Ordinance No. 04-10 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON
WHEREAS,the City of Tigard has been delegated authority to enforce a statewide model code by the State
of Oregon, and;
WHEREAS, the State of Oregon will adopt the International Building Code on October 1, 2004, replacing
the existing state code,the Uniform Building Code,via statutory authority, and;
WHEREAS,it is necessary to modify references to the building code that will be in effect, and;
WHEREAS, various Oregon Administrative Rules have been modified as a result of legislation and
SECTION 1: Chapters 14.04 and 14.06 of the Tigard Municipal Code are being amended as shown in
Exhibit A.
SECTION : This ordinance shall be effective 30 days after its passage by the Council, signature by
the Mayor, and posting by the City Recorder.
PASSED: By Afi&/lW badJ vote of all Council members present after being read by number
and title only,this day of 2004.
4JancG!arl�i�n,Deputy City Recorder
APPROVED: By Tigard City Council flus�day of jL ,2004•
Approved as to form:
City Attorney -
Page 1
"Exhibit A" 14.04.030 State Codes Adopted.
*StFilEoeuts are deleted language 1. Except as otherwise provided in this
* Bold underline is revised language chapter, the following codes, standards and rules
are adopted and shall be in force and effect as part
Chapter 14.04 BUILDING CODE. of this Municipal Code:
Sections: a. Under the authority of ORS
455.150 (effective 915195), the City of Tigard
14.04.010 Title. administers those specialty codes and building
14.04.020 Definitions. requirements adopted by the state which the City
14.04.030 State Codes Adopted. of Tigard is granted authority to administer,
14.04.040 Administration. including: the Structural, Mechanical, Plumbing,
14.04.050 Repealed By Ord. 96-10. Electrical and One and Two Family Dwelling
14.04.060 Repealed By Ord. 01-25. Specialty Codes; mobile or manufactured
14.04.065 Electrical Program dwelling parks requirements; temporary parks
Administration. requirements; manufactured dwelling installation,
14.04.070 Occupancy.Restriction support and tiedown requirements and park or
Recordation. camp requirements(as listed in ORS 455.153);
14.04.090 Violation--Penalty--Remedies.
b. Appendix Chapter A-3-3 3 of the
14.04.010 Title. International
Building Code,as published by the International
This chapter shall be known as the building Code Council h4ernatiana4—Cunferenee--ef
code ordnance and may also be referred to as B 'lding Offi ;al regarding Excavation and
"this chapter," or the "building code." (Ord. 86-53 Grading, including the recognized standards for
§2(Exhibit A §1), 1986). Appendix Chapter -3J listed in Pai-A' e
Chapter 35 of the rueildi,g C�aa
14.04.020 Definitions. International Building Code;
For the purpose of Sections 14.04.010 c. Section 104.2-.6.8 of the 49W
through 14.04.090, the following terms shall International Buildin
mean: Code, as published by the International Code
Council J+item ie ...ir eFenee of T]uildia
1. Building Official.. "Building Official" 04 isi-als,regarding Liability.
means the designee or designees appointed by the
Director of Community Development who is 2. At least one copy of each of these
responsible for building inspections and specialty codes shall be kept by the Building
enforcement of the building code. Official and the Tigard Public Library, and shall
be available for inspection upon request. (Ord.
2. State Building Code. "State building 01-25, Ord. 99-04; Ord. 96-10; Ord. 93-04 §1,
code" means the combined specialty codes as 1993: Ord. 90-14 §1, 1990).
listed in Section 14.04.030. (Ord. 86-53
§2(Exhibit A§2), 1986). 14.04.040 Administration.
14-04-1 SE//Code Update: 02102
1. The City shall provide a program of
building code administration, including plan 2. Expiration of Permits - Permits shall
review, permit issuing and inspection for expire pursuant to OAR 918-309-0000{6}�.
structural, electrical, mechanical and plumbing
work. The program shall be administered by the 3. Validity of Permit - The issuance of a
Building Official, under the supervision of the permit or approval of plans, specifications and
Community Development Director. The program computations shall not be construed to be a permit
shall operate pursuant to the state specialty codes for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the
listed in Sect-ion 14.04.030 and the remainder of provisions of this code or of other ordinances of
this chapter. the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give
authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this
2. Administration and enforcement of code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction
Appendix Chapter 33 J, Excavation and Grading, shall not be valid.
as adopted by Section 14.04.03 0.Lb., shall be by
the Building Official and City Engineer. Where The issuance of a permit based upon plans,
the term 'Building Official" is used in Appendix specifications, computations and other data shall
Chapter 3-3 J, it shall mean either the Building not prevent the Building Official from thereafter
Official or City Engineer. requiring the correction of errors in said plans,
specifications, and other data or from preventing
3. Fees for permits and other related building operations being carried on thereunder
services pursuant to the building code when in violation of this code or of other
administration program shall be established by ordinances of this jurisdiction.
resolution of the City Council. (Ord. 99-08; Ord.
96-10; Ord. 95-16; Ord. 93-04 §2, 1993: Ord.. 86- 4. Revocation of Permits - The Building
53 §2(Exhibit A §4}, 1986}. Official may, in writing, suspend or revolve a
permit issued under the provisions of this chapter
14.04.050 Repealed By Ord.96-10. whenever the permit is issued in error or on the
basis of incorrect information supplied or in
14.04.060 Repealed By Ord.01-25. violation of other ordinances or regulation of the
14.04.065 Electrical Program
Administration. 5. Plan Review Requirements - Electrical
plan reviews shall be required. Plan review
1. Permit Required - Except as permitted requirements and procedures shall be as stipulated
by OAR 918-261-0000 through 0034 0039 - in OAR 918-311-0000 through 0060.
electrical work exempt frons permit, Subsection of this section for minor 6. ' Expiration of Plan Review -
installations, Subsection of this Applications for which no permit is issued within
section for temporary electrical permits and 180 days following the date of application shall
Subsection of this section for expire by limitation, and plans and other data
industrial plant electrical permits, no electrical submitted for review may thereafter be returned to
work shall be performed unless a separate the applicant or destroyed by the Building
electrical permit for each separate building or Official. The Building Official may extend the
structure has first been obtained from the Building time for action by the applicant for a period not
Official. exceeding 180 days upon request by the applicant
1404-2 SE//Code Update: 02102
showing that circumstances beyond the control of the plan review fee paid when an application for a
the applicant have prevented action from being permit for which a plan review fee has been paid
taken. No application shall be extended more is withdrawn or canceled before any plan review
than once. In order to renew action on an effort has been expended.
application after expiration, the applicant shall The Building Official shall not authorize
resubmit plans and pay a new plan review fee.
refunding of any fee paidexcept upon written
7. Permit bees - Fees for electrical permits application filed by the original permittee not later
shall be established by resolution of the City than 180 days after the date of fee payment.
10. Right of Entry. When it is necessary to
8. Investigation Fees: Work without a make an inspection to enforce the provisions of
Permit. this section or when the Building Official has
reasonable cause to believe that there exists in a
a. Investigation. Whenever any work building or upon a premises a condition which is
for which a permit is required by this code has contrary to or in violation of this section which
been commenced without first obtaining said makes the building or premises unsafe, dangerous
permit, a special investigation shall .be made or Hazardous, the Building Official may enter the
before a permit may be issued for such work. building or premises at reasonable tinges to inspect
or to perform the duties imposed by this section
b. Fee. An investigation fee, in provided that if such building or premises be
addition to the permit fee, shall be collected occupied that credentials be presented to the
whether or not a permit is then or subsequently occupant and entry requested. If such building or
issued. The investigation fee shall be equal to the premises be unoccupied, the Building Official
amount of the permit fee that would be required shall fust make a reasonable effort to locate the
by this code if a permit were to be issued. The owner or other person having charge or control of
payment of such investigation fee shall not the building or premises and request entry. If
exempt any person from compliance with all other entry is refused, the Building Official shall have
provisions of this code nor from any penalty recourse to the remedies provided by law to
prescribed by law. secure entry.
9. Fee Refunds. 11. Corrections and Stop Orders. When any
work is being done contrary to the provisions of
a. The Building Official may this section, the Building Official may order the
authorize the refunding of any fee paid hereunder work corrected or stopped by notice in writing
which was erroneously paid or collected. served on any persons engaged in the doing or
causing such work to be done, and such persons
b. The Building Official may shall forthwith make the necessary corrections or
authorize refunding of not more that 80 percent of stop work until authorized by the Building
the permit fee paid when no work has been done Official to proceed with the work.
under a permit issued in accordance with this 12 Authority to Disconnect Utilities in
code. Emergencies. The Building Official or the
c. The Building Official may Building Official's authorized representative shall
authorize refunding of not more than 80 percent of have the authority to disconnect electrical service
14-04-3 SE//Code Update: 02102
to a building, structure, premises or equipment Official authorizes the reconnection and use of
regulated by this section in case of emergency such equipment.
where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard 15. Minor Installation Labels -Rules for the
to life or property. The Building Official shall,
whenever possible, notify the serving utility, the use, issuance, and inspection of minor installation
owner and occupant of the building, structure or labels shall be as stipulated in OAR 918-050-0500
premises of the decision to disconnect prior to through 0520.
taking such action, and shall notify such serving
utility, owner and occupant of the buiI.din_g,
structure or premises in writing of such
disconnection immediately thereafter.
13. Authority to Condemn Equipment.
When the Building Official ascertains that any
equipment, or portion thereof, regulated by this
section has become hazardous to life, health or
property, the Building Official shall order in
writing that the equipment either b-c removed or
restored to a safe or sanitary condition, as
appropriate. The written notice shall contain a
fixed time limit for compliance with such order.
Persons shall not use or maintain defective
equipment after receiving a notice.
When equipment or an installation is to be
discomiected, written notice of the disconnection
and causes therefor shall be given within 24 hours
to the serving utility, the owner and occupant of
the building, structure or premises. When any
equipment is maintained in violation of this
section, and in violation of a notice issued
pursuant to the provisions of this section, the
Building Official shall institute an appropriate
action to prevent, restrain, correct or abate the
14. Connection after Order to Disconnect
persons shall not make connections from an
electrical service nor supply electrical power to
any equipment regulated by this section which has
been disconnected or ordered to be discomiected
by the Building Official or the use of which has
been ordered to be discontinued by the Building
Official until the proper permits have been
obtained, inspections approved, and the Build4ig
14-044-4 SE//Code Update: 02102
16. Temporary Electrical Permits-Rules for 3. No person shall install, alter, replace,
the use of temporary electrical permits shall be as improve, convert, equip or maintain any plumbing
stipulated in OAR 918.309-0080. or drainage piping work or any fixture or water
heating or treating equipment in the City, or cause
17. Industrial Plant Electrical Permits and the same to be done contrary to or in violation of
Inspection -Rules for the use of industrial plant this chapter.
electrical permits and inspections shall be as
stipulated in OAR 918-309-0100. (Ord. 01-25, 4. No person shall install, alter, replace,
Ord. 95-16). improve, convert, equip or maintain any electrical
equipment or system in the City, or cause the
14.04.070 Occupancy Restriction same to be done contrary to or in violation of this
Recordation. chapter.
An applicant for a building permit for new 5. Violation of a provision of this chapter
construction, as a condition for the issuance of the constitutes a Class I civil infraction and shall be
permit, may be required to execute, notarize and processed in accordance with the procedures set
deliver to the City a recordable occupancy forth in the civil infractions ordinance, codified in
restriction in the fornl of Exhibit A-1, attached to Chapter 1.16 of this code,
the ordinance codified in this chapter. This 6. Each da that a violation of a provision
requirement shall be at the discretion of the y p
Building Official and the Community of this chapter exists constitutes a separate
Development Director. Upon receipt of the violation.
occupancy restriction, the Building Official shall Notwithstanding the other remedies in
record it in the deed records of Washington g
County. The recording fees shall be charged to this chapter, if the Building Official determines
the applicant. When the conditions in the that any building under construction, mechanical
occupancy restriction have been satisfied, the work, electrical work, or plumbing work on any
restriction shall be released and the occupancy building or any structure poses an immediate
certificate shall be issued. (Ord. 86-53 §2(Exhibit threat to the public health, safety or welfare, he
A§7), 1986). may order the work halted and the building or
structure vacated pending further action by the
14.04-090 Violation--Penalty--Remedies. City and its legal counsel.
1. No person shall erect, construct, enlarge, 8. The penalties and remedies provided in
alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, this section are not exclusive and are in addition
demolish, equip, occupy or maintain a building or to other penalties and remedies available under
structure in the City, or cause the same to be done City ordinance or state statute. (Ord. 95-16; 90.08
contrary to or in violation of this chapter. §4, 1990). ■
2. No person shall install, alter, replace,
improve, convert, equip or maintain any
mechanical equipment or system in the City, or
cause the same to be done contrary to or in
violation to this chapter.
14-04-5 SE//Code Update: 02102
* Delete in its entirety
92-04 a o s
SeefioRs--- 44-.06.030 RefeFenees.
14.06.010 Tifle. Refer-enee is made-te-Seetien 306 Ch
14,06.020 Gena= h.
14 06 030 --RefeFenees. 17 of 4he st e, (Ord.-1 General Proeeduress R11-14), 1990), es-
the owner- or tbei
14.06.090 AloseffFY. agefft shall submit te -the Building Offleial; 81'
14.06.110 Fir-epfoofb'9--
14.06.010 Ti' ,
90-1 ,
14.0&020 Gener-A
flie., 4a ^;h4ty Ged eller. ,
address,-ifm name, phone numberi
C. All FefekeHees-teAi&43i��� agent, their- f
,d ahl ,7avigned,
Tkc B. Pr-eeenstFuetien Me Akig- Wier 1E) the
T). PRI. 4-4-ie puFposes of this A AeF, lVity" issuanee ef building pumits, the ewaer- and/o
the Eluties and Fesponsibilities of the
14-06-1 SE Update: 12101
• L
rrestzior; ut,on.
fl;p "ion-fiee plants to be used en the pfe��
No inspeetions shall be ma
he City.
be made
,,, the speeW
1. BuRding mer;
+ .
on, Field preblems 2. Dufing the proseetAiefi ef the vv
i:epeAed by ealliffg--the City, and theft by task or eee patien whieh w ld tend to F�
aies of nsPee4Bft-.
E.. Natice to Gen#aotef. Prief to the
will verify that the peFmit &-awings at the sit iwipeotofs are subjeet te a" f les that the J
> but fiat limit >
1. Speei 3ec4ers e...
is e duty of the parson doi
,speei I josp.,etef and the City inspectef that the P. —They shall r-epeA te !,�-e- jeb
su iEiewly in advaRee
�, 4
4 is the ", of the Verse peefie"Feeedares eentained in these HileS.
}�liig-Haceess to
and the means f propeF4nspeetien. (Ofd. 90-44 3. They shall inspeet third paFty
F i,, 4 ,none , >
ether-use of sueh matefials-.
14.06.050 —Duties And-ResponAbilities.
14-06-2 3E Update: 12/01
e) oil-
WA the City appfeved plans a-Rd speo—eatiefis,-as ek that the-rrvaaE desived t ..,.
to all ef the F S.
be doiie as showii eii the b'ci' Qiiig peFffi
S. le City applieatiew,
inspeetiens have been made, aiid immediately
te the att-OBfieft of the .'
feeaFding and
the mehiteet
feperting . . 1. ,..-leder
engineer ef Feeor-d, the ovmef, and the 7 7
�,eeti$lisi'rkh the-eentmc4 . t lues+: siaek as
perse,3 appFeving ay deviations and a deSefipti8fi should be elafified at this time. ('04-d. 010 1-
R 1 t..n,-+s 1990),
of the deviatietis shall be Feeefded ifl the 3TCpAzz7;,",� '
Peffor-manee of the &4ies
•eniiffiemted in this seefien afe to be done iii � Yom""`r"`"' tea Field Re'p'aithe auther-ity to an—d ca
aeeer-danee with the pfavisiens of these fules.
deter-mine vAethef aspect speeter- has
may b a stopped un 1 + ,a e 4• ,a r, ,..a +r,
eede has be - 1 the,step shall be left at the job ke, at the eempletion e
work eFdei!is lifted. (Ord- 90 11 §1(paA), 19 90). eaeh inspeetion visit. The eefttfaetoir is
• iRteies-tedpaFties. The peeial inspeetor shallsaid_
sOPies of-these--ems e the a:e heel and
2. The speeial-hispeetei: shall send
VsL av�vl vu �V he afekitee—�
moPAV Af +1] a•�La
aV vVaa u va
B. PFioF te in pec-ti 1 i]
shall. «f t 'ell ,,.7 +1 1C'+
— 13. lliiiimum-Requir-effieRts. All repei4s
o and eheek must provide the fe1jewing minhHum .
that the plans and speoifiefi ieiis beaf-��
1. job Addi:ess. The job addFoss as it
1406-3 SE Update: 12101
" i'
i.e.,PeFiOdie Of eEffitinUeBS' vciffliiT a;cctiatel-,epaFted to the Ge"'llti'�eof fe
City. All none .f iis items shall be fi.l.J
# eiAi4ed-e-n44e ke3e1t--.
feundation and
10—N ciesaffili`tion,-c"crr'ad fegis4fatien
i1 List of ,d;,r;uuals/fi xzi•iusing gfid
lines, fleeF y e of the vpe
�--� eaeh day
that thes
+ ,,,-i— uAiiiing the .1 a ef., ,..1 n+;e
being iAilized. iiig E
r„ ,•1. a 8. n+;.
. general,' ul a.n�'1-�ivvavia..
�`����n"y with IJ 4eA
']0 V11•]
unless5 and 306
state building ee e. Genemlly5
a 1,..,,.1,,,,•;++n field r-epeFt an been AVnfi- ..L
A4 u
1 n+n 1,
y �iv�v ui .,. eete has
the miR4num re iifements -listed in this see4ion, 14.06.080 Conerete.
A. peetieii=shalldif ec4ed by the �,i�or-by the afehiteeVengioeer E) �a „+;, a,
+1 taking f --Poeimeas, plaekig of n oto
i {k pjaeing gsteel,
I4-06-4 SE Update; 12/01
steel,and prestressing
t/� 1 . �3T 1 l 1
$Eheeptieiis: 0. Type Cn[�IZ1d quaaL14�1(�ddi i es
(field and plant);
1. -See state Wilding eede Seetio
fabrieoieii pr-osess may be waived by the f-. Review mill test repeA
Building f ly 1 1, the Wil. is pedv.,.,e
by the City f4 py-eeast eenefete or- ffe.�
„d quanti4y .,F all
inateria4s ,+1,.,F:,.,,++..,,..1.1,,.,d +i..l.ai of e•,el, peispeeial iiispe ion is -
`eaeli day). All sueeeeding r.eF4s ee the u,
ifiSpeGtiffll shall be eef4inueus during the shall state +1, qua„+mss eF „L and ”le':- :.s
��iE* well as the t„ ,d +i+. `>.;�ad , � Fe.
�,'.�nzx i L�
3. Verify th4 all bateh phiaA
equipment is eper4iii 1.3e„ The sea4es shall
be zeFoed"-iall peftiaentmeter--kgs
should be„e+ed (plant ia +i.,,, n„ly).
and one shall moniter- the Y r`
eeneietc �� fiff
eeome kiliai with test
apprev.,1 „d1., mantF + er-'s feeemmendatis
by+1,e .,-el,;+e..+Iengi„ver.',T r-ere_d.
aseefding to the stE�te building 7
The—eefrti--a ambit—tke •se�er-ete-ter 7
7 entfained ]
eempr-ession test
well as to +1,e Gi7-.,_ 'eylznuefs, ete. Samples shall be takeft a fte ate.
has-beew added. `xn,,,,, water- has bee., ad,aed_,n
can p ei±t 1'e Feld +1,e +i+,. of•..._ry5 r.a}e,-
. �[�{j ypyye�y�y'111 t��1'G�CII4r�1TL3�V1 YY LLLVl
�Aiehever is appliea,le) +1,..+ +1,e m + ial, used added s1,.ll be,,.,+ed in the FopoFts.
spe.i.ie,a Thisshall ineWde oheeki„g• 6—iseeFta4n 4iat the feftifer-ei:g
materials 1,.,,a been „l., ed as called fee in(field and plant*, +1iv
3n6l1-de ebeeking
Grading,b. type, a, @r-ade,size, quant3ly, aiid
fine and eatir-se aggregate (plant 7 ]
14-06-5 SE Update: 12101
e. d—] ��33
.,,,,1 „ ea
h,.the Giii
".�.� aa 7"xilj
reififefeitig steel in Ae fe —Q & „+�,4, .,.,:+rya 1, Seetien 2405
eade, pFism testing is
Asee aim--that the meted ef
- shall be ., l by geetieyi 2405(e) of the
state Wilding eede.
standafds. n Duties efthe ; ee+e,, shall inelude, mut
—Are 'limited te!
this eade�ei crrc. tic the Gi •
iiuem b zu ui
-- - - iff th s eeiifom to the appfevedef 71ICJp�y77y units—and—Jaa-�G�RT4 r-GTli£ti}-eL111L11L 1s
, ice-eedandsplieed in aeee ee with the
§1(.,n..t) 1990). theFequir-emeats e fThis
14.06.090 maso"ry. 3. Verifying that eeii4fLietiaii
+l,e .F+1,., <.+..+e 1,.,;Trl; ..nrla_n.-id e+l.e,.
pr-evsensu—uzau VLll Vl
.,1 ..1.. .,-F ell masenfy units, le a ,yy_e£ app1; .,hle e+.,,d.rds
.e+ eede.l ,,.7 elee„e„+n afe i erl en
vu uo
requi.ed by Table ro. 24 r± of the stafe-h„;1 d;,,..
—B�ceeptiens. eede.
vvi+ua pfeviv u L
a a „he. � and mer't-et fniK designs. Nlit designsshall
building ede eeetion 2406iy�i) .State building e.-]., The „+,-.,e+„ shall ,1 'i-
' v"iiii�.
the greut and ffieftaf
inspeetion may be allowed whe�n approved by the
J'-- 6tA,r7f eFtumiiig that the-min uv'x"n Y
materials eenfeFm te the quality and quantity
14-06-6 SE Update: 12101
speoified. This ..hall ;,elu v eheekaa,s,,.. eefRieetm intended for ed to wood (ereeti
a. T-)Te and quantity of eement; 3, Miseellaneeus welding,
not rzlimited—to)"—eFeE4iEii=vr—°steel stairs
b. Gr-adi-Rg, type and quantity B ifflidings, weldiiig te steel wadi studs, efeetien e
j 7
' F. Duties .,•f'+l,a hispee4eF "I b'c.'z
not be 1; ;Fed F,
r T, d qua„F:F„ F r. -e�vie'v��kFT� =r
—teste Ozt and
additives; +r,,,+ the i,t,uetural steel „1;.,,,e
wM the speeif ed eades and the applieable
.,--n� ATasey-3e
ed by l e Giiy-
VeHneatiei3 of the stee4
14-."� Steely iddent�r e��� nth tie
plami 7
A. The inspeetBr Sera-be-prese::t
C eel ing steel members to a +l, +
steel member- eella-Beeuiren-,- n +r_ey e r v.,ieat„a ,,,,a +ea aeeE)Fdii3g to the
assemblies „1 a, ng the weldingof ,
4eeL applieabie standards and 5
4._ The e+ sball see Aat belt
fabr-ieation pr-eeess may be waived by the DiFeete melded—"st-ads,-a-Hd -4i=ketu#'al ee"eet-iens—are
reia t l peifeitfned Lei, PF8Mises o f installed as shewn enthe appr-eved plans a
speeifleatienTla9peetieas B--i high
appfeve1 to l-Eo1..,„.,LLL.abelting 1F;. sh ll be_ifi ae,er-d it t tate o e
� Seet 396(a)(6) ef fl3e state building ade ii
fabfieatien ao&of erestion, #ie een#actor shall
notify the inspeaer- that sueh wafk is Feady to 5..-. Rja�la-rly appraise the quality of
welds producedbyweldeFs, ..,,1,aing er le fs?
and taekersbefere, duz-ing and a +1 welding in
cec�-'r-czie�'`s'-ce. z�iii �
D. 1{ +1 per-�rm
Wt net lifnited to,the fellowing! 6. Review the eenbaeteF's weldifig
py-eeedures and shall verify that weldefs
welding operators---afe euffeiifly eef-tified in
metal it defined [+eel e.,.. 2.1 and 2.2 of the ,aeeor-da3ee ,;+1, AWS sta dai--dam d of +l,eee
name(s) of the in4vidual(s) (and eei4ifieal
2. Other welded eemponents of metal iiumber) peifefffling the 5
14-06-7 SE Update: 12101
m34 the speeial speeter- For- the puFpese -0f
Oversee the hispeetion aad ,Ib
of the struetw-a fef "fellow , p" inspeetiens
+ +'ting +T +1, i t., b .,,1 it is f ��3 -ef damaged and weathefed
ua. ,J �, .. ,.,,7.....,,....,
infemafieii sha4l desigpate the welds to be tested, plans muA be submitted, appr-eved by A
, theFeafte lE&P
ef testing. ( d. 94 03 §9, 1993; Ord. 90 11 en the job site prief te this meeting.
test r-eeedr-es shall be basel -
A Responsibilities. .
. . . 1. GeReral. Ve that-a all inspesspr-� applied firepr-eafing shall be made en�, by :e:.�
of.,t „+,,,al steal ffieffibeis and eenneetionsff,_
eemp; 1ne -epeFts T, been aeeepted by fr}v
,,,7uxxu Plans.
- . The --ffepr-e e gfnateri-ei-ssha-4
afehiteet/engi*eeF and the City for ftlplm-ova4. The dr-a-wiegs.
sehedule and plans shall be appr-eved by t4e
G. Repei4s—Theseeeial inspeeter- shall
results V1 their- 11asrvVLAV eau writing as as otAline by Seel ,,,, y n nti 070 „f�this
faffidY-eeemiaendalionsd. ,
being Y A 0 Ya10 C'+ 1,
used, y-•TZ'/ZT�OILee"AsGZ`LiCLTons.
e. The Plans sha4l eleafly identify - 1.To define the—sseepe——61
-her - the engin
e oVp4]YAL1 Vll J,
when Fequir-ed by the City, a9eer-ding to t
H A+eas that have been inspeated as of Seetion 306(a)(14), "Speeial Cases,"
fflw—VPH)ve pi lls 11 be fflar-ke4 enTi+�u'�J"�nvY vu
of the state building eede.
r-esspensibi iti'es afe fieri .aura.. as these e
eentr-aeteF shall Aida—meeting with the
fiEepreefiRg } Gity feffesenfatives5 e4 maseey-,stfuet al steel, spi-ay-A Lar
14-06-8 SE Update: 12101
as set out if3 this ehaptef. —A .. on te take appfepfiate action to
!! as used in this ehaptef is provide fer publie saky, is the EOR.
Y-espons;,,,af the n -, „L, n i a n madminis4ative rules, are alse required ef the EOR.
submit-ni8tter ind eating -fliat 4he d E)Fk was
!I !! ef the stateebsefved-tg ^1a-ye been e4 r-med—iiigeilefall
-- „a
design assumptieffs-.
G. Definifiei3
the ebswMieii--o�� by the Com- and afe re-Aewed--gat—the
general with the aj3pFeved pefink eeenst:Fuetion -oonfefeiiees Nleflfter-ing 0T
doeuments as well as design and plafmmmg eenst+uetion-do eeesri]
T11L 4.1 V31 Ll 1LgL4LLI
Pfeeesses] site eeaditiefis, opefatiens, , ems- between the E0B,, the ee rtraet$woFk ef afty safety h-11 o-F about the site weFk. 3'�119
tom_gity. The City may FequiFeelfin EORto sub.liit
ap e esal fer- �ffie-antaeipaated-�equency e€
beeenstpaed ter-elieye-the-eef,etere€ its The EORshall „te.the 111 ec4ieBAesting
j eallst1 efien eentraet, pFeved t ..,,n+., na to nt; +t, ;, ,•,,,kest:,
., , ,• n,an o ,n„�T�i L1Vi]I LV�]Llllg LLgL+114y
e� gum-acee�g-to Title 24, is
' intended to „++t, G:,t , the meniter-hig of+t,
for-the pl vj vv L.
D. Geffefa4. Aeeefding to the The Eng aspeeial inspeeteF should me
the City may fequiFe flioA the owner effipley -a W8r4E and the quality ,.
sentakied in Section 306(a)(14), "Speeial Cases,” on a fe6-ala-v basis te Feviem, the pfegfess of th
xluvi ri e r iskm s o tuv
35tme+:.,., of or .
rl rnn t la be 1abl a fe
Kira. .�c�ac $liomtiz� a�`Quvz�aa�"cE'�-'a"z'rec�vi
and evaluate the nt n+n,-!n ems'.+dwough (13) ,a
#dei-test-r Ineases of, .,a Y aWe +
M Vl LJ,
? ' the EGBI ''vmu�ii?ti$te�3Fempt aet efi vr'i
93-04 §10,1 993. O_ord.0 11
� �cru Li] •,�.f
eenstme iea,eF beeatkse of the "'u,�v
ebsei-ve tie---geeera 3l-egkass, 14- , desi i
j 14-06-9 SE Update: 12101