Ordinance No. 07-11 CITY OF TIGARD,OREGON
WHEREAS,it is necessary to protect the water supply from contamination or pollution from potential
cross connections; and
VFIEREAS, the City is obligated to regulate cross connections for the benefit and protection of the
public health;and
WHEREAS,the Tigard Municipal Code pertaining to the City's Cross Connection Control Program is
outdated; and
WHEREAS,the following cross connection updates will bring the Tigard Municipal Code in line with
state administrative rules, clarify certain language, and provide staff with better enforcement tools.
SECTION 1: Chapter 12.10.110 of the Tigard Municipal Code is amended as shown in
Attachment A to this ordinance. (Strike-through text is deleted; underlined text is
SECTION 2: This ordinance shall be effective 30 days after its passage by the Council, signature
by the Mayor,and posting by the City Recorder.
PASSED: By AMedOri vote of all Council members present after being read by
number and title only,this qday of: ,2007.
Catherine Wheatley,City Recorder
APPROVED: By Tigard City Council this 06) -day of ,2007.
Craig en,Mayor
Page 1
Approved orm:
City Attorney
Aote. Attachment 1
rike-through text is deleted;
underlined text is added.
12.10.110 Cross Connection Control elevation changes, or structures greater than three
Program. stories in height.
The purpose of this section is to protect the D. A property owner must notify the City if
water supply of the City from contamination or they make any changes to existing_plumbing that
pollution from potential cross connections; and to allows the addition of any chemical or substance
assure that approved backflow prevention into the premise water system.
assemblies or devices are tested and/or inspected
annually as follows: E. No approved backflow prevention
assembly or device shall be disabled, removed,
A. The installation or maintenance of any relocated, or substituted without the written
cross connection which would endanger the water gpproval of the City.
supply of the City is prohibited. Any such cross
connection now existing or hereafter installed is F. All commercial,multi-family, industrial,
hereby declared unlawful and shall be rectified as and institutional properties, regardless of size,
directed by the City or its authorized shall have an approved backflow prevention
representative(s). assembly or device on the property owner's side
of the water meter. At a minimum this device
B. The control or elimination of cross shall be an approved double check valve
connections shall be in accordance with the assembly.
regulations of Oregon State—Health Divisiag
Department of Human Services and the Oregon G. Except as otherwise provided in this
Plumbing Specialty Code. The policies, subsection, all irrigation systems shall have an
procedures, and criteria for determining approved backflow prevention assembly or
appropriate levels of protection shall be in device. Irrigation system backflow prevention
accordance with the Accepted Procedure and assemblies installed before the effective date of
Practice in Cross Connection Control Manual, this ordinance, which were approved at the time
American Water Works Association, Pacific of installation, shall be permitted to remain in
Northwest Section, current edition (OR Admin. service provided the assemblies are not moved or
Rules, Ch. 333-061.0070). modified and are properly maintained. The
assemblies must be tested at least annually and
C. The property owner to whom City water perform satisfactorily under Oregon Department
is provided shall install, in accordance with City of Human Services testing procedures.
standards, an approved backflow prevention
assembly on the premises where any of the H. AU installation, corrective measure,
following circumstances exist: disconnection, or other change to a backflow
prevention assembly shall be performed at the
1. Those circumstances identified in sole expense of the property owner. All costs or
regulations adopted under subsection (B) of this expenses for any correction or modification to the
section; City's water system caused by or resulting from
2. Where there is a fire protection contamination from a cross connection shall be
system, an irrigation system, or a non-residential the responsibility oy. f the property owner.
service connection;
3. Where unique conditions exist. I. Any backflow prevention assemblies
Some examples include: extreme terrain, pipe which are installed for the protection of the City
12-10-1 Code Update: 10102
water supply shall be tested at the time of prevent any possible contamination of the water
installation. All backflow prevention assemblies system. (Ord. 93-34)
must also be tested annually, or immediately after
being repaired or relocated. The property owner
shall forward the results of such testing to the City
within ten (10) days of the date of installation,
annual testing,repair, or relocation.
J. If the City has not received the result of
a test required under subsection (B) or subsection
(1) of this section within thirty (30) d4ys of the
required date, the City may order a test and shall
charge the cost of the test to the bro e�rty owner.
K. If a property owner fails to repair a
faulty backflow prevention assembly within ten
(10) days of a test showing the assembly is not
operating properly, the City may order the rem
of the assembly and shall charge the cost of the
repair to the broperty owner.
L. The City may discontinue water service
to any premise for non-payment, in accordance
with Tigard Municipal Code Chapter 12.03.030.
C—.M. it shall be the abjee4ive ef the Git
te pr-eteet the potable water- system he
eemeetiens. -Water service to any premises shall
be contingent upon the property owner providing
cross connection control in a manner approved by
the City.
State Heakh Division.
B-.N. Authorized City employees., of
C--ity—with proper identification., shall have free
access., at reasonable hours of the day., to those
parts of a premise or within buildings to which
water is supplied. Water service may be refused
or terminated to any premise for failure to allow
necessary inspections.
E-.O. These requirements must be strictly
observed as a matter of public health and to
12-10-2 Code Update: 10102