable biddingppro -LL..ity to submit their bids, sealed placeise sliall be appointed thereforted and same shall be opened he Section 4: nAll otice�,ashalllbe sealediandth tfiledhe 4with the scity of tRe- corder, and shall not be opened prior tothe time fixed in the notice. Section 5. The city official or authorized representative con- cerned with the said public improvement shall be pre- sent at the time and place specified in the notice and shall pub- licly open_ all bids filed. All bids shall then be promptly evaluated by said tion public officer and a memorandum recommending acceptance or re,---tion thereof P�Pjl.rnotfor co: ernsidanytbid whichedoesynot comply with Council S�id public officer s terms or conditions fixed by the notice or invitation for bids. Section 5- All official specifications, plans, bids, acceptances, —'-i"' copies of purchase orders and other documents forming part of the "Public Improvement File" shall be maintained at all tilde:, in the Office of the City Recorder and be available for public inspection. Citof Tiar Section 7. Inasmuch as it is for the benefit of the ossible delay3 thatthis matter be heard with the least of p City of and it is necesaroTd ancethe become,effectiveand withf the leastepo11 blee- Tigard that this delay, an emergency is hesa declared the City tCouncil iand capproval bby come effective upon its pas g Y the Mayor. unanimous rote of all Council PASSED: By the Council, by members present, after being read three times 1965. by title only This 24th day o May, Recorder - U1y of ..gar B the Mayor, this 25th-day of May, 1965. APPROVED: Y 3yOT U3.ty O ar ORDINANCE No.65- 14 W