Ordinance No. 65-01 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON f— ORDINANCE No. 65 - I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING Section 21-A - Parking Regulations of TRAFFIC ORDINANCE No. 63-15, TO REGUTATE PARKING ON THE NORTHEASTERLY SIDE OF S. W. BURNHAM STREET NEAR THE INTERSECTION THEREOF WITH S. W. MAIN STREET. ® WHEREAS the attention of the City Council of Tigard- Ore on has been directed to the need for limiting the use for parking o a portion of S. W. Burniiam Street near the intersection thereof with S. W. Main Street; and WHEREAS, the City cauuCil, after dlaa i�vrati.�?::, F{n__ }hat it is reasonable and necessary in the public interest and based on proper consideration for the public safety and the primary right of the public to the use of public ways for safe travel, that parking in the area hereinafter defined be regulated as follows; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That Sections 21-A(Par'!cing Regulations)of Ordinance No. 63-15, be, and the same in hereby, amendad and supple- mented to add thereto an additional sub-section, to be known as sub- section (8) of Sectirr 21-a, to read as follows: (8) No person shall park or leave standing a motor vehicle of any kind or character, whether motorized or not, and whetba r attended or unattended, between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a.m. and 2:00 o'clock P.M., inclusive, each day except Sundays and holidays, for a continuous period of longer than fifteen (15) minutes within the Northeasterly half of S. W. Burnham Street in that area thereof from a point fifteen (15) feet Southeasterly of the intersection of the North- easterly line of S. W. Burnham Street with the South- easterly line of S. W. Main Street, and extending South } easterly to a point feet from the said inter- section. No person shall park or leave standing a vehicle of any kind or character, whetbe r motorised or not, and whether attended or unattended, at any time within that portion of the Nartheasterl half of S. W. Burnham Street 'lying within fifteen (15 feet of the intersection of the Northeasterly Sine of S. W. Burnham Street with the Southeasterly line of S. W. Main Street. page l - ORDINANCE No. 65 . . .. 1. SectY ion 2: Inasmuch as it is necessary for the peace, health €' and safety of the City of Tigard that this ordinance become effective with the least possible delay, an emergency is f hereby declassed and this ordinance shall become effective upon its passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. PASSED: By the Council, by unanimous voce of all Council members present, after b ing read first in full and . then by title, this +; day of January, 1965. recorder City cd'Tigard f ho Ten, "PROVED: By the Mayor, this 1i,�eay of January, 1965. Or Ulcy of prd s a s Page 2 - ORDINANCE No. 65- 3