Ordinance No. 62-01 to
IT IS ORDAINED by the Council of the CITY OF TIGARD:
Section 1: No person, firm or corporation spall make any sewer
j aosinect7on to the sanitary system of the City of Tigard without
making application to the City for a permit. Likewise, no person,
firm or corporation shall remodel any existing building or other
structure then cc�nrected to the sanitary sewer system where sewer
aoutlets are pplication moved
eseor additionaling a outlets
re added without making
Section 2: Applications for sewer connection permits shall be
maOe 3 n writing in, a form prescribed by the City of Tigard, shall
give the locati.n of the property, the number of the buildings to
be connected, the name of the owner, the name of the person or firm
engaged to make the sewer connection, such other information or
plans as may be required by the City.
Section 3: If the application for a permit is approved by the
ty, itfie City shall issueea ppermiconnec shall specithenature the loc a-
tion of the property, type
• he
work contemplated and such other information as the City deems
necessary. This permit shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon
the property designated thereon and shall remain so posted until
the satisfactory completion of the work and its approval by the
City's Superintendent.
Section 4: Reasonable notice shall be given to the Superintend-
en"t otTie City to inspect all connections before their completion.
and while said connections are still uncovered. Likewise, reason-
able notice shall be given to the City at the time of the comple
j tion of the work. All work shall be done according to the specif-
___ pres ,-4h.A by and subject to the approval of the City's
Engineer or Superintendent.
Section 5: Applicants for sewer connection permits must also
i conform th the provisions of any ordinance regulating or requir-
ing permits for the making of cuts or excavations under streets or
to or along
Section 6• Owners of property abutting on adjacent
ne of any sewer being constructed within a distance of 100
feet of said sewer must connect the houses and buildings on such
property with such sewer. The Clerk of the City shall notify in
writing, any of property within said City, to connect to the
sewer the building or buildings or any part of them situated
on said property within 100 feet of such public sewer and accessible
e duty of such owner or owners to make
thereto and it shall be th
' application and file plans therefor in the manner in this ordinance
provided and complete said connections within 30 days of date of
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said notice. The Superintendent may extend the time for completion
.for such connections.
Section 7: No sewer pipe connecting with any sewer line or lat-
eral o t e City shall be less than 4 internal diameter and all
sewers shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the property they
are intended to serve. All sewer pipes leading from the Cit yy s
system, including those within the structures served shall be
inspected by the Superintendent or Engineer of the City and shall
be subject to the approval of the Superintendent. All structure
plumbing shall meet State Code or better with cast iron sewer pipe
extended at least 5 feet beyond exterior foundations. Excavations
in streets and alleys shall be made in such manner as to impede
travel as little as possible, and the inspector or superintendent
of the City may determine the limit of time such excavation shall
remain open and when unnecessarily delayed he may direct that the
number of workmen be increased to hasten tie work to such an extent
as he may deem necessary. All trenches shall be refilled in careful
and workmanlike manner with all excavated material and leave the
surface in as good condition as before the commencement of the work.
Section 8: Neither temporary nor permanent drainage of excavation
into sanitary sewer systems shall be permitted. Drainage from roofs,
storm sewers, storm drains or floor drains, except from toilet rooms,
shall not be permitted into the sanitary sewer system and no such
connections shall be permitted. Garbagedieposal facilities shall
not be connected to the sanitary system from commercial buildings
or industrial, plattts without the express authority of the City
Section 9: Wastes to be excluded from sewer system.
(a) Petroleum, coal tar, vegetable and mineral oils
their derivatives and products, an.. th� and wastes.
(b) Greases, oils and sludges from service stations,
garages,-repair shops, machine shops, cleaning establishments or
other industries or establishments.
(c) Explosive or inflammable liquids and gases.
(d) Acids alkalies or other corrosive liquids` gases
or substances of sufficient strength to damage sewers, ma;&oles,
pumping stations or treatment plant units.
(e) Paints or waste products from paint manufacture.
(fl Substances which will form d^^Dolts or obstructions
in sewers or which; when mixed with-sewage, All precipitate mat-
_ erial and'thus form deposits in sewers.
(g) Ashes, cinddrs, sand, earth, coal, rubbish or metals
of any kind.
(h) Live steam, exhaust steam or water having a temper-
ature above 1400 F.
(i) Ground or unground fruit peelings and cores from
canneries or packing plants.
(j) Cull fruits and vegetables.
(k) Fruit and vegetable pits and seeds such as those
f page 2 - ORDINANCE No.
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from peaches, apricots, cherries, prunes, pumpkins and squash.
(1) paunch, stable and barn manure.
t, r
(m) Cull walnuts and filberts.
(n) Offal from slaughterhouses.
(o) Dead animals.
Section 10: There are hereby adopted as reasonable fees to be
paced o" rtHe issuance of permits and for inspection of the permit-
ted work by the Superintendent of the City, the City's Engineer or
any other inspector named by the City Council, as follows, to-wit:
(a) For the inspection of plans and the issuance of a
permit, the sum of $2.00.
(b) For inspection of work performed prior to the re-
filling of ditches and upon completion of the permitted work, in-
cluding remodeling work nor which a permit is required, the sum of
(c) Whenever inspections are made on account of inac-
curate or incorrect installation, failure to make necessary applica-
tions or reports of faulty or imperfect construction, an additional
charge of $3.00 per hour shall be made by the Superintendent to the
permitee for time given in making such additional inspection.
(d) Before any person shall obtain a permit to perform
any work within the City of Tigard on any sewer lfne to be connected
to the sanitary sewer system, the contractor or plumber employed by
said applicant shall file with the Clerk of the City a bond with
good and sufficient sureties in the amount of $1,000.00, condition
ed that said contractor and plumber will Bally comply with the
ordinances in making connections to the City sewer system and will
immediately remove all surplus sand, earth, rubbish, and other mat-
erial, and will immediately replace in a condition satisfactory to
the Superintendent, the portion of street so disturbed, dug up or
undermined, and that he will keep such portion of the street in
good repair at his own expense for the period of one year from date
Of completion of such work Contractors and plumbers may file a
yearly bond as determined by the City Council in place of a separate
bond for each job. Any person, firm or company which fails to pro-
vide such a bond as by this ordinance provided shall be guilty of
a middemeanor and upon conviction thereof shali be fined an amount
not exceeding $200.00.
Section ll: Owners required to connect, pursuant to this ordinance,
may file application with the Clerk of the City to have work per
f ormed under the supervision of the Superintendent of the City at
actual cost of labor and materials. Upon receipt of such applica-
tion, the work shall proceed under direction of Superintendent and
City Engineer. The City may proceed to construct the same by
contract or otherwise. Upon receipt of application to have the work
performed by the City, the applicant shall deposit with ite City the
estimated amount of the proposed Improvement and deposit said sum
with the Clerk of the City to cover costs as determined by the Super-
intendent. Upon completion and acceptance thereof, and after the
exact costs of construction have been ascertained, any balance on
hand shall be refunded to the owner and if the cost of construction
Page e 3 OtRi'iirWiCE '.:0Ga_1
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exceeds the amount of the deposit, the oiiner Dim-11 `vc blued =SSr
said amnunt and shall be required to Pair forthwith.
Section 12: Sewer connection charges for all users within the
city no have
not, prior to the effective date of this ordinance,
made application for connection and paid connection fees shall pay
connection fees, as hereinafter provided:
(a) For each single family dwelling a connection fee
in the amount of $250.00.
(b) For each liv ng u..it in a multiple family structure,
the sum of $250.00 per living unit-
(c) For each commercial building, office, and/or busi-
ness building, a minimum connection fee of 250.00, which shall
include the right to connect one toilet and companion wash basin,
1. The sum of $250.00 for each additional
toilet and companion wash basin; and
2. The sum opening;othisOshalshall openings for each afor eaddi-
tional basinsurinals, sinks and other facil-
ities and devices,'which discharge directly
into the sewage system.
(d), For €nch `railer park consisting of two or more
trailers and included trailerark house, wash roams. and common
latrines, a connection fee of $$1,000.00 plus $250400 for each im-
proved trailer house space in excess of two- Each trailer house
located within the City, lrat outside of the boundary of .a trailer
park occupied, a connection fee of $250.00, and the trailer house
shall be connected to the City of Tigard sewage system witF.'.,n five
(5) days after the issuance of written notice by the City.
(e) the sewer connection charge for each mill, manu-
facturing plant, food processing plant, laundry, warehouse or other
business normally considered as industrial and for each school,
church, lodge building, grange hall or other like place of assembly
shall be fixed as to each connection by resolution of the City
Section 13: All applications for permits to connect to the City's
sewer system shall be accompanied with payment of the required
connection fees.
Section 14 All costs and expenses incidental to the installation
an connection of building sewer shall bgborne by the owner.
Section l5: All owners within the City required to connect ursuanntt ,
---'��ons, and who have failed to do so prior to
shall after 30 days written notice by the C o t e
a a penalty of $10.00 per month until the owner s complied
ordinances and regulations of the City.
Section 16• Any person found violating any provisions of this
� Hance,s•all be served by the City Clerk Ath a written notice
stating the nature of the violation and providingareason ble notified
limit for satisfactory correction thereof. Any persons
Pge " - U tuAciAirc, ivv. i
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`11; within the ueriod of tam-a- stated on such not_ire. permanently
cease all violation.
Section 17: Any person who shall continue any violation shall be
gu ty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined
an amount not exceeding $200.00 for each violation. Each day in
which any violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate
Section 18: It is hereby declared that an emergency exists and
t at t is necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace,
health and safety of the pemple of the Cit of Tiggard, Oregon,
that this ordinance become effective immediately in ordar to provide
continuity of sewer service, insure public revenues and the proper
use of public property within the City, and this ordinance shall
be in full force and effect upon its passage by the Council and
approval by;t#e Mayor, and shall continue in full force and effect
until indef initely unless sooner repealed, amended
or superse e .
PASSED BY the City Council this 2nd day of January, 1962
APPROVED BY the Mayor this 4th day of January, 1962.
Mayor of the City of Tigard
' Attestr�
Pro tem Clerk of the City of Tigard